
Great work! So much to digest with the time available; your ongoing willingness to highlight and headline is helpful. The Agenda 47 video was one of the most encouraging I have seen from a societal and economic perspective. I hope he brings Ben Carson back in - the work he did at HUD was unsung, but mirrored this level of awakening. (BTW - Ben Carson and a coalition recently bought a bank, renamed it "Old Glory Bank" and will soon be open for business... maybe Don Jr. should check them out! JFYI)

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THANK YOU FOR THE REPORTS. YANKOWITCH IS SO COCK SURE ABOUT HER ROLE IN THE BIDEN WORLD OF DECEIT AND DESCRIBES IT AS JUST A REPORTING AND NO POWER ,LIE OF COURSE! Relieved of her witch role she must make an attempt to financially gain from Fox News through filing for defamation. She is finished as her career as a pathological liar is over. THANK GOD.

President Trump IS THE BRIGHT LIGHT SHINNING IN THE SEA OF DARKNESS. BUT WITHOUT THE DARKNESS WE WOULD NEVER SEE THE BRIGHT LIGHT. SO GOD IN HIS WISDOM DEVISED THIS PLAN TO PULL US OUT OF THE DARKNESS AND GO TOWARD THE LIGHT. For those who dont see that light, they are doomed to remain in the dark.. We and Trump will prevail, because even though God is in the dark and the light God always chooses kindness and justice and truth.. So given that knowledge WE WILL PREVAIL..

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Absurdity is the word of the Biden’s administration’s day....each day increasingly so! Thank God for the truth-tellers who dig until they get the real story out of the (once again) absurd narratives spewed by the globalists’ mouthpiece media. I concur with Trump’s agenda to restore America first plans, but we don’t need more cities. We need to clean up the ones we have, but we don’t need to add to the list of huge cities-that’s the reset agenda!!🤬 What we need is better infrastructure, smaller towns, restoring the pride and healthy results of the family farm, celebrating our great natural land and educate our children to rejoice in God’s beauty of nature. We need a return of our Creator in schooling as the rule of law cannot be maintained without a moral citizenry. I’m a fan of Trump as he’s done what he said, but we always need to question everyone in any position of power as power can corrupt absolutely. That’s our responsibility.

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What u write is in Trump’s Plan for Cities. If you do additional research on his plan you will come to realize that he is not STARTING ALL OVER with building cities as your text suggests

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This comes directly from his plan and explains why I question all in power.👇

Under President Trump’s plan, a small fraction of the vast lands owned by the federal government would be used to build new American cities, continuing with the great American tradition of building something out of nothing.

While new cities are being built, the old ones would be cleaned up and blighted communities and industries revitalized.

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Agreed, better to grow 100 existing mid-sized cities (or 200, or 500 for that matter) than to plop a dozen new ones down in what is now the middle of nowhere. That venture is sure to be co-opted by legions of rent-seekers looking to impose their own utopian visions on our future. ESG, DEI, wokeness... green new deal, etc. Those sorts of people are always and forever attracted by grand ventures, no matter how altruistically such ventures are originally conceived.

Because "power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" (Lord Acton).


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Exactly! Everything created for good will be used for bad (evil, genocide, unconscionable profits, etc.) by someone. History is rife with examples of this and we’re experiencing more than ever before in our lives now.

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The difference today is that we are now awake, we can see things that those in the past could not see, and we will not put up with it. [They] know their days are numbered. That is why they are doing so many crazy things -- that's all they have left in their quiver. Everything else has been spent, if it were not for the remaining ability to launder some money through Ukraine (Russia has shut down most of it), they'd be bankrupt today. Actually, [they] are; but through some slight-of-had accounting, they are hiding it. For now.

(The same as the big banks in NYC shuffle the gold bars from one bank to the next through their underground tunnels, just before their audits... the only way they can keep up the appearance of meeting their margin requirements. Audit them all on the same day, and the jig is up. And when it is time, that is exactly what will happen.)

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Haven’t done the research on this yet. Was just thinking we must always question authority and citizens of cities are more easily controlled. Think China. I will do the research when time allows. Thank you!

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Thank you!

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

“Not only does the red pill and chief do every single thing that might wake up the sleeping masses, but he does it in such an outrageous and blubbering way … Presidents have historically been controlled puppets and this fact is displayed in immaculate fashion by Biden.”

In the just one of dozens of possible scenarios in the all-things-are-possible category, the dementia posturing, as well as VP-KH, the cackling airhead, are all part of the entertainment schtick designed to lock us more deeply into the cognitive dissonance asylum. Our minds engaged, we don’t notice the daily trojan horses.

OR, JB &JB have had enough and want out as controlled puppets - so accelerate the dementia and dress play.

OR they are just having a rollicking good time as they all gaslight us daily, imagining they will win in the end. Spoiler alert: Shhhh … they don’t … and don’t tell them. Viva Cristo Rey!

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Bread and circuses. That's all [they] have left to offer. Their programs and their values are morally bankrupt, and soon to be actually bankrupt.

A quote from C. S. Lewis, from the Chronicles of Narnia #1 "The Magician's Nephew":

"For what you see and hear depends a good deal on where you are standing: it also depends on what sort of person you are."

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Excellent THX!

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Did anyone see the Epoch Times today about why DeSantis may not be able to run for President in 2024? It got me thinking that the Republican party is really conflicted. But the Republican constituents are loyal to Trump for the most part. I think DeSantis is doing phenomenal job in our state, but I’m not so sure he’s up to handling a nation as corrupt as this one. Trump has proven he can deal with it. Personally, I would like Trump to win in 2024 and for DeSantis to stand his post to the end of his term as governor.  Then I would be happy to vote for him in 2028. 

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Need to get this out there. Pls view and share.

David Martin - coronavirus patents and gain of function research publications


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"Nations are destroyed and flourish as their poetry, painting, and music are destroyed and flourish. Wisdom, art, and science are the primeval state of man." -- William Blake

There is not enough recognition of what the cabal has done to the arts in America. What is the state of music, art, poetry, philosophy, and theatre? All trashed. All seem to have been finished already, maybe 100 years ago. Literature and music seem antique. Rock and Roll seems antique.

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In 2020 before the election, a Neurosurgeon called in on the Andrew Wilkow show on the SXM radio channel and explained that Joe Biden was enough to have had surgery on two cerebral aneurysms: one one each side of his brain and the surgeon calling in said that the result of tying off the necessary arteries was the equivalent of having a LOBOTOMY as far as the effect on his cognitive function!!! I was so frustrated thinking about this and why there are more stringent physical requirements for running for the highest office in the land.

An ethical person/ family would never want to inflict harm on his/her nation and would be responsible enough to have their conscience kick in ( one would think!!)

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Good stuff!

God Bless!!!

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