Ashe’s comment in her post about the corruption that surrounds Adams is one I’ve been thinking (and commenting) about for a long while due to the unconstitutionality of this, ‘This Adams scandal just exposed our nation’s festering wound of public-private partnerships…’. Indeed!

My son-in-law sent me a video yesterday of a trucker who stated the longshoremen strike isn’t only about the pay. His comment, ‘They didn’t sign up to humans being cargo’ and they can’t bear the sounds of people trying to get out of the containers. Hmmm….positive economic results for the country AND exposing the trafficking of humans? Remember Evergreen?

BB’s spot on about Trump’s plan, ‘Foreign countries are going to fund the American Restoration.’

Ghost, I fully agree the enemy for us is Congressional traitors like Graham and McCain, but don’t forget the ones in the White House, including the basement. Israel is in trouble because of the cabal’s Nazi minions there. Like here, the people are likely waking to this fact.🙏

Exposure is the word of the month, isn’t it? That’s a good thing. Short term, however, the desperation and panic of the cabal’s minions here and around the globe might not be. 👀. Besides the violence, etc, the delaying elections is very much a thing now. 🧐

God bless Ashe, BB and Ghost!🙏. You are much appreciated!

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

What a horrific nightmare... I didn't know it was this overt (hearing the screams)...

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Would you be willing to send a link to that vid?


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Quote of the day:

“ Our enemy is not Iran. Our enemy is Lindsay Graham, and others like him who orchestrate international conflict, then gleefully deploy our friends and family to foreign battlefields to die in fruitless wars, while the local populations are subjugated, children are kidnapped and sold into slavery (or worse), and cockroaches like Lindsay Graham line their pockets with the spoils of war.” -

GhostofBasedPatrickHenry 🙏❤️🇺🇸🕊

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Our enemy is also not Russia, China... whoever else the cabal puts forward in their quest for 'forever war.'

Thanks be to God that the people (Normies) are finally starting to see some of this. Remember as Burning Bright says, we don't need to get them to agree with our position to win. All we need to get them to do, is question their own position. Accelerate.

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Yes! Good points. Our real enemies are within!

I just listened to Col MacGregor and Napolitano discussing the latest with Iran and Israel.

The Col made this statement: “The Israelis are on the edge of the abyss and we are encouraging them to jump off the cliff and into the abyss”


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Seems Netanyahu, like the good cabal puppet he is, would rather lose Israel entirely than lose his own job. Perhaps he fears retribution, who knows?

I have a feeling Netanyahu is about to go though, after the Iranians' little hypersonic missile demo.

n.b. even the old Scuds are capable of Mach 5 -- fast enough to qualify as 'hypersonic.' Pretty much everything classified as a 'ballistic missile' is hypersonic. Which means, hard to shoot down.

Israel does have the Arrow anti-ballistic missile system, but I do not believe that it is widely enough deployed yet to be able to shoot down a barrage of inbound ballistic targets. And the interceptors are expensive.

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So Mach 5 what is it that makes the hypersonic missiles different in speed


R these Russian or Iranian


Thanks in advance for answering ?

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It is an accepted aerodynamic definition of 'hypersonic' as 'starting at Mach 5.'


As the article mentions, unlike the transition from 'subsonic' to 'supersonic' (that happens at Mach 1) there is no fundamental change that happens at Mach 5. "... the definition of hypersonic flow can be quite vague ..." So it is a convention, nothing more... however, missiles traveling at these speeds become increasingly difficult to intercept, and for that matter they also become more difficult to steer due to their increased momentum. Thus they lack maneuverability, which should somewhat simplify the challenge of shooting them down.

It is possible to build interceptors for hypersonic missiles, but it is technically challenging and therefore, the interceptors themselves become much more expensive. Reagan's 'Star Wars' program failed because the technology of the day made it impractical to intercept ICBMs which travel at around Mach 15 or 10,000 mph.

Russian or Iranian? I don't know. The Iranians themselves have been developing ICBM technology, so it is certainly possible for them to be home-built. As I mentioned the Scud, which is old Russian technology and has been cloned by numerous other countries, already travels fast enough it is hard to intercept with things like Patriots and Iron Dome. Iron Dome was originally conceived as I understand it to target smaller, slower missiles like the unguided water-pipe jobs that Hamas was building in their tunnels.

