Yesterday Icommented about how the 1/2% drop was used by stock market manipulators to push the idea that the cut was a negative and the markets dropped. My position was this was stupid because lower rates make stocks more competitive and we should be seeing a market rise. I suggested we watch to see what actually happens.

Sure enough the markets roared up yesterday. The manipulators love to encourage selling before a nice boom begins. That makes their gains more lucrative. But, that is a short term trader’s trick. Long term investors never fall for that silliness.

May I try one more time to explain my two economy belief. The FED chairman stated the economy is strong and the rate cut is justified, but other experts say the economy is weak and inflation is likely to come roaring back. I say both opinions are absolutely correct! It is because we have two different economies as I have been saying here for quite a while.

Let’s look at the two economies. First, the government economy is in trouble due to the enormous debt, high inflation, and unsustainable debt payments. So, cutting rates is necessary to save itself from itself. That economy is failing and nothing can save it…except the other economy that is booming! GOD! This is so clear to me and so few Americans see it. No one on television ever talks about it either. You are hearing it here and nowhere else, but that doesn’t make it false. All I ask is for us the just THINK! This is not rocket science, this is irrefutable logic.

OK, now to the other economy. The business economy has learned to exist no matter how stupidly the government economy acts. Inflation helps the business economy. If we must pay $5 for what we could buy for $4 three years ago, what happens to the value of an asset like Gold? But, a stock in a great company is also an asset so why would it go down in value?

Also, if costs to a company go up due to inflation the business merely increases the selling price to compensate. The consumer pays more, but the business stays in business. That is what they exist for…to continue in business. The consumer pays an inflated price using deflated dollars, so the consumer pays doubly. That is why food and other energy consuming goods inflate faster than other goods.

Here is the bottom line. The business economy is different from the government economy but it exists inside of the overall economy that include both government and business economies. This, by the way, is what caused the Treaty of 1871 to create the U.S. CORPORATION. Think about it! It makes complete sense and it why Trump bankrupted the corporation and left Biden/Harris in charge as it’s president/VP. The president of the old corporation is a useless, powerless, and corrupt nothing. The failed corporation is still floundering, and we are watching it fail along with the rest of the world.

Somehow, America needs to understand all of this before they waste a vote on a losing proposition. I need the folks here to help get the word out. I cannot do it alone, but we can do it collectively. The first step is to get you to believe I am correct. I am trying my best.

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Jim, you are a professor and I believe that now I clearly understand your point. Thank you for a clear, concise class on the two economies! It makes sense!

God bless you!🙏

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No, I am no professor. I am a graduate of the school of hard knocks. That is absolutely the best school and provides the most valuable education.

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9 mins ago·edited 8 mins ago

Agreed! Received my best education there as well. Still attending.

I for one shall continue to dub you professor, however. As a mere graduate myself, you sir are a PhD.

Thank you very much for the class.

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As Babylon falls, Zion will rise.

The Bible says Babylon will fall in one day, one hour. The stage is being set for that to happen.

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The timing of the fall of the Babylonian economy is described in Rev 18 and was disclosed by one of the 7 messengers who had poured out the wraths of God (which occurs after the final 3 1/2 years and culminates with Christ's return. It (the Babylon economy) is destroyed by the 10 kings of the sea-beast (the anti-Christ) sometime during the last 42 months. So...we should not be looking for that any time soon (or ever if like me you don't plan on being around for His wraths)!

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Hey Jim - have you had the time to read "Scale" by Geoffrey West? Some very interesting science that you might find supportive regarding your two economies.

From "Scale" I would suggest that most mega-companies are tethered to the government's failing system for all of the reasons you note. Which leaves mid-sized and smaller firms able to avoid being dragged down by the "giants" for all of the right and logical reasons!

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No, I need to look into that. My observations come from merely observing the CEOs of huge corporations and how much they take out of their companies. It is approved each year by the shareholders because the shareholders are not voting their proxies. Index funds and mutual funds control the shares and vote with management because they enjoy the same huge pay packages themselves.

The government is the beneficiary because these huge pay packages are taxed at the highest rates with few ways to shelter the funds. But, who is complaining? Who is even aware of this evil game?

The corporate big wigs are just trying to get paid what they consider to be “fair”. They see pro athletes making multi- million incomes for playing a sport and argue that they deserve more based on their advanced degrees and business expertise. But, the government taxes income and this causes the numbers to just go higher to offset the tax loss.

