
How do I love thee, Badlands Briefers? Let me count the ways. I wish you could see my facial expression every morning at about this time when my bad-ass autist friends are reminding me that not only are we winning, we are enjoying it as a community. So freaking awesome!

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Thank you - one and all - for your insights!

SE: "It’s not that the legislation is being weaponized. The legislation is the weapon.

To take this awareness further, much of this lawfare is now on autopilot due to the momentum of ideological subversion." AND "It’s not enough that people in positions of power, amidst corruption, are against something."

Doubt, Deny, Deceive - the System has been doing it (the dialectic) for millennia and it (the System) is very good at it...the only real means of defeating them (the System and the dialectic) is the Truth!

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“wouldn't it be wild if that's what Trump gave to the Saudi's? The truth about 9/11?” GhostofBasedPatrickHenry

Recall the Military Intelligence standing briefly behind Trump during the 2017 Inauguration and then consider Q post 154:

“Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden’s handler?

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn’t we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?”

My guess is Military Intel had the evidence and it was laid out for the Saudi’s in Trump’s historic visit.

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We the taxpayers, AKA the suckers, fund offices such as the BLS to have “non-public” inflation data made available only to a chosen few who then profit obscenely from it. What’s wrong with this picture?

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9-11. “Pure speculation, but wouldn't it be wild if that's what Trump gave to the Saudi's? The truth about 9/11?” What a great thought, Ghost!! The truth about it will come out and it’s very interesting that the country we’ve been brainwashed into thinking is our greatest threat for decades likely is the harbinger of the truth.

DOJ asks the GOP arm of the Uniparty to reign in conflict. 🤣. Panic in the DOJ is leading to some serious exposures, as their habit of NOT following the rule of law is going to backfire.

What would Zelensky reveal if he’s either a plant for good or he’s terrified enough to turn ‘state’s evidence’? I’d venture quite a bit, even allowing for the fact that he’s not the brightest bulb.

Abuse and weaponization of the rule of law eventually backfires completely as we watch Scotland, Colorado and Florida head into boomerang territory. Never mind all the free campaigning that Trump receives as the two tier system here is bringing the unfair system top and center again.

God bless and protect the truth community and give us them strength to remain resolute. The anons are the heroes in this war.🙏🙏

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“the man I’ve long speculated will go down in history as the Peacemaker”. BB

God Bless The Peacemaker!! ❤️🙏🕊

And God Bless The Plan to Expose the rotten-to-the-core criminal syndicate trying to destroy our country.

A few days ago, Ret Col Douglas MacGregor stated: “ the United States has lost $14 trillion over the past 20 years due to “stupid interventions in other countries.…What good had it ever done?”

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A little Overton's Goalpost going on with Ashley Biden's diary.


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Outstanding reporting.

Thank you BADLANDS

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Excellent reporting, once again

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Great job just started reading not quite awake enough to finish yet, lol.

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It's despicable to unmask a child molester? Why isn't resident Joe in jail yet? Oh, that's right. He isn't competent to stand trial.

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"... and all Presidents from the Founding to the modern era have known that after leaving office they faced potential criminal liability for official acts. " Ooohhh I dare say things are going to get juicy. 😁

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"Is Veritas a journalism outlet, or something more?” I'd not considered this before but that does make sense. A tip of the ole" white" hat to accelerate disclosure and build credibility far in advance of when it is needed.

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"...securing the trust of the Saudi's so quickly..."

"...officially blames the Saudi's..." etc.

The plural of "Saudi" is "Saudis"; no apostrophe required.

"...but now that court’s are forwarding ..."

The plural of court ... yep, you guessed it!

However, if it's any consolation, Zero Hedge's use of English is truly abysmal compared with these few typos!

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It is my belief that my government, under the leadership of the Democrat Party, is supporting and funding both sides of any war, fighting or terrorism in the world. Both economic and physical war. The Russians, who have their own issues of evil, are doing all they can to prevent a European war that will equal a WWIII. I am patriotic and a veteran of Vietnam and an International Police Trainer who taught in Iraq Police Academy. I just know that peace will only happen when truth is respected from all parties, especially our Intelligence agencies.

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And pdt,’s interest in Ukraine doesn’t align with Zelenskyy. At all. So anything he has to say would necessarily be lies. No, pdt’s interest in Ukraine lies with this and the last two before this admin. Of American criminals. Bush,obeyme, Biden.

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