
“Make Criming Criminal Again” and “Viva Le Yevolution!” I am enjoying this. We absolutely need to return to holding people to high standards and to rituals of public humiliation for criminals (including/especially when it comes to breach of trust)

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Right ? There is absolutely no shame and way too much entitlement and at least one generation that has been raised on that garbage. Instead of a line between right and wrong there’s now a gap.

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First thing Giuliani did was clean up the garbage in the streets. One step at a time.

It can be done again, and easily, if the will is there to do it.

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Cut their hands off

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Not until after they have been confined to the stocks for a few days!

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I do like the stocks. Preferably soon, when there’ll be an ample supply of rotten tomatoes!


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People who already own property can handle this load, and count yourselves lucky, but when you've got rent up almost double in 4 years while income is flat, those folks are basically fucked. That doesn't justify criminality, but it does explain why it's happening. Have you actually tried to qualify for a mortgage? I've been house hunting for almost 3 years now and i can't believe the prices. Everywhere. Download Zillow and look around at what's happened since the plandemic. "You will own nothing and be happy."

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While I agree with this, there also really is a major issue brewing in America right now: prices are out of control. Costs are so high, I know many dual income households in my neighborhood are starting to go hungry because they have nothing left. It's sad and scary. I make about $130 right now and I'm the sole earner, and I can tell you that it's not enough. Times are bad for families. Some are getting to the point of dangerously desperate...

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Thanks for the first salvo of the week. It is hard to believe that two weeks from today will be the eve of what should be our next election... did not think this dystopia would last this long... but here we are and we survived.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Aye! We survived and we shall thrive!


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23 hrs ago·edited 23 hrs ago

Congress never voted for WAR in Ukraine, but they did authorize 7 TRILLION dollars of credit to pay for it. FIRE THE DEMOCRATS/UNIPARTY MEMBERS 2024!

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Trump at Mc D.. LOVE IT!!

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Yeah - but I am still not buying a Big Mac or their once great, Idaho fries that are now just deep fried mush...just saying!

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19 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs ago

My first thought! They used to be fried in tallow, as they still are in France (as I understand it), with unadulterated spuds. Tallow from grass-fed cows is a fantastic fat and can take high heat. The cheap oil used now — even in fine restaurants — is bad. Very unhealthy, especially when used for frying. But I’m heartened by what RFK will do to fix our food and improve the health of millions.

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Wow...BB that bit about fake vs real packed a punch. It's so obvious at this point but since I'm seeing more Harris/Walz signs, coupled with that Democracy crap... I'm posting on Facebook with a vengeance. Posts like...if Democracy means sick, uneducated kids exposed to pedophiles, I'll take Dictatorship for 1,000 Alex. And All rhetoric aside, look at the support for this race...vulgar celebrity vs respected professionals...make common sense great again. I'm happy we're almost over the suspense!!

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19 hrs ago·edited 19 hrs ago

Ha ha! I know… when cleaning out my garage, I found an old (grrrr👇🏼) Bush/Cheney bumper sticker. I’d like nothing better than to neatly slap it on right next to someone’s Harris/Walz bumper sticker. …The Midnight Skulker strikes again! 😎

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The dick bush bumper sticker was much better

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deleted13 hrs ago
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That’s epic! Big parking lots are easy, I’ thinkin’… too old for midnight skulking, but a little daylight skulking might be just the ticket … especially the back-ins — Will never notice, heh heh heh. 👏🏻

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Got rid of cable all together.

Took a nice vacation with that money. You may want to consider going ‘pure of mind’ as well. Filling it with God’s word.

In the words of King David, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sign against thee.”

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I think David said "sin", not " sign"

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I wish it allowed you to edit !!

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What a time to be alive! God wins! MAGA❤️🇺🇸😁

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Once people get a whiff of truth….it quickly becomes addictive, more so than the (vaccine) drug-infused propaganda. I haven’t watched mainstream for years now and get NO news from televised news. Still…the fact that a MSM entity totally revised an interview to protect the cackling one from losing votes likely failed. Only TDS sufferers can tolerate this level of election interference. The cackling one has never had an original thought in her life. In fact, my husband just pointed out that Biden hasn’t either.

BB has likely nailed this, ‘I take this shift as evidence of the fact that Wall Street and money makers don't believe the machine is going to get away with it this time…’

This comment by Ghost is extremely telling….’(Funny how that always seems to work out for Bibi.)’ Hmmm…the evil intelligence agencies still running the cabal’s assets. ‘…assassinating his (declared) enemies…’

How did we get to the unimaginable levels of theft? By NOT following the rule of law.😡

Ashe notes this better, ‘This is the logical conclusion of using weaponized empathy to decriminalize crime, while simultaneously reframing the government as a benevolent public good.’

Israel and Ukraine. Of course they are intertwined. Exactly. Nazis in both locations. Ghost, ‘Looking forward to the two theaters of war (Ukraine/Israel) formally converging in the mainstream storyline…’. Just as BB’s forecast with the convergence posts.

Aren’t we thankful that God’s gifted those already above the norm? Greater contrast with the inbred, brainwashed, leveraged enemies…

God bless those who are using and sharing these gifts to awaken people.🙏🙏

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I don’t ever tune into the msm networks anymore either… not since election night 2020 watching Bret Baier on Fox!

Gateway pundit had an article with statements from Dominion CEO John Poulos assuring everyone that they are monitoring their machines during this election and adamantly taking issue with conservatives having a problem with voting fraud related to their machines…what cracked me up was citing “proof” by the mainstream media “Fact Checkers” that their machines are not responsible for voter fraud or election related crimes….because, you know, msm fact checkers are unbiased! 😂


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I know I am not the only one who plays this game - but in today's round of "who wrote the take" I was minus two after just the first story. At first I was sure it was BB ("another iconic image...) and then, with the rally details and the Tom Brady endorsement comment I changed my guess to AiA...only to find out in the byline that it was contributed to GBPH - great work team BNB!