An interesting question is, why if the Iranian hypersonic missiles evaded the Israeli defenses (for the most part it seems), why did they not destroy much anything of value? If the answer is 'poor accuracy,' then their utility as a weapon of war is questionable. If a missile's CEP (circular error probable) is larger than its destructive radius, it is not useful except as an instrument of terror. An example of this is a missile with a 100 meter CEP and a warhead effective blast radius of only 20 meters, which will only damage the target once every 50 shots. (100/20 squared, times two because CEP is the radius within which 50% of the shots land)

I hope this is useful.

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Thank you for this post & link, FJ!!

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I agree. Quote of the day.

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Yes!!! One of many great quotes in yet another OUTSTANDING Brief!

Would add this Ghost finisher:

“ …Enough is enough. The world has burned for far too long. — “

Can’t say enough…TY writers & Badlandia commenters both.

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Seems every Brief and Takes has so many great quotes to choose from! We are blessed with great companions (contributors and commenters) in The Great Awakening 👍❤️💫

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My biggest gripe!!!


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WOW, October has really started with a BANG!

So I generally don't play the WH/BH pin the tail on the donkey game because I believe if we could figure out the details of the plan it would be a very shitty plan. So I try my best to stay at the 40k level. With that said I believe many events over the past 3 3/4 years and up until Trump is back in office had to happen while Trump was not the official President. I think all the efforts in places like Ukraine, Israel & Taiwan are intent on taking out the Evil Twin (HT Chris Paul) faction of those locations. I don't know any of the actuals but the Macros definitely paint that picture.

I believe Devolution (or something similar) is in play now. Trump is still the Man and Sleepy Pedo Joe will never be our President (again HT Chris Paul). BTW I do not believe for a second that Iran would/could take out our aircraft carriers and live to tell the tail because Trump would deliver on his promise to eliminate them from the face of the planet.

Safe travels Ashe.

Keep up the great Takes y'all.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Yes I believe Trump knew and wanted the election theft. He may even had had a part in it! I think that was all part of the plan.

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October is already red and “rockin’” (Stormy Joe) but I think November is likely to be muddy. I am seeing much “fear-porn” in the past 48 hours from “independent” media sources I once followed. Proceed with caution. Do not let fear gobble up what gains you have made in the mind war. The strike at the ports serves a variety of purposes, as has been pointed out here in this Brief. Act accordingly. Prepare people that this election may not be as expected. Love and peace to all.

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NICE :)) (Cannot “like”, hence my brief assent & appreciation for your comment 💌)

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"Maybe President Trump should send [Lindsey] to Tehran as a peace offering." GBPH

Nationally televised event of course. It's a great idea - a reverse Benghazi situation. Could drop them all there the way HRC abandoned Stevens and our boys, God rest their souls and pray that justice is delivered for them.

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‘Twould be fitting, eh?

…not sure about the televised part, tho’ it’d no doubt find its way.

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“And it was fucking GREAT” and it damn sure was…here’s the proof 😀


Suck on that demonrats🤷‍♂️

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I share your sentiment for Senator Graham, Ghost. The US needs to exercise restraint more than ever.

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The sad thing is that a cretin like him (or no name) can be elected in the USA in the first place. By now you'd think the people of SC would have had enough of him. Alas, so long as he 'brings home the bacon' they seem to be OK with it. Not encouraging.

When the light of the White Hats operation begins to shine on their misdeeds, maybe then people will see. Seeing them perp-walked should help in the awakening.

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Lindsay Graham it’s time to be gone!!

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Where yesterday's "Ghost" rant was (at least to me) light-hearted; today's was pure fire and ice.

What we are experiencing is not at all new, it has been a part of our world for thousands of years. It is the very evil that resulted in a reset via a flood (yes, I believe the Bible's history lessons). The names and faces change - the spirit behind their wickedness remains the same. That Mankind chooses to bow their knee to evil may not make sense from those with eyes open to the Truth, but it is not a new story.

