The News Cycle is almost impossible to track these days. At least, to do so fully.
That’s where we come in.
In the Badlands News Brief, the Badlands Media team is going to take you through a few news items of interest from the previous day in an attempt to give you an overview of the biggest goings-on relevant to the Truth Community while introducing you to some brief, original commentary from our growing team of citizen journalists.
(Feel free to follow the corresponding link attached to each Badlands contributor’s name to check them out on other platforms.)
Now, onto the news from Monday, March 6 …
Jan. 6 footage appears to show Capitol Police escorting QAnon Shaman to Senate floor
Fox New host Tucker Carlson aired footage of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol Riot on Monday evening that appeared to show Capitol Police did not attempt to stop one of the leading demonstrators from reaching the Senate floor but rather escorted him to the chamber.
The footage shows Jacob Chansley, widely known as the QAnon Shaman, walking through the corridors of the U.S. Capitol with two members of the Capitol Police alongside him, according to the New York Post. The officers have not subdued him and he does not appear to have had his movement restricted via handcuffs.
Carlson, for his part, was livid at the behavior of the police force.
"The tapes show the Capitol police never stopped Jacob Chansley. They helped him. They acted as his tour guides," Carlson lamented. Chansley received a 41-month sentence in connection with his role in the incident. — Just the News
Our Take: “They lied. Again. For two years, all we have received are edited and chopped videos which served the purpose of setting a narrative against Trump and his supporters.
There was no insurrection, as the videos shown by Tucker Carlson demonstrate.
There was, however, one of the largest psyops ever run against the American people, and their sitting President in history. As more videos are released, I am almost certain the J6 narrative will continue to crumble and the truth will come to light.” — AbsoluteTruth1776
Biden's Ex-Censorship Czar Announces Lawsuit Plan Against Fox News, It Instantly Backfires with Hilarious Results

Our Take: “The wicked witch of censorship is back, Scary Poppins herself.
Her lawsuit against Fox News is most-likely baseless. The reaction of the people is itself something to place squarely in the good news box. The fact is, despite the James Bondian magnitude of the globalist effort to convince people all over the world to buy into their agendas, most people don't want anything to do with it.
Jankowicz's plea for sympathy to "fight the evil wrong-thinkers" will also fail.
Possibly the globalists believed, some 100 years ago when this globalist plan in its current phase was likely implemented, they could use their vast knowledge of mind control to make people accept their machinations. No such luck. Enter Plan B: Force the world to accept the agenda and if anyone objects, silence them and make a display of it to convince others to stay quiet and go along.
Of course, I don't really know if this was their Plan B, but I suspect it was, with good reasons to support this conjecture. The fact is the same methods have been used successfully for thousands of years, so they might have regressed to this totalitarian fascist method when the mass mind control and propaganda campaigns failed.
As much as they would like to believe the past 200 years of cultural warfare tactics were enough to make people willingly accept their agendas, it hasn't worked. Human beings were designed for freedom and autonomy, and nothing short of a Borg-like technocratic cybernetic takeover will convince them otherwise.” — Justin Deschamps
Biden Describes Aneurysm: "They Had To Take The Top Of My Head Off A Couple Times, See If I Had A Brain"
President Joe Biden spoke about his previous aneurysms in a speech Monday at the International Association of Fire Fighters Legislative Conference.
“But, folks, it’s been part of my career my whole life. And I’m not going to go through it all, but you literally — my fire company at home saved my life. I came back from a trip, after being away for a couple of days, and — I had these terrible headaches. I was diagnosed with having a — well, anyway. They had to take the top of my head off a couple times, see if I had a brain.
But I — all kidding aside, what happened was: There was a snowstorm. And I had a cranial aneurysm. And it had to be operated on immediately. And the doc who was going to do it was the best doc that was around — it was down at Walter Reed — because he had operated on so many folks.” — Real Clear Politics
Our Take: “Not only does the red pill and chief do every single thing that might wake up the sleeping masses, but he does it in such an outrageous and blubbering way. It's like watching the comedian from the Naked Gun movie scream at the sheep that there's "nothing to see here", but he's insisting, practically begging them to look.