As I imagine AiA is aware, the problem of the poor will always be with us. That said, Paul of Tarsus did suggest a solution: "He who steals must steal no longer, but rather he must work, doing with his own hands what is good so that he will have to share, with the one who has need." (Eph.4:28) In a simple sentence he provided us with answers for both sides of the dilemma - oh and a government (think graft) entity was not involved in the solution! (PS - I have heard the counterpose to this solution; my response to it is too complex to add here, but it most certainly does exist!)

GBPH: Thanks for the triple take chuckle regarding our dear deep state's play-acting regarding Iran...bed-wetting indeed!

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I oftentimes guess correctly on the author of the Takes…but more than once they throw a curve ball and I guessed wrongly! (A testament to BB’s influence on all of us?) 🙏❤️

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I think Zelensky would do much better with his request for nuclear weapons from the officials in the US if he appeared before them in his leotards and stilettos, eh?

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thx 🌹🌻🌸💐💚💛💜❤️🌼😍🥰

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Robinhood church clip..... How accurate a depiction of our times and this corrupt bunch of backstabbing evil 💩

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My favorite Robin Hood film - 2010

Russel Crowe played Robin Longstride

“Rise and rise again until lambs become lions”


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45 working McD's Takeout is Purest Political GOLD + AB heartfelt endorsement + Trump attending Steeler's victory last night over Jets = Trump PA Trifecta!!! Where's TB12 at 45 FL rally? Unfortunately I reside way behind enemy lines in MK Ultra HQ Libtard equivalent of UKR in Beverly Farms, MA. Unfortunately I doubt even Tom Brady could move the needle here. Too many pseudo-affluent zombies.

Oct 22 - 24 BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia should activate Project Sandman (World dumps US Treasuries en mass).

Could Friday Oct 25 mark Final KM Movie Climax of URK + Isis-Ra-Elohim (I mean Israel) going Full-on Doctor Strangelove? Zelensky + Bibi competing for Best Supporting KM Nutjob Actor Award. Which one RU voting 4?

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I live in central MA and driving around my town of 4000, there are many Trump/Vance signs but my sense is they are outnumbered a bit by the Harris/Walz signs. Can’t wait to see how my town votes. We border several towns where Trump won in 2020. 🤞❤️🇺🇸

Edit: “pseudo-affluent zombies” is a perfect description

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21 hrs ago·edited 20 hrs ago

Considering that many Trump supporters will not put out yard signs for fear of violent retribution by their leftist neighbors, I suspect your town supports Trump more than it appears. Demonrats know that the GOPers are polite, so they're at liberty to show their allegiance without fear.

Similar things happen in those 'surveys' -- lots of Trumpists will not say who they support. Just one of many flaws in the fake 'survey' industry.

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Good point! A few weeks before the 2020 election we put up a Trump sign and it was stolen the first night. This was happening to many people in my town. There was a rumor that a dumpster in a neighboring town had lots of ruined Trump signs in it.

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14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs ago

Mine was taken in OHIO. The RNC charged $10 for a sign, so I assume the empty yards are mostly for TRUMP. I plan to spray paint TRUMP across my front lawn....in huge letters! I did that in 2016 and my neighbors hated me..lol I love the guy who put a slab of wood with multiple nails and the guy ran over the sign then freaked out because his tire went flat... PRICELESS as his Gfriend recorded the event...lol


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24 hrs ago·edited 23 hrs ago

This interview is eye opening. The unconstitutional steps already in place to lock us down and keep TRUMP out should be more than a wakeup call to all citizens!


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From the article: “a chilling warning to America. He (Alex Jones) forecasted that once Trump becomes president, “Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and all these Islamic hordes that are allied with the left” will “engage in massive civil unrest.”

“Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut) is working on a bill to cripple Trump’s ability to respond to civil unrest. Specifically, Blumenthal is introducing legislation to limit unchecked presidential authority under the Insurrection Act ahead of Trump’s forecasted victory.”

Thanks, Catherine! 🙏❤️

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18 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs ago

You would think Blumenthal would be arrested today for inciting violence among other things but hes a buddy to McConnell the child/drugTrafficking Kingpin. Ol frozen piehole! Jones has been right on many things and on this the video speaks for itself as accurate.

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Well, Blumenthal can introduce legislation, but even if it passes, let's see him enforce it.

If the leftist hordes indeed engage in massive civil unrest, I expect they'll be gobsmacked by the response. 'Enemies foreign and domestic' is pretty clear. The mil needs no order from on high to respond -- their authority is right there in their oath of service.

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Good response, W Bill!

If one gives Jones & co. an ear, it’s bound to be plugged with wax. I hope by now people will learn that they are limited hangouts — perhaps some unwittingly, but perhaps not. Certainly, not all, & Jones himself is witting and willing.

Not reliable, foolish and fear-mongering at best.

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Once the government AND the chain retailers stop stealing from the public, then, I would suggest people stop stealing back. The next step is to drag the government senior management and politicians, and, the chain retailers senior management, into the streets and humiliate them.

We are in a war, aren't we?

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The readers here are mostly retired so the only real pinch they feel is in food costs. They're mostly insulated from the current meteoric rise in costs. They have no clue how bad it is for people anyone who don't own assets.

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17 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs ago

Can you believe the DEMONRATS attacked the MC D, Donald Trump worked 15 min at? Corrupt US GOV and their agencies food inspectors.


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