Ever since Donna Brazil admitted giving the questions to Hillary in advance of the Hillary/Trump debate I wouldn't watch if they paid me. It will be three against Trump not counting CNN...a farce. And I want to add I understand the Democrats problem in replacing Biden. THe only way they could do that is if they found a complete puppet similar to Biden. Hillary and Obama intend on running the country for this last term and finishing the job. Obama needs his fourth term to completely demolish America in order to rebuild in the Communist vision.

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And so timely to revive the Donna Brazil business at the exact moment that Assange is freed.

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Three against Trump is manifestly unfair - they'd need at least five just to keep up. 🤣

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Actually they have attacked Trump with 19:1 odds. Sixteen experts at Camp David, two at CNN and Biden himself. I still am betting on The Donald.

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couldn't agree more...

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Jun 25·edited Jun 26

Having known that Israel is not our friend but rather an abuser which Americans at large suffer mass delusional Stockholm syndrome over after 7 decades of coordinated psychological assault by media, GBPH is my based brother in this info war. Almost inspires me to join Social Media again.

As for those who continously insist this means "ANTISEMITE JEW HATER" the response is simple:

Turn off your GOD DAMNED TV.

Thou shalt not create any graven image,

Thou shalt not make any idols,

Thou shalt not bear false witness,

Thou shalt not worship any gods before [I Am].

Why do you still not understand the role of these psychopath rulers? Even being readers here, some still cling to what is obviously false because it goes against lifelong psychological entrainment. "Wake up, Neo. The Matrix has you."

The criminal network was embedded in EVERY power center. 9/11 was coordinated through several governments, INCLUDING ISRAEL. Does that mean ALL Israelis and ALL Jews are "gonna get us goyim?" No, clearly not. But there's a reason Israel has escaped scrutiny for decades (well before 9/11 Israel has murdered our military), there's a REASON so many congress critters have dual Israeli/USA citizenship: WHOM DO YOU SERVE CONGRESSMAN?

I understand that this is painful stuff, revelations that you've believed lies your entire life, but that's OK - yes we all were deceived. Now it is time to see with clarity. No one gets a free pass where mass deception is involved. Turn ALL stones, follow ALL money, SEE THE NATURE OF POWER.

Thank you God for this gracious gift of enlightenment. Thank you for opening our minds and hearts so we can perceive the nature of Satan embodied by those in positions of trust and power. Help your people understand that only sociopaths actively seek power and control over others of your creation, and help all to comprehend a different path to herald your divine governance.

God does not violate free will. That is the nature of love. The nature of control is fear. Remember that.

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Thanks GP - Stand tall!

The term "semite" refers to descendants of Shem - which includes Arabs, North Africans, parts of Asia and of course Israel. To be anti-semite (without qualification) would include all of those races/nations. Hebrew (without qualification) means descendants of Eber - the great grandson of Shem. Israeli (without qualification) means the descendants of the 12 sons of Jacob, many of whom were scattered among the nations. Jews (without qualification) are descendants of Judah, one of the twelve sons of Jacob and the tribe from which Mary the mother of Jesus came. Jesus, the Anointed One, did not abolish the Old Covenant - He fulfilled it (technically it was a single covenant made with Abram and modified under Moses when the people rejected the opportunity to participate directly in the fulfillment of the Covenant with Abraham - advancing Moses as their intercessor). The "cosmos" (all of the created order) is now under the New Covenant with its New laws and its New paradigms - which are not really new, but are the paradigms of the Eternal Covenant as experienced within the confines of time.

Division and strife are not within the rules of the New Covenant. Neither are murder, mayhem, idolatry, fornication, lying, or stealing. Anyone (or any government) who does or who advocates the doing of those things are outside of the covenant. Anyone or any government or any 501(c)3 or NGO or...

Our Loving Father has made a Way of escape. The choice remains our own.

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Excellent ! (…Still unable to ‘like’)

I would only like to add that it does seem to my understanding that the “Jewish” state of Israel excludes the Northern Kingdom of Israel’s diaspora, who in the main seem to have dispersed into other lands.

