
People all over this country are becoming galvanized by their desire to help their neighbors. This is more powerful because they are not doing this “instead” of the government but “in SPITE” of the government. SPITE toward the government may be the cure for mankind. Build trust with the people who share your neighborhood. 💗

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I agree. First, we were not told the extent of the catastrophe by the media, who intentionally downplayed and covered it up, when a need existed for an immediate response. Then the Feds commandeered hotel rooms for themselves, instead of making them available for the homeless, and threatened common citizens for trying to provide their own assistance.

People asked Alexa, and were told Helene was artificially created, as many suspected.

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Thank You, Catherine 🙏❤️

Loved it. Also, I don’t know if the opening ad is the same for every click, but I caught the ad for the Solfeggio Frequency Player App…which I am definitely getting!

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Weather forecast geo engineering

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Thank you, Catherine! ❤️ Been following Dane Wigington for well over a decade 😉

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6

I thought this one was particularly interesting with the conversation between person and weather guy was interesting, specific to NC. They may have a gag order but as far as im concerned they are complicit in this entire Hurricane, others before it and the destruction caused from it. Gag order or not, people died and thats murder in my eyes. Gag order cant be used to murder people!

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I am a human barometer, maybe due to previous injuries, maybe not, but I feel the weather frequencies and manipulation in the most painful way, especially this week, as the planes are up in full force spraying us in OHIO. The same planes that spray us are also advertising in the sky with Banner"To LEARN HOW TO FLY CALL....." Recruiting more potential pilots to do the Dirty Work of the deep state. What a sinister plan the Enemy is waging and yet I see signs for Harris/Walz on many lawns... God help us! Stay armed and prepared. I will never surrender to a NWO. Im using my own money to do some advertising of their evil plans! FIRE ALL DEMOCRATS and RINOS this election!

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“Spite for the government may be the cure for mankind” — excellent. Yes.

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I feel sad for the people suffering from the Hurricane because the media framed Trump as our enemy. So now the sleepers of America are forced to suffer at the hands of the very people they think they want to reelect. It's absolutely mind blowing to actually see the Harris Walz signage on people's yards. The-Ukraine storyline keeps getting more pathetic... like our current status here in the states. I know it has to be like this so people can see...but it's getting where I don't know if I can continue reading anything about politics without losing my sanity. But knowing God's got me, has me leaning longer in prayer!

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Oct 4Liked by Ashe in America

Amen, sister! We live in the country, but I'm seeing the Harris Walz yard signs in our nearby small town in RED Oklahoma! I want to stop the car and run up to their door and ask "What is wrong with you??!!" But I don't because I don't think I could control my emotions and they would probably call the police. My husband would not be pleased.

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They’re completely deceived. They believe the decades of information warfare and brainwashing. They’ve picked a side in the false binary, and they are fighting for their side as though fighting an existential threat. Deprogrammed those who are brainwashed is a delicate process, and shouting at them makes them dig in. We have to make them think. Mockery works. Good faith debate does not because there are too many false premises. Just my opinion— just spent a month alone with a leftist. I have notes 🤣

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God bless you! You are an excellent reporter and writer.

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As Deb prescribes: Pray. People do NOT wish to see. But many soon shall, despite their fiercest efforts. It will be like ripping off the Band-Aid though. Once they do…it may come as sweet and blessed relief. People are full of pent-up angst and they have mistaken the source of it.

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Me TOO! High five my fellow patriot... hey we could go door knocking together....😆

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That's ME too! High five my fellow patriot!

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🧐. Empty houses maybe where owners can’t take them down?

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Blessings for your peace of mind and stamina.🙏🙏

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Last night I saw reports of people asking Alexa about Helene. Alexa plainly told them it was an artificially created storm. Just as many suspected. Seems the government has inadvertently acknowledged the truth.

Thank you GBPH for the info on the goings on. The more I hear the more outraged I become, and my heart goes out to all the victims and their families. Again, the "government" is the enemy and usurper, not the helper of the people.

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When you have to ask ALEXA for the truth... How ironic!

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Paper ballots need to be brought to the people of the hurricane stricken areas.

I am hearing lithium is in abundance under those towns destroyed and Blackrock is in on it.

How can these criminals expects us to be their consumers when they are also trying to kill us all......?

Please help me make sense of his......

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One glimmer of hope is that once the EV campaign crashes, those lithium mines will have little use -- except maybe for the folks in Blackrock etc. who will need it -- to fight off their depression.

