“…it’s damn near impossible to bring election cases at any time at all.”

ya’d figure that scotus would look down the road a few election cycles and understand that crooked elections may eventually make the judiciary an unequal and irrelevant branch of government.

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unequal irrrelevant/compromised

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The DemocRATS will simply Scalia all the Conservative justices and fill it with their DEI replacements.

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Thanks for “Badland’s Brief.” My morning vitamin S (sanity). Wards off evil and disillusionment for at least 24-48 hours.

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Love that 🙏❤️

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Kamala & Tim a couple of turds floating in the punch bowl. UniParty please feel free to drink often and deep…

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Concerning the pipeline destruction, it occurs to me the big winner all along was Ukraine. Why no one saw this is beyond me.

If we look at how gas gets from Russia to Europe, there were two main routes before the NS2 was destroyed. The main gas lines pass through Ukraine. I assume that generated revenue and NS2 was built to provide an alternate to save money in the long run.

Removing NS2 had to be a huge benefit for Ukraine and after Russia attacked them, it was a double gain for Zelenskyy.

This made Ukraine my first choice as the culprit with our CIA as the instigator. This also gives some rational thought to what Biden said about America taking out the pipeline. Our hands are clean if we get Zelenskyy to pull the trigger and then tell him not to pull it after the entire plan is in high gear.

What a mess we can create with some innovative intrigue.

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Or as Sir Walter Scott put it so brilliantly: "Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive."

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I love that quote…a classic with enduring relevance ❤️

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Didn’t Israel discover a significant source of natural gas off their coast a few yrs ago…hoping to capture the Eastern European markets and take Russia out of that market? Seems like taking out (by whoever?) the NS2 would have also benefited Israel…if I’m understanding it correctly?

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You are correct. The problem there is transportation from the source to Europe. That will require a pipeline across a number of hostile countries or under the Mediterranean Ocean. Compressing natural gas for shipping is expensive which I have always wondered about for America. We have lots of it, but it is a gas! It is very unstable as a compressed fluid. Quite frankly, nuclear is far safer and more reliable. What is so great about burning natural gas to make electricity? It is far better for cooking and home heating.

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Thank you Jim!

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In the information war sometimes disinformation is necessary to confuse the enemy. If you trust Trump, and you believe he's a good guy(and I do) then you have to relax and trust the plan. 2024 is all about exposure and it's been an AVALANCHE which gives me immense satisfaction! I predict that Trump, Putin and SA will handle Netanyahu and then we'll all know he's not who he appears to be. I also believe the military might be the only way...again I trust Trump and those quietly backing him!

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Jeb Bush to Trump during the 2016 debates: "Who is supporting you?"

Trump's response: "200 generals, that's who."

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You ALWAYS come in with a zinger! And I KNEW he had backing! Woo hoo u made my day!

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I can't find the exchange between Jeb and Trump during the debate, but here's a clip where Trump says the same thing in a news conference:


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Thank you! I was looking for it too but couldn't find anything...

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Remember when callers to Rush would save air time by inserting "ditto" at the beginning of their call to indicate their agreement with all of the previous praise and accolades for his genius?




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Love it❤️

HisGloriousVictory: DITTO

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So…Biden is working with bad actors in Iran via the corrupt State Department…after giving them 6 billion to fund hacks and whatever else. I agree that Iran is the new enemy identified by the cabal to serve as the election year enemy. Hmm…has very similar identifiers to the Russia hoax. I’d bet anything there’s an alliance with Putin pushing the narrative…I wonder if the white hats got control of the 6 billion??

Does anyone not working for the cabal take Google’s word on anything?

Ghost may have nailed the demise of the cabal’s fake news, ‘Perhaps we are witnessing an enormous sting operation, and the “Iranian hack” was the honeypot?’

Ashe focused on the truth behind timing of election law changes, ‘It’s that it’s damn near impossible to bring election cases at any time at all.’ And, why is this? How many Justices are corrupted? Or, is it the timing that will allow ‘standing’ for election fraud?

BB: ‘Panic Patterns abound.’ Indeed! Diversions and distractions abound!

The Alliance vs the money, et. al. war and laundering machine of the cabal. Like Joe Kronner always states, ‘God wins!’ God bless the truth lovers.🙏🙏

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16

Kennedy is a Lawyer who gets richer on the backs of the Vaccine Injured...He sues everyone, and that is where he does his best work.. Has he ever given any money to victims? Has he ever changed anything? Are we better off after his years suing? Ive always believed he gets paid by both sides, to give the appearance he's having an impact. What has he really ever accomplished? He is another Lindsay Graham...The Mouth! Kennedy once said that "People who dont believe in Global Warming should be locked up".

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Why don't you tell us what you REALLY think, Catherine 🤣

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😂🤣😂.. Maybe next time I will Billy!! 🤣😂🤣

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16

PS...I cant stand his voice either!! 🤣

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That one, I give him a break. IIRC it was caused by some sort of vaxx injury, perhaps that was what motivated him to go after Pharma.

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16

Maybe from talking too much.....that voice made him a lot of money. The courtroom wanted to end the cases quickly and settled because they couldn't listen to it i bet. I liken his voice to the person at karaoke who is tone deaf and sounds horrible, but no one wants to hurt their feelings so we all cheer after song ends and pray, they won't get up again to sing. I really wish he had gone after PHARMA but he has never made an impact against the DRUG giant 'Gates Foundation', only made himself rich. If he was really a threat to Blackrock, Gates Foundation, The Killery, or the rest, he wouldn't still be walking this earth and brown nosing for a job with Kamala. Look how he is running after the very people who VAXED everyone, for a job! YUK!

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Excellent narrative decode by GBPH on Abbas/Putin/Trump. I love your mind Ghost ❤️

(With plenty of love left for BB and Ashe and most of the commentators here!!)


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“What if the MSM gets caught red-handed using intel that has hacked by a foreign government, such as Iran?”

Never thought of that but since Ghost mentioned it, now it seems a perfect trap!!

Only problem is they never seem to go back and correct their mistakes/lies except for the tiny print or briefest of brief sound bites. Yet, a big enough “breaking news” based on false hacked info would be so entertaining for the Awake.

Thank you for the Briefs and Takes today!!

Have a great GART Weekend, you wonderful Badlanders 🙏❤️🇺🇸

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Like many folks, the MSM hate being wrong. It is especially painful for media types since their credibility is based solely on their honesty and ability to find the truth.

So when they are caught, it is extremely unpleasant for them to admit it, and they will do it in the smallest type size they can, in the most hidden location of their rag. Hoping nobody will notice and the storm will blow over.

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“The independent candidate <scratch>and<\scratch> for namesake”

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