Further, concerning Gaza, it was never part of the ancient, Biblical Israel or Judah, not part of David’s nor Solomon’s expanded empire. According to all maps of that time, it was the land of the Philistines, Philistia.

While I do not believe for a second that the state of Israel is in accordance with Biblical history or prophesy — as so many modern evangelicals trapped in revisionist (and selective) Biblical interpretation take it to be — this makes their claim to Gaza and their criminal acts especially egregious.

GBPH and Matt Ehret thoroughly fill in the rest of the story on “Breaking History” (Badlands Media - many past episodes)

God Bless


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And I think it's worth repeating that the state of Israel is not the people of Israel. They are clearly different things.

The State is a construct created on paper and recognized by the international legal system - all paper (laws of man). Modern Israel is God's Israel just like a driver's license is a man or a woman.

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It's good to have brothers out here, been a very lonely long number of years. :)

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Amen 🙏🙏🙏

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What really woke me up with regards to Israel was the COVID jab! All of the people in Israel were required to get the jab, they had NO CHOICE. Totally disgusting.

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And that Bibi openly states he wants to data-bank the DNA of his entire people and offer it up to biopharmaceutical research.

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Exactly right, the psychopathic leadership of Israel has no problem at all abusing its actual people to advance various agendas.

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You're insane and disgusting.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Please cut with the ad homonyms and state some thoughts — and back them up, please.

It’s not an easy discussion, I know, and worthy of debate. But integrity would demand it.

Step up.

Otherwise, one can say the same about the nature and content of your comment, Jonah.

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What did he say that’s wrong, though.

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Starts with the conspiracy theory that Israel has done 70 years of "Stockholm Syndrome" against America.

Where do you go for that?

I mean, it's such a deeply imbedded, paranoid idea along the lines of "The Jews are poisoning the wells" that there is no place to even start.

"Uh. No. Israel is not there to put America through stockholm syndrome. It's a place where Jews will actually be able to fight back against those that want to kill us."

"Well... prove that."

"Prove what? Prove we haven't been poisoning the wells for 70 years like you stated in this deluded rant?"

Crying out loud, that's insane.

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I (we) share your disgust, GBPH, over the attack (under the guise of a “terrorist attack” bullshit) on civilians in Sevastopol!

Great harm has been committed in the world in the name of America because for many decades the psychopaths, determined to rule the world, used our prosperity to foster a complacency on the part of American citizens. There is nothing wrong with prosperity but there is a whole lot wrong with complacency….studied by psychopaths and fostered upon American minds via controlling our education, our history, our entertainment, undermining our moral Christian values, chipping away at our values until here we are with absolute crap like DEI and gender confusion and “racism” and “pride month!!” and clearly a criminal CIA.

The only reason to resort to a “terrorist attack” on civilians is to create fear and panic…is it also an attempt to stir up criticism on the part of Russians against Putin, hoping to start a wave of destabilization in Russia? The good Russians won’t fall for it and instead it will root out their own Nazi element hiding under the radar! Hoping to push Putin to some version of the sum of all fears?

“ Putin has demonstrated the patience of a saint”…yes, he has! May he continue to be guided by his Christian values…hanging in there until Trump is back 🙏❤️

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"Have we actually surrendered our government to the service of Satan?"

-- Ghost

'We' have done nothing of the sort. Your point, Feather, is very well taken here: "Great harm has been committed in the world in the name of America because for many decades the psychopaths, determined to rule the world, used our prosperity to foster a complacency on the part of American citizens."

When placing blame, which after all is a serious accusation, we have an obligation to those listening/reading to be certain of the information upon which the accusation is based. In this case, to identify specifically those guilty of the accusation: "psychopaths, determined to rule the world."

That said, I understand that Ghost was speaking in the collective sense of 'we' as opposed to the literal, i.e. 'we' does not include every individual American, but rather that we as a society have somehow allowed this to happen. A notion which can easily be debated by observing the asymmetry of power in most modern governments including ours -- those in control have little interest in the opinions or desires of those they claim to 'serve.' In such cases, it is improper to place blame on those of us, the majority, who do not agree to what [they] have done in our names.

