It continues to blow my mind that western women have become so brainwashed that they literally fight for the "right" to murder their own babies.... it's literally incomprehensible to my mind. The portals for new life, actively fighting to prevent life. I can practically hear Satan's laughter amidst the fray.

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That is absolutely the finest description of the actual situation I have ever read. It is short, accurate, and to the point.

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"Oh, and there we were all in one place

A generation lost in space

With no time left to start again

So, come on, Jack be nimble, Jack be quick

Jack Flash sat on a candlestick

'Cause fire is the Devil's only friend

Oh, and as I watched him on the stage

My hands were clenched in fists of rage

No angel born in Hell

Could break that Satan spell

And as the flames climbed high into the night

To light the sacrificial rite

I saw Satan laughing with delight

The day the music died."

Don McLean, "American Pie" (1971)

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This was one of my favorite songs of my youth! Why? Even then I realized what he was describing in the lyrics…still have parts memorized.

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The song, if anything, was prescient. It was happening then, but it's worse today.

"A generation lost in space, with no time left to start again... I saw Satan laughing with delight, the day the music died."

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This post opened my mind to all sorts of possibilities. I think Trump needs to come up with the Christian logic that can defeat each leftist “great idea”. If we break each idea down logically we find a vacuum. The whole thing was sold using weasel words that sound logical but are based on illogic. That is their game plan in a nutshell.

Here is one prime example. If we actually understand a Ponzi scheme, we immediately can see how Social Security was sold to America.

The average person knew in 1935 that having a funded retirement program was needed for anyone to actually retire and be self-sustained. So, the “idea” that our government might do this through taxation made a lot of sense. Who would not like that plan?

But, the way any real retirement plan actually works is the invested dollars are put into appreciating assets that provide on-going returns.

The Ponzi scheme, conversely promises this result but instead takes the “investment dollars” and uses them to pay the annual promised return but actually uses the dollars to buy things that benefit the Ponzi scheme’s inventors.

So, what makes Social Security anything but a Ponzi scheme by its very definition?

See? One simple question exposes the entire corrupt scheme but no one bothers to ask because many of us like social security. But, isn’t this exactly like abortion? Some Americans like to have unprotected sex and have someone else pay for an abortion. Most Christians do not accept this as moral, but the left has sold it as being fair for the unwed mother. Who doesn’t like being fair to unwed moms?

There are hundreds of places where Christians can win their arguments if we just put our minds to the task. The other side has no response in reality when the question is asked properly.

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You are correct but against Satan followers, either by design or accidental, logical/ rational arguments do not work because they are only thinking with their emotions. Thus, we must first understand what emotions were hijacked and how, and then counter the spell using emotion to bring them back to center.

The issue with human emotion is that it is very potent. Once rational logic is replaced by emotional appeal, it's incredibly difficult to undo the damage without using the same emotional manipulation to bring them back. Can we outmaneuver Stan? Yes, but without control of media I am not sure how to reach the masses...

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You are on the right track, but I actually think it is even more simple. There is an old saying, “ The Devil is in the details”. There is the answer!

The details are never explained in advance. That is how emotions take prescident. If the details of Social Security were honestly explained it would never have been accepted.

If the fact that life begins at conception was explained, the idea that abortion is fair or moral would have squelched the emotions.

Take it a step further. The “idea” that illegal border crossers deserve the “right” to be here sounds fair to the emotions but is just false in reality. Who pays for the education and upkeep of the illegals? Who is that fair to?

Nothing we are dealing with today needed to be in turmoil. It is by design and in most cases designed to create turmoil for political gain. That is how the leftists think. It is all they know, but they are experts at the game.

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I don't think very many people would argue with the fact that life begins at conception, with the technology we have now to clearly show this. Therefore, abortion at ANY stage is the murder of a human life. We already have laws against homicide. Enforce them! AND make adoption much easier and less costly. It is wrong to kill your child, but you don't have to be the one to raise him or her if you cannot or will not.

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Brother, if you can get a leftie to sit and listen to the details, all power to you!! I have tried so many approaches over the years and I can't get any traction. People want benefits and no pain. Please share what works!!!

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You are correct. Getting them to listen to logic is almost impossible. But, isn’t that why we are living through all of this turmoil today. They won’t listen to reason, but they may actually be forced to see reality as it pops onto the scene.

I think we are witnessing their education process daily. I love seeing lefties try to explain the quicksand they actually created for us that is now sucking them in. I am not throwing them a rope because they can get themselves out. The problem in the past was RINOs we’re always there pulling them out.

Trump has shut down the RINOs and they are quietly watching what happens to progressives and their “great ideas”.

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Dont forget the sperm donors who are cheering them on and driving them in most cases to the abortion clinics.

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Of all of the movies playing this summer, I most like the Bromantic comedy series and The Return of the Lion Kings.

