This head lice issue is a low level example of "something is true" for decades, until that one day when all the people who are "smarter than everyone else" decide to REVERSE course, not even a slight veer, a total about face. I was a teacher of refugee students, who struggled with this issue, but our school took measures to inform and curtail these outbreaks. School nurses invoking HIPPA, is the perfect example of how a govt regulation that is supposed to "protect the citizens' privacy" 🙄 gets turned on its head. Pun intended. Go for it, Ghost! Demand a school environment with clean heads!

I have it from reliable sources, with results, when the lice kits from the grocery store fail, mix Teatree oil, diatomaceous earth, and olive oil. Rub into hair and scalp, cover with a shower cap overnight. Then shampoo a lot and fine comb. God speed your victory over this pestilence!

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HIPPA is for specific individuals anyway, not groups. The name of the student with lice doesn't need to be disclosed, or denied, or confirmed in order to warn parents of a potential lice outbreak. It's not a legal issue as I understand it. It's straight up medical malpractice which I hope ends with at least class action lawsuits, but moreso, Claims of Damages against those who are following this new CDC guidance.

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I agree with the letter of the law you point out - I do not doubt however, that the totalitarians in our education system (BTW - not all teachers or admins fall into this group) will use the threat to heel the masses to their commands.

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I remember years ago when I was a kid, my mother telling me never to wear someone else's hat, or try on hats in a store, I could get lice. I kind of poopooed it back then and never had a problem. What really disturbs me about this is the complete disregard for the health of people, especially children!! I truly thinks that THEY ARE out to kill us with some disease that we will pick up along the way!!

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Growing up, I never got lice, thank God, but I saw children with impetigo, which fortunately, I never contracted. My mother was more worried about getting ringworm, and was concerned about us coming in contact with strange cats. My brothers and I did get ringworms, at least once. It wasn't until my kids came home from school with head lice that the comment, treating the situation like it was nuclear waste, paraphrasing here, really hit home. Bedding, clothing, living room furniture, all had to be disinfected! After that experience, I never let my kids try on hats in the store.

The only thing worse than lice is toxic mold growing in your home. It only takes a water leak to start the ball rolling.

It's crazy how woke the education system has become.

Go get 'em Ghost! 🙏🙏🙏

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I don't believe that "disregard for peoples' health" is motivating them.

What has happened it that cleanliness, once a virtue, has now been conflated with elitism. "No lice? You're a RACIST! You dirty scumbag!"

They're not trying to kill you, but they don't care if you die. Especially if you're one of those cleanliness-addicted elitist RACISTS!

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Interesting Takes today, thanks for sharing.

I so look forward to getting through this current phase of the plan and beginning "The Best is Yet to Come". Our current world is FUBAR and we need to flush and start a new.

I have total faith in God and this Evil must be crushed.

I stand ready.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Same here, I'm so tired of criminals literally getting away with everything from murder to fraud. Exhausted but grateful because grassroots was clearly not working.

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Don't forget Treason..

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Amen, brother!

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12 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

The MOST perverted womanthing that has ever been, is calling out perversion against poor "Harris". If that an't the pot calling the kettle black, what more can there be. Epstein, Pizzagate, Moloch sacrificed "Chickens", 4 Dead after those 3am calls that went unanswered...phony video, Haiti, 500 million state dept cash, selling rooms at the White House, silver from AF1 and 2, Artwork stolen, ...30K emails deleted, her lie about landing under enemy attack. Priceless BS... ect ect ect...

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Wait until they start opening the containers on the docks..

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

Especially with all containers on East and Gulf coast about to be in limbo if the strike actually goes through. This could get very very ugly on numerous fronts simultaneously...

(Evergreen anyone?)

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

Humans in containers "Living Art" not subject to inspection per CBP and McConnell, "Cocaine Mitch" Frozen lip triple chin bitch!

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Gee, Catherine, why don't you tell us what you REALLY think of ol' Mitch!!


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That ought to be a wake up call !!!

