In my own life, (as of last week), “conspiracy theory talk” is no longer taboo. Yesterday at church, and with my extended family, people were saying things that prove to me that the exposure op is producing some optimal “net effects.” 😊😊😊

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There was a visiting priest at mass yesterday and it was rather eye opening to hear him talk about people in positions of power. First up was his own profession: "There are priests who take money. And abuse people. There are politicians who take money. And abuse people. " Pretty strong stuff.

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Corruption overtakes any power structure.

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Jul 23
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37 for a book that can save your life sounds like a deal.

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Our REGULAR priest was saying those things yesterday 👀😊😳

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I wonder... please ask around to other Catholics to see if they too received a similar message yesterday. If so, it demonstrates that these priests were instructed to include this in their message. By whom? The Pope on down I wonder?

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So....even the church have their 4am "prayer points" that they push out through their pastors? Hmmmm.....

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Knowing what we know about the role of Vatican City, City of London, and Washington DC I expect this to be the case.

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Yes, Sir!! Concur!

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Conspiracy theories equal critical thinking skills.

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Which is exactly why the CIA coined the term ‘conspiracy theory’!!

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About the Crowdstrike "snafu" I am not convinced that it was a software update that caused the disruption. I have a deep down gut feeling that it was the ghosts in the machine unrigging the election! There are some reports saying that an enemy cyber attack threat was detected. The only enemy of the deep state controlled Crowdstrike would be the good guys. Did our guys get into Crowdstrike's system and make sure they are not able to rig the election?

EDIT: I just had another thought...what if Crowdstrike knew ahead of time that Biden was going to drop out and they needed to take their own system down to cancel out all the fake Biden votes they had already injected into their system? This would be their system update.

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The crowdstrike story clogged the newsfeed so no one was listening to the speeches given at the RNC.

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Great point.

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Like a magician's hand directing attention away from a positive point of inflection. Next the Biden stepdown and kamala push up to clog the cycle. Max stupid and emotionally charged nonsense.

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Only in the 4:00 am MSM…

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Thanks y'all 😊

I remember a time not too long ago when I dreaded waking up and seeing what headlines the DS Rat Bastard MSM would rub our noses in...

Now I cannot wait to see the headlines and then read/think about how glorious it is to be kicking the DS Ratbastard asses all over the world.

And BB since I know you love the saying so much I will state: "You can't make this shit up" 😀

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Amen, Joe!! God wins, indeed!🙏🙏

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Thank you to everyone that makes Newsbrief happen. It’s how I start my day every morning and it wouldn’t be possible without the talent on badlands media.

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Does anyone else here find it interesting how the discussion has been totally changed by Biden’s move to leave the scene?

Last Friday we were doing the forensics on the audio from the assassination and proving there were as many as four separate shooters aiming at Trump. That makes the assassination a deep state inside job worthy of massive investigation.

But, by Sunday afternoon there was no interest in any of that. All eyes turned to the latest Democrat games to win the election. The assassination is suddenly old news. Nothing to see there. Let’s move on.

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I will answer my own post. Jill Biden was instrumental in getting the Secret Service head appointed. Cheatle was key in moving assets away from Butler, Pa. and the whole thing reeked of bad planning. Everyone involved from the federal level was under the Executive Branch’s jurisdiction. So, if the attempt on Trump’s life was an inside job, then Biden is to be questioned. How did his administration let his chief rival come this close to being murdered?

Now, guess why Biden stepped down! He and Jill have their hands directly involved in the assassination. Where are they now? GONE!

The entire thing has been turned upside down over night. The assassination is off the front page and the villains have conveniently made their escape. And, not a single news organization is looking at the forensic proof we were uncovering two days ago!

Damn! This crap is just too obvious and I seem to be the only one paying attention. What am I missing here? I need some guidance because I fear I am losing my mind.

The news early Sunday was that FOX was admitting it looked like there were at least two shooters. But their story was looking at completely bogus information that could easily be refuted. They had not studied the audio! But, the audio Mike Adams used for his forensics was from the FOX microphones! God, you cannot make this any more ridiculous!

