Every day is like Christmas! We keep winning... but I am NOT tired yet!

The most amazing take today was Just Human's with Q Drop #697. Mind Blown!

"Panic in DC.

Leverage depleted - POTUS freed.

EXTREME chatter.

Q" And hit this to the DAY Feb 8... AMAZING!!!

P.S. I don't believe polls. Things like "Women" don't support Trump are just cover for steeling and then lying about how it was not stolen. A very old (and tired) trick.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Agreed - any poll referenced should include the disclaimer that it is an attempt to legitimize deception or at the least the opinion of those who paid for the poll.

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Just like all the scientific research where the answer is given and the findings must support the answer... or you don't get paid.

It's all bullshit and until the Awakening we just went along with it...

It's a new day and We the People are the news!!!

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Thanks Joe! I didn’t catch the date on that Q post.

So many proofs…especially when you factor in ‘future proves past’

Love it ❤️🕊

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February 8th ;)

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Not so fast @Joe Kronner! I personally know a few outspoken Karens who despise Trump and parrot MSM on his “guilt”. It’s an information war, and we still have a long way to go before the final victory for our species can be proclaimed.

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I have sympathy for conservative women who happen to be named Karen!

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My sister in Sacramento.!

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No doubt about it. I too know Karens, Soyboys, TDS sufferers, Commies, etc., etc.

That said I know We the People are the Majority and We the People are the news. We just need to accept our sovereign role and not play the DS Rat Bastards game.

Winning BIGLY!

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One can only hope and pray that the still half-asleep normies tuned in to the Putin interview. If they paid attention it will open the door - perhaps the floodgates - of the questions all Americans should be asking…foremost being, What the hell has our government leadership been doing in the name of our country around the world and especially in the last several decades?!

I loved it when Putin said: “In the world of propaganda it is very difficult to defeat the United States because the US controls all the world’s media and many European media…the ultimate beneficiary are American financial institutions.”

Exactly right, BB, the current war in Ukraine started in 2014, under the Obama-as-puppet reign to the global cabal. Putin’s goal: the DE-NATZIFICATION, to stop the Nazi mindset from spreading along Russia’s borders. “Very important issue”

Tucker kindof came off as uneducated about the region (perhaps by intent? knowing that many Americans are woefully uneducated about the war in Ukraine?).

Tucker: But Hitler’s been dead for 80 yrs.

Putin: The current President of the Ukrainian Parliament speaking in Canada, praises Hitler as an example that lives on and gets a standing ovation!

There is so much to this interview! Putin calmly educating the world on NATO expansion, and the coup in Kiev in 2014; US political leadership using the US dollar as a tool of fostering struggles around the world; the CIA shadow everywhere, instigating military conflict and provocation; Germany defaulting on their own national interests to please the collective West….

God Bless Putin! God Bless Trump ❤️🇺🇸

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I remember well Obama's move to overthrow Ukraine's duly elected President in 2014. That is when any ambiguity I had about Obama's and the West's globalist hegemony designs and Putins dogged determination to protect Russia's sovereignty and people was made clear to me. I chose my side, and it wasn't us. I've had respect for Putin ever since. About two weeks after Trump first announced his Presidential candidacy, (which at the very beginning seemed like an unserious, even silly, bit of news) a light came on in my head. In spite of all of the the negative press, I "got" him. I understood that Trump was going to do for us what Putin was doing for Russia.

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Well stated!!

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Agree with everything you stated Featherjourney.

Putin also often mentioned that the President (Bush, Clinton, Obummer) was overridden by the DS Rat Bastards/CIA. And I forget how he couched it but without ever mentioning Pedo Sleepy Joe he alluded to the lack of capacity in the leadership.


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Yes, that “lack of capacity” in our current leadership made me laugh! Very diplomatic.

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Putin was extremely diplomatic, even when asked about the Nordstream 1 &2 he pointed but never named names. He wanted us to think who had the

Interest and the capability to do so. I’ve been a Putin guy for protecting his own borders. How ironic we are doing proxy war through Ukraine,

Disastrous, while opening our own borders.

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Yes! Great point, “think”…who had the interest and the capability?

