The News Cycle is almost impossible to track these days. At least, to do so fully.
That’s where we come in.
In the Badlands News Brief, the Badlands Media team hand picks news items of interest from the previous days to give you an overview of the biggest goings-on relevant to the Truth Community.
Some items feature original commentary from members of our growing team of citizen journalists. Feel free to follow the corresponding link to see their other work.
Now, onto the news from the Monday, March 27 …
Police Post Video From Transgender's Rampage at Nashville Christian School
Moving swiftly as they investigate Monday's mass shooting by female-to-male transgender Audrey Hale that killed three children and three adults at a Christian school, Metro Nashville Police have posted video of Hale shooting her way into the building and then methodically stalking around within it.
At an earlier press conference, police said the 28-year-old, who'd reportedly attended the school herself, had left behind a "manifesto" and maps which noted security camera locations, doorways and other details.
"We have a manifesto," said Metro Nashville Police Chief John Drake. "We have some writings that we're going over that pertain to this date, the actual incident. We have a map drawn out of how all this was gonna take place."
As for motive, Drake said, "There's right now a theory that we may be able to talk about later, but it's not confirmed." Drake did appear to hint that the shooter's transgender identity factored into her motive. — ZeroHedge

Our Take: “This isn't the first time a transgender person has been involved in a violent malicious assault. Unfortunately, what we could consider a mass form of Manchurian candidate ops has been pushed onto our children, through a segmented and compartmentalized operation. The components are disintegrated, distributed within society in parts that are hard to detect in their isolated form.
Consider this analogy: A clandestine globalist terrorist group could send a single bomber into a building with a pre-made device. But the problem with this is that the bomber has the device upon entry, which means the security checkpoint could find the bomb and put an end to the operation. Instead, the bomb could be broken up into innocuous components, assembled by the bomber or an accomplice the day of the bombing so as to better guarantee a successful operation. This disintegrated approach is widely used by the globalists and their allies.
In this case, the components of the operation were installed into our society decades ago.
First, a secular culture was carefully installed into the judeo christian fabric of the United States.
Second, which required the first, acceptance of LGBTQ+ lifestyles was installed, combined with the Third—rigidification of social norms for women, moving toward increasingly "pin up girl" beauty norms that tend to exclude portions of the female population due to diversity of body and beauty types. At this stage, a growing population of disillusioned young girls and young adult women that have bought into the alt-life style has occurred. Second and third-wave feminism's entrenchment into our culture marked this milestone.
Fourth, antagonism between the conservative culture and the LGBTQ culture must be fomented.
Fifth, mass endorsement of the LGBTQ culture occurs at a corporate and government level, effectively certifying the alt-life style, causing large portions of the female gender-confused population to buy into the alt-life style. Gay marriage marked this milestone. '
Sixth, destroy free speech and devalue diplomacy as a solution to social division.
Seventh, reduce the LGBTQ+ and POC issues to binaries of acceptance or rejection—those who accept are "ingroup allies" those who reject are "out-group enemies." Equate the outgroup with those who espouse the most toxic positions, such as phobes, Nazi's, racists, murderers, etc.
Eighth—this occurs alongside the fourth—foment mass acceptance of transgender people, equate lack of acceptance with rape, murder, and genocide.
Ninth, use news media, popular rhetoric, social media, and fictional media to subtly encourage violence and activism as a solution to combat traditionalists who are defending their culture against cultural assault.
Tenth, fuel division and antagonism by enacting laws in pro-conservative states (like Tennessee), thereby making all those who live in these states feel as if their lives and identities are coming under assault, with the same vigor as the Nazi's persecuting the Jews.
All of these elements were in place for this event to happen in Nashville.
Now that it has happened, copy-cat-style events will likely take place, in addition to media suppression of these stories so as to effectively encourage and install within the culture a left-wing transgender martyrdom ideology—ensuring that as time goes on, more and more trans women—who are more aggressive due to the hormones they take—will weaponize and engage in more acts of "self righteous" martyrdom for the "cause of trans-rights."
The cultural warfare methods are insidious, destructive, and, unfortunately, so well entrenched in our society, it will take at least a generation to identify them, and likely another to fully address them.” — Justin Deschamps
“Stay Tuned” – James O’Keefe Suggests He Has Insiders in Manhattan DA Bragg’s Case Against Trump
James O’Keefe recently suggested he has insiders in Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s case against President Trump.
A political operative wondered if O’Keefe has someone on the inside of DA Bragg’s case.
“NY DA Bragg likely hid exculpatory evidence from the Trump Grand Jury as their meetings have been postponed.” the operative said. “The real question is has James O’Keefe got to someone on the inside?”
O’Keefe responded: “The real question is how many do we have on the inside? Stay tuned.” — The Gateway Pundit
Our Take: “It's good to see that James O'Keefe hasn't missed a beat since being railroaded out of his own company. Many powerful people across the country hate this man, and that is what a good American journalist should look like.
What's particularly interesting here is James is, in a way, showing his hand, which we almost never see. Since when does O'Keefe tip people off beforehand, potentially putting his sources at risk?
Two possibilities come to mind: either there are no insiders and this is a ploy to make everyone in Bragg's camp start to mistrust one another and maybe somebody slips up or flips, or maybe—and I think this is probably more likely—whatever op they have going with Bragg is now complete and they are at the preparation of information stage in the Veritas process.
Either way, I bet Bragg and company are sweating.” — Ryan DeLarme
Buy now, pay later explodes in grocery
Online grocery shoppers are turning to buy now, pay later (BNPL) programs offered by retailers at a blistering pace as they cope with turbulent economic conditions, according to Adobe Analytics data released Wednesday.