The cover-up is in full force. What America needs is the truth. We can handle it.

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What [they] did not allow for, Jim, was how much the world has changed since Nov. '63. They are used to being able to control the message and keep things hidden, that they want hidden.

But data -- information -- moves at lightspeed today. There are few if any remaining 'pinch points' that they can use to control the movement of this information. And there is an army of citizen journalists eager to dig in and learn the truth, which they then share with anyone willing to listen.

Cover up or not, the truth will out. On that, I believe, we can depend.

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I agree. But time’s awastin’. It is important for the forensics to be evaluated and brought to the attention of the public quickly.

Instead the government is choosing committees to study the assassination and it is reported it is a 45 day process! In truth it is a 45 hour process at most. The math is irrefutable based on the recorded audio from hundreds of sources.

If I knew this several days ago, why isn’t it already on the news? Who cares what the Democrats are doing with the election when the entire Democrat Party is implicated in a murder at the highest levels?

The fact that the forensics look so convincing is all we need. The media reports all sorts of crap with far less evidence. If proven wrong, it can be explained rationally. But, what I am seeing is not able to be just ignored.

We have been waiting for a black swan event and then choose to ignore it when it hits us in the face!

This is sickening.

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Keep shouting from the rooftops. People here are listening, which means it's getting out.

There is no way in God's green earth that this can be blamed on incompetence, or a 'lone wolf' who may never have even fired a shot.

This is looking more and more like Nov. 23, 1963 -- but hey, these DS Rat Bastards (h/t Joe Kronner) always go back to the same play book. It's what [they] do. It's just that this time, it won't take 60 years for it to come out.

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I want to explain how simple this is in reality. Two numbers tell us everything. The speed of sound and the muzzle velocity of a sniper rifle are the two variables. But, that means we actually have no variables because all that matters is the difference between the two.

Based this known constant, the distance to the shooter is known by simply dividing the time between the “whiz” of the bullet and the “bang” of the report. Bingo, we know immediately that if there is a difference then we have multiple shooters.

This is 8th grade algebra. It is not rocket science.

Putting the criminals in charge of the investigation is not going to help solve this. We already know there was a conspiracy to murder Trump and we know how to prove it. Why are we still waiting for the news to break? Then again, how do we make it happen? Who is listening to us?

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Hi Jim,

I have a pretty solid background in physics and acoustics, both of which I studied in university and have worked with since. It's actually a bit more complex, but not much. The factor you have not mentioned is that there were multiple microphones in diverse locations all recording the sound of the rifle fire. The information from those microphones can be used to determine the relative differences in arrival times at the different mic locations, and these relative differences in turn can be used to triangulate the actual location of the shots, if you know the microphone locations. GPS figures out where you are in a similar manner.

If all the shots come from a single rifle at a single location, then without some other frame of reference it will be difficult to perform these calculations (you can only solve a set of simultaneous equations if they are not singular); but all that is needed is another source of sound, from a different known position, that is recorded by all the microphones, and you can start to fill in the blanks. That sound can be anything so long as it's picked up by all the mics; multiple sounds can even be used if they are heard by several of the mics. Audio coming from the PA system is one such source of sound. Echoes from the shots coming from a large wall might be another. Someone loudly shouting 'Fight' might work.

Also if by some chance the microphones were recording some set of time reference track, which broadcasters often do (it allows them to switch seamlessly from one camera/mic to another), that would have been extremely useful and would greatly simplify the math.

The math gets a bit complex to solve (3D hyperbolic equations and the like), but nothing a skilled university math student can't quickly figure out. Even a sharp high-school kid with a good teacher or reference book could do it. 8th grade is pushing it a bit -- I was a bit of a math/science geek back then; I could have described and understood the problem, but I'm not sure if my math skills would have been up to actually solving the set of equations. I'd have been willing to give it a go, though.

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Who is the "we" in the waiting for news to break? I'm not expecting any MSM to break this news, they already tried to spin it off as Trump cowering because of loud noises. And now they have Biden backing out to screen the news. People have been trained carefully for their entire lives to be like moths to flame regarding stories (more respectful than flies on shit). But you know this too. What were you hoping or expecting to see?

