Burning Bright: “Prettiest horse at the glue factory” LOL. Spot on! Independent journalism rocks!

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What is the WHO up to in Sudan? I get nervous when the WHO is up to ANYTHING, anywhere, but especially in Africa and especially around biolabs. Not related, but Burundi and Tanzania come to mind, as does John Magufuli (RIP).

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Whatever the agenda, The WHO is up to no good

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Right? Are they really going to be taking over our sovereignty soon? Or should I say, is our sovereignty really going to be handed to them by our own govt? Surely, no! What madness.

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You can bet the coordination between the evildoers is at an all time high there!

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Makes me wonder if there are any world leaders left who are above bribery and corruption. Maybe. But I bet they're threatened into going along, or end up like John Magufuli, among many. Evildoers. That's a word I always thought only applied in comic books, but I've been seeing it a lot lately and in proper context!

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In the past, the land there was a wealthy place, now Sudan is being destroyed by whom?

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This is a good one. I agree with all of it and I'm delighted to see this about Disney!! Couldn't Happen to a creepier company!

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Kilmeade is a kept neocon. He hasn't been honest in a long time. I catch his morning radio show and I find myself yelling at the radio.

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He's like a younger Hannity, to me. He'll be looking longingly back at his UFC days soon.

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I have never seen him, but I caught a video last night of Megyn Kelly and Victor Davis Hanson. She called Kilmeade a nice guy but that he is "a company man."

VDH's take was it is a reflection of the bifurcation of the GOP. That Fox wants to take the channel back to the party of Romney, Ryan, etc , and that Tucker didn't fit that mold because he was willing to go against that orthodoxy, which popular with viewers, not so much with management. That they won't acknowledge/ accept the fact that a significant percentage of the GOP is now middle class. He didn't think it was going to work because the market isn't there for it. They actually had an interesting discussion about the economics and the family succession plans after the patriarch passes. That apparently, the revenue loss from the advertising boycott pulled on Tucker was measurable. But, that the loss of viewers would affect their negotiations with cable providers and there is no way at this point to know if whomever they decide to put in that slot would be able to offset that, even if advertising came back. And the bench of replacements is lean because once Roger Ailes left, there has been no one doing talent development. It was an interesting conversation about the behind the scenes workings, not just the salacious gossip.

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by Ryan DeLarme

Sorry but I had to laugh when the Gateway Pundit said, "the emergency excavation"... I'm sure they meant 'evacuation'... but now I have an image of everyone frantically digging in the Sudan... Let's see if they dig their way out of that faux pas.

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2023 is living up to the sense that all types of massive moves are happening behind the scenes by both sides of the war against humanity. We knew there were likely more than 250 bio labs around the world funded by ‘we the people’ via DARPA and the 3-letter ‘health’ agencies and we now know they’re not there doing good, therefore, we must stay alert for another (potentially way more lethal) outbreak than the manipulated cold/flu virus, especially since we’re leading up to ‘24 and the masters are getting more desperate daily! BRICs is such a threat to the puppet masters. God bless all of you who provide such good analysis of the day’s events!

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

White Hats, it is time to FULLY EXPOSE ALL DS LIES, FFs & treat the global we the people as adults. For the normies who can't handle it ... F-em! Leave em for dead! No more soft peddling! Take the offensive! Don't play the game like my Boston Celtics did last night against Atlanta Hawks. Take out your Khazarian Mafia opponent Now with GOD & GITMO Justice!

For those poised to EVOLVE Today, Let's do it together! WWG1WGA. For those determined to keep swallowing those damn blue pills, go to the HELL of your choosing. We tried to wake you up over & over again. We can't wait for you any longer. Right now you can still throw the damn blue pills away. It's GO TIME for Sovereign Patriots. NO DEALS. NO more Delays! GOD's Jubilee commences NOW!

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I'm waiting for the shooting to start. That's my comfort zone. We won't see this country repaired without some rather pointed bloodshed. Just my opinion. No tyrant ever gave up power because lawyers, courts, subjects, all told them to. And now we are in a war against a cabal so powerful, so entrenched, that the only way to remove them is to kill them. I know, it's horrible. Come up with a better plan that would work and I'm in.

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Sudan is right beside Uganda . Uganda has recently discovered a goldmine worth approx 12 trillion. In a world on the brink of a new currency that could possibly be gold backed . In that context I'm not surprised the Dragon is making moves to saddle up to Uganda .... you know .....to spread democracy .

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Great information

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Excellent coverage!

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Thumbs up for the awesome alliterative title, even before I open this.