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Do share

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Regarding lice: at least you can see lice. Many diseases being resurrected in the u.S. come from illegals with no vetting or restrictions. This was not the case when European immigrants came to Ellis island. No one was allowed entry if they showed signs of illness. How that contrasts with the left’s “vision” of a destroyed country is quite depressing. I would STRONGLY encourage you to pull your kindergartener and home school her/him. It’s the easier grade to homeschool. And I’m guessing your house is probably free of lice, or at least it will be SOON!!

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At this point I think these pests and illnesses are unleashed by the deep state! Head lice and HIV were the big ones while my kids were growing up. Years ago bed bugs were the scare event. Buying clothes, bedding, pillows etc. and staying in a hotel were scary. I’m sure diseases and pests have been and are brought by unvetted illegals as well.

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DDT used to be the solution that VERY effectively killed all kinds of nasty little critters (lice, mosquitos [malaria], bedbugs, etc.) But, it was banned "for health reasons" and many of these pests returned to make life miserable for us. The "science" said DDT was terribly dangerous, but was it ACTUALLY? https://www.acsh.org/news/2016/02/11/how-poisonous-is-ddt OR, was there another reason or agenda that was in play that necessitated its ban?

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Interesting article, even the "raptor clause" seems refuted. I would want to see studies of DDT combined with Glyphosate and Fluoricilic acids to feel comfortable with it myself, but after working for Bayer I know for certain you can never trust corporate research at face value because the incentive to succeed biases all participants.

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I think it was the “vaccine” issue of the time. They have been slowly taking us down for years. I don’t think DDT was the disaster they made it out to be. My opinion.

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The book "Silent Spring" by biologist Rachel Carson, published in 1962, had a huge impact. Still a lot of controversy over that; apparently her claims about DDT were not proven and other evidence was omitted.

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While nothing surprises me anymore, there were numerous issues DDT presented from destruction of wildlife (raptors especially), fat solubility (meaning that every nursing baby was consuming the most potent concentrations of DDT from mother's breast milk and I thought there were other ecological issues as well. But I thought it was confirmed that bird eggs were becoming unviable which led to massive population declines. Will have to read this.

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Your recollection of the story is correct. As to whether the story was actually true, well the government said so, didn't it? Surely they would not lie to us!!!


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We had fleas from our cats one year that we were fighting to eradicate. One of my girls was getting physical therapy at a rehab place and she found a flea on her. I was told we could not come back until we hired an exterminator with proof that they had treated our house. Over one damn flea. We live in the woods. She could pick up a flea walking thru the yard. Needless to say, we did not bother to go back. And yes, we got rid of the fleas ourselves.

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Dursban used to be considered safe and effective for indoor use in killing flea infestations. I used it back in the '80s and it works great. My dad used lindane in the '60s for the same purpose, with equally-effective results. (One of lindane's few remaining legal uses is in shampoo against head and pubic lice. Or at least it was not long ago.)

Lindane: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindane -- restricted in the '70s, essentially banned in 2007

Dursban (chlorpyrifos): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorpyrifos -- banned in 2001

We can't have you taking things into your own hands now, can we?

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We don’t have any flea issues anymore. My husband does put stuff down in the yard every spring. We only have one cat now and she’s an indoor cat. I actually used diatomaceous earth (food grade) on our carpets and floors. It definitely works but it’s hard to get out of the carpet and off the floors.

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DE kills everything with an exoskeleton, up to and including scorpions. Non-toxic but messy, indeed. I've found it can be vacuumed up with a powerful vacuum (kills anything in the vacuum bag while it's at it). We use it here in southwest Utah because my wife is chemically sensitive and we don't want the exterminators spraying the inside of the house. Even though all they can use these days is basically Raid, pyrethrins, which are pretty safe. (If you don't hire an exterminator your house becomes a roach hotel in a few weeks.)

If you've ever seen a microscopic view of diatoms, they are like little pincushions with spikes all over. Those spikes get into the spots between the bug's skeleton (where legs attach to bodies, for instance), poke tiny holes and they basically bleed to death.


