For Garland, I love both of your takes. But my favorite by far is in the War of Stories. Garland's DOJ just ordered Steve Bannon to prison for 4 months for . . . contempt of Congress. His defense was executive privilege. Garland is just slapped with the same Contempt of Congress charge, giving the same Executive privilege defense.

You may argue the minutia all you want, but in the war of stories it is the same thing.

Kinda like the Trump Docs case that afforded Biden's DOJ with a shoot to kill order to retrieve the documents vs Biden turning over whatever he "found" in his garage and Philadelphia office.

Minutia aside, the story is the same. And if the patriots could play it right, the narrative works in their favor.

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You think Steve Bannon took one for the team?

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This report is packed full. I have so many thoughts. I will pick just one: The BRICS march across the developed and developing world is the most obvious indicator of good things to come. Normies still hear Charlie Brown’s teacher when you mention it and with a negative inflection at that. But it ain’t no conspiracy theory. Pretend money is getting less and less appealing to EVERYONE.

Thanks to you all!

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Wow! Those of you who think you know more than President Trump and company prove you do not do the research, are only observers, only watch msm, are raging liberals or are bots. The more attacks I see the more I know we are over the target! NCSWIC! WWG1WGA! MAGA! Trump 2024!❤️🇺🇸

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Apathy seems to be taking a strong hold on many people as these years have post 2020 have piled on. Normal citizens are buried under the weight of inflation, government hysteria, home and abroad, leading to survival mode tactics. Often saying, I don't pay attention anymore to ANY news, why bother it's hopeless. The political battle seems to have lost momentum of interest it's the lives of, I fear a great majority of voters. People need concrete positive actions to be energized again, which hasn't happened in many years. Giving people hopeful thoughts of a brighter future is often just not enough, as apathy overshadows hope. 🙏🙏🙏

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I see it differently, Jennifer. I see people waking up everywhere I look. Trump gaining minority support is one of the most obvious of many things.

The political battle is reaching a fever pitch. The Deep State and friends are losing on so many fronts that it boggles the mind even trying to keep up with it all.

Where we are right now is the calm before the storm. Most of the action is 'beneath the waves' for now. Sergei Lavrov was right when he said Western hegemony is not sustainable. Where he is wrong, I think, is when he said "but this won’t happen soon." Back in the late 80s, all over the world people could see that the Soviet Union was crumbling under the weight of its own inefficiencies combined with Western pressure to defeat it. 'Everyone' knew it would fail but people expected it would take decades, would cost millions of lives inside the Soviet Union and elsewhere, and what would result would likely leave a mess taking decades to resolve.

Instead, Gorbachev basically handed over the keys to the kingdom to Boris Yeltsin and said, "Good luck." A couple dozen Russians died in accidents, but it was not a bloodbath; and Russia has rebuilt itself into a safe, thriving country with much greater freedom than before. Things happen like that; around here people quote the aphorism 'Drip, drip, FLOOD' or sometimes 'Slowly at first, then suddenly.' It's just the way things like this tend to go down.

So enjoy the present calm, it will get worse before it gets better. But once the Cabal and Deep State are put out of their misery, men and women of good will will put things back together again, unleashing a new period of prosperity and freedom which may well be greater than any ever known by mankind.

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You’ve stated my thoughts and expectations exactly. Congress and other leaders will likely be among the Epstein. et.al., client lists and I also consider that much of the treaaonous acts will also be exposed….possibly pre-election. This will result in a lot more resignations….. Things may look completely different by October. Measured release of damning exposures would definitely change the trajectory…. This is an OPLAN in progress. The calm before the very hot summer storms…..

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Onward.... accelerate. Or as Ashe put it today, "Nous accélérons."

You remember that old school science demonstration where they set up a bunch of ping pong balls sitting on mousetraps, two per trap, and then threw another one in? It started a chain reaction, pretty soon all the balls were flying. It was meant as a demonstration of nuclear fission (as in an atom bomb), but it is an appropriate analogy to what is starting to happen on the NY-DC axis of the 'power elite.' Burning Bright would call it 'ouroborosian.' They are starting to eat their own.

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Great analogy!!

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Hope deferred makes the heart sick - as the Proverb says. The key is where we choose to place our hope. Reminds me of an old hymn that starts, "My hope is built on nothing less than ... (please sing along if you know it!)