I pray that the Grace and Mercy of God would be seen for what it is - our Hope for a destiny filled with Peace and Joy and Lovingkindness. The hard Truth though - especially for us independent types - is that we all will bow our knee to someone. We are no more equipped for self-reliance than Israel. As Joshua challenged the people: choose this day whom you will serve. What most of them did over the next four hundred years was to "do what was right in their own eyes". Nothing new under the sun.

We too have a choice to make, and like all choices, there will be consequences.

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Well spoken. May the good Lord grant us the eyes to see our own sin and need His saving Grace.

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The supply chain disruption will be the immediate result of the dock strike, but the long term problem will be the return of inflation. The demand of the strikers is a 77% pay increase over 6 years. That is 10% per year compounded. That will show up as price increases for the long term.

One solution for the port authority is to implement more automation to reduce the labor force. However, that is the other demand of the workers. No automation allowed! They know how this works and plan to put a stop to the idea of more efficient operations.

How can the port authority agree to any of that? This is going to take a lot of deal making. Meanwhile, Biden is on the beach catching some rays. America is in good hands. Not to worry folks.

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Yup. Have a look at the port of Rotterdam, IIRC the sea-cans are offloaded and put onto trucks with giant computerized gantries. The only people there maintain the gantries, and drive the trucks.

Something that many would call AI automatically sequences and optimizes operations, continually reducing costs. There are no longshoremen any more.

That is what these guys fear, but thus it has always been when progress occurs. They'll find new jobs, probably better ones that are less dangerous and pay better. It's always been this way. NCSWIC -- this applies to many things, not just the war between Evil and Good.

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Where do the inspections of these containers happen? At the on loading ports or here, at the off loading…or both?

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What inspections? What makes you think any of them are inspected?

At the best, perhaps a sampling of them are checked. Except of course the ones with 'human live art' (i.e. children being trafficked) which are exempt.

The trucks do normally drive through slow-neutron detectors (the big white boxes at both sides of the truck lane, at border crossings) which are intended to detect nuclear contraband. Otherwise, spot-checking at best.

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What amazes me is the demands for super high wages is what drives the demand for automation. Labor saving technology is justified by high labor rates.

Most jobs get higher pay because the worker is more valuable based on productivity. Merit is what drives the wages.

The problem with unions is the worker has agreed to give up his bargaining power and to pay an outsider to bargain for him. I guess this is justified because it takes the subject of merit totally out of the equation. The poor performers get the same 77% raise as the star. But, doesn’t this tend to seek the lowest common denominator? That is exactly what communism does. It destroys personal excellence because there is no benefit in working harder for your personal gain. In many ways it is un-American.

This is just one more Democrat ploy. It is classic divide to conquer strategy. But, if it works, why change?

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Oct 3·edited 24 hrs ago

Jim, I see your point(s).

I’d also like to throw some other factors into the mix.

Many of these guys are hardworking career dockworkers & know their stuff. Many have worked their way towards seniority — for benefits and their pension. Some are there because they really need the medical benefits for a spouse or child with disabilities or chronic illness — not dependent on the govt — & would love to do something else but have no recourse. And it’s a high-risk job (one benefit of automation.)

…They are free to get another job, yes, but that would mean starting somewhere at the bottom, without pension or good benefits, having forfeited multiple tiers of seniority, I’m guessing, so the older ones would be most affected.

With massive automation-driven layoffs come massive competition for new jobs too. I think the inevitable ought to be introduced gradually.

I’ve never been a fan of unions. But I can see why some people are. One of the most corrupt in my state is AFSCME Another, of course, is the NEA (& state affiliates) — any govt. employee union for that matter. I’m sure many others are just as parasitic and destructive.

Perhaps with a re-newed Trump admin, with its whole-system reworking, things will shake out so that some jobs that are heading for obsolescence can be gradually phased out and these guys will have an organic economic cushion (not the usual govt. programs).


If Trump’s proposed trade revamping happens, the docks will be mainly for goods loading instead of unloading. The economy will open up in ways we haven’t seen. The ramifications are exciting, but as yet out of focus from here in my rural Pacific Northwest neck of the woods. We have no first-hand experience of the blight visited on other parts of the country, except for pulp mill & logging towns. And, first-hand, how Limited Entry affected fishermen in the early ‘70s. Very small potatoes, relatively speaking, & because of govt, not unions — but inorganic, imposed, all the same.