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💊 💊 💊 they will definitely need these! 😂

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Yes and so is the DoD, Vanguard, et al.

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But, of course they are…. This event and ALL who participated in the weather manipulation by creating and steering this hurricane as well as conspiring to profit from the results are complicit in crimes against humanity. One of crimes that gets death sentences.

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WOW. Not only are We The People the news now but we must also be the ones to save ourselves.

The recent barrage of stories highlighting the "deadly delayed government" trolls trying to take over local response to the hurricane tragedy is barbarically criminal. We the People have been providing help from the moment it was needed, if the "authorities" now want to come in and do their job it is about time. But, support those who have actually been providing the required help DON'T THREATEN OR GET IN THEIR WAY!!!

We can and will take care of ourselves... BTW you DS Rat Bastards do not get another penny from us!!!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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P.S. For any of the late arriving FEDs that want the local money collected to be given over to them KMA!!!

If anything the FEDs should be sending the local action teams money to compensate for the resources We the People supplied to our fellow citizens in need... go sit in the corner and try not to get in our way.

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Ghost - Thank you Thank you Thank you for the Nigel Farage clip. It was a while back but still gives me hope for the Continent of Europe.

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When I get this emotional I have learned to be still and pray for direction on how to act.

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That's good advice. Thank you.

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🙏 Me, too.

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Oct 4Liked by Ashe in America

Ashe states what the globalists truly are as well as astutely commenting; ‘…it’s almost like we’re watching a movie meant to shake people awake.’ Convergent crises in the month before an election. It’s past time to awaken. Plus, Ashe has a serious comment that most definitely identifies the orchestrated polls…’They’re still reporting the race as neck and neck despite Harris losing support across all key demographics. Where is new support for Harris coming from at this point? Serious question.’ 💯

Pray for the disaster victims and the American citizens working around the clock to help when the government won’t. Ghost notes that not only does the specific agency created for the purpose NOT respond, but (infuriatingly) ‘There are subversive individuals in the government—seemingly at all levels—trying to prevent good people from risking their lives to save others.’😡

The sign of a corrupt government is creating a huge bureaucracy that doesn’t work when it’s needed. Government theft for personal power. Ghost notes this, too: ‘What does it say about our government if that 1% can wield enough power to implement this much evil and chaos, and the other 99% is seemingly powerless to stop them?’ So…what does that make the cabal’s (inept) international agencies, EU, NATO, UN, WHO…..?

The elites acquiesced to the dock workers’ demands. Guess they were afraid the wrong people would open the wrong container.😡

Ghost is right! I’ve been commenting about the effects of long-term inbreeding of the cabal…too inbred to comprehend the intelligence or level of awakening of the masses!🤣

Is the FBI also behind the latest Russia fear mongering, too?

Assange.🧐 Is his role disinformation of the assassination attempts against him? Is his role disinformation until it isn’t??🤔

BB’s bottom line! ‘The 'Good' Reset is still a go.’

God bless the soldiers of the truth.🙏🙏

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My thoughts on all this track yours and your questions! Glad I am not alone. And people are praying. I am too.

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I think someone in the Trump administration should have a sit down with Catherine Austin Fitz. She can certainly fill them in on the missing money.

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Hadn’t heard of her….boy, does she get it! Thanks!

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First heard of her through Dark Journalist. She knows what is going on, right on everything.

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

I believe I first heard about Catherine shortly after she was forced out at HUD BECAUSE SHE REFUSED TO COVER FOR THEIR THEFT.

Seems they were stealing billions of dollars And shoveling it out the back door.

I’m also familiar with DJ. And have watched hundreds of hours of his videos going back 6 or 7 years. He worked for wired magazine for many years, and is an excellent researcher. His interviews with Catherine probably go back five or six years and she explains how much money is missing and what they did with it. ever so often, Dr. Joseph Farrell will drop by who is also an excellent researcher.

The protocols that Catherine established at HUD we’re probably saving the government 10s if not hundreds of million dollars a year, but unfortunately, for Catherine, it was money they were funneling out the back door. I believe at one point (if memory serves)she was charged with a crime and it took her several years to clear her name.


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She is NOT RIGHT ON TRUMP - yes the money angle - yes

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Fjb & his VP. 3 Letter Agencies gotta go. Including Fema

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“As specified in the Declaration of Independence”

DOI sine qua non. People forget that the Articles of Confederation came and went. It is possible to alter or abolish.

