
Bad guys: RINOs, Dems, DC bureaucracy, 3-letter agencies/ALL of them, Federal Reserve and associated banks, industrial military and media complexes, complicit corporations & foundations....in the US...

Good guys: RFK, Trump, Paxton, MAGA-loving folks.

(Notice the first group are made up of ‘groups;’ the second group is made up is ‘individuals’)

We are at the point where each must make a choice.

Ashe said it best, “Learn to code and eat the bugs or join the fight to end globalism. These are your only options.”

Pray for our country’s people to return to God and once again adhere to the principles that ensure each individual remains an individual. God, please bless and protect all who work to expose the truth.🙏

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Well stated, ALtab. We are witnessing the influence of a century of Marxist infiltration into our educational system, each succeeding generation more deeply captured than the previous. We now have an entrenched “group think” class of citizens who have actually been taught how NOT to think critically. The Marxists started out with an economic ideology but saw that it wasn’t working in America so they regrouped all their focus into a cultural transformation - their greatest tool has been the American classroom. And they’ve been “progressively” at it since at least the 1800s. The purpose of indoctrination is not wisdom; it is to think using instilled assumptions without ever examining those beliefs.

We who have escaped the matrix of group think, we see it. The brainwashed can not see it - yet. The whole “precipice” concept is for them. I do wonder how many on the very edge of that cliff will actually question their indoctrinated “reality”?? I imagine they will experience a mental/emotional realm of deep confusion….is that the crack where the light of reason finally dawns? 🤞❤️🕊🙏🌎

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Now, this is well stated, Featherjourney!! This is all so true. A couple of years ago, I reread ‘The Naked Communist, and from the perspective of being a teenager in the ‘60s (and reflecting on the 2-parent 50’s family I grew up in), it was so painfully obvious how the indoctrination was implemented in the education system. I believe after WWII was when the plan to take over the world was solidified and when the internet became ‘household’ was when the plan to speed everything up was made. Unfortunately for the cabal, the US still had the Constitution and the very tool they planned to finalize control backfired and the very tool for enslaving us was used by anons and a whole lot of believers worldwide to find and expose truth! This has and is continuing to bring their evil out of the dark and into the light of day! Blessings to you! You are so loved!🙏🙏

(Taking a break this afternoon to let my chickens out and work in my little greenhouse.)

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First, thanks for the nostalgic moment! When I was a kid living in the country, our nearest neighbors were an older couple who ran a greenhouse selling plants. They were wonderfully tolerant of us kids, sneaking in the back door…Oh my, how I loved the feel and the smell of that greenhouse in the summer!!!

Second, absolutely great point about the internet. And over a decade of very little censorship…which I credit for much of my waking up!

I just read Pete Hegseth’s book: Battle for the American Mind, Uprooting a Century of Miseducation.

A very good read!

Happy tending to your chickens and greenhouse, my beautiful spirit sister ❤️🙏🇺🇸🕊🌎📚🍁

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I know how to code (and have for 50+ years) but I vill never, NEVER eat ze damn bugs!


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I hope when the dust settles and the entire Uniparty criminals are FINALLY behind electric fences awaiting their punishments. that they are asked which BUG MEAL they would prefer for their last and final meal! Bon Appetite Bastards!

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🤣🤣🤣💯 Agreed!

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Something is puzzling me, make a choice between individuals or groups? That would be short-sighted. In actuality some of my groups aren't there. We do have your best in mind though.

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Clarifying a distinction here:

You can certainly have groups made up entirely of independent thinking individuals.

“Group think” was a concept heavily promoted in Obama’s (funded by Bill Gates) Common Core. Here’s an example: Common Core favors groups of students, say five students, the “correct” answer to a question must be correctly agreed upon by consensus. 2+2 ….

4 of the 5 students say the answer is 5 and the one who says 4 is considered wrong because the group says so!

That is group think. Independent logical reasoning is discouraged and that has been the Marxist “progressive” agenda for decades.

SAT scores used to measure a person’s ability to REASON . The “progressives” changed the SATs to measure “equity”, to make the playing field even outcomes for everyone. Reason, logical thinking was out; it didn’t matter…just think the way they want you to think.

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I was thinking of different militias and the parallel military. NOT THE wokey one that lost an F-35 and gave a phone number to call if ready for this? 'If you find it.' I was also thinking of something off-topic. When are you sovereign? When you no longer ask permission.

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“ When are you sovereign? When you no longer ask permission.” 👍

Love it ❤️

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It's really that simple. And your life changes so much.

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Asking for an US friend: Did we misunderstand it or Autopilot is designed to self-drive Tesla cars, and now the F-35s ??