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Putting criminals in charge of the investigation is purely revealing the (extremely deep) corruption.

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You are not the only one paying attention, Jim…And good question: Where are the Biden’s now?! Another good question: Was Biden’s exit from the campaign race a coup by the Dems against the Dems? He supposedly posted an unofficial document, questionable signature…does Biden even know how to get on X to post anything? Staff only learned about it from X after the fact.


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What is happening is monumental. The forensics prove there were likely four shooters trying to kill Trump. How they all missed is a miracle, but likely due to a screw-up in timing.

What everyone is missing here is what this means. It was a conspiracy of the deep state and allowed by Biden’s executive branch.

This is the end of the Democrat Party but no one sees it. The election is over! The Democrats will kill Trump for power. That is proven by the number of shooters and the lack of protection for Trump.

This needs to be front page news right now! The proof was covered here days ago, but the media is talking about who to blame and how the shooter got onto that roof. Who cares? What matters is the shooter on the roof was just a patsy who they were willing to sacrifice for political power. The public needs to know the facts. There will likely be no election in November because only one party will be on the ballot.

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We’re not missing it and we haven’t moved on, my friend! Everything you have mentioned in this thread is information I and likely others here are up on. The information is explosive and yes, frustrating to watch the slow exposure. The Dems and their criminal allies, the MSM, are left with the only strategy they’ve ever had: Distraction.

Personally I think The Sum of All Fears (which Q mentioned 7 times) is going to play out somewhere…when they have no more distraction plays left.

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Another great, Feather!

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Great questions, Feather…👏

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You are NOT the only one to recognize this, Jim. Many of our fellow commenters are aware. Blessings for asking the unusual questions!🙏

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My unusual questions are actually quite rational. I just listened to a guy from the intelligence service saying he is on the way to Butler to look at the site personally. What an idiot! There is nothing to see because everything has been cleared away.

But, he doesn’t need to go anywhere to figure out the truth. Just get the FOX audio and listen!

Shots 6 and 7 prove there are two long range snipers at work. Instead of the normal “whish” and “bang” from a shot, we hear “whish” “whish” and “bang” “bang”. That is impossible unless there are two shooters at different locations. Based on the times involved, one was at a distance of about 700 feet while the other was at 1200 feet. Crooks was at 400 feet.

The question is why is an expert flying to look at the scene? He is failing to use the correct sense.

That worries me. He is the damned expert!

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(Well done, Jim, truly important tack.

…Talking like my Dad, here, when I’d get stressed out about something: Don’t lose sleep over this (followed by his always comforting arm squeeze). Thousands of good folks are getting on it.

The truth will out.

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Yup. And soon it will be forbidden to talk about the Biden crime family because old Joe is sick and dying you see. Bad taste to talk about crimes and the destruction of the economy. Switcherow to Camila and move forward with the new lies, same as the old lies.

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…only for a time.

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And interviews with the parents of the shooter, identification and forensics of the bullet and the range and direction of the bullets. They just took Biden out of office thinking that would shut everyone up and they could move on. The only small things they have conceded and slightly commented on were because bystanders were speaking out - and they have to cover themselves. So the heads of security will go down as sacrifice to protect the truth from getting out.

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You are 100% correct. The blame of the security heads will be the first attempt to cover the truth, but the number of shooters will implicate to the top. Why was Jill Biden in Pittsburg and causing Trump’s security to be taken away? Why was Kamala taking secret service details to Philadelphia? I see way too many coincidences all aimed at excusing inept coverage…all planned in advance.

Sorry, I see the end of the Democrat Party coming very quickly. The Left is super slow in figuring out they are screwed to the wall. There is no place to hide. They are being done in by the math. 0.22 second versus 0.36 seconds versus 0.77 seconds. 400 feet versus 700 feet versus 1200 feet. No way one shooter was in three locations at once. Sorry, it was a planned murder and had to be approved very high up in our government.

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I surely appreciate the smart people here that elevate ALL of us closer to the truth. Blessings, Jim. Thank you!

