Mar 27Liked by Simon Esler

The bridge ‘accident’ demonstrates how we do NOT trust the MSM nor the government in DC. My first thought was that this was a deliberate action, bolstered by how quickly the 3 letter agency determined it was an accident. Watch the video, it is readily apparent the ship turned toward the structural column before the power went out. Hmmm…. 30 hours later, now knowing the impact to the country, I still do not consider this an accident. Or, did we think only cars can be hacked? Pray for the workers’ families.🙏🙏

Simon’s conclusion is spot on, “Every time our enemy attacks centralized infrastructure we learn more about how to move towards a parallel economy that is decentralized and more strategically sound on the fifth generation battlefield.”

Hypocrisy is the rule of the day in a corrupt court system…..to the point that even the talking heads in MSM are beginning to realize that we the people perceive the hypocrisy and are turning away from it towards the truth. Even the Z generation is getting it. Especially when the crimes against individuals is increasing! They see the hypocrisy generated by an ‘ism’ - a totalitarian ideology, and are turning away from it.

The dark tunnel of the worse part is staying in the news, opening our eyes a little at a time. I told my husband that Prince Harry going back to support the Royals was an act to escape something….now we know why.

God bless the truth tellers.🙏🙏

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What struck me first about the Baltimore bridge collapse was how quick the FBI was to announce that it wasn't terrorism. Just hours after the bridge fell, while rescue crews were atill arrivimg on scene, they "knew" there was "nothing to see here, move along."

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One of the takeaways from the days of 'Q' was the use of coordinated 4am talking points. In the fake news cycle, only fake news was reported with real news left to wither and die on the vine. I found it interesting that anons were all over the bridge collapse in Baltimore, screaming at the MSM to wake up. Other countries such as Australia covered it in near real time. But not the US media. They were very late to the party. This is why it strikes me as a 'real' event. As in one that was not planned by the usual suspects, because there was no 4am supporting script. I'm sure there was a scramble behind the scenes, and due to the nature of the footage the MSM couldn't ignore it.

The question then comes around to whodunnit, if not the usual suspects? I don't have the answers to hand immediately, but I would not be surprised to find that Baltimore is a military shipping hub and taking it out will impact the movement of hardware to both Israel and Ukraine. The usual suspects are desperately trying to put Israel / Gaza on hold so that they can concentrate on Ukraine, but it appears that both Zee and Bibi are ungovernable. Remember Sun Tzu.

Finally, the fake media does not admit to real attacks on US soil, ever.

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"I guess if you're in New York right now and you're walking while looking at your phone, maybe don't do that," Mikayla added. "Maybe [keep your] head on a swivel. I guess we're going to be super aware of our surroundings."


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My great appreciation for the Takes of the BNB team was proven by my willingness to forego my normal routine to read your insights of the Dali event (meaning no coffee yet). I, likely as did all here, watched the MSM reactions as well as the sources we find more trustworthy; determined to not settle on the reflex analysis, but to do my best to remember 5GW principles; prayed for the missing and their families (which thankfully was a much smaller number that I expected); and anticipated the insights I could find here this morning: I was not disappointed.

Crises happen - planned or natural. What we can control is how we react to them (planned or naturally occurring). I appreciate both the strength of the convictions of the contributors here and their typically, patient analysis - not at all easy with the news cycle being what it is.

PS - with the encouragement of many here I have begun to post my insights - not particularly geared toward responses to either noise or signal, but reflecting what I believe to be long-term strategies from both sides of the war between Good and evil. I hope stating that does not come across self-serving.

Today's post...


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It is becoming harder and harder to believe in the Q stuff, as the attacks on the US are now in full-blown kinetic warfare mode. The Baltimore bridge is just one of many coming "black swan" kinetic attacks, as are the illegal immigrant camps being set up all over the country, where migrants are being given guns. Forget about Q, that was an Op to keep people like us quiet and complacent. The military isn't coming to save us (it has been comped). Trump isn't coming to save us. We have to stay positive of course, but denying baseline reality is not the way to do it. As the attack on America unfolds, Americans, as we always do, will come together on the ground and help each other out. The good news is that the attackers, in kinetic mode, must expose themselves. That which has always been hidden will be seen.