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Lawrence O’Donnell suggested having advisers at the next debate. I think Trump should agree! Bring them all on and let him make fools of them all. Their crazy ideas are what Biden is listening to. Let them logically explain the open border or forcing Americans to drive EVs. Their policies are sure losers in a debate.

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The image of Trump sitting alone at the head of a boardroom table on the left, and Biden with his gang of 'helpers' filling a similar table on the right (because we know Joe likes to be at house right) will be one for the ages.

Noone will ever, ever forget that scene -- especially after Trump calmly and confidently rips up every argument put forward by Biden's gang.

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And BUNNY corralling him to the podium....should be a hoot 😂🍿

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I think my favorite part of this brief was seeing the blacked out armored golf cart. That was beyond cool.

Secondary was seeing Biden bloviating about staying in the race. For years the Uniparty has worked hard to keep citizens at each others throats over a false duality of political parties - Dems and Reps, so it’s great to see the left side of the Uniparty at each other’s throats. It seems like Lady Karma has come to visit.

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How ironic the Wet Works notice issued by Biden, especially given how much the press in the early part of his career tried to tout him as the Kennedy heir apparent. (Check out the article 'Death and the All-American Boy' in the 1974 issue of The Washingtonian, written by Kitty Kelley.)

The video on the complexity of the Israeli political system. It seems like infiltration is everywhere. And it also illustrates just how little our MSM actually informs us - whether that is by design or laziness doesn't matter. It is still bad.

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Seems I’ve gotta keep coming here for any international news what with the msm’s scrabbling to put the National dumpster fire(that they created) out, which doesn’t seem to be working!?!---btw, the international takes are also honest for a change, God Bless!!!

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A story line is being missed on the Biden dementia issue. All writers are focused on his illness that we all knew about three years ago. But, my view is, why is there no writers focusing on the fact that the Democrat Party does not have any strong political personality who can step forward and stop this sh*t show and replace Biden both legally and with our national safety being protected.

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Wow…MSNBC and their stance on the next debate!!!! Anything for Obiden..so is Obama coming out too…since he is the puppet master!! Liberals are really the most demented and sick people walking the earth, and sadly we have family who support any satanist democrat and nothing will wake them up! And they pretend to be Christians!

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They are likely really good Christians but are naive. They cannot accept how evil the progressives leading the Democrat party are in reality. That is very hard to accept. Being fooled is not something most folks want to admit. But, once it is seen it creates very strong responses against the deceivers.

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Sadly, I disagree. We've tried for years to enlighten them. They are proud of their beliefs and will argue with you until they are blue in the face.

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OK. I know what you are dealing with and have been there myself. At some point we have to let the ship start sinking even though it bothers us. That is what we are seeing right now. America is bankrupt! That is an absolute fact. The ship is sinking!

Now, there is a solution but it takes the people who you are trying to talk to. They have to see the truth personally. Then, your talk will mean nothing because they will be talking!

What has bankrupted America is our government. The government is bankrupt…not the rest of America. I hope this helps.

Look at the S&P 500 today. It is making an all time high! Does that sound like bankruptcy? But, our national debt is going up by over $2 Trillion this year! This ain’t rocket science. This is just obvious truth.

The question is, “How bad does this have to get before your leftist friends face reality?”

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And literally blue in the hair these days. LOL!

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Saddest of all, unless they repent, Jesus will say "I never knew you" on Judgment Day. Pray!!! Nothing is too hard for God.

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Joni, your family are Democrats and claim to be Christians? I just don't understand that. I will pray for you and them!!

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My immediately family are conservatives, but my husband is the only conservative in his immediate family. There is no getting through to them! Thank you for your prayers. I greatly appreciate it!!!

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That is what I keep finding. I have two cousins who I keep up with. One is a screaming liberal and the other is a good conservative. My conservative cousin has a son who was educated at Duke University and has a degree in Physics. He is a confusion to her as he is crazy liberal. She calls me often after speaking with him because he upsets her. She says she just cannot get him to see reality.

My other cousin has a PHD in physics and. Has taught at VPI for many years. He is just not listening to an conservative thoughts. With technical degrees I figured both would be rational and clear thinking. They are definitely smart but think they know better, even with facts that refute their assumptions. They just tune them out.

Both of these men exhibit a common trait with most liberals I have met. Their demeanor is such that they display an aura of superiority. I think it is a sign of insecurity and a defense mechanism. Why? I have no idea, but I love them both and just feel sorry for them. Somehow they seem to make this work for them and I cannot change anything. So, we just do not talk politics or religion. Both are confirmed atheists.

Like I said, they seem to know everything without any proof.

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You are on to something with the atheists!!! My husband's one brother disowned God several years ago. Reading your reply just triggered that memory! We were at a party and he proclaimed he no longer believed that God even existed and wanted nothing more to do with him! He is the worst of them! We are in a spiritual war with all that is happening, especially to innocent children and so many people aren't bothered by it one bit.