Common sense

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Yes!! Concur completely. I was hoping to see a reference to the bio labs, particularly Senators Obama and Lugar’ visit to set the stage for this same labs….maybe too much for the normies at this point.

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I hoped he’d say something of the Bio labs and all the paperwork & laptops w info Russia gained with first incursion.

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Me, too. Wonder if some of this is in the packet?

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I was hoping for that also.

Putin’s command of history was impressive and I wondered if so many Americans listening in might have had an uncomfortable realization that we are not well-informed on our own let alone Russia’s history. Our public schools definitely dumbed us down on history and yet historical context can afford a much deeper understanding

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Well summarized!!

Best line of the night “Doesn’t America have anything better to do”? Putin went on considering our 33 trillion dollar debt, and invasion at our border”

Wishing the biolabs in Ukraine would of been brought up. But Putin demonstrated calm, coy, wisdom and intensity.

We the cia and military complex must be beheaded!

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That was a priceless moment!!

(Doesn’t America have anything better to do?) 👍❤️

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Yeah we do Mr Putin !!!🙏🔥❤️‍🔥

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...he hinted at the gravity of both Devolution and the Sovereign Alliance when he suggested conditions changed between 2014 and 2022 that allowed him to make the moves he did in the Donbas. —

Burning Bright right 😊

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Great work from the team from BNB!! A busy day - well covered! I appreciate the role you all choose to play in this Crisis (or crises) Point of history.

I, for my part, will continue to Pray by the Spirit of God and, by His Grace, will do what damage I can with the Sword of the Spirit (which is the Word of God) in the spiritual warfare of Good v evil.

"...for the one who would come to God must believe that He is - and He is a rewarder..." Heb.11:6

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It’s a wonderful thing to see how God has gifted these warriors, isn’t it? God bless you.🙏🎶

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Interesting that Ephesians 6:12 is trending upwards on Bible Gateway, rising in popularity from #24 in 2020, to #18 in 2021, to #14 in 2022 (2023 not yet available).

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (KJV)

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InterestingI didn’t know that! Thanks Bill

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Just one little point of light, telling us that more and more, people are paying attention... and waking up.

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The middle age karens seems a tricky characterization. There’s many middle aged women fighting hard to promote MAGA, and, at the same time, many are lost just waiting for the corrupt media and medical people to tell them what to do. Likewise, there’s plenty of cowardly middle aged males going with the blindly led, business as usual, flow and, of course, the opposite MAGA or bust crowd. I appreciate this discussion being put forth because it’s an uphill fight convincing and countering those, both middle aged female and male and the lost gender confused in between. WWG1WGA is not just a label it’s a call to arms. God Bless!!!

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Obama, Clinton and Biden ALL used secret, fake-name email accounts to hide their actions One of the main reasons the Obama Justice Department whitewashed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s criminally negligent mishandling of classified information, is that Obama was implicated. https://nypost.com/2023/09/06/obama-clinton-and-biden-all-used-secret-fake-name-email-accounts-to-hide-their-actions/

Biden classified memos report re-ignites debates about dual justice, ‘diminished’ president Famed liberal icon Alan Dershowitz decries Hur decision when compared to treatment of Trump: "You can't have two different laws for similar acts. You have to have one single standard of justice." https://justthenews.com/government/white-house/fribiden-classified-memos-report-re-ignites-debates-about-dual-justice

Indignant Biden Triples Down in Wake of Scathing Special Counsel Report https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2024/02/08/biden-remarks-745pm-n2635011

Did You Catch Joe Biden's Massive Lie About the Special Counsel Report? https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2024/02/09/why-bidens-ghostwriter-deleted-audio-tapes-with-the-president-n2635014

Supreme Court Appears Poised to Back Trump in Ballot Challenge Case ‘Why should a single state get to decide who gets to be the President of the United States?’ Justice Elena Kagan asks. https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/supreme-court-appears-poised-to-back-trump-in-ballot-challenge-case-5583427

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Many Thanks, Ashe for your Takes and summary of the SC ballot issue!! 🙏❤️

That this is all based (on the surface anyway) on Trump’s role in the insurrection that wasn’t actually an insurrection is mindboggling.