Thankfully, 'we' are now waking up, more and more each day, to what [they] have been doing in our name and against our will, and we are justifiably enraged by their actions. Considering all of those who have suffered and/or died under [their] watch, here and abroad, it is appropriate to remember Abe Lincoln's eternal words at Gettysburg:

"...we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." 💖🙏🕊

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Yes, and let no one ever doubt that we are the home of the free and land of the brave!!!

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The home of the free, because of the brave.

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Unfortunately, that is a nice story we tell ourselves and like to believe. We are not free. We are slaves to taxes and the whims of our govt. If you're so inclined, the movie (made by a very small production company) called "The Jones Plantation" can be viewed on Prime for $10. If you choose to invest the money and watch it, you will find we are not free and I don't believe we are brave either. I wanted to get ivermectin and hcq in this country 4 years ago, I couldn't. Quite amazing that 2 drugs that were widely accepted as safe and effective and been used worldwide for the last 30 - 70 years were not available if you wanted them for the scamdemic. Only the quackzine or remdesivir was available and let me tell you I wanted NOTHING to do with either. The company I finally got the ivermectin from, told me to say I purchase garments if I was asked. How ridiculous???????????

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This is exactly why we are in this Awakening and I pray everyday and give thanks for being Awake and ask for discernment to see through the Evil.

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So well said Wild Bill!

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Thanks, y'all continue to keep me comfyAF.

I see a constant barrage on everything the DS Rat Bastards have lied to us about all of our lives being exposed for the pure bullshit that they are every day with every story being more and more ridiculous.

I’ll pause just to set my frame of reference. I relate well with Chris Paul’s Good Twin/ Evil Twin and believe MSM = LIES. I think from the moment Trump took office We the People won. Everything that has happened since that moment has been the full take down of this evil and the Awakening of We the People.

GBPH I love your work and the Breaking History show. I totally agree that Saving Israel for last was done for a number of reasons. One of which is the narrative that has been built up around Israel all our lives. I believe the October 7 para-gIiding gocart invasion is as fake as this weekend’s bombing Russian beaches story. Both were told with many very real video/pictures of dead babies and women (key propaganda fever points) to inflame the audience. We must shake the mind free and nothing works better than constant whiplash. We are in the middle of the year of whiplash. I log all data points but ALL MSM = LIES so I don’t react.

Keep it coming.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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You are so right, Joe. Blessings to you! -- WB

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If “American Exceptionalism” was ever valid, it was because of our unique Bill of Rights and Constitution. People are inherently industrious and good, worldwide. The unique nature of the “Freedoms” declared and protected in our founding documents allowed for Greatness. But as America ceased being free and good, it also ceased to be great.

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Actually they really aren't inherently industrious. The proof is in the pudding, isn't it? It could very well be that ONLY freedom is the deciding factor in this, but those who started this country did so in reverence of their Creator.

Try to imagine the world without America ever existing: where would we be right now? Freedom for the people would have never existed. Slavery would never have been outlawed.

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America. Founded by geniuses and run by idiots. - Jeff Foxworthy

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It is as Ben Franklin said, “we have given you a republic, if you can keep it.” I think we did have a republic for a while. I recommend watching the movie The Admiral. Our situation today is just a replay of that movie.

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From the original founding there was a group whose concept of America actually being a democracy was promoted. There was no actual Democratic Party, but their goals and objectives were in play. Throughout our history this has just become more and more obvious. We are now seeing the results of this corruption of our republic.

Isn’t that precisely what Franklin was saying? I, for one, think so.

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It’s been fashionable to equate “fascism” with the “conservative right-wing” for years. It’s served its purpose to be sure. Only rarely will a writer point out that it is a socialist feature and thus emanates from the left, not the right. Thank you for pointing that out.

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This debate week likely will be a continuation of the clown show, better thought of as the Lion vs the bumbling idiot….all doped up and ready to go! It should be entertaining and extremely frustrating. The bias in the preparations is ridiculous….💊💊 incoming!