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Ghost, from your article;

"Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan. By turning into the path of the torpedo, the Captain closed the distance before it could arm itself."

Q was referring to the COVID pandemic, in the context of his post. But I believe that it applies to the accelerationism inherent in Operation Warp Speed, which was about far more than a vaccine approval. "

Operation Warp speed was the turning directly into the path of proposed 5 year US wide Covid lock downs! The Captain (DJT) knew that C-19 "vaccines" had been patented as early as 2015 but were to be with held until after lock downs lasting until 2025 and only released as a measure necessary that all still alive Americas take the clot shot/death jab to get off of nationwide lock down imposed by the traitorous likes of Fauci, Gates and other Un-American elements.

By turning the nation into the path of the torpedo (lock down then vaccinations) DJT made the same type of decision portrayed in The Hunt For Red October, and by so doing saved untold millions of American's lives by forcing the hand of Fauci, Gates et al in a brilliant demonstration of understanding of warfare by the Commander in Chief of the US.

This fact will soon, I believe, be understood by every American who survived C-19 and owes their survival to a decision to turn the nation directly into the path of the Covid Torpedo before it could be armed!

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Brilliant description, Bitterroot! Have never heard Red Oct & Op Warp Speed explained so succinctly & well — Thanks !

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Thanks, Dick.

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Absolutely. Excellent analysis, Bitterroot. 💖

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Thanks Wild Bill.

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Great viewpoint and brilliant synopsis. Total mike drop statement! Thank you @Bitterroot!

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Your Welcome, Gary in Taiwan.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

If DC is to be NUKED, please let it be when Obama, Nancy, Killery, and the rest of the DC Swamp Scum from both parties, are having one of their weekly satanic rituals with their Ukranian spirit cooker master of ceremonies', Marina Abramovic! Make my day 🎇🎆. Of course it wont happen but it makes me 😁

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And please let it happen when I’m in South Carolina and not in Virginia Beach because Virginia Beach is a little bit too close to DC to not feel the nuclear fallout

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As a software engineer, it's impossible for me to believe the BS narratives surrounding Dominion software. This is very very basic software, and yet somehow there's ALWAYS a problem with it and it's been this way going back to 2000 (at least, that's just when I personally noticed). I hope the public at large globally awakens quickly to the ruse of these voting solutions, especially now with blockchain which would secure the vote immutably for anyone/everyone to see.

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Blockchain is good, hand-counted personally-cast paper ballots are better.

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Immutable means: impossible to change. You can only add a new record to the blockchain. Thus, it would be superior to paper ballots where we were once dealing with "hanging chads". Remember the ledger is massively distributed. Meaning every participant maintains awareness to the entire bookkeeping record. It's exceptionally difficult to alter records on a blockchain sequence. You'd have to control more than half of all the nodes on the entire network which is nearly impossible.

Cheaters are gonna cheat, that's what they do. They'll do it with paper or any centralized solution, but distributed technology at least has the advantage of not being in any one entity's hands. There are 18000 public nodes on the BTC blockchain. Maybe a voting solution could have millions of nodes.

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It's only basic if it sticks to its knitting -- counting votes.

It gets a whole lot more complex, and interesting, when additional competing factors enter in.

Remember that the genesis of these machines was when one of the voting machine companies went down to Venezuela and had a chat with Hugo Chavez, promoting 'the world's fastest and most accurate voting solution.' Which it might well have been.

But Chavez told them "I don't want accurate machines, and I don't care how fast they are or how much they cost. All I want is machines that will give me a victory, no matter how the people vote."

An industry was born. Turns out that Chavez was not the only corrupt dictator out there. Every decision to buy these machines has been made by corrupt officials, looking to maintain power.

I'm an an engineer too (life fellow of the IEEE) and I can testify that a voting machine can be simple, inexpensive, fast, accurate and trustworthy -- and you don't need to use blockchain to implement it. It can be done with open-source hardware and firmware, and proven cryptographic algorithms, provably incorruptible. Similar in many ways to the technology used in 'smart cards' like the ones you use to pay for gas and groceries.

But none of that matters, because these machines have lost the trust of the people. So it must be done with people hand-counting ballots, which although inevitably prone to error, properly implemented will have small and non-biased errors, i.e. much less likely to materially compromise election integrity than machines designed to do exactly that.