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OK, now we have sucked the Supreme Court into our movie. This just getting sillier and sillier by the day.

Colorado decided Jan 6 was an insurrection without any real basis. Jan6 was needed because the 2020 election was stolen in at least five states which cause Trump to ask for alternative electors to bring out the facts on Jan 6th. The truth had not come out before then because the Supreme Court refused to look at the legal arguments. This is coming full circle.

But now the details of how the election was stolen aren’t even being argued! The subject has been completely altered to prosecuting the one person who was damaged the worst by both the stolen election and the “insurrection”. This is one sick movie. The plot is so weak that I have a hard time even watching.

The question is, Who can make up such drivel? Are they trying to bore us to death? Let’s get on with life and stop fooling around with stupidity that is so wasteful of time. Here we have the greatest court in America arguing a case that they created through their own decisions. I call it “Make Work” and America is getting too good at it. It is actually non-productive and useless.

Jim Schout

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Timing likely answers a lot of questions; for example, it’s pretty obvious why the court cases weren’t filed in a timely manner….all dropped when the campaign started.

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The problem we face is Republicans can be easily fooled. The lawsuits eventually fall apart and we just thank God for it. But, what gets lost is the real facts. We never get the fact that the 2020 election was stolen into the record. We are just thankful that Justice was served. But was it in truth?

Nope! Justice was used to misdirect us from finding the facts. And, that is the Democrat’s overall game plan. Why is this so clear to me but the Left just keeps winning?

Until we get to the bottom line about 2020, this stupid movie will just run on and on. I am ready for the climax!

Jim Schout

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Jim, the way I see it the Truth is winning, which means the Left is losing. As for the 'right,' who knows? MAGA is doing OK, RINOs on the run.

It is certainly building toward something.

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I should have said the Democrats know they will lose each case, but they get hours of free reporting on the misdirection. When they ultimately lose in court, they actually win because they successfully changed the subject and hid the real facts. Most people never see the truth.

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They may get hours of free reporting on the MSM, but increasingly nobody is watching.


More and more are seeing the truth, seeking out and tuning in to citizen media.

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Timing is everything. Expect things to ramp up gradually until we reach a reveal crescendo right before the election. Wasted ammo is a loss...

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BB’s wish list for the interview and the topics of the interview itself is what I came away with. Putin’s calm demeanor and his grasp of events over the past 1200 years as well as his clarity on current events demonstrates his intelligence. What a contrast to Obama’s idiot-in-chief and the freak show administration. And a segment of individual assessments of Tucker clearly showed the respect for him among Russian citizens. Zelensky’s actions now make another interesting case….why now??

Speaking of Europe, Germany’s divide also shows that the liberals are located in part of the original Prussian state. Interesting.

The apparent plan for Biden is to escape his crimes scot-free by claiming dementia….the media’s narrative on this has definitely increased. 😡😡. The double standard on classified documents is massive….the minions trying to commit treason once again by robbing US citizens of their right to vote using the court cases against Trump. The minions and their fascist handlers are getting increasingly desperate. Especially as Trump’s leads increase daily.

The Supremes, however, are a totally different story! This appears positive for the Constitution at the point.

The NYC mayor is another example of idiocy. The minions definitely think the sheep are stupid. Boomerang time. The increase in Karen’s has interesting implications, too.

I’m considering that Simon’s conclusion nails it, “….shift, and ‘Panic in DC’ was trending on Twitter tonight.”

God bless BB, Just Human, Ashe and Simon for today’s briefing! You each have been uniquely gifted and your willingness to share is making a big difference.🙏🙏

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

I kind of keep wondering, who actually controls the CIA? If we look back on Joe Lange’s and Will Zoft’s articles, they seem like a rogue agency that disregards certain President’s orders and congress, trains certain groups, does regime changes, and other things but it seems that even they have certain limitations. When Putin talks about Americans controlling the media, of course, you think of the CIA but for some reason, I keep thinking, still, that even though the CIA is a rogue agency, they have to be taking their orders from somewhere else and not act with so much impunity, which led me to think about the five eyes group

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The CIA has become a rogue agency, taking its orders from nobody. The scary thing about them is that they have created drug and human trafficking operations that will fund their operations even if the Congress refuses to fund them.