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Hey, Jim —

I just watched this. At @ 42 mins in they show the Mike Adams clip & discuss. Haven’t finished watching but wanted to send the link. ‘Sitrep’, Badlands Media, Fri, 7.26:


Blessings to you

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Thanks! I am afraid Mike Adams analysis has been withdrawn. He found the FOX microphone had some elaborate sound attenuating electronics that mutes loud sounds and likely missed some audio.

He is presently getting different recordings to put the actual data together for analysis.

The recording the fellows are discussing here is the original one. However, they are looking at other aspects that keep raising more questions. I think we are going to get to the real facts soon.

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Btw, I’m glad you put this out there. I was an Adams diehard but he was dooming so often, & imo, on the wrong track that I stopped. But when he’s good, he’s brilliant & thorough. So thanks!

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Yowza. So many & varied onions, so many layers to peel away.

I think a lot of red herrings have been put out there to confuse & distract. For instance, the bicycle clips but a car (reported to’ve been loaded with explosives)??? A thoroughly scrubbed & denuded house? Where, anyway? Such nonsense at every turn.

I love that regular people are doing their own forensics.

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I would never own a fridge that is smarter(or @ least thinks it's smarter) than I am. I, in fact will never again own a new appliance...used, refurbished appliances is the way to go IMHO. Any way, I have noticed a significant slow down in my internet since we moved here in Aug of 2020. Xfinity/Comcast is not getting better. It is getting worse and worse and I will soon get on the Starlink band wagon. I have been putting it off because we intend to move as soon as we get an acceptable offer on this place, but from my research I've found out that you purchase the initial start up kit, so you own it and can take it w/ you. No worries about what crappy internet is available where you're going, where ever we land. I do believe it is the way of the future. Comcast, ATT, T-mobile...all suck...products of the DS.

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One of the least appreciated features of Starlink is its peer-to-peer optical networking. While earth-to-space links are radio, the sats are able to exchange data 'at light speed' between them using laser optical communication. Yes, I'm sure it was quite a challenge to manage aiming those beams while the satellites hum along at 17,000 mph a few hundred miles above the earth, but hey -- it's just math and some precision mechanics, both of which Musk and his companies have excelled at for years.

Anyway, what this does is allow the satellites to exchange data between them, hop by hop, so that you can communicate with someone else anywhere on earth without the data ever touching a ground station, except your terminal and that of your compadre. While this is quite amazing technically, it has two advantages which most people aren't aware of:

1. Electromagnetic waves traveling through space (and the atmosphere) travel at nearly the speed of light in a vacuum, 299.7 km/s. Fiber optic cables are made of glass, and due to its refraction index, light in them only travels at about 60% of that speed. This means that data carried on optical beams in vacuum of space arrive in 60% of the time that they will in a fiber optic cable on the same route, all other things equal (which of course they are not, but that does not change the bottom line). To the finance industry, time of communication is critical, because they have to be able to put transactions in the proper order even when they are executed in different places. Plus, someone who has a few microseconds earlier knowledge of some piece of critical information can be first to act on it, potentially reaping great profits. Especially if they can do it repeatedly.

2. Information that travels from peer to peer, never touching a ground station, cannot be intercepted or hacked. So long as Starlink maintains its reputation as an honest broker (something of exceeding value to them, thus likely to be protected even more than Ft. Knox), communications can't be controlled by a third party, let's say your government. Further it's likely that different parts of your message will actually travel by different routing -- sort of like the 'spreading your atoms across the universe' that Scotty used as the reason he wouldn't use the Star Trek transporter. Even if someone was managed to put a bot on, and was looking for something in, one of the Starlink sats, they would never see it because it would be infinitesimally unlikely for any entire message to reside in any single place, ever. Separate, the bits and pieces look like random noise. And they are ephemeral -- they disappear as soon as they are forwarded. Makes looking for a needle in a haystack a simple job (which it is, actually, if you have the right tool -- in this case, a metal detector).

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I always learn something worth knowing from you, WildBill!


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Me, too, Wild Bill! What a font of knowledge you are!!

