Your subjects and commentaries are very good and appreciate all contributors stepping up to fight this info war, but I need to add an FYI to the "poop pill". As a parent watching a son battle Ulcerative Colitiis, there are various experimental treatments to try and stop the human body from unexpectedly turning it's immune system on when a 'false flag goes up' in the intestinal tract and the defensive attack destroys the protective lining creating ulcers that may eventually result in surgical removal of deteriorating flesh, or colon cancer. Injecting fecal material donated by healthy donors proved to "fake out the immune system" thus allowing the healing process to begin and the gut bacteria to be restored so the patient can resume a normal life again. And hey, another alternative is to implant living tube worms into the intestinal tract, so I think these poop pills might be a welcome choice BUT anyone trying ANY new drug needs to check the drug manufacturer and be certain this is NOT another MRNA "trojan horse". Carry on the good work.

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Poop pill legit to treat CD. But it would have to be encapsulated tightly to make it to the bowel before getting destroyed by the acid in the stomach. Better than a beneficial bacteria transplant delivered via enema….

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On Monday, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that his office would launch an investigation against three major pharmaceutical companies for deceptive practices, alleging that they had misrepresented the safety and efficacy of their vaccines.


Hopefully this is organic and not orchestrated. Hopefully this is leadership and not a smoke show. Ideally this makes a difference - past and future.

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MEGA (Make Earth Great Again) Truther Media Arise & Expose every Tyrant, Every Pedo, Every Fraudster & Con-Corp! 2023 is our year to launch the Journey of Sovereign Empowerment for GOD-Loving We the People. I know. These Evil rogues won't go down w/o a fight. Remember: GOD wins. NCSWIC. Let's Evolve Together Today!

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One almost has to chuckle (if it was innocent research behind the scenes) about the value of human feces. I know that when I was in Okinawa, human feces were used for fertilizer for their porch-sized vegetable gardens and, of course, chicken, sheep and bovine feces are a wonderful addition to gardens everywhere. Beaver butts, oh my. Although many are slowly awakening, it is increasingly apparent that the populace clearly understands that we’re being lied to, even if the truth isn’t as readily recognized!. With the continued rise of you tenacious citizen journalists...the truth will eventually emerge in their minds. Our fearless tiger nailed the observation that all of the cabal’s pillars are weakening. The acceleration of the truth releases increasing significantly in 2023.... Minutes and days now versus weeks and months a couple of years ago. Thank you for using the God-given gifts for these battles and for your willingness to share, in full knowledge of the risks. God bless each of you.🙏

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I was wondering how beaver butts was going to factor into your title. Gosh.

Good job guys!

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Hello to all ! 🙋🏼‍♂️🇫🇷

Can somebody explain me what "beaver butts" means as it is used in the title ??

I don't understand the present meaning ...

Thanks from you French member 🇫🇷😉

[EDIT: it needed me to re-read twice the article to understand !! 🥴]. 😀👋🏻

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Holy Poop Pill Batman 😉 ......anyway, still loving Badlands News Brief, thanks all!

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Bugs ? From a recent email I sent to friends:

OK, so I've been wondering: are bugs really all they are cracked up to as a source of food? Being the research and analysis sort of conehead I am, I set about trying to fairly answer the question that Klaus Schwab presumes is already answered in favor of bugs.

Method: I used data I could find on line and in a 'Food Counts' book by Corinne Netzer that I've owned for years. I looked for feed conversion ratio (FCR) which is the ratio of feed mass in and food mass out (fresh weight basis) adjusted for carcass yield (percent of the on the hoof weight that is edible meat). And here is what I found, this is amount of nutrients produced per 1 kg feed:

Beef: 100 g (FCR 10), 24 g Protein, 26 g Fat, 289 kcal

Pork: 250 g (FCR 4), 42, 52, 658

Chicken: 450 g (FCR 2.2), 68, 50, 711

Fish: 1 kg (FCR 1.0), 200, 110, 1820

Bugs: 500 g (FCR 2), 83, 30, 600

So, crickets (these are 'house crickets,' the ones most often proposed -- and used in Asia -- as food) don't really come out all that well in this comparison. Fish (data is for farmed Atlantic salmon, for which there is the most data) is the clear winner, probably because fish do not waste energy controlling body temperature. Crickets come out second in protein but ahead only of beef in overall nutrients. Chicken and pork are quite competitive with crickets overall.

But, and this is important: this does not tell the whole story. Pork, chicken, farmed fish and crickets are all raised in a factory setting, i.e. they spend their whole lives in a managed facility where they are fed 100% of their nutrients and cared for. Beef cattle, along with sheep and goats, spend a good part of their lives growing up on rangeland -- most of which is too poor to raise row crops or even grains. They can in other words make use of land which is otherwise useless, due to the fact that they wander about in search of what nutrients are available. They do this with a minimum of effort on the part of the rancher. (This land is too rocky, too arid, and/or too steep for conventional agriculture.)

Thus beef cattle (and goats and sheep) can't really be compared in the same way as the other potential protein sources. They can turn otherwise useless land into food, and considering that in many cases they only spend the last 2-3 months of their lives in a managed facility (feedlot), where they gain the last ~20% of their market weight, they are probably something like 4-5x as efficient as the table above shows. Looked at this way, they would come in a close #2 behind salmon in terms of real feed use.

This, by the way, is probably why beef is not as much more expensive (than you'd think it would be based on the table data) than chicken or pork on a per pound basis -- much of the meat is produced at minimal cost by the animals wandering around on rangeland without much involvement by the rancher.

So, all is not what it is cracked up to be in bugland. But then why should we be surprised? Schwab and the rest of the 'anointed' don't have to actually be right -- they must be followed because of their virtue. ("How dare you!!") We the benighted must be led by those of superior intellect and judgement -- even if they lead us off the cliff like lemmings. Which may after all be part of the plan...

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"Game Theory is a bitch, if you're on the wrong side of it."

Now that's a bumper sticker!

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Thank you for all you do. Was "thinking" about so much seemingly good news that looks like white hats, so to speak, are making strides toward winning. Experience indicates the danger is we risk letting down our guard. Like the team leading at halftime risks loosing because they celebrate way tooooooo soon.

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According to Hypnotist: "no one is ‘buying’ what *their* selling anymore. " How about "...what *they're* selling..."? Makes more sense.

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Re: "And Game Theory is a bitch, if you're on the wrong side of it."

A bitch or a whore ??

Thank you for your great writings ! 🇫🇷👋🏻🇺🇲

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Good Luck,

To President Trump.

Opportunity opportune,

"To Draw Contrast".


Soak raw almonds in clean water for day or two. You can tan leather, from the resulting dark brew, containing tannic acid.

You can now eat the softened, & possibly sprouted almonds, which increases their nutrition. Split the almond, & you just might see a tiny light green sprout at almond's apex.


JB's stable border:


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Re: poo pills. Read about Dr. Sabine Hazan who is a gastroenterologist. Del Bigtree interviewed her on the Highwire recently. Fecal transplants can truly help some of those with C-diff. The pills however, may be another story.

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(3 Energy + Rare Earths)



(Strewn with railroads)


(Not necessarily the upholstered cushioned type).


"Did you know The Sudanese will engage in a ceasefire during Charles' Coronation on Saturn's Day, May 6th ?

Think about that."

"British Colonialism,


~ Tore Maras


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