Aug 12Edited

Wow - did not realize the boomerang of YT/Wojcicki!

When I heard she passed, I had mixed feelings. I feel bad for her kids. But for her role in censorship and gaslighting? She doesn't get a pass. How many people are dead because of that? How many died alone? ( I am sure she was surrounded by loved ones and won't be having a Zoom funeral.) How many livelihoods and relationships were destroyed? Fuck her. And yes, I am speaking ill of the dead - I am struggling even writing this. But the sooner the Stanford mafia et al is out of power, the better off we will be.

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WOW, y'all keep getting better and better every day:-)

As I think back on the 2020 election thru 2021 fake inauguration I remember being sure Trump & Team were going to prove the election was stolen and stay in office to being stunned when Sleepy Pedo Joe was fake inaugurated. While everything I watched I did mostly because I was sure the WH were going to sweep in and fix the mess what I did observe and comment on to my circle of Awakened family and friends was how shocked/stunned all the DS Rat Bastards shown in the film of the fake inauguration looked. They were all like the dog that chases the car tire and finally catches it. They were not expecting Trump to walk away. They expected a civil war they had no idea what to do next. I believe since then the DS Rat Bastards have been cut off. The puppet masters with all the money are gone, the 4 am talking points are gone, the total MSM control is gone, etc.

So now they all have to operate without a script or a writing staff.

When you look at how ridiculous all of their players have acted in front of every camera it is hysterical. As in one of my new favorite movies “Wag the Dog” the best they can do is react to the rollout of The Plan and try to tell there own story/narrative. But as BB often points out We the People have the much better story tellers. Oh and BTW we have the Truth on our side.

Loved all your takes Ashe, GBPH & BB and as always I appreciate your hard work and humor.

Keep it coming.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Mark Rowley, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner I think of London, has evidently supercharged his Wheaties, and has issued a "warning", evidently to the known universe. Musk, indeed, asks a legitimate question, "Is this Britain or the Soviet Union?" Mr. Rowley should first grapple with the fact that his perceived control over what is "free speech" in my country, The United States of America, is "poppycock", as some Brits would say. Yes, we have many in this country who want to destroy free speech, but they have further than they can imagine, in being able to effect that misguided notion. You neither can nor will assert your perceived control over what I say to anyone, anywhere, and you need to digest that fact with your Wheaties.

There are at least 100,000,000 of our citizens who have been pushed to the edge by people in this country who are as deranged as you are. Trust me, Mark, you don't want to stir that hornet's nest. I am but one of 66,000,000 armed forces veterans who still live under the oaths that they swore upon joining our various services. We still respect those vows to protect our Constitution of the United States and it's amendments, the first of which is "the freedom of speech."

You take care of what you threaten our citizens with. We quit bowing to your royalty almost 250 years ago.

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Why Wojcicki died...sounds vaxed

We can certainly speculate, just not on YouTube 😆 Good one Ashe.

I just wonder how long it will take for our brain-dead Lib friends to realize just how much Truth is being kept from them in the name of conspiracy theories that end up being true

B4 it's too late...not holding my breath

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Sally, you are right! Right now I don’t say much because those asleep won’t accept it, it is wasted effort

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Crazy isn’t it, beyond comprehension. I have one friend who posted a pic of herself in a Kamala T-shirt just days after the DS coup that swapped out Biden. Just rolled right over…mind-less

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I just can't help think that threat from the U.K. is fake news. The Virginia Governor is the example the whole country needs to follow, Zelensky is like a little boy who "plays" army, but with real people, someone take his toys away please! And lastly I'm so jazzed up seeing the confirmation of "conspiracy theories" I laugh outloud. I feel vindicated and again...so grateful to have found Patel Patriot!!!

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We really need to go back to the 2000 election to unravel the mess that has been created with election systems. Cheating has gotten easier, not lessened. And, the whole reason for the new systems is justified by the cheating “allowed” by the old system that showed up in Florida.