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

Read that list of the “long train of abuses and usurpations”. Not too far off from current issues between the federal institutions, the states, and the People.

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Aren’t we already correcting that long train of abuses? If Trump bankrupted the U.S. CORPORATION and took back 650 cargo planes in our stolen Gold, it seems to me that America has already won the second revolution and just has not figured it out.

The fact that FEMA has illegally taken emergency relief funds to pay for the benefits of illegally imported alien people who crossed our border due to Biden failing to just keep the Trump policies for border control should be enough proof we need a redesign. Our government is either breaking it’s own laws or choosing to ignore them. Either way, they are failing us and ignoring our Constitution.

Let’s hope Dr. Jan was telling the truth. If so, the future is bright and the dollar is solidly based. Not the fiat, bogus dollar based on huge debt, but the new Trump dollar based on Gold, Silver, and other valuable assets. You know, like we had before 1871 when our downfall was designed by the experts. They really stepped up the decline in 1913 at Jekyll Island and by inventing the income tax. We have been destroyed by professional money experts who have been at their game for well over a thousand years! We have the power to put them out of business if we just wake up.

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I first watched that Dr Jan interview (including about the 650 plane loads of our gold from the Vatican vaults) via a Trump post on TS linking to it. If I remember correctly (it was awhile back) Trump said everyone needs to watch this!


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That is exactly correct. He said everyone needs to watch the interview. He did not say why because, if Dr. Jan is to be believed, the viewer will see that nothing is as it is being portrayed by the media.

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Any idea where he took the gold? Id guess thats going to be on the Frequency radar Deep State weather hit.

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It went to Ft. Knox, and a “number of other secure locations”. The other locations were not given.

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In God we trust. We have to.

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Is there actual proof that fema took that money and there’s literally all or most of it missing, gone to illegals? The fiscal year just started. I’m hearing that it’s all not true -anyone have receipts?

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lets wait and see.©️™️®️ we’ll have to wait and see.®️™️©️

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I have no doubt the DeepState / NWO is planning additional “weather events” before or even soon after the election and with FEMA empty of funds being reported = equals [their] cover for manipulating the chaos that will ensue = the very edge of “the precipice”!

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Not a word about Tina Peters being sentenced to NINE YEARS in prison??

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Oct 4Liked by Ashe in America

Maybe Ashe will mention it tomorrow.

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I’ve written two articles and done hours of content on this. It’s a miss for me for not putting it in the brief, but the story has gotten a lot of coverage broadly. We covered the sentencing and devoted time on WWV and LD last week. Something about her appeal will happen soon, and we’ll cover that too.

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Trump will pardon her IF the truth about her fake charges isn’t revealed. I expect it will be exposed.

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It’s just evil what they’ve done to her.

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Surely there are ongoing tangential cases in Colorado which should help expose important information that her attorneys were barred from admitting into evidence. She WILL prevail.

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I pray so! I'm probably close to her age and I cannot imagine facing prison. God be with her.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

We are also clearly in a national currency crisis involving the USD and why it does not buy as much as it did 3-4 short years ago.. No one in MSM can come close to admitting that the government spending has been extremely inflationary for the USD purchasing power. Also, the national debt, is costing the country 1 trillion dollar interest payments. WE MUST have the country returned to a more stable form of currency. The USD purchasing power has clearly failed the people, if the government can spend all that money and the country still has a slew of unresolved problems, with DC managerial/political class not giving two shits about any of the above, We The People, most of all.

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Time to remove this government and replace it with 10% of what we have today. We must ensure the new government realizes who has the power in a constitutional republic. Nov 5, 2024.

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FEMA is out of 💰 money??? Well America 🇺🇸

They can’t be much use if they have no money.

Stand down let the volunteers have a go!!!

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Love this. Yes.

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Thanks BNB. What's your take on the port strike being an initiative for converting the "US Ports" to "American Ports" and returning them to America? Forbidden News posted this on Substack. https://open.substack.com/pub/forbiddennews/p/longshoreman-strike-to-transfer-us?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=enhrx

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This is VERY interesting and would definitely dovetail into Devolution. Plus, it’s being activated/returned just in time for the rebuilding of the country/economy. Appears like another of long term actions behind the scenes to ensure success starting 1-20-2025.

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Thanks for telling it like it is!

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