The only good thing about that is that it will then become obvious that they are a rogue agency, beholden to no one but themselves -- criminals.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

I agree but, at the same time, all that money and profit that they’re making from drug and human trafficking can’t be going straight to them, at least not all of it. The people who are way above them are most likely the ones who get to walk away with the cash at the end of the day. The CIA is more of a mercenary arm of the globalists cabal that can be compared to terrorists but unfortunately can’t be designated as a terrorist organization due to having the title of an intelligence agency. The only way to dismantle the CIA is if Trump is thinking of rebooting the whole agency starting from the top to the bottom because like the FBI, we can’t get rid of them entirely, especially since these agencies are there to warn us if there’s a threat coming domestically or internationally on American soil, hence, why that truth social message that Trump wrote months ago, when congress was planning to allocate money for a new FBI building outside of DC, was him saying that the FBI doesn’t need a new building outside of DC, they need to stay in DC to fix the messes that they’ve created, while other people are advocating for the FBI to be dismantled completely. It’s the higher ups in both the FBI and CIA that’s causing mayhem and it seems that Trump is more for rebooting both the agencies from the top to the bottom, instead of getting rid of them altogether

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I don't expect agencies like that to go quietly into the good night. They will strike back and resist any sort of reduction in their power and autonomy. They like it that way.

Last I saw the USA had something like 17 federal intelligence agencies. Some of them, especially military intelligence, are much less corrupt than the civilian agencies. I'm sure that the ones Trump and White Hats have learned to trust could handle the job without the corrupt ones.

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Amen. No compassion from me for that court jester, Bidiot, the senate buffoon who made a fortune as a political criminal. Dersh was correct: dump the BS charges against Trump.

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Cristal clear lessons of the ages tell the story of aggression — since 1991 it came FROM THE WEST towards Russia.


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Yes. Prior, actually. The west has always wanted control of Russia. There was a lot of western money financing that indecent ‘revolution.’

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history is hidden to most -

ignorance is the enemy.

SYStem — Save Your Soul

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"White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters on Wednesday that because Republicans have not passed the ‘bipartisan’ border security bill that includes funding for Israel and Ukraine, the administration will have no choice but to leave the border open."

So in other words, Brandon is afraid the Republicans see the farce in calling the the Democrats and RINOS Bill the "Border Security Bill"!

As for the "elites", they are all aghast at the reasonable and calm answers Putin gave to Carlson's questions. The cat is out of the bag now, Putin is an intelligent, logical and much better person to head a nation than Brandon, Obummer and Clinton, both of them, all wrapped together!

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The truth cannot be ignored forever. We owe a debt of gratitude to Tucker for sticking his neck out on this one.

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You got that right!

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Not trusting polls, I however found Simon’s take personally interesting. Albeit anecdotal, there is every indication from observing my little subset, that men instantly and deeply committed to Trump as a leader and it was their wives who did not. It is also the men in my small data survey who have not since wavered and dropped DJT for Kennedy. Long before today’s op-ed, I’ve been cheekily referring to the dames who have such a violent reaction to any masculine locker room sweat by DJT as ‘Karens’. Every time I was attacked in public for not complying with a useless mask, it was a woman. I want a David who can kill the enemy with the jawbone of an ass standing beside me when the shit hits the fan, next month as I calculate…someone else can judge him watching a girl bathe on a rooftop.

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I used to be skeptical of the Karen phenomenon as a valid characterization of something real. And then I refused to mask in a small coffee shop and went live about them kicking me out and threatening to call the police. The result was that all of a sudden a huge hoard of middle-aged white women stormed my IG account, called me a white supremacist and attacked me for a few days. I had to concede that there was something to this just based on how overt this experience was.

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Feb 9Liked by Simon Esler

There is.

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We are all in different rings of this circus.

Peaceful noncompliance is still my go to.

Chris Paul's Party of False Decorum can exert real pressure on individual's behavior. I don't accept it and don't participate with it. This can be very painful. I have lost contact with some family. My door remains open and I share the Truth with anyone who asks and is willing to listen.

Ultimately I pray: I can't, God can, let God.