Yes, Democrats cheated in Florida in 2000, but the voting system actually caught them in the act due to it’s design. This was actually explained by one of the IBM engineers who was involved in the original design of the Votomatic system in 1956! It actually served us well for over 40 years until Florida in 2000. Why don’t we figure out why Florida became the one place the old system failed. You would think that would be the obvious question to ask. But it never was asked.

The problem in Florida was the pregnant chad. They had experts with magnifying glasses trying to determine the intent of the voter. The intent of the voter was to cheat! But they never bothered to figure that out.

The answer was given two days after the election by the IBM engineer and it made complete sense. He explained the key was in the punch card design. If you put two punch cards into a Votomatic the stylus could not punch out two chads because the pressure of the stylus was spread by the top card and was not concentrated enough to punch out the lower chad. What you get by cheating is two pregnant chads or one pregnant chad and a perforated chad and a hanging chad. Oops! Guess what he proved? Everything going on in Florida was a sham! But, that has never been explained to the public. The engineer’s message just never got any reporting by the MSM.

Instead, we got a total redesign of our voting systems at tremendous cost to us taxpayers. And, now we find the new and improved systems are actually easier to cheat. The cheaters are just harder to catch because the technology is far more complex than a simple punch card designed to stop cheating.

I hope my little explanation helps us see what is really going on right in front of our eyes. In Florida they flaunted the truth by looking straight at the problem with magnifying glasses and failing to see what was wrong. That was sick! But America fell for it! We are suckers as far as Democrats are concerned.

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Amazing. …Never knew.

Did they also say whose name lined up with those hanging & pregnant chads? Or ia it —obviously — Bush? (Or did it matter whose, anyway?)

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They were almost all for Gore. The guy who managed that vote counting facility was found to have an illegal Votomatic in his car along with thousands of punch cards. Apparently he was sneaking out and punching ballots for Gore, going back inside and substituting those new ballots for about the same number of legally cast ballots. So, Gote was getting 100% of the new votes but was also losing legally cast votes in the removed votes.

What caught my attention was on election night FOX news commented that something looked wrong. Everytime they recounted the votes, down ballot candidates lost votes. That made no sense. Gore gained, but city council people lost votes.

Once the IBM guy explained it, it all made sense to me. But, they kept right on trying to figure out the voter’s intent.

And, here we are 24 years later and our voting system is even more screwed up. The Democrats can cheat all they want and the media will cover it up. How we fix this mess is beyond me. But it better happen soon or we will see more fake people in office.

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Thank you for these takes. I know you are all on crunch time! XOXO

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My Grandson 21 is in an Apprenticeship job, he ex-rays welds, has good pay, and insurance, and learn as you go, he's ready for the 5th test, which will bring him to Suvisory status. And even better pay. NO loans to pay back.

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Mike Rowe would 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻…and so do I!

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Long Live Badlands Media !!! Down with YouTube💩

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Has Great Britain become the police for the world. And are they the judge of what is misinformation or hate speech? Freedom of speech applys to hate speech. We don't need freedom of speech for people we agree with. Maybe the Great Britain police should read over our constitution before they get too carried away.

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Toothless threat.

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From a toothless lion on its deathbed.

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The US Navy's Warship Production Is in Its Worst State in 25 Years. What's behind It?


25-year-old laborer who previously made parts for garbage trucks.

Lucas Andreini, a welder at Fincantieri Marinette Marine, in Marinette, Wisconsin, is among thousands of young workers who’ve received employer-sponsored training nationwide as shipyards struggle to hire and retain employees.

The labor shortage is one of myriad challenges that have led to backlogs in ship production and maintenance at a time when the Navy faces expanding global threats. Combined with shifting defense priorities, last-minute design changes and cost overruns, it has put the U.S. behind China in the number of ships at its disposal — and the gap is widening.