Sorry for rambling here.

— Always look forward to your comments. Happy Birthday, by the way!

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Yes but when average home prices are $600k+, rent over $2500 ($3000+ in my area), and everything else up significantly, most cannot even QUALIFY for a loan to buy a home anymore.

The folks who bought before 2020 don't understand just how bad the housing market is right now. Where I live right now, you need to be earning $175k minimum to be comfortable and save for retirement. I dropped out of the market for 12 years. I know exactly what people are facing because I'm in it with them.

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In 1969 I bought my first home for $27,120.00. Then, the average home was $25,000. If we do the math, with an average today of $600K, the annual compound growth of housing has been 5.94%! That is ridiculous, but houses cannot be imported from China.

Our politicians figured out many years ago that we could export our inflation and generate huge amounts of cash for them to waste if we shipped our manufacturing jobs to China and Mexico. The low wage rates there made importing cheap stuff attractive. The trade imbalance was balanced by our Treasury selling Bonds to China and Mexico.

I had to laugh last night when Tampon Tim actually said how Trump lied about Mexico paying for the wall. We had a $71 Billion trade deficit with Mexico so they sent that much cash back here buying our Bonds. So, in fact, Mexico did pay for the wall, except our Congress refused to allocate the funds. They had other things they considered to be more important.

Hopefully all of this will be explained to the public. We have been screwed by Washington for many years and the media just fails to do any math. All of this is really quite simple if we just follow the money.

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My father's story is quite similar - first home was $24k. Alas, my sister anchors him to the "women are victims" mindset and he's a hard left liberal now.... Can't get him to see and I've tried for 15 years now...

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It’s an uphill battle to get some well educated Americans to understand the reality of our situation. The “Women are victims” argument is just a piece of the puzzle, and not a super important one in my opinion.

The most critical problem we face is bankruptcy, but explaining it is much tougher. The real problem is our ability to keep borrowing money as a nation. No individual would be allowed to get into such a precarious position. Think about it. GDP of $26 Trillion and debt of $36 Trillion!

Here is the problem in a nutshell. An individual is allowed to have a mortgage that is over double his income because he has a verifiable income. The individual is, in essence, a profitable business enterprise. Our government is unemployed! It has no income because it is losing money every year…by design!

I doubt this will help turn your dad around, but maybe it is worth a shot.

100% of us will be victims if we fail to get Communists out of our government. Women are just a piece of the problem we face.

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Organized labor has lost most of its power in the USA. Two exceptions are government jobs (which even Franklin Roosevelt said should never be unionized) and service jobs, where one might make a passable argument that the unions earn their keep protecting workers from abuse. Otherwise, union membership is at an all-time low and decreasing.

Hell, even the labor-friendly state of Michigan passed a right-to-work law.

Otherwise though, unions acting like the ILA guarantee their members a path to obsolescence. Nobody can be paid more than their economic value, just because somebody says so. Just look at all the out of work $25 an hour burger jockeys in California. Folks won't pay Burger King $20 for a Whopper just to keep them working.

As a strategy, this is about to backfire on the Democrats, big time. I'm surprised they are too dumb to see it. Or maybe not, after seeing the performance of their recent standards-bearers: Sleepy Joe, Knucklehead Tampon Tim, and the Cackling Hyena.

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Any worker is free to quit his job if he feels he is being unfairly treated. Isn’t that exactly what freedom means to an American? We need to get back to teaching our kids that they are in control of their own destiny. They are free to learn how they can best benefit society and pay their own way in life. The skills they teach themselves are totally in their own control.

These skills are always increasing because new tricks of every trade are being invented and shared. This is what made America great and nothing has changed since 1776. It is about attitude and education, but it has to be wanted by an individual.

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Agree 100%. A hundred years ago when mobility was much less, there were situations where 'company towns' could take advantage of workers. That pretty much came to an end after WW2 though. Which is why union membership continues to drop.

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23 hrs ago·edited 23 hrs ago

Mobility was much less?

