Whoever created this epic story that we’ve been participating in has put together one hell of a tale. It’s got everything. Plot, story line, characters, all of it. We have villains and heroes and incidents of derring-do. When I was much younger than I am now and I found a good book I would stay up all night trying to get to the end of the story. Now that the election-of-all-elections is almost here I think soon we’ll be able to feel the breath of every participant in the info war being indrawn and held in measured anticipation.

Are we in book 1 of a trilogy? Or book 3?

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Oh, I vote Book 1 because as Trump says " The Best is Yet to Come" 😉

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👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻! ! !

I sure don’t know…but I haven’t been able to put the book down for years. The 2nd greatest story ever told!


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“They’re emptying their prisons into our country.” The minute anyone walks, drops or drives into the US without permission, they became a felon, NOT a migrant. The idiots-in-charge following Soros open border orders have brought millions of FELONS into the country. No wonder the law enforcement agencies aren’t providing crime data.

These people are sick ( and evil) and Ashe nails it, ‘It’s government sponsored child trafficking, and the blood and terror of these children is on all our hands if we don’t end it.’ Now apply the same philosophy to the slaughter of innocents before (and sometimes after) birth.😔🙏

The intelligence agencies are at the core of many evils….each day more comes to light. Finally! Next, what they are also involved with….the children.

Apparently there has been a tremendous amount of good guys infiltrating the cabal entities around the world. So…what role did Netanyahu actually play in taking out the top of Hezbollah?

God bless those who search for truth instead of lies!🙏🙏

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Great discussion on Hez & Bibi on last night’s Defected. Long form, so settle in.


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WAPO - Trump predicted a “very fair and rather rapid deal” to end the war if he wins in November, but did not offer specific details. OF course he wouldn't! How many of his policy positions has KH already copied and claimed. That would be akin to telling the enemy where, when, and with what you are about to strike...of wait - they (DS) do that too.

AiA - Thank you for your service to America! It may always be the right time to do the right thing, but that doesn't mean it is easy or without sacrifice. I pray for God's continuing grace and mercy to restore what was lost!

GBPH - "See patterns?" Indeed - and they go back far beyond the foundations of this country or even the foundations of the west! Doubt, Deny, Deceive...Kill, Steal, Destroy...all built on ignoring the Truth that stands outside of ourselves. Thank you for all your insights!!

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Historians claim Babylon no longer exists. That may be true in the literal, physical sense of a city on the banks of the Euphrates, but it exists to this day. It will exist until it is destroyed in the final battles. (Rev 17-18)

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I would suggest that (the harlot (ch 17) and the government/economy (ch 18) are destroyed by the sea beast and his ten kings in order to make way for the one world, one god, one economy kingdom that comes to full power near the end of the last 3.5 years (according to Daniel about 110 days (see 8:14, 26) before the Great Harvest ends and the final wraths of God are poured out, the seventh of which is the earthquake and hailstorm that prepares the unrepentant for the final battle) and which ends with His triumphant return...but we are closer in our thoughts than many with whom I compare notes. See specifically Rev.17:16-18

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Thanks for the detail. As always I yield to your expertise in this area 💖

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As we head into the home stretch approaching November 5th it gets crazier by the day. "Remember, Remember the 5th of November" just keeps ringing in my head.

Love all your Takes today, it really helps me get my week started.

GBPH, while I don't agree with all your Takes all the time I do love the fact that you make me see things from different perspectives and for that I am very grateful.

I have no idea about WH/BH when it comes to Lindsey but it is obvious to me that Trump and team have him on speed dial 😀

Looking forward to your Takes the rest of this wild week.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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As with other allegiances, it is possible (likely, in fact) that Lindsey has mixed loyalties and motivations. Politics is, after all, a complex business and while we (as most) like to portray it in simple terms -- good vs. evil -- the reality is often not so simple.

I think Trump uses Lindsey when he can, but keeps a close eye on him. Personally I would not trust him any farther than I could throw him. YMMV...

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Muslim Brotherhood. Look into Stephen Coughlin of Unconstrained Analytics. Obama minions ran him out of the Pentagram for pointing out MB infiltration. Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner anyone?

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Another great morning coffee with ya'll.

I love my Badlands News Brief. Great coverage of MBS and that little insert about Ye. Huh.....

And I love it when you back up your stories with actual clips/media footage of exactly what was discussed by Trump about Bibi. Can't argue with facts.

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Graham "The Mouth of the south" "Town Crier" "Numb-nuts" "Do-Boy", is bending over again this week to deliver the FAKE NEWS....

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I truly wish that faggot would self immolate, for the nation.

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Grateful for the Briefs and Takes…

Appreciate GoBPH’s political / MiddleEast updates…but I definitely got distracted…wandered off on the traditional Bedouin way of life that MBS respects and values. Looked at many images of the tents, explored a bit of how they are made (fabric from camel, goat, and sheep fiber), much of the handwork done by women (spinning; weaving; sewing).

“Saudi Arabia is experiencing a renaissance of Bedouin traditions, with the traditional “Bayt al-sha’ar” tents emerging as a central element of this renewal.”

“ Bedouin culture is more than just a nod to the nomadic tribes of the past; it is a celebration of a lifestyle that has shaped the Arabian ethos. The increasing importance of Bedouin tents and traditions in the Kingdom’s tourism narrative is a testament to Saudi Arabia’s commitment to honouring its Bedouin roots while showcasing them as treasures to the world.”


Thanks, Ghost, for inspiring my side trip!

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So very cool. Thanks!

& to our dedicated brilliant Badlands pathfinders. Thousands thanks & a great group bearhug.