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I've known several Wild Bills in my life, don't suppose you're one of them. They would recognize me

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Hey I'm sold, I just have to convince my tight fisted hubby who only sees the initial outlay, not the savings we can have in the future...plus he doesn't like change. If we can hold out til we move, we'll skip a couple steps. IF I can stand this internet until that happens. We still have DirectV separate from our phone and internet...it just worked out that way when we moved. I can't see him managing a different remote much less figure out streaming etc. Not internet savvy

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All I know about that is when ATT took over DirectV they totally Fucked up a previously great satellite TV provider...the only option in '96 in the mountains of WNC. My friend who is still in the mountains where we lived now has Starlink, after not being able to get the only other option which was Frontier DSL that came in on our landline...yes one of the few places that still has real landline phones. All I can say about Frontier DSL is that it was better than nothing. We visited and got to try out Starlink and it is amazingly fast. AND we might be able to dump DirectV which is getting worse and worse as well, while getting more and more expensive. I do believe the theory that they are prepping us for a complete IT shutdown just in time for the Nov election. For all of you w/ smart refrigerators, I seriously don't know what to tell you. You are setting yourself up to be fucked.

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🤔 hmmm….

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And the ATT recent hack: the info they got was everyone’s text MESSAGES and not interested in identifiable info. Of course phone numbers can be linked to individuals easily.

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Now, that’s interesting…

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Got a letter from ATT today with vague details. But they SAY that the actual messages- discussions-were not taken (or available- perhaps they believe encryption can’t be broken?) but they did say how many times and what phone numbers texted with, how many minutes involved were taken.

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There’s a reason that huge server farm was built in Nevada. I’m very short on trust these days!

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but I do think Starlink is the way forward, away from all these commie companies

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me too

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and do you believe them?

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I'm a Cryptocurrency believer but I totally missed it that banks went offline, but Bitcoin didn't. To me that's HUGE! And why I love Badlands Media. We are winning but I live among alot of family that believe what they see on MSM and I see them ever so slowly catching on. Honestly it's almost painful to see how shocking their Awakening is but my God they've got to. I'm so grateful for finding Patel Patriot and his Devolution theory!! It has kept me sane, calm and confident in DJT!!!

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The things that went down were things that depend on a huge, centralized communications infrastructure. Bitcoin is decentralized, thus has no need for such infrastructure.

Banks, airlines, big retail and big healthcare -- that's what was impacted. Not all of them apparently use this crowdstrike, whatever it is -- those that did, went down.

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I totally missed this event. Friday i was tanning in my yard, cooking and painting. Went to sleep at 10pm from exhaustion. 😁

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Yeah, I missed it too. My life is pretty boring these days respecting interfacing with airlines, banks, etc. which I like just fine. I heard about it next day, on the news.

Anything to take attention away from the investigation into the government's involvement in the assassination attempt.

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The "ROCK" still has some explaining to do in regard to the FIRE that didn't touch his mansion, Oprah's mansion, or any of the other BILLIONAIRES with BLUE ROOFS? He and Oprah and the scam to get money from everyone, except themselves, to "help" the people in Maui. Its like the criminals that return to the scene of the crime. They supposedly had a script written before the fire actually took place. A movie scene where it played identical to actual events. Anyone know what happened to all those beautiful children? Oprah, 'Pillows for property Pimp', 'Rock for Ratings'. What a duo. Would she be his VP? I wonder how many more asses beside Oprah's big ass the Rock had to kiss, that he hasn't already kissed in Hollyweird and Epstein Island, to get such an endorsement. Did he take a late-night ride w Obama to get the go a-HEAD? He wouldn't get my vote! The "multiple Parties"? Were they the Democrat, Communist, Socialist or PizzaGate Party, Rock?

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Closer every day to be truly “unburdened by what has been”. This year of Exposure has provide a restorative momentum to even awaken the sleepy normies and has infused the true spirit of Making America Great Again by way of realizing how terrible things have gotten. ‘A crack is how the Light gets in’ and that gap is widening quicker and deeper…there is no Democrat Leftist Progressive patch that can seal the Light from stirring the American soul to fight the enemy within. The invasion of extreme ideologues sowing division and hate is being conquered by the Divine spark of Love.