A hundred years ago, my Dad’s family moved all over the midwest for work, until the 30’s, when, living on beans and Jesus, after a stop in Colorado, they eventually got to the San Joaquin Valley.

In 1923, my mother’s family took the boat to America from their generational home in Norway & after 4 yrs in WA, moved up to SE Alaska to fish.

The west is populated by mobile people. Almost everyone is from somewhere else — in the last hundred years.

Maybe the folks stuck in the company towns were stuck by debt or mindset. I don’t know. But there was plenty of mobility — folks with faith and hope.

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Do you still work or are you retired?

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I turned 80 two weeks ago.

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Personally, given the environment that Americans are raised in (commercial materialism) I believe the "Biden/Harris" regime is being setup to fail bigly here. High prices suck, but it's a lot better than being bombed in the middle East. So, this is the safest painful option to use to squeeze Amercians "awake" from their complacent slumber. I just hope it finally works, but it's truly amazing how everyone in power still blames Trump for everything. The TDS is strong in popular culture. DIE culture... DIE!!!

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"such a dark place—where Satan reigns—is because of "leaders" like Lindsay Graham. Maybe President Trump should send him to Tehran as a peace offering.

Enough is enough. The world has burned for far too long. — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry

I understand the Romans used to punish murderers by tying them to the dead corpse of their victim to rot and die a slow, painful death. Methinks we should consider the same for Lady Lindsey. Maybe we could exhume no name since they were buddies, as atonement for all the others who are now resting in peace. I know, this is grim, maybe even unthinkable, but considering this man's derangement, would it not be a fair threat to remind him that we won't put up with her (oops, that was an accidental typo, but I'm going to leave it) warmongering?

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Wow, that's a grotesque death... but hard to defend a murderer, and that's what most of them are.

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"And it was great" - how true! Trump did everything a good president should do, apart from throwing the demons in the media and demonrats in jail - there's always next time.

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GBPH/ "godless degenerate, . . evil incarnate" L.Graham! TOUCHE'

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FYI: debate video not working

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GhostofBasedPatrickHenry...I enjoy your writing and agree with much of your deep state analysis. But, I'm a bit surprised that you are buying the idea that Iran missed targets on purpose to send Israel a message. I guess you must think the same thing happened with Iran's other missile barrage last April. The fact is that most knowledgeable military observers are quite astounded at the lack of damage and casualties from these attacks, and are also impressed with the level of effectiveness of the three missile defense layers that Israel has deployed (Iron Dome, Sling, Arrow). In addition, Israel has successfully dismantled two of Iran's proxies this past year - with the most important one, Hezbollah, being systematically taken out (each terrorist on the org chart) in a matter of weeks. It would seem that the one sending the message is Israel, and with this missile attack, Iran just confirmed that they didn't receive the message clearly. My prediction is that Iran is about to learn what real damage feels like in the coming days when Israel responds. I don't think this will lead to an all out war between the two because Iran will quickly back off after they experience a competent military operation. Iran will eventually need Russia to help them with their goal of eliminating Israel, but those of us Christians who read their bibles know how that will end. We are living in "prophetic" times my friend - all of these events are spelled out in the Bible, and the Ezekiel 38 war is forming as we watch. Iran believes they are fighting Israel, but they are actually fighting God. I don't like their odds! Maybe you're not a believer and all of this sounds like nonsense, but just keep it in the back of your mind as events unfold...it may just raise an eyebrow. Just trying to put a stone in your shoe:)

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And please bear in mind, the globalists know the Bible just as well as anyone else, and they possess the technology and resources to effect outcomes that mirror scripture.

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The thing is, it's never Israel that's responding, it's the USA. Israel is our largest "food stamps" program. If it wasn't for USA constantly propping them up, they couldn't possibly act as the bully they have been for 70 years over there.

IMO, with precision ballistic hyper sonic missiles ALL hitting around the same perimeter, it's clear they could have been used for far more dangerous and destructive ends. It was merely a flex in response to Israel literally invading Lebanon.

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GhostofBasedPatrickHenry...I also agree with your take on Lindsay Graham. There is no need for the US to do anything about this conflict. We should just keep selling Israel the weapons they need and stay out of their way. They are perfectly capable of dealing with the neighborhood bullies.

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