Stories like what has happened to Derek Chauvin always make me think about the subjects of Prison Justice and democracy. Derek Chauvin is in prison due to the democratizing of our legal system (or is that mobocratizing? You may choose). But now you have a cop who was doing his job in prison for life - where he was just stabbed by . . . someone. Care to guess the race of that individual? I read through about 5 different stories and that little piece of the story has been left out.

Let's consider what else may have happened to Mr. Chauvin in prison (in Arizona I might add (didn't this all start in Minnesota?). On the one hand it could be solitary confinement for 23 hours a day. On the other it could be in the general population where he could be subject to beatings and prison rape. The chances that his life sentence punishment just involves time in prison eating 3 square meals a day is pretty slim.

The Court of public opinion (fueled by months of riots and one-sided media coverage) found him guilty. Was there any chance that a jury would have found otherwise?

All of which makes me CRINGE every time the mainstream leftists go on about OUR DEMOCRACY. Do any of them have a clue as to what a "democracy" has too offer? Or do they forget what happens to them when they fall below 50%?

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When the left screams ‘democracy’ they are talking about their ‘deep state/communist’ system OR flat out mob rule that is the result of a straight majority government. The Constitutional Republic we live in thwarts that and that’s what the left hates. It one of the reasons for the open border. Illegals voting is a goal and the left ensured the illegals are beholden to the democrats.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Amen. Catch the latest Mel K with true old time research journalist Jack Cashill on Chauvin. Well known forensics pathologist had been in contact and working w Chauvin for his appeal. Floyd was not killed. Portland OR was however…

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Cashill researched flight 800 op and although syndicated all over, as Seymour, became overnight a conspiracy theorist. Rising in Rank I call it…

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Budzyn and Nevers, 2 cops who were charged with the murder of a known Crackhead and thief, "Green", that had beat and robbed an old man (Father to an acquaintance of mine) in his home just weeks before. Green's Overdose on CRACK and failed heart. His addiction killed him, while it took both old cops to hold down a 100 lb crackhead. Both Cops had 30 plus years on the job and were due to retire, while younger darker cops had doctors notes forbidding them to work outside the precincts due to "PTSD'. Very common today, by the way. I knew both Cops because at the time I was dating a Sgt at the precinct. Citizens must demand that if you cant do your job you need to go! The police force has many but only a few good men and women willing to brave the streets. The precinct was a party every night packed with cops who were too scared to venture out of the building leaving the only two OLDSCHOOL WHITE MEN to do the job. The Racist DETROIT Mayor Coleman Young led the charge to LOCK THEM UP over the death of a black Crackhead Thief who died committing a crime. The same Mayor who chanted "ALL WHITE PEOPLE SHOULD LEAVE DETROIT". The Racist City of DETROIT chanted 'DEATH TO THE WHITE MAN' as these two were tried convicted and served out their sentences to death. This Cop will be another statistic and sacrificed for another vote of some ruthless/racist politician or DA. The White COP had better cover his ass at all times! Citizens must demand any COP too cowardly to do his job, be fired and replaced. Ill admit that the optics of this mans death were damning to that cop, he should have gotten off his neck, but the extenuating circumstances after the death and the EVIDENCE, did not support his conviction of the years he received. I can only hope that he survives this attack and one day soon released.

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Flee that city and come join we red necks down here. ‘Shoot-shovel-shut up’ our old white men on tractors puffing on Marlboros say…

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Sounds like paradise... 😊

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Andrew, when a person is charged and convicted federally, they can be sent to any Federal prison in the country. State convictions, they are sent to any prison in the State they where charged in. Derek Chauvin was charged federally, this is why he is being housed in a prison in Arizona, and he could be moved to another federal prison in a different state if the fed's choose to.

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Yes, government regulators can use this as extra punishment, by intentionally imprisoning you far from your family and appeals lawyers.

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Yes. Your ass belongs to THEM. Now ask who makes that decision.

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The DOJ BOP (Bureau of Prisons)

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hahahahaaaa. point made.

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Re: Chauvin, I think the question to be asked is not the "side", it is the failure of the government in running the facility. What is it with these people who can't seem to provide adequate protection to those inmates who seem to be "inconvenient"?

If there is one story that I think the entire population does not buy, it's the Epstein 'suicide'. How often does this happen?.

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It does seem very odd that the stabbing occurred AFTER the coroner's report came out about how Floyd actually died from an overdose of Fentanyl not by police brutality, as we all suspected at the time??

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I have to consider every single incident such as these are typical of a criminal organization. Either cover up or eliminate the perceived threats. Same with ALL the lone wolf events.

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It is Funny that the WHO and China are looking for a "Pathogen" when the "Antigen" is the cause. I think that the Marketing gurus at Moderna have come up with the cute name "Spikevax" for the collective Herd to run out and get jabbed with. Baaaa Baaaa

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One of the things that makes me consider there definitely IS a plan against the global cabal and their minions around the world deals with the Supreme Court’s decision which refused to accept Chauvin’s request. ‘New’ evidence (which many here have seen) should have been presented. The fact that it wasn’t accepted and immediately thereafter he was stabbed in a Tucson prison? In the general population? It must be due to timing. Timing is everything.