Here is the good news. The income tax is not legal and only exists due to the demands of the Act of 1871. Do you see the beauty of bankrupting the US Corporation? Lots of things we take for granted are changing once Trump gets back legally. Right now he is in limbo.

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Trump in limbo? Perhaps to the naked eye...

"Ummm... excuse me? A Combatant Commander has effectively usurped the White House, State Department and CIA and taken control of US diplomacy in the Middle East?" -- Ghost

As Ghost points out, this is Devolution in action. Trump and his allies are taking progressively more power away from 'official Washington' (here, apparently Nuland and Sullivan) and vesting it in trusted parties.

There is a lot going on, in the mists above the eternal lake, which we cannot see directly, but the waves coming to shore tell the story... h/t Burning Bright, Righteous Russia #8


"The pillars are crumbling. The supports are trembling. The foundation is being laid.

We have lived a long time in a world of systems and shadows. But there is light in the flashes of foam on the lake, and if you watch the ripples along the shore, you’ll see flecks of gold in their quieting wakes.

These are not heralds of despair, but of hope. Steadfast, unyielding and inevitable as dawn to the fleeing night.

As darkness to light."

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Sorry, I had put on my “Normal American hat” instead of my “Badlands hat”. By Limbo I meant how he appears to 99% of America.

And, isn’t that the problem? We need more normal Americans to get with the program.

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They are coming along.

Slowly at first, then suddenly.

Drip, drip, FLOOD!

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Thank you, Jim! I have been reading your posts and educating myself via your insights.

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As I have often said here, the truth is really quite obvious. Government is, at best, a break even proposition. It has never made money like a business and that has never been the goal of any government. However, making money is the only goal of a business and why they are sustainable.

The bottom line comes from the profit motive Adam Smith defined in 1776. It is what our founders knew to be the key to America’s success. They designed our system to allow free enterprise to flourish.

Over time we have lost track of our power base. It is our ability to create compound growth of an entire country using the desire of our citizens to build personal wealth through their work ethic.

The Left hates this whole idea. They say we are greedy and business is immoral because it relies on taking advantage of the consumer. This is just a corrupted way to look at our reality. The consumer has free choice to buy or not buy. Business has no choice but to stay in business. Is that evil? When did self-preservation become wrong?

America has been Mis-managed for well over a hundred years, but we have the means to correct this in a matter of weeks. Trump has already bankrupted the corrupt corporation and very few Americans even know it. We all should be appreciative but that is impossible if we do not even know what Trump did in 2017! This is ironic beyond belief. But, I know it is 100% true. We just need to be educated…very quickly!

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When BK of U.S. Inc becomes apparent to even the most stolid, will the utterly corrupt USFEDGOV bureaucracy fade away? Or do their several AFLCIO affiliated labor unions have plans for exploiting the crisis and staying in power? ExecOrder #10988 was signed January 1962 by JFK, allowing government civil servants to bargain collectively for salaries and benefits. In June 1964, LBJ delivered the Great Society speech than began the steady growth of unionized bureaucracy. Today, that bureaucracy runs U.S. "government" thru a crooked system of fiat regulations written and enforced by faceless unelected bureaucrats. If those millions of crooked bureaucrats don't git gone and stay gone, BK will affect no one but everyone not employed by the crooked bankrupt bureaucracy. How do we make sure the unionized bureaucracy never gets another "negotiation" for benefits with the bankrupt U.S. Inc? How do we make sure Trump rescinds EO#10988? THAT E.O. has put us all in a world of hurt.

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I hope a lot of our designed corruption can be eliminated. Actually, a great number of government jobs are unnecessary if we look at them rationally. FDR, a saint to Democrats, said public service unions were illegal and should never be allowed. But, here we are with teacher’s unions of all things. A lot must change.

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Elon is reportedly being tapped by DJT to hack away at useless government expenditures. He fired ~80% of Twitter's workforce, why not do the same to fedgov? (of course 80% is not the whole story, but it would be a darn good start)

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Great comment, Jim!! 🕊❤️

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Blinken and Sullivan neutralized. Oh happy day.