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Wow, I love a good mystery and Adventurous tale of the Century Story that will make a great movie one day. YES Star wars, fans, it will be the greatest story EVER told. Thank you Badlands, you are the greatest.

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Absolutely. And about a hundred 3 hr movies at that ☺️… More like Lord Of The Rings, tho’, to me.

My peeps are still either checked out or following the purely political Fox-type narratives. Too late to send them Badlands fare, it seems. — Stuff unfolding so fast & the analyses so predicated on past writing & discussions that they’d be found incomprehensible, at this point. I think Trump et al know that, so they’ll get the upshot reveals out & the people will have to wait for the marvelous books & movie.

…As long as they get on board before Nov, if they aren’t already.

We just need to show them sanguine & chill. 😎

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Yes, Tolkien but also Robert Jordans, Wheel of Time. A story that will knock the socks off the Cosmos and has brought ET races at different levels of ascension and evolution all to one very small ball of magic and beauti with the wierdest evolving population ever to be found, humanity.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

Sounds like lovely Sci fi/fantasy. I grew up on Ray Bradbury & a whole bunch of others.

I’ve not heard of Jordans!

Would love to read BB’s stories when he has time to get back to fiction. 😊

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Linda Graham 🐞🐞🐞

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Will this ever be exposed?

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I'm wondering why MBS says he doesn't care about the Palestinians? Any takes?

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Trump has said that the punishment for anti-Semetism should be the death penalty.

Does anyone agree?

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Receipts, please?

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Please!!!! video proof?

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I think it's in a Mark Dice video, lemme look...

I should have saved it, I knew I would get that question. It was actually anti-semitic killings. So my bad, the death penalty for killing a Jew. I just searched it, this is the first one I found.


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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

Thank you, JG. I’ll check it out.

…ok Watched. It’s nothing but MSNBC editorial — Has very little if anything to do with what he said after the shooting in PA.

HERE is what he actually said👇🏼!


— I can find nothing here that confirms the twisted innuendos in that statement you (or Mark Dice?) presented: “Trump has said that the punishment for anti-Semetism should be the death penalty.” He didn’t isolate Jewish people as a special protected group; he denounced violence against any group. He said great things about love over hatred and protecting our neighbors.

I hope everyone listens to this 2018 speech! It’s great!

So, I have to ask,

what, exactly, was your point in posing this? I’d say in answer to your question: it’s a non-starter.

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He is clearly asking for the reinstatement of the death penalty because of anti-semitism. So I have to ask you, what is your agenda in misinterpreting this? (I don't really have to ask you that but this is the theme we have going it seems.) I was clear that I had mis stated in my original post. Twisted innuendos? Trump is the swamp and you are hanging your hopes on lies.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

Hold on please. Did you listen to the CNN speech?

He’s asking for the death penalty because people were recently targeted bc of their group identity.

He was clearly calling for it in this case, in which the victims were Jewish and were targeted because of that, injured or killed. But he said, “any group”.

Antisemitism has acquired a very broad meaning these days — it’s lost any significant, consistent meaning, while being more provocative and ill-used than ever.

I won’t speak to your opinions on Trump as “in the swamp” — that’s your business — but I will say that your lack of logic and listening here is exceeded by your readiness to insult a reader who gave you a fair hearing in good faith and replied honestly.

What a waste of time.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

Only thing CLEAR is that this is FAKE NEWS splicing film

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That was a doctored video and its quite clear on this MSDNC garbage. Splicing and FAKE NEWS garbage!

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I’m wondering what the people of Iran think about the leaders of hesballa being taken out so brutally. Could you imagine the man on the street in the US if the leadership of the seaIA was taken out?

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If they knew what has been going on, they'd be dancing in the streets.

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So the three Iranians are to cover for the US government. lol

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Russia Hacked Hillary Clinton Computer Hours After Trump Request—Attorney


Russia hacked into Hillary Clinton's computer about five hours after Donald Trump asked them for her emails, a lawyer involved in the Mueller investigation has said.

Russia hacked into Hillary Clinton's computer about five hours after Donald Trump asked them for her emails, a lawyer involved in the Mueller investigation has said.

Zebley said that there was a "call and response" going on between Trump and the Russians but, legally, it could not be considered a conspiracy.

Zebley was referring to a July 27, 2016, press conference in Florida, in which Trump publicly asked Russia to supply Clinton emails.

Heads UP: Tropical Storm Kirk follows behind Hurricane Helene. Tracking it.

Makes it more urgent to move people out of the path for safety.

Hurricane Kirk Will Spark Deadly Warning to States Hit Hardest by Helene


Tropical Storm Kirk formed on Monday in the Atlantic Ocean. As of Monday afternoon, Kirk had maximum sustained winds of 60 mph. Over the next few days, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) anticipates Kirk becoming a "very strong major hurricane."

Spaghetti or computer models illustrating potential storm paths show Kirk remaining at sea or curving northeast to trek toward Europe. However, deadly swells generated by the storm will travel hundreds of miles to impact the East Coast, where many states are still recovering from Helene.

Samaritan’s Purse Is Responding to Hurricane Helene


Samaritan’s Purse

PO Box 3000

Boone, NC 28607


The storm left a path of devastation across the Southeast, from the coast of Florida to the mountains of North Carolina. Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham said on Facebook, “Samaritan’s Purse responds to help with storms and crises around the world every day, but now the storm has hit in our own backyard. Hurricane Helene slammed western North Carolina and the surrounding area, as well as Georgia and Florida. Homes have been flooded and some even washed away, trees are down, tens of thousands are still without power. We would be grateful for your prayers for all those affected by this storm.”

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