If you pay even a sliver of attention to politics, I wouldn't think it possible to not understand that Presidents have historically been controlled puppets and this fact is displayed in immaculate fashion by Biden.
Purposeful or not, it's all a net positive for the Great Awakening.” — Pepe Lives Matter
U.S. Targets Smuggling and Money Laundering Networks Supporting Russia’s Regime
Over the past year, the U.S. government has seized over $500 million in assets belonging to Russia’s oligarchs and those who have unlawfully supported the Russian regime. Additionally, over 30 individuals and two corporate entities have been indicted for crimes such as sanctions evasion and money laundering.
Last Friday, the U.S. Department of the Treasury announced a new wave of sanctions against Russia’s metals and mining sector, in order to hinder the country’s resupply efforts in its costly ground war against Ukraine.
These measures, coordinated with the U.S.’s allies and G7 partners, were taken with the expressed purpose of isolating Russia from the global economy. As a result, Russia’s financial sector has lost hundreds of billions of dollars.
Since the beginning of the war, the U.S., along with a coalition of over 30 allies and partners, has imposed a range of economic measures, including sanctions, export controls, and price caps.
Thousands of individuals and entities linked to the Russian regime have been blacklisted, including senior government officials and military manufacturing firms. Over 1,000 foreign companies have scaled back or stopped their operations in Russia, stifling the country’s investment and industrial growth. — OCCRP
Our Take: “Let's take a look at some of the most significant targets of this effort: Viktor Vekselberg, Roman Abramovich, Andrei Derkach, Oleg Deripaska ... these are members of the Swamp, the international Swamp.
Vekselberg is a Clinton buddy and Foundation donor. Deripaska is a KEY figure in Spygate.
The FACT SHEET offered by DOJ says that these actions, and those taken by Treasury, are in response to "Russia’s unprovoked, full-scale invasion of Ukraine" and that they are using "all tools at [their] disposal to impose accountability and serious costs on Russia and its enablers."
However, I gotta ask ... are they working "to impose accountability and serious costs on Russia and its enablers" OR "to impose accountability and serious costs on" the Swamp in Russia, Europe, and the United States?” — Just Human
Novak Djokovic pulls out of Indian Wells on eve of draw
Novak Djokovic has formally withdrawn from the draw for the BNP Paribas Open at Indian Wells, tournament officials said Sunday, an indication that the world No. 1's application for a COVID-19 vaccine waiver to enter the U.S. might have failed.
Djokovic, who is from Serbia and unvaccinated against COVID-19, applied to the U.S. government last month for special permission to play at the ATP Masters events at Indian Wells and Miami. — ESPN
Our Take: “Despite the Vaccination requirement to enter the United States ending on May 11th, the Biden administration continues to show how absurd all of this is by denying the #1 tennis player in the world an exemption to enter the country.
In stark contrast, two of the Antifa attackers who targeted a local establishment in Atlanta were from abroad, yet they were vaccinated.
So, basically, it’s okay for vaccinated terrorists to enter the country, but there’s just no way in hell we can let the world’s #1 tennis player, or any other unvaccinated individual in.
That would just make too much sense, I reckon.” — AbsoluteTruth1776
“A Quantum Leap in the American Standard of Living” – President Trump Announces ‘AGENDA 47’
President Trump announced his new ‘Agenda 47’ initiatives last Friday, vowing to give American families and individuals “a new shot at the American Dream.”
This new plan includes building new cities, creating a transportation revolution, bringing manufacturing back to America, and lowering the cost of living while rebuilding and beautifying American cities. The President defined his agenda as a “new Quantum Leap plan that will create a new American future and modernize communities across the country.”
