It’s very interesting what is going on with the democrat party since the debate, to say the least, and even more interesting what Trump is doing and NOT doing. He’s playing the “why stop the enemy while they destroy themselves” gambit, and he’s playing it perfectly, throwing in barbs now and then to help keep the Dems fighting amongst themselves, like feeding the fire to burn even more. I love watching this.

I was talking to a Taiwanese person who asked if I thought Trump was a good person. I said yes of course. The person said “But he says crazy things!” I asked where he heard that from. Naturally it was news media here, which is well-controlled by the Taiwan government who are owned by the globalists and pharmaceutical companies. I said Trump is crazy like a fox, but consider that if China were to threaten Taiwan who would you rather have as US President, Biden or Trump. He said “Trump of course.”

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Love it! ❤️

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So those the rest of the world….

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“It's time to finish what the Founding Fathers started in 1775, and what they started was a different way of thinking.”

let’s not forget those anti-federalists. the ones who were suspicious of a powerful central government, and who insisted on clarifying constitutional limitations by demanding inclusion of the first ten amendments before considering ratification. those guys were the wise ones. here we are, just about where they were worried we’d be. again. x2. at least.

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To GBPH I answer yes I am!!! "It's time to finish what the Founding Fathers started in 1775, and what they started was a different way of thinking. Are you ready? — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry"

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Everything about Africans throwing off the chains of the extra-continental raiding parties makes me feel like it is really HABBENING!!!!!!!🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸

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Such great “Takes” by BB and Ghost 🙏❤️

I have thought quite a bit about the “precipice” and what it will take to engage our collective consciousness as Americans to reach the point of true willingness to change. Many of us have already made the leap and are comfortable with “a different way of thinking.” We envision the Brotherhood of Sovereign Nations and Peace as the transition to a better world for all of humanity…and we see it, we understand the brilliance of The Plan.

That said, I agree with BB that we haven’t reached the precipice yet. I believe that most Americans who are not fully awake are definitely sensing that something profound is happening but they don’t have their bearings, their balance. I have no idea what “the precipice” will be but it will ensure that the overwhelming majority will WANT to Learn the Truth. It will create open minds and counter the global elite in our DeepState that have wielded their strategy of lies and fear to foster chaos and confusion into a division of close-minded thinking. The “willingness to change” that Q spoke of is that the confusion and chaos transitions to an open minded shift. Our enemy has used confusion and chaos to the breaking point…and “a crack is how the Light gets in”

What a privilege to be on the Earth during The Great Awakening ❤️🙏🇺🇸🦅🕊🌎

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I believe that the 'precipice' will be closely linked to the Scare Event.

But I don't have any idea what that is, either, yet anyway... 💖

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I think you are right.

Col MacGregor and Glen Beck (separately) both speculated on a Black Swan event - that ‘we could wake up on a Monday morning and find All the banks closed…for several weeks. Best to keep cash on hand in case (or silver…or gold - I should be so lucky : )

Ron Paul..Catherine Herridge.

Mike Flynn.

Looks like 2024 will be a year to remember…the way 9/11/2001 has been


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For that scenario, I'd favor cash. Gold and silver are harder to exchange, especially over a period of weeks. Their primary purpose is wealth preservation: if the value of the dollar collapses, the buying power of precious metals will remain relatively constant. And it would not hurt to have some canned goods and such on hand... the shelves could be bare, even if you have cash. Also ammo, if you're so inclined.

2024 will be a year to remember. It already is, halfway in; there's much more yet to happen. On balance I expect it to be good, but it could be a mess getting there....

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But if you can get "junk silver" coins, they will be best of all.

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Junk silver (for those who don't know, this is US 'Constitutional' silver coins pre-1965 that were still minted from 90% silver -- dimes, quarters, half-dollars) is a good choice, though the premiums on it are high. They will only be useful once the masses are aware of their worth, so you can get fair value for them.

Chances are, you bring a 'junk quarter,' worth around $5 today, into a grocery store they'd only be willing to give you face value -- 25 cents -- for it. (And then the cashier, knowing what it was, would pocket it and replace it in the till with a modern bi-metal quarter.)