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Amen, brother!

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Simon, it would be great to have more insight into what’s happening in Canada 🇨🇦

Were Canadians focused on the Putin interview? Any back lash on Putin’s statement re a standing ovation when Ukraine speaking in Canada praised Hitler ?

Or since we occasionally hear about illegals crossing our northern border, what’s that like for Canadians?

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We're they all fat?

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My wife chose Trump the minute he came down the escalator, took me longer to get on the Trump Train :-)

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So very many women never develop the analytical side of the brain and operate solely with emotion…. This is where the scare event might impact them (very emotional situation).

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Great point, Miriamne. Looking back, I had the same experience - the one time I was confronted for having the audacity to walk into my small town Office Depot without a face diaper, it was a middle-aged woman manager who freaked out. All I wanted to do was take a quick look at their office chairs. Small correction - it was Samson, not David (Judges chapter 15), but I agree! All the heroes in the Bible were flawed, but God used them in a mighty way.

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Badlands Media News Brief in my email every day is something I look forward to, but with the article written about liberal women by Simon Esler, I'm reading on the level of Media Matters. No analysis here, just gonna call middle age liberal women "Karens", yeah, that's the ticket, and move on. I'm shaking my head and laughing in disbelief as I write this at how embarrassing it is that Badlands would allow this. Starting the day off with this cheap read is, well, if you know how one can bleach one's mind, please let me know. I have chosen my side in this war, and it is the side of American sovereignty, and I've put in 10s of thousands of hours fighting, but when this war is over and our side inevitably wins, if the right goes back to ridiculing and dismissing us women, I, for one, will will turn.

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The stats are the same in Canada. Trudeau is in power overwhelmingly via middle-aged liberal women. But I am curious, since this take was bothersome for some of you, why you didn't offer insight into how to reach these women? That is, after all, how the take ended. It was by no means a call to "move on." The issue here is that liberalism (as defined by current policymaking) is no longer the healthy expression of the left we used to have. I believe we need the creative tension between left and right to move forward as a healthy society. But it is the left's progressive nature which has caused the deep state to infiltrate this party so deeply and drive its policies to such extremes. So we're not just dealing with women who are politically left as this used to be defined. Leftism has been taken into a bizarre and dangerous place, one that specifically focuses on controlling the behaviour of others and cancelling dissenters. This is indeed the stereotype of the Karen. For some reason, this bastardization of left-wing ideology was APPEALING to these women. This has to be reconciled. Do you have insight into why these operations are swaying the women in these statistics? Why is it the same in Canada and America? Feel free to share!

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Agree 100%. Blank indignation does nothing to advance this critical debate about why liberal women (especially whites) ARE at the vanguard of so many horrific progressive policies, gleefully fulfilling their role of Useful Idiot and carrying water for evil.

I'm still alarmed at how their maternal instincts have been compromised....my paternal instincts to protect my children woke me the hell up long ago!!

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I'm not a mother, but I think the ease of being able to murder your own child (abortion), and the widespread acceptance of it, has a lot to do with it.

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I too look forward every day to this Brief (actually just the Takes :-)).

There are days when a given author (or two) writes something that I do not agree with. I simply try to point out what I see as the Truth.

We all come from a different life and have joined this journey because we see that it is really a fight of Good vs Evil. I have had many an Ah Ha moment brought to me by many different sources. Until Chris Paul pointed out to me in one of his podcasts or articles the trick the DS Rat Bastards have used all our lives (polls, scientific research, etc.) I had a much harder time calling BULLSHIT. Once you see how the trick is performed you can spot it from a mile away.

We the People are winning and together under God's Armor we will conquer evil in our time... I pray.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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"Good vs Evil" is how we should be looking at this war, not the divisively framed "left vs right". And, as you seem to suggest, we the people need to call out BULLSHIT when we see it, (no matter the side).

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If only more people on our side would use the frame of good vs evil instead of left vs right we could, I believe, have a huge majority. Instead, we mock and vilify each other, causing further division. We need to rise above this without coming off as condescending. The quality of humility is way underrated.

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We can all start here to call it out. It’s an ancient battle…

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We can frame it as good v. evil, or equally as truth v. lies.