Navy shipbuilding is currently in “a terrible state” — the worst in a quarter century, says Eric Labs, a longtime naval analyst at the Congressional Budget Office. “I feel alarmed," he said. "I don’t see a fast, easy way to get out of this problem. It’s taken us a long time to get into it.”

Marinette Marine is under contract to build six guided-missile frigates — the Navy’s newest surface warships — with options to build four more. But it only has enough workers to produce one frigate a year, according to Labs.

read on. Trade schools were looked down on, where useless college degrees were sought.

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Finish off Ukraine so these ungrateful ones toward Americans, who came here from corrupt Ukraine, that are getting free rent food healthcare and autos, TP, phones ect...courtesy of struggling Americans, get a final FREE ticket home to Europe! I've met too many here in OHIO that are rude, crude, entitled and ungrateful.... My neighborhood has been filled with them... They are lazy, drunks who party til the wee hours out on the lawns of the homes we are renting for them. We are the dumbest country for doing this!!!

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“…all votes for the 2024 presidential election to be cast by paper ballot.”

why not all elections? local and state issues and elections are more impactful than potus.

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“‘Safe and secure’ is a house of cards, and the wind is blowing.” 🤞

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This statement was made in 2000 (link below)

“The present government of Israel was set up by the High Masonic Rothschild-controlled Jews, and Rothschild has had an alliance with the Jesuit General since 1876, with Adam Weishaupt. This is the very same Rothschild powers who betrayed the Jews into the hands of the Nazis, killing many Jews all throughout Europe, betraying their own Jewish people.

These are the very same powers who run the nation of Israel today.”

All roads lead to Rome…or they have for a few centuries. Now? Has much changed in 20 some odd years? I would say, Yes. Exposure and the Anon world has made the hidden layers more and more visible.

While most Americans believe the CIA was behind the JFK assassination…strange that most of us believe it and yet nothing is done about it? This leads one to wonder, Who REALLY controls the CIA?


(The quote was on page 29)


Excellent Takes to kick off the week. Thank You, Badlands Media!! 🙏❤️🇺🇸🕊🌎💫

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🙌 (my “like” is out of order…yo Substack!)

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Ashe sums it up, ‘Safe and secure’ is a house of cards, and the wind is blowing.’ 💨

Ghost, too, shows the decisions by the increasingly panicked Nazi cabal minions, ‘…I go more into detail about why sending tanks into Kursk was the beginning of the end of the Third Reich.’ Hmm…lightening often strikes twice in the same place.

Whatever happens in Virginia, (I pray it’s actually an honest election) nevertheless, as Ashe states, it is our duty to VOTE! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

Ghost dives into the situation in Israel and I agree with his assessment of Netanyahu. ‘…Netanyahu is a warmongering sociopath who seeks glory in military conquest, He is totally beholden to the even more deranged religious lunatics in his cabinet…’. This is a tinderbox, playing right into the hands of (?)🤔 ‘(Formally titled "Israel's Decisive Plan.") I encourage you to read it for yourself, as it sounds like a Jewish version of Shariah Law. Certainly would explain why 38 [Republican-controlled] American states have passed hate speech laws that prohibit legitimate criticisms of the Israeli government.’ Controlling. Again, (?) 🤔 Maybe there is some truth to the ‘Jewish’ conspiracies? Of course, if one considers that the goal of the ‘Jews’ in Prussia was to have their own country from where they would rule the world…🤔

Susan Wojcicki’s timely demise after censoring Badlands on YouTube….hmm…

I’ve come to the conclusion (based upon what I ‘think’ I know) that the supposed hack by Iran (?) has all the marks of a diversion….from what exactly? Sandstorms do not bring clarity and threatening arrests of patriots around the world (without authority) seems to be a huge boost to the awakening goals. WHO actually gave the orders for this?

BB states the obvious, ‘They are the problem. Trump (and by extension, we,) are the solution.’ …and the Overton Window keeps moving, just much more quickly now.

God bless all here.🙏🙏

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Great comment! ❤️🇺🇸🕊🦅🌎

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