Ashe nails it again, ‘The donkey in the room is a massive pain in the ass.’

When the evil alliances of Israel and DC (and their complicit corporations) are fully revealed, the world’s population will have a hard time separating the leaders from the population. This must be made clear as there are so many innocents on all sides who have been duped and enslaved for generations. This is why Nuremberg-type trials and tribunals, etc., must be public. It becomes critical once the evils of the children is exposed. Ghost is truly an expert on this, and many more subjects.

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Yes!👍 US Military Tribunals - televised - with extensive disclosure of evidence…not just one crime but the long long list. Let the world see that Americans are serious about Justice for the crimes against our country AND the world ❤️🙏🦅🌎

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The criticism of Ghost is that he’s biased against Jews, but actually he’s dead set against corruption in any place it’s found.. Our government, London City and the Vatican will be right at the top with Israel. These city-states, their controllers and all entities involved with funding, covering for, profiting from and all others participating are complicit. Crimes against humanity. Unless the trials/tribunals are public, the evil will rise again. Each population has the responsibility to teach their children the truth, forget the fragile egos that helped bring this about through propaganda and/or apathy, and ensure this doesn’t happen again. Term limits on ALL elected officials. OK-that’s enough of a rant today ….God bless the innocents.🙏🙏

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Well said! I love Ghost’s contribution to these daily briefs. I can’t wait to get deeper into the Vatican!!

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I so pray our Lord will let this happen! 🙏🏻

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I’m catching up. Too much going on in this Biblical saga we’re in. Yesterday’s just finished & today’s quickly scrolled through. So this is for yesterday.

Oh my and WOW! Wanted to give BIG PROPS to you - Badlands Hobbits, Legolas, Gimli and all the rest of the Band — and Strider/ Aragorn and whoever the rest of the S A players are, including whoever Gandalf might be.

Latecomer GPBH’s posts are epic — invaluable.

I thought last week was packed, but this week looks like another, perhaps greater round.

This, indeed, is Helms Deep time.

Thank you all for keeping our mind- and heart-lands clear and chill.



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Badlands Briefs and Takes are an excellent way to catch up 👍

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Jun 25·edited 8 hrs ago

I appreciate these daily roundups and the context through which the news is presented and interpreted here. I'm in general agreement most days with what I read. But as a 'normie gay,' I have to ask about this common trend in your writing: "We were so fixated on the impending threat of Democrat communism, that we didn't notice the big gay elephant in the room..." There's a big gay elephant in the room not named Lindsay Graham? But I digress.

This trend of adding 'gay' as a descriptor of the horrible policies and people our 'leaders' promote has an isolating effect on me, and I see it in many places in the right-leaning (for lack of better descriptor) media. Perhaps better to write, "We were so fixated on the impending threat of Democrat communism that we didn't notice [Democrats disguising their implementation of it as a civil rights issue for gay people.]" That's a more accurate description of what's going on here, I think.

Perhaps it's unfair to bring this up only here when it exists in so much of the alternative non-Dem, non-corporate media. But where is a thinking, sane gay person to land in the discourse when much of it is being colored this way?

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It is best to use terms like 'gay,' 'black,' 'Hispanic,' 'Asian' etc only as nouns (or modifiers of neutral nouns), and only then in a factual context where inclusion of the term is essential to convey meaning. Using them as adjectives risks implied value judgment. Pejoratives, basically.

A speaker or writer who wishes to be taken seriously must assiduously avoid this trap. It can take an otherwise serious and important essay and reduce it to a hateful diatribe. There is no place for this in serious discourse.

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Thank you for speaking out - it bothered me that gays were too quiet when this all got going. I don’t know anyone who had a problem with gays before the trans and gender confusion and pride in your face month happened. I know there were some who spoke up with more conservative values. I’m not gay but if I was I would have been outraged being lumped in with the cross-dressing trans doing library story hour. The psychopath criminal syndicate trying to destroy the country USED the gays and also the trans community. Leave the kids alone 👍❤️

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Yes. They will stop at nothing in their unending quest to 'other' us. Barack Obama is the worst.

