Interesting that all of these unsubstantiated phony cases against Trump are unraveling and being exposed for what they are - lawfare and malicious prosecution. Is it time to say the drips have become a flood?

And you'd think the Dems and the Judicial system would be utterly embarrassed at the insane and immoral E. J. Carrol, whose lies and fantasies were used by the corrupt lawyers and judges. Of course, this BS will be overturned.

Swift/Kelce psyop? Absolutely. I barely know who these two are, but Chris Paul broke it all down on his podcast. Brilliant. So I fully expect them to make sure KC wins the Superb Owl.

Kudos to Ashe's son!

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If the E. J. Carroll verdict is overturned, I certainly hope it is after she has spent a ton of Trump's money on her luxuries, because then she would have to repay it all back to him and he could probably sue her for it. Boomerang.

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In all of these cases I have wondered why Trump has not filed counter suits claiming “Frivolous legal attack”? I think he has a very valid suit in every lawsuit because he has basically iron clad proof of the foolishness behind all of them. It is not smart to wait until he is ultimately found not guilty to counter sue. He needs to be documenting publicly his legal costs to defend himself against these fake suits. That way his attackers are on notice that “loser pays” is alive and working in America.

I know that loser pays is not widely promoted, but I also know that a frivolous suit can be turned on the bad guys if you make it clear from the onset that you know you are innocent and will never let them win. In the end they will pay you!

Jim Schout

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Just to clarify. The idea behind all frivolous suits is the cost to defend yourself far exceeds to cost to settle. So, the “smart” thing is to just pay up and claim the charges are not substantiated. You still appear guilty but it is never proven in court.

So, the “stupid” thing is to fight it out and spend a lot of money to absolutely prove your innocence.

But, the truly smart thing is to make it clear that you will fight to the death AND you will make them pay all of your legal fees! They will drop the whole thing very quickly. I know because that is what I have done and it works!

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Remember that she won't get a cent from Trump until all avenues for appeal are exhausted. That could take years, and if she dies in the interim (she is no spring chicken), the cases become moot.

So if she's out there running up massive charges at Bergdorf, she may well end up in bankruptcy court before she sees a penny of her 'windfall.' She should be thankful that there is no longer such a thing as debtor's prison.

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XI to Biden...."I no interfere Biden...I let you hang yourself with your own tie" Confucius say "Man who fish in toilet catch only boneless brown trout"

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That made me giggle!

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Xi owns the democrat side of the election … Joe and McConnell. The San Fransisco meeting “insiders” leaking the obvious prevarication of non interference.

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Don’t you feel better Xi promised Zhou not to interfere in our elections? I do...

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Yes, kudos to Ashe’s son! Too intelligent for the current Navy, sad to say.

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Anyone who can be swayed by Swift, who was used by Hollywood, and suffers with breakdowns, is not too swift! A perfect person to be used by a sick group of traffickers! They feed on human suffering.

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Now we know why [they] have been hyping her so much lately. All part of their stupid plan.

Typical of their BS, the plan is being exposed, and falling apart, right before their fading eyes.


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Its a terrible plan... Wonder who the mastermind was?

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Hard to say. They are 'blessed' with innumerable idiots, who are so out of touch with reality. Like Brandon bringing back Podesta... if you can believe it.


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Oh no not Pedoesta!

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‘You shall not take a bribe to bear false witness…’ lying E. Jean. The disgrace is the corrupt judges, DAs and court system.

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The correct way to win is to clearly state right now that you will absolutely be reimbursed for 100% of your legal fees. That screws the plaintiff any all of the corrupt lawyers as well as the judges.

The biggest problem is the taxpayers will end up paying Trump’s legal fees. And, of course, in most of these cases that is the problem. The law fare game is costing the bad guys nothing because most of these cases are being funded with tax dollars.

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Or anti-Trump bigwigs...