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Jon Herold’s (once known as PatelPatriot) Devolution series is how I first came upon The Badlands Media 🙏❤️

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Interesting that a key Dem issue is abortion. Women's rights are important--including to men. Most men love women. (I love you, too, men-darlings). How about a woman's right to her LIFE? Dems and pro-aborts are currently pushing RU 486 without a prescription and without a doctor's supervision. I am seeing stories about the most pain a young lady has ever experienced in her life, and a death rate that is ten times higher than other abortions.

"Safe, legal and rare." That used to be the mantra. Americans might disagree about legal, but if an abortion happens, at least we want the woman to be SAFE. This could be a major campaign issue for Republicans. And should be. If so, we must be very sure to get our facts straight with no exaggerations or distortions.

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Abortion is nothing but a diversion from the real problems we face. If the Left can keep us arguing about abortion, we fail to spend our valuable time thinking about how America is going bankrupt. We are also being diverted with 90% of what we hear every day. The politicians want us thinking about anything but reality.

Life begins at conception. Deal with that. Women have all kinds of choices, but choosing to not get pregnant is a great one to make. It is a personal choice though. That is what our freedom as Americans guarantees to us. But, making bad choices is also allowed. Why is abortion so complex? It is because we can so easily be diverted from what is actually killing us as a country.

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True: abortion is a diversion, but the Satanic ‘Church’ legal case against Texas’ anti-abortion stance revealed that abortions are sacrifices to Satan…. Another example of two divergent actions both being true.

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1 hr ago·edited 1 hr ago

A-freaking-men. My entire life, has been about the abortion argument. It always drove me nuts. Believe it or not, there are other issues that I find important, but this one has been crammed down my throat as the THE most important. It's not. I refuse to be dragged into arguments about it and any time someone tries now, I push back hard.

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Abortion, if argued by people whose aim is division, works to divide America. It is that simple.

Democrats have just one play in their playbook. Divide to conquer. That’s it. They have nothing else. Who needs issues that really matter if you make up non-Issues and turn them into issues? Meanwhile, important issues get pushed aside by emotions.

This is really not difficult. It is right in front of us, but few are paying attention because most everyone has no time to think. We are too busy trying to earn money to live our lives.

I hope this makes sense. The news media surely is not helping.

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Excellent comment, Jim. You are 100% correct.

Division is used not just by the democrats but by the entire Cabal. Has been for centuries. Because it works.

Once we understand the game, we can refuse to play. It's really that simple (as you pretty much said in slightly different words).

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Bottom lines for this week and the next 4 months…per Ashe, ‘Cornered animals are dangerous. The global enemy and their plans for mutually assured destruction are dangerous.’ The cabal and its minions ARE cornered. All of the news articles in today’s brief are living proof of their panic!

Scare event(s) likely inbound….soon. Economic? Corporations not hiring….MSM will collapse as soon as the CIA and big pharma stop propping them up…

Zelensky, Okamala, Rice, Netanyahu….🤪🤪🤪🤪. They truly believe we cattle are stupid…. Talk about a surprise.

I wonder how many more states cleaned up the voter roles without public announcements? Hmmm 🤔

The number of whistleblowers is increasing.


God bless BB, Ashe and Ghost!!🙏🙏.

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And God Bless you, ALtab and all who hold the line of truth in this community🙏❤️

At the end of Trump’s recent rally in Long Island, he again chose to play the moving aria, Nessun Dorma…reminding us of The Sum of All Fears movie ending…the traitors were executed!

“At dawn I will win”

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He also played it at the conclusion to the RNC in Milwaukee. People noted the connection at that time too.

Hidden in plain sight. Trump never says or does anything without a purpose. 💖🕊🙏

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I love Trumpamania! Let’s keep it going!

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Wild and getting wilder, I sure hope the BOOMs start before November 5... LFG.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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It will be right around then, Joe. Joe Lange's latest piece predicts that the Marines will re-run the 2024 election after the Uniparty frauds hell out of the 'official' one and the Mil steps in to put an end to it.


Start reading where Joe quotes Q drop 26. Interesting stuff.