Because [they] know that once we stop fighting each other, we're coming after them.

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Well said, WildBill ❤️

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Jun 25·edited 8 hrs ago

Featherjourney, I was part of the gay liberation movement that gained visibility in the 60s and reached an apex with the Supreme Court's marriage equality ruling. What's happening today is something entirely different, it seems to me. I'm horrified being used as cover for it.

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Stand strong, DPFlorida! ❤️🙏

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

You're singing my song, thank you 🙏🏻

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I apologize. Never engaged in that talk myself. But you rightly pointed out something folks here should think about.

Thanks for your thoughtful post.

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And thanks for yours 🙏🏻

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Getting normy tv watchers “over the hump” on what they’re favorite republican rino or democrat puppet is really “up to” is one thing, now throw in the israeli connection behind most if not all of it---quite the “summit to climb”, or “ocean to cross” for the informed, but the normy!?! Interesting times to say the least---must be one hellava plan!?! God Bless!!!

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Is that the REAL J Assange? Doesnt look like the last pic of him I saw?

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The narrative is the key and the timing of this narrative is priceless!!!

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

I agree! First thing that came to mind is. are they setting up a sting for the assassination attempt sure to come from Left, or are they just taunting the Left? Or is Assange dead and this ends the story nicely? Very strange turn of events right out of the blue.

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I believe [they] are trying to tie up loose ends and cut their losses while they still can. Assange was an eternal reminder of [their] evil and increasing impotence. Now he is off the stage, [they] hope to be forgotten forever.

We shall see about that. Many things [they] hope are forgotten are just quietly waiting, like a mushroom's mycelium waiting for the rain.

Drip, drip, FLOOD!

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

I don't know. I feel its something covert or sinister. Maybe he already died and they don't want the blame. Last time Assange was talked about, he was close to looking dead. The plot thickens... I guess we will find out what happens next.....Maybe setting him free under Biden Regime leaves Trump free from that decision. It's not over that's for sure.🍿🍿🍿

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The Hamas Nazis are now protesting synagogues and assaulting Jews. That's all it was, and where it's going.

So no, I'm not going to brush it away as "non-violent criticism of Israel." It's exterminationist activism.

I don't agree with that non-sensical Anti-Semitism bill.

But that doesn't mean I think these revival of the brownshirts is some kind of hippy peacenik march.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Jonah, very few here equate what was said above (which you so deey resent) with endorsing the “Hamas Nazis [who] are now protesting synagogues and assaulting Jews.” Your narrative is wrong. You don’t get it. But stick around, you moght escape the box yet. Godspeed.

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My narrative is pretty damn correct. It happened over the weekend.

Look: We know these encampments are being financed by someone.

They bought freaking identical tents wholesale. Those are not individual grass roots.

When you hire a rent-a-mob, someone is paying for it.

And when you say "We are given criticism to Israel" by going to Pico Robinson and screaming at synagogues.... don't give me that crap.

MIght as well have the KKK scream at black churches. and then claim they're just giving African americans some constructive criticism.


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I wonder how much longer Julian Assange will be with us ...

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I don’t know if Julian Assange is the real Assange or where for sure he has been. Hopefully he is safe. But I am glad Ron Paul has lived long enough to see him released. And may he also live to see the End of the Fed 💗

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Hopefully long enough to help sort out the truth about Seth Rich. He is a perfect example of the deep state in action. We need some proof to bank on.

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Excellent reporting Writers!! Thanks for the real NEWS!

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Castration for child sex offenders is too good. As long as they have hands and feet, they are a danger to every child. As in the movie of STEVEN, a true story, the Predator had other people doing the kidnapping. As long as these people breath, they are a threat to children, and I have no problem with a quick death vs a castration. Take their head off on top of their neck and Ill sign on!!

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CNN mic cutting Host is breathing so heavy because Guest did not say what CNN anchor was told she would say, most likely. CNN host losing her shit live! Trump person went against the rules of CNN which is that only 'I HATE TRUMP' doctrine may be regurgitated.

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