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As far as Hillary's October Surprise, Candace Owens is diving deep into the lies of the Harris family ancestry and it is VERY INTERESTING at the very least!! Who is Donald J. Harris or more appropriately, where did he come from? Check out Candance's Rumble show, starting with Ep.71 https://rumble.com/v5g7bp5-breaking-news-kamala-harris-lied-about-her-black-grandparents-candace-ep-71.html

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Interesting, Candace does good work. Thanks for the lead.

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

Judge Brown on OBAMA family LIES


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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago


Kamla TRUTHS from Judge Joe Brown

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If one needs evidence of cabal corruption in the country, this is it…’The courts and other government entities trust the system…’ as Ashe notes. The cabal minions’ system IS what we know as THE DEEP STATE. And the panic is increasing, evidenced by Killary hitting (the mostly unwatched) airwaves, the corrupt FCC’s ruling to let Soros buy radio stations a month ahead of the election, and whomever hung a huge effigy of a naked Trump. Wait until they raid the containers sitting on the docks. MAGA.

The Nuclear hoax is on full display and I appreciate BB’s observation, ‘The energy vampires of the Globalist Deep State will be most affected.’ Amen! It’s time to remove all ‘takers’ and apply the rule of law!

🤣…if it wasn’t so serious! ‘that new school policy suppresses that kind of information from parents, for reasons unknown.’ Ghost is heading to the school board…’👏👏I find myself realizing that the lice and our politicians are effectively the same organism: dysgenic parasites that wallow in filth and suck the lifeforce out of children.’ It not only sucks to be the school board, but to be a DC (unconstitutional) bureaucrat or a corrupt politician.

Well, it’s now glaringly obvious the lawmakers know the cheating is in progress…. Each and every single individual, government, corporation, foreign governments’ intelligence agencies and/or other entity involved with interfering in this election has EVERYTHING to lose. Can’t wait for the justice phase!

God protect those fighting all on the global pyramid of evil.🙏🙏

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Amen to that.

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"Ghost is heading to the school board" -- soon to be on the Most Wanted list as a domestic terrorist, I suspect...

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Let's pray for Ghost!

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Always a good idea to keep our Badlanders in prayer... ✝🙏🕊

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Speaking of Election Lawfare, there was a story on the CBS morning news in Philadelphia worth paying attention to.

The story was about how they were opening special Voting Centers in specific areas of Philadelphia. These Voting Centers are places that people can go to apply for an absentee ballot . . . or even to fill out their absentee ballot and seal it - where they will instruct the person where to drop it off at an official drop off center. (Yes they said this on Regional TV). And it was done to encourage and increase . . .Hispanic Voting.

NOW - absentee voting was designed to allow people who are unable to vote on Election Day due to medical or travel issues. During the pandemic, the PA courts opened it up to . . . well . . . pretty much everyone. for any reason at all.

For the last 4 years, the Deep State has been screaming that there was NO ELECTION FRAUD. The conspiracy theorist in me says that is bullshit. However, more importantly, they did something more onerous than just the fraud (which they did!). They Changed the rules of an election.

For the past 240 odd years, we have required that people vote on election day. With Cov1d, they changed the rules to be sure people would not have to congregate together in, say, a voting location. So they opened up absentee balloting. I say they did so in order to do just this. They are now shepharding votes from people who they would NEVER have been able to get to the voting booths because . . . they did not care enough to do it.

They changed the rules. They changed the playing field, They put their thumb on the scale. They cheated.

And the Repubs have been too stupid to figure out how to either take advantage of the new rules or change them back.

Get to work people. They are legally eating our lunch and destroying our republic!

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Also, keep in mind that probably 80-90% of the republican side is also deep state. So stupid or nescient?

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I was thinking of adding that point!

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…and revealing their plan on MSM that will have the opposite effect. The great awakening.🙏🇺🇸

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And by opening the vote to illegals, they also have opened opportunities for them to vote "on behalf of" people who are highly unlikely to know any different. It's highly UNLIKELY these people would vote AT ALL. And how would they check their voting records to confirm their votes? Thus, enter 100,000s of essentially untraceable votes.