You are totally correct in your comment about division. If we allow ourselves to be divided, [they] win. It is really the only angle left for them at this point. Refuse to play their game.

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Agree, we must lead by example.

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I’d bet a targeted group might be the focus of including this segment…..lot’s people are beginning to ask questions even if they aren’t fully aware…

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Asking questions is how they become more aware.💖

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I had a very similar reaction!

It would be a greater benefit having Canadian Simon Esler on if he would give us insight into the Canadian efforts to take back their country rather than weighing in on American efforts to save our country.

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The stats are the same in Canada. Trudeau is in power overwhelmingly via middle-aged liberal women. But I am curious, since this take was bothersome for some of you, why you didn't offer insight into how to reach these women? That is, after all, how the take ended. It was no means a call to "move on." The issue here is that liberalism is no longer the healthy expression of the left we used to have. I believe we need the creative tension between left and right to move forward as a healthy society. But it is the left's progressive nature which has caused the deep state to infiltrate this party so deeply and drive its policies to such extremes. So we're not just dealing with women who are politically left as this used to be defined. Leftism has been taken into a bizarre and dangerous place, one that specifically focuses on controlling the behaviour of others and cancelling dissenters. This is indeed the stereotype of the Karen. For some reason, this bastardization of left-wing ideology was APPEALING to these women. This has to be reconciled.

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Feb 9Liked by Simon Esler

My observation during my liberal arts education tried to do just that: liberalize me. It produced the liberal death cults we are now fighting. Feminism being the first I watched become a religion.

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Each topic has a place and your article (with this response) shows both countries have a ‘Karen’ problem so we both can work together on how to reach them. I’d expect when the referenced scare event happens there might be some movement towards common sense..

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That is a very kind comment and if Simon had reported more on the liberal mindset of middle aged women in Canada and comparing it to the US and had emphasized the shared commonality of the problem to both our countries, I would have had no issue. The poll he cited was Washington DC.

In fairness, he did infer a shared problem but the focus seemed to me to be American

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We the People need to find our voice.

I do not accept their narrative. They are the minority but the DS Rat Bastard MSM pretends (and projects) they are the majority. False Reality or Reality Prime as Chris Paul calls it.

Unsolicited advice is criticism, so until someone asks they are not willing to hear/listen. I find the best I can do is ask questions that plant seeds and then God takes it from there.

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I agree that there is an illusion of the majority/minority situation at hand. But why, in your opinion, is this toxic expression of liberalism more appealing to middle-aged women across North America? If we're dealing with behaviour modification and psychological operations, something was successfully achieved by our enemy here and we should understand it.

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Every single incident I had, which was rare because I stay rural but I remember each one because it was so aggressive, the woman was middle aged: older than 40s. BTW: Middle age is the largest developmental group, 25 through 60 if I remember my social psych stats…

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The age group was the target group for feminism. Thats my observation.

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Excellent point. "Feminism" has created all manner of evils..

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If I remember my old social psych stats, ‘middle age’ is the broadest developmental group, from 25 to 65 or something. So, yeah. My horrid experiences, having to creep into the metropolis 3 times during lockdown, was always a woman over 40. We should try to understand it. It is now a social construct: we did not name these women ‘Karens.’

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WW2, Simon. Do a dive on the change in the family— inverse relationship to women working outside the home and every home had to have 2 cars, kids in preschool…all planned out—and rise of feminism. This is my dad’s theorum while I grew up arguing with him as a teen…what a wealth of dots to connect.

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Why do you believe the narrative that our enemy successfully achieved this outcome?

Anecdotally, I know more middle aged women who do not believe the toxic expression of liberalism.

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Middle age is considered to be between 40-60

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E. Jean Carroll

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Do you live in a city or more rural area?

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I love it when Takes generate this sort of back-and-forth. What we must always avoid at all costs is anything that opens us to 'attacking {women, men, gays, whites, blacks...}' because that plays right into their hand. [They] want us divided and 'othering' and identifying groups to single out. When we unite, we will attack [them]. And that is what they fear and will do almost anything to avoid.