BB is right about the ‘fear engine’ running on fumes as there are a lot of people responding with 🥱. Winning is a good thing.

By the way, Newsome vs DeSantis = 🥱. Opening the door for Obama’s spouse??

Hillary shows how desperate the left is. Good she bubbled back into the light as it appears Obama is on tap....likely through Michelle/Michael. Again, timing is everything, especially since the left can’t wait for the March Trump trial. ....even as the GA and NY trials begin to implode.

I will not take sides in any of the artificially created wars. Here or abroad. Like Ashe, I will not comply.

Far right overtakes Europe as their illegal immigration policies push the citizens to the precipice. US up next?

Prisoner swap has to have a lot of machinations under the surface....

God bless BB and Ashe. Thank you! 🙏🙏

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US Banks File to Shut 64 Branches in a Single Week—Are You Affected?

JPMorgan Chase and PNC Bank filed for closing over a dozen branches each, along with other major banks across the country.


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Yes the branch I’ve used for over 20 years is shutting down in February via a letter I received. US BANK

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Gotta bring this DS CB Bitch Down Pronto! All I want for '23 XMAS is Asset-Backed $, GESARA, Complete Fin Market Crash, Global Pert Walk/Disclosure & GCR Global Jubilee. Any of that too much 2 ask? And, oh yeah, ALL SATANISTS GET SHARK CHUM JUSTICE in

Middle of Pacific!

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Add in the Pedophiles. And child traffickers.

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“The fear engine is running on fumes”!

[Their] commanding height of engineering reactions is finally catching on the edges of sovereign minds questioning [their] matrix…there is an irresistible allure to Truth, “the Infinite Player on the game board”.

Clearly, the Chauvin stabbing exposes highly charged emotional wounds that haven’t healed yet. Where is the Truth? Both sides in the Floyd/Chauvin incident were victims of the drug culture that has invaded our country. Just last year, fentanyl killed 109,000 Americans - 33 times the number killed in 9/11! Both the police and the addicts are locked into this war.

Thanks Badlanders!! Love the Takes this morning ❤️🙏🕊

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A couple of points. Btw Badlands folk, thanks for keeping this relevant and still in our faces, we need that. Now years ago when St. Floyd had just been arrested, I was in a political forum talking to an ex-ER cardiac nurse. She heard/read "I can't breathe." And told me it was wrong, if he could speak, he could breathe. And the rest as they say is history after how many $ billions in damage? Second is the J6 psyop how are they related? Authority running wild. Do we have to accept it? Hell no. Third Ukraine. Forth Israel, Fifth Maui. Think about it, they all have a common theme

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My little bee brain knows Chauvin is innocent—textbook hold down and if a voice can speak, there is air and no choke; my fluttering angst knows that rage filled Muslims placed in congress or next door is an agenda that has no nice red pill semantics ending. Israel was the target of a larger than Hamas massacre, whether caught off guard for Simchat Torah or Mossad knew but regardless the lack of warning to innocents, the only reaction is eradication. Read their covenant. Palestinian leaders are living it safely in Qatar, while Gaza is a well calculated toilet with missiles and missives under hospitals and kindergartens. There is a time to war. Ask Putin. Biggest bio lab setup, money laundering op, NATO encroachment on his borders means reaction. FYI: my closed minded prediction is the American economy collapses, external attack within our borderless land and no elections. All this year and starting next month. Everyone will have to choose a side.

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Thanks for the real news again today.

re: the prison stabbing

"Our Take: 'This story makes me sick. Not because of the stabbing, although that’s terrible'"

Yes. According to the constitution cruel and unusual punishment is illegal. But the truth, and everyone knows it, is that the real punishment of prison is that you will be gang-raped by people of the same sex as you but a different race. If that is not cruel and unusual what is?

The government lets the black and latino prison gangs run the prisons and does so on purpose.

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Let the MSM keep pushing the debates because “The Donald” refuses to attend their dog & pony show.

It is great seeing the people, which are made up of over 80% normies watching these debates. Best advertising President Trump could get because it’s only costing Mr. Globalony exposure and money!

Great and to the point articles! Thx

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Derek Chauvin is not in prison and is enjoying the ill gotten gains of a huge theatrical CABAL kickoff to their whole damn show. I would do some more investigation on that one as it is typical of the CABAL. They started all the wars previously with the same type of thing. If you look at George Floyd in all of this it will be shown that he was a drug addict and died of a drug overdose, whether planned by CABAL or not and his family who was paid millions were in on it all.

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Ashe is sick about how quickly large # of ppl take the cheese on polemic hot button issues ... what's making me puke in my mouth is the rank absurdity of US primary elections w/ voting machines in 2 months + perfectly on-schedule follow-science 4-Yr China Health Scare = Mail-in Ballot Boomdoogle. Anyone else feel the oncoming nausea? Global Perp Walk MUST in 2023!!! I refuse to participate in any part of another Fake Election! White Hat Military ... Do your job! I AM OUT ON '24 REPEAT OF '22 & '20! To what end?

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