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Thanks Trumpist 🇫🇷!!

And there it was again, in this article: “How stupid ARE these people?”


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That's a new one. I'll just fly on my friend's jet.

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I've found one in my backyard!

I don't know if it's the one you're searching ...

What am I intended to do now ?? 😁😉

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I absolutely do HATE this concept which tend to be called a form of democracy of the "good thinking" ! 😤😤

I don't want to have a "good" (who is allowed to evaluate this statute ??) thinking, I DO WANT to can think FREELY AND CRITICALLY !!

Nothing more, NOR LESS !!

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THAT is sovereign.

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Thank you, Badlands contributors!!!

Your dedication to thoughtful takes on the news, your time and work to do so, is a valuable resource. I really don’t know how I would keep up with it all without you. What takes time on your end, saves time on mine and I love you for that! ❤️🇺🇸🌎

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Ryan DeLarme

RFK assassination plot was probably launched by White Hats. 1 More failed attempt @ waking up sleeping normies. This weekend I attended a party of friends from my childhood neighborhood. These ppl have known me since I was 5 yrs old. Okay ... long time ago. Almost all are libtards (like I used to be) here on north shore of Boston. Out of 30 ppl there were 2 patriots. Even after all this insanity: Covid Mask & Vax Mandates, Vax injuries, Child Trafficking, Organ Harvesting, AdrenoChrome, Russiagate, DJT's many successes as POTUS vs. the actor, Obvious Election Fraud in multiple elections ... 28 out of 30 good moral human beings remain deeply committed to staying lost in The Matrix.

imo: White Hats made a colossal Mistake. U MUST TAKE AWAY THEIR MONEY. And I mean ... ALL OF IT. That's the only thing that will wake 'em up. As long as they can pay their bills, eat well & live in diminishing relative luxury, these zombie normies are so numb that nothing awaken their higher intelligence. Not even an RFK assassination.

As Iggy Pop sung, "Trying to steal a moment of Pleasantry in this Zombie Birdhouse ... Run, Run, Run, Run like a Villain, let the Good Time Roll , Run like a Villain to Save your Soul." This is exactly what the normies are doing.

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The system is on its last legs. They are about to find out what it is like to live in a world where the systems they depend on no longer work.

One of the reasons I think 'city people' vote democratic is that the dems promise to take care of them. They (the 'city people') depend on a complex urban infrastructure that they do not understand and cannot control. So a promise -- even an empty one that the dems have no means to keep -- makes them feel comfortable. Until it doesn't.

People who live in small towns and rural areas understand and often operate the systems they depend on. So they vote for the party that promises to leave them alone. Unfortunately that party is not very good at keeping its promises either.

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Let's Go! City & Suburban Soccor Moms & Dads (frogs sitting blithely in slow cook pot) will NOT budge from Matrix programming. Working class ppl are showing greater willingness to open their eyes probably b/c they see & feel the DS threat in their lives. I know. White Hats NEED to collect all the Rats (before they get refinanced). So this mess doesn't repeat itself 10 yrs from now. But can't White Hat Mil & we the ppl collect the remaining Evil Ones after Global Reveal?

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I live in a rural small town and, being friends with people who worked in the Town Hall, I heard the story of a family who moved here and after six months they went to the Town Hall to ask why they hadn’t gotten a water and sewer bill yet? They were living in a lovely house and had no idea they had a well for their water and a private septic system.

You raise a good point about urban folks taking for granted the basics of infrastructure!

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Well, let's just hope those folks understand and know how to operate the systems their lives depend on in their new rural home! If they don't, it makes for a jarring lesson, if and when they turn on the shower and .... nothing!

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I don’t mean that family specifically, but when storms take out the electricity, the newcomers are the ones who call every 10 min and demand to know when the power will come back. I’ve heard stories of some downright arrogant and rude people because the storm took out the power!

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Well, rural life is not for everyone. I've lived in the city (Silicon Valley ca. 1980) and in the middle of nowhere (rural British Columbia) and many towns in between, so I've seen pretty much everything there is to see regarding peoples' level of understanding of the world they live in. My favorite story is of the maybe 4th grader, ~10 years old, when asked where hamburgers come from. Answer (more of a question, (s)he had no idea): a hamburger tree?

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Bill, did you happen to catch Clif’s interview with the Future Forecasting Group (small group of skilled remote viewers) discussing “the Big Event” ?

I haven’t caught Clif in awhile but this one is worth catching!