God Bless our Leader of Peace and Unity ❤️🇺🇸🕊

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People who overtly express TDS are demon possessed. Period! You have to allow and ask the demon to come in. Period!

People that push for and support the Globalists agenda, use what I call Bug Think.

Big Think (BT) is where humans think like an insect. Only the group is considered and NOT the individual soul.

Don’t think like a bug. Think like a human!

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Loved the way you articulated the deprogramming process. Someone I know had a dream about people all being in jail in chairs sleeping but he couldn’t be put to sleep like the others. It was a dark spirit keeping the “sleeping” ones in a constant state of sleep. There are some that cannot be under the influence of the trauma-hypnosis. Others have to be shaken hard to awaken.

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AiA - "Is the convenience worth the risks?"

May I insert the following list of feelings next to "convenience": security, well-being, superiority, self-worth, self-righteousness, confidence...

One of the most poignant realities of the fourth turning "winter" is the death of those things not vibrant or vital enough to survive the trials and tests of hard times. That is true for us as individuals as much as it is for us as a society.

In pondering the effects of the last secular (the previous 80 year cycle that ended with the fourth turning that started with the great depression and ended with WWII), I have begun to wonder if that was at least partly manufactured and therefore somewhat ineffective? We should (historically speaking) have left that winter not just with growing prosperity but with fewer institutions, fewer governmental mandates, less confidence in the old guard - not more. If that (the manufactured or artificial winter) is the case, then it would, in part, explain why this winter would need to be deeper, colder, harsher than "normal" in order to truly bring the new birth of the spring of a first turning. (Monday musing I guess.)

We live in remarkable times.

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I have not one smart device. Selling your privacy for a few dollars in savings is not worth losing the freedom to access your frig or any other thing. Just like all those stores who keep track of you through their "Savings" apps. You might save a dollar and waste 5 min of my time in line doing it. Its all a spy tool and you pay for it. RING camera scam!

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How many days to election did JB announced not Running? 107 days = 17? hmmmmm

A/o notice Arthur R didn't turn over POTUS to KH? So s/he doesn't get Glory as 1st Trans POTUS

In keeping w/ BB's Kayfabe theme, how many bodies does Killary step over to climb into the ring? Kamal(a)'s jealous jilted lover attack ... Bill finally acts like a man to defend his wife by taking out the Rock ... so who's gonna take on Big Mike? Do we see Killary & Big Mike battle it out center stage? What dirty trick does HRC pull out to get the W? Then Killary gets to take on Capt America Donald J Trump? Since childhood I've never watched Pro Wrestling. Only now I'm realizing what I've been missing to innerstanding cosmic cause & effect. TY, BB!

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What wont the WOKE say or do to win an election. The D's who believe this assassination was a hoax are the same who believed Russia Russia Russia... Ignorant DTS sufferers. Its past time to clean out the riffraff and give them a one-way ticket to their new homes in communist heaven CHIN-A!

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"Trump used Clinton as his first cypher to expose the Deep State to the American people."

False. If people were awake, really awake, they'd be marching on DC to lynch people. They wouldn't be here leaving comments and being good slaves.

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To my amazement, even the stupidest dozens of 50 million or so MAGA people have understood that going off to DC "to lynch people" would be a totally losing proposition unless many thousands had the same idea at the same time--and even then would likely turn public sentiment against them.

Justice must come and it must be done by lawful procedures with courts doing their job. And how to get there from here? There are lawsuits against Pfizer and other criminals--you can financially support such efforts. You can support Judicial Watch.

Many are seeing that pinning all hopes on one king called a President is blasphemous, babyish and futile. We must emphasize LOCAL when it comes to politics. And the most important office is your county sheriff. He can tell Feds to take a hike, or jail them for violating the Constitution. Go to the CSPOA website--Constitutional Sheriffs and Police Officers Association--to learn about this, including how to do your part.

I find it astonishing and magnificent that humanity is fighting a war for the first time using righteous and peaceful means. That is why we are going to win.