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I doubt it will be the taxpayers. That’s not part of the plan! We’re going to have a brand new world in which we are not slaves to the corrupt central banks and the rest of the criminal cabal! Those convicted of crimes against our country must give up all properties and finances to the government, which will then belong to us, the people, as I understand. I believe the innocent J6 prisoners will be reimbursed by the criminals in the justice system and the J6 unselect committee! If anyone has a better understanding, please feel free to add your thoughts. God bless all those suffering under this regime!❤️🇺🇸

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Psyops all around us as we step into February.... Mad Carroll and Madder Rachel, accompanied by the increasingly nervous attorneys try to prevent them from spilling the beans. 😂

The Super Bowl must be the next red pill on the horizon and the fact is revealed that the Swift focus is truly a desperate attempt to get the sheep back in line. ....as if red neck diehard football fans give a flip about the diversion. Desperate times for the DC Prussians...

The draft returning is not likely. Too many of all ages want peace and are on to the forever war money machine that kills our youth (sacrifices to their god Moloch) and destroys lives.

The boomerang effects of Obama’s secret organizations and the precedents established by the cases against Trump are becoming more widely apparent. The desperation of the nervous attorneys and their clients is mounting!

Ah! 2024 is getting spicy!! Thanks in great part to the truth diggers! God bless them.🙏🙏

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Not all conservatives love football, but people who hate football and think it’s barbaric are liberals, at least in my circle of friends and family! These liberals love soccer and baseball. Well so do I and conservatives in my circle. Taylor Swift may be smart and talented but she and her boyfriend will not sway Trump supporters or any other independent thinker to go to the “dark side”! It’s actually preposterous! Talk about fools believing their own lies (specifically the deep state and their minions)!

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These days [they] are burying their lies so shallow that truth digging has almost become child's play. I remember a time when uncovering this sort of trash would take years, decades even. We still don't know the whole truth about the JFK murder and that was 60 years ago.

All proof that the Infinite Player on the Game Board has them on the run. They are looking over their backs at the tigers on their tails... and scared. Check and mate!

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Thank you for always starting my day off right.

Re: "I like my popcorn with butter, salt, and pepper.” - I presume that's cayenne.

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You like pepper on your popcorn??? Dude, no

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Jean Carroll should spend that money on Plastic Surgery....Who the hell wants to go shopping with the 'Dressing Room Stalker'? Hell, she'll be accusing Maddow of rape next!

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She will never see a dime, so we are stuck with her looks...

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😮 Men everywhere beware, shes on the loose. Stay the hell away from ladys dressing rms. Wise up, Carroll could be in there.

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I look forward to ignoring her...

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My favorite take today is Ashe’s piece on the US Navy struggling to find recruits!


Edit: runner up is BB’s take on the Taylor Swift Psyop…which I do not follow except for Badlands and comments. But I do love how BB concludes: ‘watch the establishment devour itself’

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Who'd a thunk it, eh? 😎

These people are such idiots... but they are clever and therefore, potentially dangerous.

Thankfully we won't have to worry about them much longer.

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Biden and the rest of the Pedos have a bunch of grandkids, sign them up for the military. Someone should start a chant "Sign Politicians Kids up first". 'SPKUF' Obamas daughters can go too. Entitled brats! Does Loudmouth Lindsay have any grandkids? Sign em up! CHANT "If you're PRO WAR, your grandkids must GO", and not some stateside cushy job as a COL in rank only, like Mouth of the South Lindsay had for 30 yrs in the National Guard, pushing a pencil in a nice cushy office down the street from his southern mansion, FRONT LINES of the WAR baby!!! Send that Gun-HO Azz-Ho Lindsay with the grandkids!! left left left right left..... They say that in the army the bisquits are mighty fine....One rolled off the table and killed a friend of mine......