Posted a few days ago


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Our taxes, sans representation, pay them…

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I spit, wasting time keeping your enemies close? Are you the enemy? I can no longer afford to listen to people who continue to associate with moral fools that do not speak up.

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Hello from (socialist) France ! 🙋‍♂️🇫🇷

I can agree with your stand but I think there are other ways, less agressive, to affirm it...

Moreover Miriamnae doesn't actually match the people you're describing with your virulent words.

Please vow to adopt a more apaised stand to ease the way you're welcome here 🙏🕊

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Vowing to accommodate our speech in return for a warm welcome, sure thing Frenchy. I'll try four lines of rhyming hyperbole next time.

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We don't have to agree with each other in any way, but we can agree to disagree frankly, agreably and with respect ...

That's just a choice of manner, a way we choose to live our own life.

I don't want to convince you, I just incite you to reflect on this matter.


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Have you taken a look at the French (your countrymen) that “kneel” to illegal migrants causing harm and death? That attitude is what has destroyed France. It’s pathetic. Standing up against evil is all that is needed.

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Please don't forget YOU and US share the same Leftist / Socialist / Communist evil which just present the VERY SAME evil choices but NO European country (but maybe Poland and Hungary ??) have any ACTUAL Conservative political parties yet.

On each side of the Ocean, any help will be welcome !!


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Hello from (socialist) France ! 🙋‍♂️🇫🇷

I'm not the only French (I do hope so) but it seems I'm at least one of the very few who are yet standing up and fighting every day God offers you and me.

I understood a long time ago that the main fight would be in America because your country has a Covenant with God AND has been place under God's watch by an oath of its Founders.

France 🇫🇷 had been deemed "The Elderst Daughter of the Church" but never took such an oath before God Himself ...

🙏🏻✝️ May God bless you ! ✝️ 🙏🏻

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Freedom of Speech…PERIOD. Even if it hurts your feelings. The 1st Amendment is for “hate speech”. Hate speech…what a complete joke!

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I'd like benefitting any form of your 1st Amendment here, but it had never been put in place by our so called distinguished elites ! 😤😤

You could disagree to the other side of you any matter WITH respect , and that's not hate speech, it's just a DEBATE of IDEAS.

Our lives, the light, the seasons, the weather are all largely nuances. Why not our debates, our ideas ?

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I’m about as free speech as a person can be. Unfortunately, many people seem to forget that little iota…FREE.

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I’m about as free speech as a believer can be ...

When you look at free speech from a Christian point of view, you quickly discover your freedom must arrange and accord itself with the range of your debater's own freedom...

That is why firm but SHARED moral and ethic values are so important before entering a debate about free speech!

🙏🏻🕊️✝️ May God bless and gift us His best discernment ability ! ✝️🕊️🙏🏻

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The Badlands News Brief is my favorite to read first thing in the morning. I’m extremely happy about Ken Paxton being acquitted. This was the best news! I hope the people of Texas vote out every single Democrat senator and RINO Republican Senator and any Texas house representative who voted for this sham impeachment. Now comes the revenge! Get back to work, Ken!

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Judges in Texas are voted in and unfortunately Major of the Judges voted in were radical leftists socialist BLM CRT supporters. Harris County Judges have taken the "family" "him" "her" out of court documents. It's pathetic and disgusting.

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The Lawfare is insane in this weird time. - TX Impeachment. MI FBI kidnapping trial. The Trump Trials. Not mentioned today Hunter and Joe.

It's has always been a standing joke about the place of lawyers in our society and politics. But lets face it, the "law" is no longer an arbiter of reality. The Judiciary are so completely politicized that no longer can anyone expect a non political outcome.

As Shakespeare states, "The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers." Why stop there. Go after the media as well.

The left understands it. They know that they’ll be able to take over an ignorant population with greater ease than one where everyone understands their rights. When they control the narrative and the judges, their job of pacifying the populace is easy.

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As long as lawfare is free (i.e., paid for by the taxpayers) we will never get rid of it.

If the government had to pay the winners every time they lost a lawfare case (maybe the winners' legal costs plus 50%), AND the government lawyers had to forfeit their pay for the time they worked on the case, then lawfare would end tomorrow. Bada-bing, bada-boom!

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And on another note Regarding the UAW Strike: How many people have paid attention to the number of high profile strikes that have happened during the Brandon Regime?

Ask yourself the question about what political factions that the strikers are represented by. To my memory, only the Law Enforcement Unions supported Trump in 2020.

And guess what all these lefty unions are demanding now? For the Country to show them the money - despite the fact that the same faction they supported has tanked the economy, caused massive inflation and loss of buying power, destroyed their working conditions, incentivized business leaving the US? The America Last policy is not working. But the Workers Unions still can't see it.