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Sadly many sheriffs are leftists and don’t support the constitution! We have one in our county! All the good deputies are leaving and she is hiring DEI, yet they are still understaffed by 40% at least. There are also others in adjacent counties. We have lots of refugees and illegals and it’s near to impossible to get good people now due to a city that votes all blue, etc., and people have witnessed voter fraud! They bus foreign people in who can’t speak any English and guide them to vote their way!!!

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An interesting and important comment, Joni. I live in a red county in a deep red state, and our sheriffs claim to be Constitutional. You are how the other half lives. You are a different challenge that is just as important as mine. Do look up CSPOA, but your main effort can't be with the sheriff, but your neighbors. No use attacking people's favorite beliefs--find points of agreement and work out expanding freedoms from there. A Constitutional sheriff can only function with the people's support, so CSPOA is mostly for citizens, not just cops.

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That’s NOT happening in the majority of counties….the majority remember their oaths. That will be critical to remember. Blessings.🙏

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What you describe is a microcosm of what has happened at the Federal/ national level, and speaks to the need for friends, neighbors, community to be actively involved with addressing changes. Trump can't do it all.

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I’ve been doing this long before Trump entered the political ring! People change, die, and the new ones aren’t so interested in many cases, some are! But not enough!!!! They take our freedom for granted. I ran for elected office and served 18 years and left when nothing but leftists took over and were voted in by the community because they forgot how bad these people were when they served in other rolls!!! If the community didn’t want to recall what we fought for years with these people, then elected them when other good ones passed away or retired, I wasn’t going to ruin the rest of my life fighting for something only I cared about! Many of those entering the political arena, whether they call themselves conservative or not, are all about paying homage to the old political guard as money talks more than saving our community or country!

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Thank you for your service, and yes, the numbers and commitment of conservatives is lacking. We closed our eyes and went about our lives and business, not seeing or realizing the " sea change " occurring, implemented by continuous progressive actions ( teachers, school boards, elected positions, judges, etc. History repeats, and we let it, until something and someone opens our eyes and affects us personally, forcing our reaction. Long time getting to this point ( as my lifetime computes it ) but short time in historical timeline. I did not serve in any community political positions ( and dread the thot ), thot I was exempt after 2 yr Army, RVN tour, then just under 40 yrs law enforcement ( all patrol time ), but now trying to make up for my shortsightedness, not in my nature to go down w/o a fight, just have to slow down my movements a little ) damn arthritis).

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You are welcome! Thank you for working in law enforcement. It has to be so upsetting watching them force the DEI on good people! Plus the nonsense when the council and mayor do not back their officers, but the criminals. Our neighboring city is literally left to the criminals and they are destroying it as so many leftist officeholders are allowing it to happen!!

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How big was the Marxist cheating then?

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We really don’t know, but the fact we have a majority of outlying communities that are conservative we still can’t push the better people over the blue city votes. We do have a really good conservative that had been in the Sheriff’s Office for years who is running against her, and hope he can pull it off. What this new sheriff did to long time employees by demoting them or firing them was disgusting and I knew them from working with them many years in my elected position. You don’t throw out that kind of experienced dedicated people, but she had no problem! During the early part of my service, democrats and republicans worked together for the betterment of the community, not anymore. Most of those people died or left office and what a horrible change that happened.

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You will find this a fascinating read, very much along the lines of your post:


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The fact you think "really awake" people marching to DC to lynch people is an effective solution in 2024 really says all we need to know about your lack of comprehension of the situation and the solutions it demands. Talk about feeding into the narrative and guaranteeing a protracted war which would decimate the USA from within.

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You're insinuating.

I never said it was a "effective solution"

I said if people were really awake, which they're clearly not, they'd be marching on all these corrupt officials.

The truth about human trafficking alone would make you want to hang every one of them.

Your comment says all I need to know about your reading comprehension skills. You have none.

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Respectfully disagree with this comment.

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Agree for the most part, but can't upvote a "protest profile" like yours. Debate Joe head on if you disagree with his takes, instead of this childish nonsense...

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The fact I blocked you long ago and you still have the ability to comment on my posts is intriguing me.

Excellent work F.L.D!

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