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Jim, that is fascinating. And sad. Seems academia has brainwashed many. Lord, have mercy upon them - everybody needs Jesus.

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This is why I love these Sub stack writers and commenters; it feels like a little online family! I think most of us are here to help and encourage one another. Bless hou!

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"𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘫𝘶𝘥𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘴𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘮 𝘪𝘧, 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘴, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 26 𝘧𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘱𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘨𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦?" They will probably say (since, as noted, they don't understand how guns work) that poor Alec was blindsided by that malicious weapon, and that the Armorer was negligent in failing to supply only Nerf-grade prop guns.

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Wasn’t the woman killed about to expose child sex abuse and trafficking???? She was murdered IMO

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Yes she was.

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Wow - really? I had not heard that. Makes sense.

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Biden and his nurses' aides should be on stage next debate..Im a fan.....3 Cheers for that Debate...😂😂😂

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Mid afternoon, I finally get a chance to catch up on my favorite news Briefs and Takes. Thank you, Badlands!!

Especially love Ghost’s piece on Modi’s Russia visit and Ghost’s piece on “Africa Rising”

Thank you ❤️🇺🇸🦅🕊🌎

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What struck me most was is the dramatic foreign policy changes that have taken hold in less than 4 years. What will it be NATO, Israel? against the rest of the world in years to come? As a Trump supporter since he came done the escalator, now in my early 70's, I doubt I will be here to see the totality of the west's demise but I fear it has been put in overdrive, advancing rapidly with the inept Biden foreign policies. We have pushed our enemies, fair weather friends and the third world countries into each others arms. Their resources are vast, their populations in billons, plunder, subjegation and their hatred for the "deep state" to meddle in their politics will be our undoing. But in the recesses we cannot avoid to see how the Muslim populations have infiltrated all of Europe and are putting their best effort to win elections everywhere and usurping the native born.

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I agree, you will not likely live to see the West’s demise, but that is because it is not going to happen at all. We have what we need to put a stop to the hemorrhaging. It is completely in our control and the enemies of our system are not in a position to stop our success.

I wish I could give you absolute proof, but it is actually here to be found. Please start by listening to Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes. She finds herself on the cutting edge of our revival.

Another thing I read just recently is the total asset value of everything owned in America is $450 Trillion. This existed in 2024 because of our freedom and ability to own property. That is what makes us strong. The left figured out over a hundred years ago how to fleece us. They have been picking our pockets but we still have created huge wealth. What we need to do is to cut them off. Stop funding communism! It isn’t that hard if we just figure out the problem.

I am ten years older than you and I think we will see this problem fixed together.

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I agree! It looks really bad right now. However, God is on the throne, and the Bible is full of "But God...". I give Him all the g!org in advance for fixing it!!!

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Deborah — I’m in my seventies as well. To catch you up to speed wrt to some fallacious thinking I sensed in your post, may I recommend a dive into some rewarding and enlightening Badlands Media offerings?

Scroll through some past Breaking History (GOBPH & Matt Ehret), Devolution Power Hour (Wed & Sat shows feature different guys), & Defected (Burning Bright and Just Human) ((You may have to put up with some banter and not a little potty talk, with the latter two shows, but there’s meat on them bones and you’ll find your optimism soar — not to be confused with hopium.)

…Chris Paul, Burning Bright, others have important substacks. Also Joe Lange’s and Erik Carlson’s are very essential AND they make things simple and clear.

…Telegrams I read often are GOBPH, Chris Paul and, well, just find & read the ones who click.

There are so many fine writers and shows here, but those above should get you out of the weeds.

BUT, first and foremost:

👉🏼Jon Herald is recapping his Devolution series (a Looong but seminal written work, which is essential understanding!! The recap is distilled and has the benefit of several years of events in the mix. A must, if you aren’t familiar with Devolution)) BADLANDS entire raison d’être and, of course, these Badlands Briefs, were and are predicated on Devolution, (written back when Jon Herald was some guy called Patel Patriot.). Actually, this whole unlikely Badlands fellowship is much like Tolkein’s own. Each a uniquely gifted, providentially placed eccentric (and eminently likable).

👉🏼Start with the first Devolution Recap show, found here👇🏼


Well, there you go.

God speed and bless you richly.

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I know it looks really bad, but see Jim's reply to your comment, and mine too. Jesus really is in control. Fear not, trust Him!

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I pray 🙏🏻 soon

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When’s this gonna end with this guy?

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Does anyone know why the Assange story on Badlands today is being blocked and Im unable to view. Says its been removed on my end?

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Badlands News Brief is my go-to for news in the morning. Please adhere to the "brief" in the name. The "briefs" are starting to get very long. Thx.

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