France "far right" equals normal people.

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I was thinking that exactly when reading!

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Regarding Isis: “we must act now or face another 911”. Does he mean face another CIA psy-op? Where the three letter agencies work together to destroy a city and lie to a nation. Where the regime running our country steals more money from the American people and funnels it back into their pockets via their buddies in the military industrial complex? C’mon, Mike. We ain’t blind!

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The Cabal have this strange habit of telling you what they plan to do, before they do it. Just like Tedros warning of 'another pandemic,' it's not a question of if, but of when. (note: last pandemic was the flu of 1917. Over 100 years before C19. These folks are obviously planning things.)

So yes, both of these black swan events will likely happen fairly soon. We've been warned.

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Sounds like Australia is already shutting down again over the bad…bird flu….if the reporting is more than a scare event tactic.

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I never would have thought the 'rugged individualist' Aussies would fall for this stuff... but here we are.

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''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe

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Well, they fell for giving up their guns. I suspect once you give up your right to self defense, something in you dies.

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Me, neither.

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Kanyevolution story FASCINATING! Ding ding ding. Something to that, NO DOUBT!

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I hate to give more space to anything with BO...but I found both his and HC's posts intriguing since they do not actually say which description applies to Biden - only that they still support him. Try reading it again with what we know about the two candidates...

"Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself," read Obama's statement.

"Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit," the former president continued. "Last night didn't change that, and it's why so much is at stake in November."

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My thoughts exactly. When the comments first appeared on X, I thought it’s not often you hear both killary and BO saying the truth to the masses.

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I agree. I smelled the projection. All the accolades are rightfully attributable to DJT, not the career Pol, who has been hoodwinking his constituents for decades.

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Me too. As I read that (yesterday I think), it sounded like something written by a Trump supporter. Certainly applies more to Trump than Brandon.

But then Cabal puppets like Hussein have no issue with outright lying to our face. [They] think they are special, and entitled. Remember HRC? "It's her turn," the jackals said.

Nothing has changed.

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Hey there, Mr. Ghost-obph, does Mr. Morrell's prediction about ISIS resonate in a similar fashion to that of the omni-present cockroach, Fauci when he promised pandemic doom as DJT took office???? "100 percent" - makes me take pause.

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I really should visit this page more frequently.

Thank you for helping me to spot the zero hedge article for what it is. I still have a hard time taking the abstract concept of Con Inc and applying it to actual reporting. “Premature head shot”. Chuckle.

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BB sums up best why I am comfyAF: "Essentially, while the Collective Mind was sleeping, we were absolutely kicking ass on the Actual layers of the Info War, with the administrative state getting neutered to close out the week. — Burning Bright"

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Biden’s oligarchy of WH advisors most certainly includes Valerie Jarrett (long time handler of Hussein) and Susan Rice….wonder who’s wearing the earbud for orders from Hussein? Panic in DC appears to be escalating. This likely will get very interesting…. BB’s take is, too…as well as his closing comment, ‘These faux intellectuals masquerading as America First are not your friend. Remember them.’

Macron’s is like next in line and on his way out. I can picture his nails scraping across the floor as he desperately tries to hang on.🤣 Europe is falling.

The CIA always at the root of coups ordered by the cabal, and if the Bolivian president colluded with them to steal their election?? I bet their population will sniff out the deceit.

Israel and Iran. Ghost is right about the (relatively) short escalation from saber rattling to threats of imminent war. Still chuckling over Ghost’s comment, ‘So are we actually going to do this, guys? The Battle of Armageddon? At the very least, please get Kim Jong Un and the NorKs involved.’😂

The Supreme’s, willingly or as part of a plea bargain (on someone’s part) are helping dismantle the unconstitutional bureaucratic state….just in time for the election.

Kanye is an interesting dude and the takes on his time in Saudi Arabia are likely giving us a glimpse of one of the moves going on behind the scenes…

What a summer to be alive and not a puppet of the cabal’s evil minions, propped up in a panicked attempt to retain power. Must be about time for the false flag distraction…

God bless these special truthers.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 3

The whole world is about to change from bad to worse to different to better, say those with the insight and those with premonition. More spirituality, more AWAKENING, Increased vibrations, higher frequencies, more natural disasters. Psychics say Biden will win the election for a while and then something happens to change that. Will they successfully steal this election too? IDK but I believe this ride is going to be a bumpy one. 'The end of the dollar and beginning of the CARD that will be used for all money transactions', I can already see that one coming, and coming faster than Im ready for. 'The entire world systems will change and the US Branches of Government will also change', say two of those with blurred eyes to see the future. All this uncertainty and change makes me dizzy! All we can do is hang on for the ride and see where it takes us. God be with us!

Begin at Marker 12:21


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So….psychics think Biden wins (massively cheating). Hmm…. I have been under the assumption (not mentioned today) that Amendment 25 would happen prior to the election…. Pray the psychics are wrong on this. I expect they are.

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I hope they are

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Psychics, shmychics. Either charlatons, fingers in the wind, or beelzebub’s parlor tricks.

God is sovereign.

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Okay now's when White Hats bring out Top Guns from Witness Protection (step out of time capsules) ... Bruce Lee plays 45 & Patrick Swayze plays JFK Jr (so both can do the gun fight scenes + obligatory martial arts showdown)! Movie needs a really great soundtrack.: Joe Strummer & Johnny Cash do killer version of "When Ivan Meets GI Joe" + Prince, MJ & Freddie Mercury all compete to one-up each other w/ music & dance moves. I got my money of MJ. Any suggestions for Melania? Who plays Princess Diana?

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The real movie soundtrack is Spem In Alium. 5D Cinerama.

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Wow, Dick! Spem in Alium: The Tallis Scholars sing Thomas Tallis is transcendent. I can't find 5D Cinerama on Spotify. Thx for the tip!

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What about 100k's sealed indictments to pick all those Clowns in America (like crusty fossil Michael Morrell) + his KM bosses in Israel? Okay ... Okay ... Patience is a Virtue.

Phil G posted: 'Heart Attacks can be deadly.' But I don't really see the point in retiring the Biden character in the movie if White Hat Alliance and Chinese Dragon Families are going to initiate a July Global Perp Walk. Arresting Trump makes sense + failed assassination attempt + Middle East & Korean Peninsula High Dramas @ OK Coral. Who's Kim Jung Un gonna face off against? Lloyd Austin? Come on! Don't we need Central Casting to come up w/ better characters for the Climax to the Movie? Who's gonna face off against Bebe? Where's Clint when we need him? Could Trump escape from Alcatraz and then miraculously show up at Israel/Lebanon border to step off 20 dusty paces only to turn and face off against Bebe? U know, quick draw for all the marbles?

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Ashe’s comment on the oligarchy is excellent, ‘As a result, the inner circle appears to be shrinking. It’s almost as if the walls are closing in… on the oligarchy.’ Oh my yes, they likely are. Great take, Ashe!

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Did Mike tell Geo Jr that it was his father who helped orchestrate 9/11? Trump knows.

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Don’t you think W knew from the plan’s conception — all the ins & outs, the players, what was to ensue, what the public narrative would be? He was raised by the monster. Chip off the ol’ block.

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Yes I do think W knew. What I can't understand is wouldn't Laura and the twins know by now that GHWB and Cheney were in on the planning? It took years to get this in play. If I knew my father and grandfather were behind such a thing I would be doing something about it! But that's just me. Maybe they don't care.

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You know zerohedge is deploying narratives for the ELohim Worship Cultists, right?

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''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe

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three episodes worth listening to. adams claims that we will have to go back into afghanistan because al quaida has never left. becoming an umbrella for other orgs like isis.




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