I understand the point of the Take and I agree that this is an interesting statistic that deserves to be understood better. I cannot explain the observation, but I can see that pointing it out must be done very carefully, to avoid falling into their trap.

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Dr Jan Halper-Hayes, on a DoD task force to assess the pulse of the Nation, just couldn’t (with her PhD in psychology) get her bearings on the “woke” mind until it was explained to her that our educational system reinforces that they should react first before thinking. They don’t operate from rational thought, but believe that their feelings tell them “reality”. Your example of the ‘Karens” calling you out for not wearing a mask is a perfect example.

The most fundamental problem is that they do not see this as a spiritual war.

Halper-Hayes said that right now (paraphrasing) ‘the amount of infighting that is blossoming on social media is actually a good sign because historically, when it’s been a peoples’ movement as it gets closer and closer to success, that is when the infighting increases.


When you’re always defending yourself based on emotion (liberal woke mindset) then your ego is in control, eclipsing rational thought. How do we get through to them?

IMO, They need to fight it out in their own groups and just be mindful not to trigger their defenses which are always emotional


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Excellent point....the appeal to emotion is the key to destabilizing people, skirting debate, and getting people to think and do things they probably wouldn't otherwise. Most akready acknowledge that, but what is less often called out is that "the Right" does the same thing when they stoke and then play on people's ANGER as opposed to FEAR which the Left is always selling...but it's the same thing in the end.

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In that telephone gallop poll, 500 women comprised the subset (middle aged women) they questioned. Their statistics are measuring the trend since 1999.

“Middle-aged women have also become more liberal, but less strongly”

The article states ‘Washington D.C.’

So, is this really a fair representation of all middle-aged women in the country? If the poll was taken in a predominantly red state, would the statistics be the same?

Ideology in our country is predominantly a product of the progressive socialist education AND the controlled propaganda of mainstream media.

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Everyone in Germany who lived under communism is voting for the complete opposite now.

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They know.

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What a day for news. Winning! And if there is no more proof of this, the AM Lamestream News is broadcasting . . . color stories about the Superbowl.


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When is the stupid superbowl? I hope this weekend so we can be DONE with it! My husband and I don't follow sports at all.

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You mean the DC Super Bowl between the Patriots and Stealers? I borrowed that as someone who knows I hate football now, sent me that this morning. Lol

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I'd give it 3 ROTFLs if it weren't so sad... and true.

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Thanks for the laugh! We don’t follow it either…especially since all that take-a-knee psyop against patriotism.

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Sunday the 11th at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas, complete with Taylor Swift and her fake romance with Travis Kelce, tight end of the KC Chiefs, who will play the SF 49ers.

I won't be watching, but hundreds of millions likely will.

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Those of us that ponder, ponderously, are wondering what will be the surprise at halftime…Big Mike or other FF…

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Gee, maybe I should watch 😎

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I wish Rush L was here to watch for us and give us his take! Miss him bigly.

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One my favorite Rush monologues (transcript, audio and video):


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Vlad, Vlad…a real man proffering copies of historical documents…pillow talk.

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I’m really curious what is in that packet….maybe history, maybe evidence??

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And Tucker still has the Julian Assange interview he did…is he coordinating with ‘someone’ on the timing??

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Oh yes! I couldn’t believe Tucker did not lean forward and accept it.

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Maybe he didn’t want the ‘chain of custody’ on camera!🤣

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Spoken like a true intel officer 😉

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Oh wow…indeed…

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Tucker had it with him in his post interview summary podcast.

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Yes…..interesting potentials. Hmm… I can’t imagine it’s just documents supporting the 1200 years of history Putin described.

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Too much winning, too soon, this week. If this is really 'patriots in control' we should expect setbacks soon. These crashing waves need to culminate later in the year, not now. The contrasting win/loss game needs to amplify considerably yet, the normies are still relatively disengaged.

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Last September Trump said "A year is too long to wait. A lot of bad things can happen in a year. I think more like five months..." which brings us to February. At the rate things are going, it looks like Trump's comment was spot on.

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Oh my gosh, I forgot about that but I remember it now that you mention it. Imagine that, the timing! ❤️

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Almost like there is a Plan or something... 😎

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I am still not tired of winning :-)

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