As for the Entertainment Unions, I just don't give a crap.

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Don't lose any sleep over the labor unions either. They are obsolete. They served a purpose once, a long time ago, when worker mobility was minimal and 'robber barons' could take advantage of them. Now when a worker can get a new job by just driving into a different parking lot in the morning, unions are parasites. Fewer workers than ever are members of unions, and if you get rid of the teachers and government employees (who should not be allowed to unionize) then unions would be almost non-existent.

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The UAW Union is a private sector Union, right?

Far more dangerous are the public, taxpayer funded unions like the different Teachers Unions, long associated with the Democrat Progressive Marxist Party.

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All unions are Marxist with the possible exceptions of some law enforcement unions.

And yes the UAW is (for the most part) private sector. I say 'for the most part' because the UAW is a large union, and I would not be surprised to find that it has groups of public employees here and there that they represent. You do not have to work in the auto industry to be represented by the UAW -- the employees just need to vote by 51% for the union they want, if they want to be represented. The Teamsters, for instance, represents quite a few non-transport employees.

To me the most dangerous union today is SEIU -- the Service Employees International Union -- who nominally represent workers in food service, hospitality and related industries. They are dangerous not because of their union activities, but because of their affiliation with Antifa and other thuggish organizations. You will often see thugs wearing SEIU shirts intimidating MAGA and other conservative people. They are one of the left's main 'enforcer' groups. They approached a young black vendor of T-shirts and similar swag at a conservative rally and threatened him, saying 'What kind of ni&&a are you anyway?' They don't care for black folk, or anyone really, trying to make a living and take care of themselves and their families.

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Unions are Marxist? Wouldn’t we be working 80 hours a week for minimal pay were it not for unions?

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Maybe 100 years ago. Unions came to power when workers had little mobility and there was little competition for their services. Times have changed. Now workers, even low-skilled workers, have many options and can go where they get the best deal, union or not. Employers must offer fair wages, working conditions and benefits to attract workers.

This is why union membership continues to drop in the private sector. Joining a union doesn't get you anything you can't get in the free market. The only workers who are unionized today in significant numbers are government employees. They exploit a market distortion to command ever increasing wages. That distortion is that there is no restraining mechanism on price, i.e. wages. In the private sector an employer who pays employees more than they are worth, i.e. the fair market price for their work that their competitor pays, must raise prices, will lose market share, and if the situation continues will fail. Government employees face no such limiting mechanism -- there is an infinite source of money from the taxpayer's pockets.

Of course eventually, once everyone works for the government and they are all paid 10x what they are worth, the economy collapses. This is why government employees should not be allowed to unionize. No natural restraint on wages.

When I was younger, say 1960s, government workers in general earned ~30% less than private sector employees. They were willing to accept this in consideration of their lifetime job security and superior pension benefits. Now they still have the job security and pension, and they earn much more than similar private sector jobs. And there are more government workers than ever. Their unions have been good to them, but it cannot go on forever. Any system like this based on a distortion in the marketplace will eventually collapse, when the goodies run out.

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Thank you for clarifying. Truth be told, I started working for the State of CA a year ago. I now see firsthand why people have said working for the government is like Socialism. There simply is no motivation to work hard or put in the extra effort, since our pay is fixed and not tied to making a profit. I’ll guiltily admit I’ve never had the best work ethic, probably due to never feeling like I was getting paid enough to get ahead, but I’m starting to think it would be better for me professionally to work in the private sector. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful to have a decent job with good benefits, but my motivation is seriously lacking here. I’m a state scientist and there is a union, but I declined to join as of now.

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I can always count on you to expand my education on many topics! I never even heard of the Service Employees International Union. Thank you, Bill, you Wild Thinker way outside the group think cage!


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Yeah, group think has never been my bag, you know what I mean? 😉💖

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023

It appears we have an infiltrator in comments … picking on our writers, eh? You done gone and made me spill my coffee, (close your eyes to this poor grammar Lafayette-a Samuel Clemons Midwest thing) ruining my spiritual morning rite as I leisurely read what badlands’ writers write. Must be from the NY comPost…

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RE: UAW Strike & Automation .... how does implementation of 6000 Suppressed Super-Tech Patents come into calculus w/ Global labor force? 45 has spoken openly about cars that will fly happening sooner than u think. Aren't White Hats tacitly rolling out Tesla Towers & Free Energy Vehicles? Isn't Toyota rolling out a car that runs on hydrogen? Yes, Automation works to increase profits/efficiency for Corporations. But isn't the shift from OLD Tech to NEW Tech a vital cog in the Industrial Machine?