So for a short-term disruption, in which the value of the dollar will not change an inordinate amount, cash in small bills, $5, 10, 20, is probably best. Though I heard a cashier recently say that the Treasury is getting rid of 10s. They are eventually trying to get rid of all of it, and make you use their CBDC. Until then, go see the teller or the ATM and take out some cash every week. Hold it until you need it.

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Good advice! 🙏❤️🇺🇸

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I keep wondering what level of "scare event" will be necessary to wake the sheeple up at this stage. I keep envisioning people being rounded up into FEMA camps or something drastic like that.....it can't be an invasion or military in the streets as that could pop off the civil war the white hats are surely looking to avoid. My preference would be the teased EBS and subsequent reveals with everything shut down for that "10 days of darkness" so people have nothing else to do BUT consider what's happening and what they're being shown over the captive airways. But people running out of food, medicine and money can create a dangerous desperation that could trigger widespread carnage.

Stocking up and preparing to bunker down!

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With the RINOs and dems trying their best to bypass the 'peoples' choices' of Biden and Trump, you could see discord in the streets this summer as people, including many normies, wander about protesting and rallying and... whatever. That sort of situation can tend toward 'mostly peaceful' demonstrations like we saw in 2020's 'Summer of Love,' which, if they become widespread enough, could lead to martial law and troops in the streets in a an attempt to keep the peace.

There'd be curfews, 'shelter in place' orders, and all of the stuff they practiced in the C19 fiasco. Will that wake up the normies? At some point, I'd think it would. When it does, it will be time for the white hats to bring out 'everything we know' which would have 'caused a civil war' if they'd done it earlier. All of the evidence about the elections and what the Uniparty has been doing. The sealed indictments of the conspirators and traitors and pedophiles. We won't be too surprised (though we too will probably learn things we don't know), but many will be totally shocked when it all comes out.

I don't think there will be widespread carnage (though anything is possible), but I suspect that whatever happens, the world will look a lot different a year from now. One way or the other, things are gonna change. The situation right now is too unstable.

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Just adding…

The global cartel will fashion the precipice as an end but it will actually be a beginning completely out of their control. A beginning that will evolve over time and there will be no stopping it. The Hand of Divinity at work in the world through the people of the world

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The Biden-Harris clowns are going to be the show…until it isn’t. What a ridiculous idea that this feeble guy is going to be replaced with the mentally feeble VP. The fact that the media mouthpieces are telling us these 2 idiots are on par with Trump….

‘Thanks to Monday's Supreme Court ruling, Trump could pursue his plans without fear of punishment or restraint. — Axios’…. This is how panicked corrupt entities are trying to spin Trump into some kind of dictator.

Africa has been used and abused for decades….keeping the inhabitants poor and ignorant and split into tribes. This truly is going to change and the potential will be unleashed. Finally! Get the DoD’s labs and the CIA out of there!

NATO is toast as is the EU. I can’t believe Ukraine will be allowed to exist as a proxy state in the upcoming administration. 👎🏼👎🏼

The alliance is growing and all we’ve been told are evil are being exposed as the exact opposite. I have never changed my mind as much as in the past 8 years.

God bless those who understand the power of daylight, of truths!🇺🇸🙏🙏

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Amazing, isn't it.....even moreso to suggest that Harris is polling within 1% of President Trump

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Bye-bye, NATO, and good riddance!

33 years late in coming, but better late than never.

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I got emotional when BB got to the “missing key piece”.

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BB: "If you think we're there yet, you've got another thing coming."

The correct phrase is "...another think coming." ("Another thing coming" is the title of a song by Judas Priest.)

Ghost: "But things change, and boy do they change fast."

Maybe I'm being pernickety here by pointing out that "fast" is an adjective and "change" is a verb; so you should use the adverb "quickly". Yes, I know that "change fast" is acceptable colloquially but that doesn't make it right (or professional).

Another excellent news brief, guys! Many thanks.