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Thanks y'all.

Excellent point Simon: "Every time our enemy attacks centralized infrastructure we learn more about how to move towards a parallel economy that is decentralized and more strategically sound on the fifth generation battlefield.” Simon Esler"

And once again I quote Steve Bannon "Stolen Elections have Catastrophic Consequences". So pass no laws you unelected Commies!!!

God Wons!

God Bless!!!

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In 5GW the first explanations are very likely the wrong explanations. Just like the first explanations for Jan. 6th; it was Trump supporters" everyone saw those people dressed up in MAGA attire and carrying Trump flags etc. Of course it was Trump supporters!

How may of you realize that the "Dali" was devoid of any crew when it left port and "drifted" toward the bridge? How many know that the power failed, twice? How many of you know that the crew on the ship could not send out a warning just before the ship hit the bridge? Why? Because there was no crew on the ship!

There seems to be one factor missing from the whole narrative: In 5GW one of the prime techniques is to get people to look over here-right where the "deep state" wants you to look and not over there-where the deep state does not want you to look!

Why is that important? When there are 2 big events a few hours apart on the same day and the "deep state" could be involved in both or using one to cover up the other because the other would definitely implicate the "deep state" reasonableness and intelligence mandates a close look at both events.

In 5GW, as in other warfare, the first event is likely the "look over here" event to take most people's minds off of the 2nd event, the don't look "over there" event!

Remember Anthony Wiener's lap top? Remember "Pizza Gate"? Wiener's lap top held much more than just Hilary's e-mails sent on an unsecure server.

What if the bridge coming down was a "black swan" event to cover up the unraveling of a "black mail" event that has the real chance of blowing up in front of the "deep state" and the "rap industry"?

What if Sean "Diddy" Combs' escape from the raids on his places leads to a future disclosure of great harm to the "deep state"?

Did Epstein actually die in prison? Prove it beyond a "shadow of a doubt". The corpse we were told was Epstein had different ears, nose etc that being hung or strangled would not alter.

What if Diddy was blackmailed into helping run the cabal's pedophile ring? What if Epstein was blackmailed in helping run the cabal's pedophile ring? What if the cabal got wind that Diddy and Epstein, who likely did not die in prison, had turned on the cabal and were going to testify against pedophiles such as the Clintons, the Obama's and others?

Don't be so fast to accept the first explanation given for an event. Take the 40,000 foot view and carefully piece things together.

In 5GW the way most people, even the first independent citizen journalists who come out with information from "sources" spin an event is very likely incomplete at best and completely wrong at worst!

Time will tell!

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Great Badlands Brief today! At first I was pretty sure the Baltimore bridge accident was just that, an accident. But Logan does bring up some good points about it being a major HazMat thoroughfare, in addition to major supply chain route. And then there’s the Obama produced Netflix film “Leave the World Behind”, where a ship loses power just like in Baltimore and plows into a beach. Predictive Programming much?

Kinda like how another Netflix film, “White Lotus”, had a toxic train spill very similar to what happened in East Palestine months after its release. What is up with these Netflix films?

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I’m disgusted with the “new woke feminism” because it’s about young activists raging over being victims. “Look at how much men and society has victimized us” instead of empowering themselves to do better as a group. I went thru the original time of feminism in the 60s-80s and didn’t always agree with the extreme applications that we don’t need men. But it did make jobs and education more equitable for ALL women and lent a better credibility by empowering themselves instead of bragging about what victims they are. This “new feminism” I don’t even respect the manipulations and raging of those who don’t even recognize the positive changes brought about historically of the fight for women. No one wants to deal with petulant demanding immature females who disempower themselves by blaming men and everyone else. And now we have a country accusing each other and everyone for one thing or another to distract from the inner work we all each need to do going forward.

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