As an undergrad philosophy major back in early 80's I had a professor who predicted the existential challenge/opportunity on the global horizon when automation would eliminate manual labor and liberate humanity to explore deeper questions of who we are and how we find meaning in our lives. Are we ready to evolve as a species?

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“ But isn't the shift from OLD Tech to NEW Tech a vital cog in the Industrial Machine?” I would say it is….a threat to the multinational mega corporations…which is why they push for “green energy” and actively suppress the zero point energy field of totally free energy for the planet…clean, infinitely renewable energy. How do they recoup their billions invested in the “climate crisis” scenario of green energy tech?

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You're absolutely right Feather, and the MOST POWERFUL corporations are fearing they could become the very less ones IF and especially WHEN the gigantic PONZI scheme the global economy has eventually become nowadays will finally collapse on itself under its own (over)load !!

⚠️⚠️"The Coming Collapse Of The Global Ponzi Scheme" ⚠️⚠️


Perhaps they're just fearing this basical Scripture (Matthew 20:16) "So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen".

WE and YOU, The People, can understand such a fear: [They] have ALL to LOSE !!

🙏🏻✝️🕊️ May God have Mercy and pity to [Them] and bless all of those who are fighting for His Word and HIS Truth ! 🕊️✝️🙏🏻

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Well said, Trumpist🇫🇷❤️

And thanks again regarding JB808…

Heart to heart, spirit to spirit…what a wonderful energy hug to the planet we had ❤️

And I’ve adopted your Dove of Peace / Holy Spirit emoji in my sign offs now


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I hope these MICHIGAN men (My home State) go after everyone that attacked them. From Gov Hitler to the FBI and the NEWS stations... This criminal behavior by that group must be punishable... FAKE NEWS was KEY in this entirely planned entrapment plan by Hitlermers people!

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Fellow Wolverine. I'm guessing they will go back to their lives, whatever remains of them. And I wish them happiness.

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The articles on Domestic FIB Tyranny in MI and the Foreign rinoRATs NWO pushing for WW3 over Ukriane are BookEnds of the DC Feral Coup Deep State.

Neglecting the People of the USA while Destroying the Country & Constitution.

How Much Longer Do WE/Me/You "tolerate" this Abuse??? Isn't this "a long train of abuses" from the Declaration of Independence ???

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Excellent work Badlands Media. It just gets better and better.

Great writers

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Two views. United Auto Workers union strike could expand as negotiations continue



MORE MONEY FOR UKRAINE. UAW withholds their endorsement for Biden amid historic strikes

Rep. Jeff Van Drew, R-N.J., discusses the United Auto Workers strike's impact on the economy and his support for a continuing resolution to avoid a government shutdown. #FOXBusiness


A over looked article. Former Ambassadors Peter Hoekstra and Joseph Cella Call for Investigation into CCP-Linked Gotion

The Gateway Pundit reported that the State of Illinois is providing taxpayer funded incentives, of more than half a billion dollars, to lure a Communist China-tied company, Gotion, to build an electric vehicle (EV) battery factory in the state. + FED MONEY.


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I like your choices of commentary. Thanks for doing this. But please do remember that most of us have already heard/read these things and are simply looking for something short and pithy that pinpoints as best as possible and as BRIEFLY as possible WHY you chose this and HOW you see it fits in or might fit in with "the" narrative and/or the counternarrative? We don't need a recap of what we've already read and then re-read a part of here. Bottom line: shorter is better. (BB does a good job at this, Ashe most of the time, others might need some work.) Sorry if this sounds harsh ... it's not supposed to. You provide a very useful service. I just don't have the time to read, re-read, and then read a long commentary on what I've already read, and I would guess others in this community are the same. Just get to the key points and then let us determine if we need to go deeper ... again. Thanks for reading, if you've read this far.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Ryan DeLarme

Why write such a long comment if you don't have the time to read, sheeez

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Because it's easy to simply say, "great job!"... which is actually something I say quite often. It's much harder to try to help people who are doing a good job to do it even better. You get lots of likes giving compliments, and you get this kind of useless crap when you try to give useful criticism. But I understand. Congrats on your "likes". Ryan...listen and learn if you want to grow. If it's all about kudos, then don't. You never know who it is that's trying to help you. And btw, it's not about having time to read. I spend a lot of time reading. It's choosing what to read among the hundreds of new choices every day.

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A long winded get to the point critique rubbed me the wrong way, so I apologize. The author does ask for input, and I am greatful for the chance to add comments. Off to work now, no time to read.

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