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I believe you meant 'persnickety.' Even the spell checker should've caught that, eh? 😉

And I think characterizing the expression 'change fast' as colloquial misses the point. Which is, sometimes people including writers intentionally use grammatical errors or inconsistencies to emphasize a point. Coming upon such an error necessarily stops the mind for a moment, allowing the point to be pondered and to sink in.

Trump is a master of that -- as he is of many things. Sometimes his grammar is imprecise because he's thinking ahead of himself; often however, it is intentional for the reason above.

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No, I grew up in the UK. 'Pernickety' is the accepted English spelling. I used it deliberately to emphasise a point. 😉 ('Emphasise' is also the English spelling, not American.) Trump is brilliant. I hope that you get him back officially as President. But I think that things are going to become very weird before (if) that happens.

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Sorry, I did grow up in US but also spent ~20 years in Canada, whose spelling and grammar in the English language is a hybrid between American and British rules and styles. A quick check on line is not helpful in determining which version is used in Canada, and frankly I do not recall ever hearing anyone use either. But I did learn something today, so it is a good day 🙂

I agree about Trump. I would not be surprised to see some very strange things happen. The Republican convention delegates (Trump supporters) from the state of Missouri were recently disqualified on a procedural technicality to be replaced by RINOs. And supposedly there are other RINOs who are working behind the scenes to 'dump Trump' because as uniparty members they'd rather have a useless Democrat than someone who intends to permanently remove their power base. I suppose I can't blame them for trying, but if they do that, they can expect a full scale revolt on their hands from the Republican electorate.

Likewise if the Dems try to remove Biden against his wishes, especially if they try to put in anyone but Harris ('it's her turn'), there could be fireworks there too. Since the debate a week ago, there's been a non-stop chorus of calls to remove him.

So we shall see -- with both official parties trying to undo the mandates of their primary electors (both Biden and Trump won their respective primaries overwhelmingly), it could be a hot summer of discontent in the Home of the Brave.

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“a hot summer of discontent in the Home of the Brave” ❤️

Great comment altogether.

Caught X22 earlier and he wondered if [they] might just take out Biden for the sympathy factor, blaming it on MAGA…it occurred to him based on all the Left buzz about assassinating Trump.

A couple weeks ago, that very scenario popped into my mind - out of nowhere.

Not sure if that would qualify as a Black Sawn event but it would be “massively consequential”

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Thanks Feather 💖

It certainly would, likely in both ways. [They] have used false flags to manipulate public opinion for a long time. This would be a prime example. A classic move by a desperate foe, who really have no good moves left.

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It's too bad this isn't a law school publication.

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I just wrote a note to Burning Bright about "think" vs "thing"! But, regarding "change fast," Badlands News comes characteristically in a colloquial style. Also, am I being persnickety to correct that misspelling? 😉

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Pernickety is the correct English spelling. Americans have their own dictionary after deciding to "simplify" English - often by adding letters! :)

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They are fully on the defense. Keep them running, You Wacky back room Warriors, you!!

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GBPH ultra based and jumbo popcorn FTW!!

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I’m sorry it was Ghost

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“we have his back”. flashback to perjurer bill clinton in the rose garden surrounded by dems. no dissent. thats about where the current democrat party hopped on the express elevator to hell.

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I agree with you. We need to keep Joe running or maybe pushing the stroller for him, at least he has an excuse, he is old, dumb and has Hunter as his closest advisor…..but I will ask, what’s Tamala hiena excuse, she’s not old but she’s is dumber than a door knob. I guess not even Barry Satoro likes her. He never mentioned her.

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Zelinski and his wife have been living the high life on all that money from O'Joe and the swamp. She just bought herself a 200K vehicle and homes in Miami worth millions. What a payday!!

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These briefs are like balm and great scotch with glacier water.

A thought (maybe not a great one, but a little one)…

We say, with BB, that this is T’s “devo” term. The awakening term.

I would also call this his “dismantling”term. The demo. Tearing away the facade, ripping out the floorboards — Beam by rotten beam.

Not so much fun for those who refuse to leave, cardboarding over the disappearing walls and bailing twining the rest. But, despite the noise and the dust, for the rest of us it’s pretty amazing.

Can’t wait for the rebuild.

Thanks, you writers and denizens of Badlandia!

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