This appears to be a shot at the Marxist, Globalist World Economic Forum’s Agenda 2030 plan to abolish property ownership, surrender to China, and end America’s status as a dominant world superpower. — The Gateway Pundit
Our Take: “President Trump has spoken about many aspects of cabal corruption within our world, all within language that normies can make sense of, while at the same time, hinting about things anons understand.
Heretofore, solutions to the manifold problems that plague or world were never specifically addressed. All this changed with a short and concise 4-minute video. The initiatives outlined above are 100% America First policies. The globalists want the standard of living to be low, while at the same time, technologically advanced (think: everyone gets a smartphone), raising people out of abject poverty into a technocratic slave state.
The globalists use their stronghold cities, soon to be 15-minute mega cities, to advance their technocratic feudal state, where total surveillance and total dependency on the globalists is the only way to survive (i.e. "You will own nothing and be happy”). The globalists need to make family and community life extremely expensive and unproductive (which is essential for freedom, prosperity, and wise intelligent people), while at the same time using taxpayer dollars to incentivize single parenthood and state-raising of children. This will eventually be replaced by baby farms (artificial wombs), where no parents are actually needed at all.
The globalists want a global economy, where wealthy nations manufacture nothing, paying top dollar for slave-labor produced goods overseas (think: China's manufacturing & the dependence of the 1st world thereon). And the globalists need to extinguish beauty, which is one of the three pillars of divinity that remind people of their sonship capacity with God.
All of these elements Trump explicitly declared war on yesterday.
These weapons of mass societal destruction have been used in free and autonomous societies for hundreds of years.
At times in history, when a return to community-first principles and the rule of law has re-emerged, prosperity quickly returns to the nation (as it did before the American Revolution, shortly after the Civil War, and during the Roman Republic—to name a few examples). It is my opinion that this is just the beginning.
How will we pay for all these things? Simple. The same way the early American Colonists established a fantastically successful economy, despite endless manipulation from the British and their international bankers—by creating a debt-free and interest-free currency. Within a few short years, all of the globalists machinations can be overturned.
But to make this work, we must rediscover the wisdom of the True Rule of Law.
We must shift from a narcissistic selfish driven society to a altruistic selfless driven society, which is the natural state of mankind when the spiritual immune system of truth and discernment are enshrined within a socio-cultural fabric.
My friends, Trump's Agenda 47 is an all-out assault on the globalist agenda, and truly, nothing can stop what's coming, so long as we remain invested in fighting for a future that is truly free and prosperous.” — Justin Deschamps
We hope you enjoyed this brief look back at the major news items you might have missed in this ever-escalating and ever-accelerating news cycle as the Information War continues to rage on around us.
The Badlands Media team will continue to combine our cognitive powers in order to slow things down and find the signal amidst the noise as this series expands.
As always, if you have any thoughts on these news items or the MANY others swirling in the digital ether, drop into the comments below to share them with your fellow Badlanders.
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Great work! So much to digest with the time available; your ongoing willingness to highlight and headline is helpful. The Agenda 47 video was one of the most encouraging I have seen from a societal and economic perspective. I hope he brings Ben Carson back in - the work he did at HUD was unsung, but mirrored this level of awakening. (BTW - Ben Carson and a coalition recently bought a bank, renamed it "Old Glory Bank" and will soon be open for business... maybe Don Jr. should check them out! JFYI)
Absurdity is the word of the Biden’s administration’s day....each day increasingly so! Thank God for the truth-tellers who dig until they get the real story out of the (once again) absurd narratives spewed by the globalists’ mouthpiece media. I concur with Trump’s agenda to restore America first plans, but we don’t need more cities. We need to clean up the ones we have, but we don’t need to add to the list of huge cities-that’s the reset agenda!!🤬 What we need is better infrastructure, smaller towns, restoring the pride and healthy results of the family farm, celebrating our great natural land and educate our children to rejoice in God’s beauty of nature. We need a return of our Creator in schooling as the rule of law cannot be maintained without a moral citizenry. I’m a fan of Trump as he’s done what he said, but we always need to question everyone in any position of power as power can corrupt absolutely. That’s our responsibility.