The percentage of online BNPL transactions involving groceries grew 40% during the first two months of 2023, the fastest pace among the retail categories Adobe studied. By comparison, the home furnishings sector’s share of BNPL orders rose 38% during the same period, while the apparel category’s share moved ahead by 8%. The electronics sector, meanwhile saw its share of the BNPL market decline at a 14% clip, Adobe said. — Grocery Dive
Our Take: “Americans, (especially millennials) have burned through all their savings and maxed out their credit cards—now they have to delay payment just to buy food!
This is a historic level of systemic vulnerability.
When people can't buy food, civil unrest becomes more likely. It's time to secure your assets and get out of the traditional financial system.” — Sean Morgan
Autism On The Rise: CDC Data
Autism rates in US children have jumped from one in 150 in 2002 to one in 36 in 2020, or 2.8%, according to a new study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The findings come from the CDC-funded 'Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network,' launched in 2000 "to collect data to better understand the number and characteristics of children with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities living in different areas of the United States."
The program spans 11 states, including Arkansas, Maryland and Tennessee.
Autism, also known as autism spectrum disorder, is a wide-ranging developmental disability that manifests in various ways - but which typically includes trouble with communication and social interactions.
The study also found that boys were far more likely to have autism than girls. — ZeroHedge
Our Take: “Autism's rise is alarming for many reasons, least of which is the fact the mainstream medical system appears to be totally incapable of identifying the real causes. They say that the seeming rise in autism is an illusion, because, they say, there's just better access to testing.
Translation: The total number of autistic people hasn't changed, we've just gotten better at identifying autism. Of course, anyone with a lick of logical thought can draw inferences to vaccines, social isolation, increasingly toxic food and environmental toxins, and a litany of other influences that are correlated with autism. The fact the medical system seems incapable or unwilling to acknowledge these correlative factors is a damning indictment.
To be sure, legions of goodhearted people enter the medical field to do good deeds. But due to the nature of the medical system itself, genuine and authentic critical thinking is slowly stripped from professionals, so that eventually, almost all doctors and nurses are either incapable of thinking for themselves, or can think for themselves, but are disincentivized to say what they really think.
In either case, regardless of the valid and invalid excuses invoked, the people are left without any adequate defenses against medical tyranny and incompetence.
How many children must suffer before we end this madness? Surely someone cares enough about the health and safety of children to risk their careers and reputations?
Indeed, there already have been many who have come forward. But a far more effective and coordinated approach is required to make progress in any meaningful direction.” — Justin Deschamps
Netanyahu Pauses Judicial Overhaul To "Avoid Civil War" As Rival Protest Groups Clash
Massive protests have erupted across Israel tonight after PM Netanyhau fired his Defense Minister, a day after he called on the Israeli leader to halt a planned judicial overhaul that has fiercely divided the country.
As a reminder, Netanyahu and his allies say the plan will restore a balance between the judicial and executive branches and rein in what they see as an interventionist court with liberal sympathies. But critics say the constellation of laws will remove the checks and balances in Israel’s democratic system and concentrate power in the hands of the governing coalition.
Gallant's dismissal signaled that Netanyahu will move ahead this week with the overhaul plan, which has sparked mass protests, angered military and business leaders and raised concerns among Israel’s allies.
In a much anticipated 8pm (local) speech, at a moment hundreds of thousands of protesters are in the streets, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed in a televised speech that he will pause his ultra-controversial judicial overhaul plans which many say would destroy Israeli democracy and court independence. — ZeroHedge
Our Take: “Just Human posited the idea that the Israel protests are another of [their] color revolution ala the 2014 Ukraine coup, the J6 FEDsurrection and the 2023 'insurrection' in Brazil.
Does this remind you of a certain summer of love on our side of the pond?
More acceleration by the enemy.
Which makes one wonder ... what are they trying to get ahead of?” — Burning Bright
We hope you enjoyed this brief look back at the major news items you might have missed in this ever-escalating and ever-accelerating news cycle as the Information War continues to rage on around us.
The Badlands Media team will continue to combine our cognitive powers in order to slow things down and find the signal amidst the noise as this series expands.
As always, if you have any thoughts on these news items or the MANY others swirling in the digital ether, drop into the comments below to share them with your fellow Badlanders.
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Justin, as I was reading your piece I realized how organized these evil agendas really are, and how it was building little by little until this is where we are today. I'm not only sad but horrified that our children and grandchildren are part of this generation and have to deal with this diabolical mind warfare as they come face to face with others that have had their minds altered so to speak....
Thank you for identifying this and now we get to work as it starts with the family unit...I say ....
Make The Family Unit Great we give glory to our God!
Great job! And please accept my apologies in advance if this comes across "preachy". I was reading John 3 yesterday - before the shooting in Nashville (a city away from which we live 30 miles). After the words, in what we know as John 3:16, there is a very clear statement of how the followers of Christ (according to Jesus Himself) are to view and respond to those who reject the Light. Because He was sent into the world - not to Judge it, but to Save it! The Judgment (He tells us) IS ALREADY IN PLACE (vs.18-21). He goes so far as to tell us what the Judgment is: "This is the judgement, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil." These acts of darkness will not bring God's judgment - they are His judgment. The solution - in my opinion - is not to continue to try and eradicate the love for darkness in the soul of men - but to take the Master's advice (see vs 5 - 8) and focus on bringing the spirit of men to life by the New Birth. To be Born of the Spirit produces the love for the Light - which in turn produces "deeds manifested as having been wrought in God!"