It's my opinion that we'll see both Trump and "Harris" account for over 100million votes each. We shall see...

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Ghost - your story made me laugh! I raised four sons. The outrage always starts with something small. I too found myself taking on the system when I saw them pitting children against each other based on the color of their skin, and then trying to gaslight the parents and grandparents by calling us racists for calling them out. That was four years ago and I haven’t stopped. Enrollment in our public school system is down by 6,000 students while the population is surging. I like to think we mama bears had something to do with that, and we aren’t done yet!

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Ghost, Fairy Tales Rosemary Repel Conditioning Spray will help protect your child from contracting head lice. My daughter owns a salon and uses this product on her kids.

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“A convergence of Nuclear Narratives?”

Uranium One, anyone?

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Great piece as always… Ghost-“Of Nice & Men”… raise the flag brother… I hear the horn blow!

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I love the rant GBPH!

We were blessed with 11 children. Each year we determined whether to send them to a state run, private or home school. Along with curriculum, the exposure to communicable "diseases" (which now include all of the lies they are told - couldn't help myself) and how "bullying" was defined and handled topped our list of factors...which means we homeschooled almost exclusively until high school when we dual enrolled (or was it duel?).

Our lice issues therefore usually came from our gatherings on Sundays...and, truth be told, I preferred chicken pox outbreaks!

Anyway - thanks again to all of the BNB team and commenters!

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Hi Ghost, please check out this natural product which works for lice, bedbugs, fleas, and all of those types of critters that you do not want on your person or in your home. It is safe to use on people on animals and vegetables. I’ve been using it for years. I have no affiliation with this company. https://www.naturalginesis.com/kleen-green/ It uses digestive enzymes to digest their exoskeleton so they are powerless against it and it works incredibly quickly. I hope this helps. Cheers.

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GHOST: re the lice - get listerine original formula (the brown one) and put n a spray bottle. Douse ur daughter’s head with it, wrap her head n a towel for around 20 minutes and then shampoo. Will kill all the lice AND their eggs:) our family suffered for 2 years between our 3 kids and it was a nightmare. We washed and combed every other night someone! Shampoo won’t kill eggs. Save ur self time and money and emotional distress. If u have any in ur home, leave it for 8 hrs. If they don’t have anything to feed on they will die. Best wishes and God bless. I’m so glad we r out of the system.

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Regarding "Trust in our 'Selections'" Ashe in America writes:

"Public trust is critically important for a functioning society. The courts and other government entities trust the system — which is why those who distrust the system are labeled dangerous, threatening, and may lose access to their inalienable rights in 2024."

*** Fortunately, my rights are "Un-a-lien-able." Meaning that there are no people out there somewhere who have a superior claim to my rights.

Ashe continues:

"But public trust, by definition, cannot be coerced. Trust is earned and, once lost, terribly hard to restore. The government has lost the people’s trust."

-- This is true and at the core of the whole problem.

Regarding "Trust" in our System I'll say this:

Nothing can be Trusted that is not Reciprocated; what has the System done 'for,' or 'to' you lately?

This is specifically in context to trusting any Institutions like Government or Corporations; also, in the legal sense, with Trusts as a tool used by Globalist Criminals to use Private Equity to control Public Funds and Policies. Trust through normal interaction is both mutually Earned and Treasured, it is often coveted by those who do not deserve it.

I support the concept of Voluntary Cooperative interaction between Individuals, that's where trust is best invested. Individualism is also the place where we free civilization from Compulsory Collectivism and Contractual Economic Apartheid; by local cooperation, we can Decentralized ourselves out of the Globalists Empire that behaves like it owns us.

I'm not sure how the so called Elections are going to completely end the Fraud that is the Globalist Empire and it's ever obedient Corporate Franchises like the US Inc. to replace that with what is supposed to be there: The Republic.

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