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Nice line, Ghost: “different layers of delicious irony and happenstance”❤️

Mark Twain is credited with the observation that “A Lie Can Travel Halfway Around the World Before the Truth Puts On its Shoes”…

Light can travel around the Earth 7.5 times in one second…

And from google’s AI:

“In a metaphorical sense, the "frequency resonance of truth" is often considered to be a stable, clear, and consistent vibration, aligning with a sense of authenticity and reliability, while the "frequency resonance of lies" is seen as a more discordant, fluctuating vibration, requiring additional mental effort to maintain and potentially causing dissonance in the listener due to its inconsistency with reality”

The Art of Exposure is coming into greater and greater focus…a profound masterpiece of Truth by Artists who create with research, information, words and phrases.

Figuratively speaking, Love travels faster than the speed of light

‘Fear is the mind killer’…choose love.

Thank you all for another exciting week of The Great Awakening ❤️🕊

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Wonderful addition to the comments, Feather!👏🕊️🙏🇺🇸

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🙏❤️Spirit Hug 🤗

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14 mins ago·edited 10 mins ago

Things traveling faster than the speed of light (which [they] have told us is impossible, according to their 'science') is key to all of the technologies which have been hidden from us. Tesla was well on the way to implementing such things before J.P. Morgan shut him down.

I read something a while back about how monkeys were able to learn things, known by other groups of monkeys but geographically isolated (different islands for instance), demonstrating some sort of communication across distance that violates known principles.

The more we learn, the more we realize we don't know. Love might well travel faster than the speed of light, not just figuratively but literally.

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6 months to affect average people, not all of us dabble in the stock markey, yet it affects our grocery prices and gas prices All going UP!

Fed rate cut on collision course with 2024 election politics.


“It normally takes a rate change approximately six months to work its way through the economy,” Kinahan noted.

Skanda Amarnath, executive director of Employ America and former analyst at the New York Fed, ultimately does not anticipate a rate cut “being make or break for the election.”

“It’s a kind of a conspiratorial or sexy idea in the abstract, but it doesn’t really cash out,” he said.

JJ Kinahan, CEO of IG North America and president of the online retail brokerage tastytrade, also did not expect rate cuts to have “a big impact on the election, other than a talking point for candidates.

“It normally takes a rate change approximately six months to work its way through the economy,” Kinahan noted.

Fed rate cut unlikely to boost manufacturing until 2025, experts warn


Experts, however, are exercising caution with how quickly the cut will translate into a manufacturing recovery, noting that manufacturers aren’t likely to see noticeable benefits until next year, said Timothy Fiore, chair of ISM’s Manufacturing Business Survey Committee.

“We’ve been in decline now for three months,” Fiore said. “I don’t see a manufacturing recovery until January.”

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So, they are setting the stage for a major boom once Pres Trump is "back" in office.

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BB - "The choice to know the story, and to defect from it, has been yours."

If a person recognizes: that our Creator made us as eternal creatures with spirits as well as souls and bodies; that He gave us the ability to choose our eternal destiny (that's what it means to be in His Image and Likeness - to be able to re-create and to choose); and that He will restore to us all of our lost inheritance; then being "defected" is that person's natural state. This world matters - that is why He sent His Son - but it is not our destiny...it is instead our training ground.

And so I would say: The choice to know the True story and to seek it first and foremost, which will enable you to see the shadowlands for what they are, is yours. Have you made it?

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“Back in the day, what made a man a leader of men was his willingness to draw his sword and lead the vanguard— and his ability to survive the violence and deliver a victory. Such conditions required strength, courage, valor, but also discipline, discernment, and even empathy.” -GoBPH

Reminds me of Trump 🙏❤️

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The 20 mule team Teamster days are dead . Modern Teamster leadership proves their sold-out-communist-Richard-Trumka-AFLCIO-bonafides by not standing with the majority of their members. What's more, every bit of USFEDGOV bureaucracy is even more commie than the Teamster leadership. If Trump don't bust the bureaucracy and grind it to powder, nothing else will matter. Communist bureaucrats are the ones in charge of "government" nowadays. Either we git rid of them or we pay the consequence in ever-increasing oppression. This ain't no foolin' around. USFEDGOV bureaucracy rules the bureaucracies of city, county and state government. The scheme of "FEDERAL GRANTS" to local government is their power base. Bust it. Bust it all to hell and gone.

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At the end of Trump’s Long Island rally he again chose to play that beautiful and moving Nessun Dorma…reminding us again of The Sum of All Fears movie at the end of which all the traitors and deepstate actors are executed…

“At dawn I will win”

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