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"URGENT TODAY": STOP the US Senate from Advancing the Equal Rights Amendment



TOMORROW the US Senate is scheduled to vote on S.J. Res. 4.

CALL Senator Marsha Blackburn TODAY Phone: 202-224-3344

CALL Senator Bill Hagerty TODAY Phone: 202-224-4944

URGE each of them to VOTE NO on S.J. Res 4 which will remove the seven-year deadline.

Protect Tennessee's anti-abortion laws. Details below!!

After fifty years, the Equal Rights Amendment is again rearing its ugly head. After a contentious hearing on the ERA in February, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer plans to bring legislation (S.J. Res. 4) to the floor to remove the seven-year deadline on Thursday, April 27. There are 53 co-sponsors for this revival of the ERA, but because the vote will be on ‘cloture,’ 60 votes are needed to advance the resolution. While proponents claim that this amendment will give women “rights,” it actually does the opposite.

Thanks to the efforts of Phyllis Schlafly and the dedicated women she rallied to the cause, the ERA failed to reach the 38-state threshold needed to ratify it for inclusion in the Constitution within the legislated seven-year deadline and the unlawful three-year extension. Thirty-five states ratified it by 1977, and five of those states rescinded their ratifications. Since 1979, several federal courts and the United States National Archivist have confirmed that it is indeed dead. Yet, feminists ignored these facts and implemented their “three-state strategy,” encouraging Nevada (2017), Illinois (2018), and Virginia (2020) to ratify well past the deadline, and now claim ERA has the 38 states necessary to become a part of the US Constitution.

Removing the deadline is an unprecedented maneuver that seeks to bypass the rules of the amendment process. Feminist icon and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg explicitly stated that Congress must start again from the beginning in order to ratify the ERA. Not only has the deadline expired, but the majority of voters today were yet to be born or not of voting age at the time the ERA was moving through the states. Senator Lee pointed out that the deadline included in the original amendment was added as a compromise in order to get the votes to pass the ERA back in 1971. Deleting it in 2023 is an affront to the process then, as well as our rights to weigh in as citizens today.

It’s clear the ERA is even worse for women today than it was when originally proposed. This amendment allows biological men to legally usurp women’s rights. Access to women’s sports teams, women’s nursing rooms, and women’s domestic violence shelters (just to name a few) puts women’s privacy and safety in jeopardy. The Supreme Court decision in Bostock v. Clayton County in 2020 changed the legal definition of sex in Title VII to include ‘sexual orientation and gender identity’(SSOGI), not just biological sex. Now males who ‘identify as female’ will be able to be considered women and gain protections put in place for females.

Unfortunately, the ERA’s negative impact does not stop there. The ERA will expand and mandate abortion access through tax-payer funding. This has already been done in Connecticut and New Mexico (N.M. Right to Choose/NARAL v. Johnson, Doe v. Maher). The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) even encouraged litigators to use the ERA to strike down restrictions on abortion such as parental consent laws. They also filed briefs in abortion cases in Hawaii, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut arguing that since an abortion procedure is only performed on women, that a state’s denial of taxpayer-funded abortion should be considered “sex discrimination” under their state ERA. Because a Constitutional Amendment has more authority than state laws, it will overturn every state-level pro-life protection and have the effect of nullifying the Dobbs decision.

ERA was a bad idea in the 1970s, but it is an even worse idea now because we have a female Supreme Court Justice who refuses to define “woman”. We have physicians who ignore biology and try to make males into females and make females into males. We have elementary school teachers who confuse children by teaching that gender is not binary but fluid. We even have a male assistant Secretary of Health who thinks he is a woman.

If ERA were in the U.S. Constitution, then males and females would be forced to be interchangeable in every situation. Women, girls, and anyone in a vulnerable situation would be harmed by eliminating the legal recognition and protection that males and females are biologically different from each other.

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Pretties horse at the glue factory... Hilarious and oh so TRUE! BB as always you are the master with words!

A day late (just catching up) but a GREAT read. When you step back with eyes wide open you cvannot mis the fact that We the People are winning BIGLY! Every where the normies try to hide the bandaid is being ripped off and thrown back in their faces. The collapse of the DS Rat Bastards is ALL around us. Media, politics, business, etc.

I am so grateful for the front row seat the Lord has provided me with and await anxiously for the revelation he has in store for my role in this Awakening!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Why does Tucker wear the red string on his wrist, like the Kabalah? Does that mean anything?

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I heard it shows solidarity with the zionists ?

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