Justin, as I was reading your piece I realized how organized these evil agendas really are, and how it was building little by little until this is where we are today. I'm not only sad but horrified that our children and grandchildren are part of this generation and have to deal with this diabolical mind warfare as they come face to face with others that have had their minds altered so to speak....

Thank you for identifying this and now we get to work as it starts with the family unit...I say ....

Make The Family Unit Great Again....as we give glory to our God!

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God, family, and community—let's make them Great Again!

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Great job! And please accept my apologies in advance if this comes across "preachy". I was reading John 3 yesterday - before the shooting in Nashville (a city away from which we live 30 miles). After the words, in what we know as John 3:16, there is a very clear statement of how the followers of Christ (according to Jesus Himself) are to view and respond to those who reject the Light. Because He was sent into the world - not to Judge it, but to Save it! The Judgment (He tells us) IS ALREADY IN PLACE (vs.18-21). He goes so far as to tell us what the Judgment is: "This is the judgement, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil." These acts of darkness will not bring God's judgment - they are His judgment. The solution - in my opinion - is not to continue to try and eradicate the love for darkness in the soul of men - but to take the Master's advice (see vs 5 - 8) and focus on bringing the spirit of men to life by the New Birth. To be Born of the Spirit produces the love for the Light - which in turn produces "deeds manifested as having been wrought in God!"

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Yuval Noah Harakiri 🤡

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Re. Justin Deschamps take on 'Police Post Video From Transgender's Rampage' - - i can only say i've been refreshed by his plain English exposure of the Left's Agenda ..........and all done wo the worthless 'psycho-babble' employed by lesser men when they get stuck and are incapable of meaningful communication . Thorough / Concise / Complete - - home-run today , Justin ! ...... .... shalom

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Glad to offer some clarity.

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Moves and countermoves in full swing in the year of rapidly accelerating panic from the cabal and their puppets around the world. The awakening of the source/intent of autism for our youth is encouraging for, once again, this is crimes against humanity. Hate of anyone by

the deep state, including journalists and politicians is enlightening and, in Israel’s case, very intriguing. What is Netanyahu’s role? Thanks to Ryan, Justine, Just Human and Burning Bright for delving deeper into the fray and having the courage to act and share! God bless each of you.🙏

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"The cultural warfare methods are insidious, destructive, and, unfortunately, so well entrenched in our society, it will take at least a generation to identify them, and likely another to fully address them.” — Justin Deschamps"

Actually I disagree with you Justin. You've done a brilliant expose with your Ten Bad Commandments, and we know that Light, once shone, can clear up things fast.

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I like it. I agree that we could clean things up fairly quickly if we had a good investment in the exercise. But just getting to that point will take some time I reckon.

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What I observe, reading between the lines, is that things are quickening right now. I think lots of us sense that the "precipice" cannot be far away. There are lots of Christian churches and groups awake to all that is happening, and are praying into it all and seeing signs and wonders. The OT Bible has lots of stories of victories in record time against all the odds - when the people are inwardly prepared. Christendom also saw miracles, but nothing like the same dramatic historical content as happened in the OT. However, we are at such a point that events that dramatic may well, imho, be seen again, maybe with the Galactic Alliance this time, but also when enough are inwardly prepared. I think this is why so many say "this is Biblical".

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Autism: Being "on the spectrum" myself made me dig deep in research. At that point, the main American autistic society had, I felt, been infiltrated by deep-staters and/or "useful idiots". The first HUUGE no-no for me was the shameless inclusion of mercury preservatives - like people had forgotten Mad Hatters who used mercury; and the effects of mercury of those in the Gold Rush.

But of course the biggest no-no is how pharma and practitioners get rewarded by keeping people sick, rather than get rewarded for keeping people well.

So easy to legislate this. It's how ancient China ran, so I heard.

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Thank you guys for sharing the news and your interpretations. Your thought full analysis and perspectives help round out what’s going on in the world. I try to get to your newspaper every morning. Any chance you could put in something uplifting every once in a while there must be something good out there, much love and sincere appreciation to all of you. You are on the cutting edge!

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Try Pepe Lives Matter, he always brings in the positive spiritual/Christian stuff .

The X-22 Report always ends on a positive upbeat note. Some patriots find him too repetitive, but I find it more like a rousing chorus to a good song that brings out a lot.

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Yeah especially on the news brief every morning with John and Cancon - they should start that show with people who've overcome covid not the people who died from it! See the guys comment about focusing on the Light of Jehovah before this one. The good book says it's the love the love of God that compels people to do good that's the key. Not all the bad stuff going on. You're really just following the mainstream media when you do that whether it's true or not. We need to know the truth but not everything needs to be negative and what's wrong. I hear John all the time say that the goal of Badlands is the wake people up. That won't happen without focusing on the good more than the bad.

TS @thalionus

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"There is GOOD out there."

The Crabwood Message


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I look forward to reading the Badlands News Brief every morning...I appreciate each and everyone. Thank you 🇺🇸

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"Tenth, fuel division and antagonism by enacting laws in pro-conservative states (like Tennessee), thereby making all those who live in these states feel as if their lives and identities are coming under assault, with the same vigor as the Nazi's persecuting the Jews". Justin could you specifically identify the "laws" you are talking about that have been enacted that "fuel division and antagonism"! I live in Tennessee and the laws passed recently were to protect our children and I am thankful that we have a legislature & governor that had the courage to stand up for what is right and the moral thing to do!

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Sure Carolyn. The law you cited is one example. On it's face, the law is good because it protects children—and we should certainly support things like this. However, when added to the decades long programming they've done, the bits I cited, the LGBTQ types see this law as a direct assault on their lives, rights, and culture. Again, to them, it's as if Hitler just signed the laws restricting the rights of Jews. The law isn't the the problem, per say, its the relationship of it with other factors. So the solution, is to take back all the other domains, speak to the toxic ideology, expose the lies, and let the truth slowly do it's work to reform the minds of those who've been deceived. Unfortunately, the truth is a sword, and when we use it to cut out lies, it hurts. Those with the truth have held back using it for fear of social backlash. But I would argue we need to be more bold, and realize, there's no way to detox our fellows from their addiction to the system, without breaking a few eggs.

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My take on most is didn't I predict false flags? These are just distractions. Especially the extra focus on the Trump case. The autism one is a little odd to me, I know three girls with it, but no boys. A side effect is my guess. And 5G probably spreads or triggers it even more.

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I wonder if the murder/suicide drugs played a role with the Nashville shooter, like they have with MOST mass shooting incidents.

Also, not to worry about autism rates - pharma has a pill for that.

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The black one?

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These Demoncrats are no longer hiding how they push for new legislation! The hearing on the FBI led by Jim Jordan to talk about how The FBI has been weaponized bringing in 3 expert witnesses and one mole ! All questions these Democrats are directed to the mole and to demean the other experts on rhetoric from January 6 ! The mole sits there calling for new legislation on domestic terrorism all the while the crime committed are left leaning lunatics! Then they come for our 2nd amendment rights while gang banging and cartels go unpunished! They persecute law abiding Americans for there own sleeper agents and low life criminals! Pure evil is what these uniparty / Demoncrats are! Thanks BB! God Bless you ! God Bless all for taking action locally and for the Love of our Country! God bless the United States! She is worth it!

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Rampage in Nashville: Excellent (10pt) summary on cancerous, cultural-warfare inflicted on America; in 'metastasis', due (8yrs) of malignant-tumor: OBAMINATION! Great work--Justin🫵🏻🇺🇸

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