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This is a great idea! ❤️

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Im not on any other social media but if you want to start a thing post "IF YOUR WAR GUNG-HO than your Grandkids MUST GO". Lets see if we can start a new thing to sweep the nation! lol

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You must have read my mind because I had thought: great reply to leave on Truth Social! But your slogan is perfect! Thanks ❤️

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Id love to see it chanted at the next TRUMP RALLY! 😍

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Think about what hypocrites they are to call MAGA patriots, and J6 peaceful rally goers, and parents, and veterans, and conservatives, and church goers, "TERRORIST", when all they do is KILL KILL KILL. They are PSYCOPATHS! It has to be turned back on them and yet the other side is MUTE

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The uniparty politicians may be mute but clearly the century long psyop is being exposed like never before.

The Great Awakening.


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I wish I were Queen... They would all be drafted, regardless of age right to the front lines where they start these wars. They make me sick. How quickly they forget the Marines that died in Afghanistan, Iraq, and every conflict they put us in, while they and their families are tucked into a nice warm bed every night. Old fucks! BTW how many grandkids does Fauci, Gates and the Pfizer King have? They would pay for their Parents sins if I were Queen so that they NEVER think they can get away with treating the rest of us like non humans.

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My now 21-year-old grandson, when he graduated HS was offered an apprenticeship job at X-Raying Welds, he's past his third level of testing, ready for #4. Makes way more than a Grunt of 18 does. He chose not to follow his granddad and great-granddad into military service. His dad felt the same way, and that was under a Bush. It wasn't just the pay, it was the current Idiot Military-hating Biden. And Covid Jabs. Who can't Meet enlistment quotas, except Marines. He supports his soon-to-be 53-year-old dad, on rent and utilities, and still lives at home, who had a TIA then a Quad Bypass, and no DSSI case worker in nearly 17 months.

Slap in the face: Army stops allowing deployed soldiers to store cars, belongings at military bases https://lawenforcementtoday.com/slap-in-the-face-army-stops-allowing-deployed-soldiers-to-store-cars-belongings-at-military-bases

Army Soldier CHARGED for Equipment He was FORCED to Leave Behind During Biden’s Chaotic Afghanistan Withdrawal | Patriotic Viral News

During the Biden regime’s embarrassing withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, soldiers were ordered to leave behind tens of billions of dollars worth of military equipment – and now the regime is apparently charging the SOLDIERS thousands to try and recoup that money. As if we needed further proof


Struggling for Recruits, US Navy Lowers Education Standard

Those who didn’t graduate from high school will be allowed to join the Navy ranks.


Sailor by day, performer by night — meet the Navy’s drag queen, ‘Harpy Daniels’


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Gail, Its stomach turning, and they are all a bunch of F#%&@$*&%^Ks. The Obama era destroyed and embarrassed our Military, and started this whole TRANS BS, in motion, with his man wife. A marriage that was never legit, whereby making her NOT a "FIRST LADY", but an IMPOSTER! Obama sent the enemy the location to a Navy vessel stranded, to force Navy personnel down on their knees for a photo op. He ordered Troops on the front-line meals be reduced from 3 to 2 a day and left them without ammo on the front lines of his war in Afghanistan. He brought illegals into the USA in the dark of night on Military aircraft for years. I hope He and the rest are all hanged at the tribunal! Whose children are the Obamas? Barry and Michael (A MAN), both Imposters, never gave birth to them so HOW did they acquire those girls? Where are the prenatal records?

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Oh the TS psyops is much worse. Look at this crap hit piece on Trump that Rolling Stone put out. And Swifties on X believe this BS. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/donald-trump-more-popular-taylor-swift-maga-biden-1234956829/

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Its so ridiculous if Biden camp thinks this is going to sway any votes away from Trump to Biden.... Absolutely stupid strategy. I think its just another distraction by Biden team while they steal, push wars, CBDC and Plandemic X... Stay focused.... the shiny Swift is a distraction. Ramaswampy is in on it.... helping the left

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Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

NEEDED…smart awake citizens to help with this critical 2024 project!

This project should be a huge help to turn America back in the right direction instead of falling off a Cliff…

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Taylor Swift? Go Niners! 😛

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I wonder if Taylor Swift is even smart enough to know she's being USED by MEN yet again!

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