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"*with it" meaning voting software in general, not Dominion specifically.

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Thank you News Brief contributors for all of your hard work in bringing us the news from around the world and sharing your takes based on real time consuming research. I’ve been on this journey since 2017! God bless!❤️🇺🇸

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‘Things could get really interesting from here.’— GhostofBasedPatrickHenry

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

I really hope that Benjamin Netanyahu falls from power sooner rather than later. If you knew the chokehold that Israel has on America, you’ll say the same thing and it’s even worse than we thought. There’s nothing wrong with criticizing your government, especially, when they did terrible things, however, if anyone dare to criticize the Israel government, IDF, Mossad, and/or certain Jews like George Soros and others, they’ll call you antisemitic, for example, when Elon criticized George Soros, certain people called him antisemitic when it’s already known that George Soros hates humanity and even worked together with the Nazis. That’s why I don’t like when some people abuse either the race card and/or the ethnicity card as a shield to justify their actions because it takes away from people who are victims of actual hate crimes. Also, if you compare Mossad to the CIA, they’ll make the CIA look like a puppy show in comparison. Think Jeffrey Epstein, Jonathan Pollard, Theodor Herzl, etc. When I’m looking at the situation about Gaza, it’s starting to look awfully a bit more like the Israel government is following Theodor Herzl’s Zionist vision about Palestine. America also need to get rid of AIPAC, ADL, and others because Thomas Massie just told Tucker that a majority of representatives in congress has ‘AIPAC babysitters’ whose allegiance is to Israel and AIPAC doesn’t care which party you belong to, as long as you’re a pro-Israel candidate, they’ll donate money to you. Also, Benjamin and other Israel officials literally bragged in public about owning congress and certain US politicians. Israel’s nuclear weapons program is starting to make sense of the unrest in the Middle East, the possibility of certain events that happened in America like JFK’s assassination and 9/11, and Israel purposely making America pick up fights with other countries, giving us a bad reputation. Another thing, why are members in congress trying to put sanctions on the ICJ (not the ICC tied to George Soros) when the court decided to press charges against Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel?

1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_weapons_and_Israel

2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodor_Herzl

3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mossad

4) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shin_Bet

5) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Agency_for_Israel

6) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident

7) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Pollard

8) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident

9) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Zionist_Organization

10) https://x.com/noble_x_x_/status/1755004382955872527

11) https://x.com/realMBP/status/1789346953601409177

12) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pogroms_in_the_Russian_Empire

13) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Russia

P.S. This is in no way a shot at Jewish people as a whole and in general. There’s some and/or possibly a majority of Jewish people who are not for Zionism and want Benjamin Netanyahu out of power in favor of Benny Gantz. Overall, I’m just finding out some information to what’s going on in Gaza

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Thanks for the links!

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Your welcome! 👍

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Great reporting, I can count on you to tell me what's going on and why. That sees me to bed and I sleep like a baby secure in my knowing.

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Would love to see you expand more on the occult mysticism as I’d state that occult mysticism plays a huge role in our modern world: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/are-we-under-satanic-attack

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Putin ain’t here to play. He’s kind of a hero now. Let’s see how this develops…

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Former CDC Director Admits the Truth


Now to get the public to understand the fraud, and murders, and go back and get all the HOUSE THAT AIDS BUILT Fauci and wife were involved in, and not forget the Clinton Prison scandal.

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BB, I loved your editorial Insert! 🥰🦈😎

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"Maybe Burning Bright is right (gasps in horror). (*unbiased editor’s note: this is often the case,*) … Maybe Politico is doing a thing with these self-owning storylines. — Ashe in America"

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re Kazan sub: Maybe this is an attempt to create a second Cuban Missile Crisis. Biden will step in to "handle" it and get a big jump in the polls (remember JFK's approval rating went to 81% in the original missile crisis). Steven Spielberg will make a film about how the great "Joe Biden" solved the "crisis" and why he is such a great leader. But seriously, the Kazan sub in Havana and off Florida seems to be a proper retaliation by Putin for Blinken sending missiles to Ukraine which are being used to hit targets inside Russia.

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Yikes! We have a way in the courts and we missed it. The Runson Brothers in Utah filed suit on the 2020 election events that had teeth but no one paid attention. the Brothers went after all those who did NOT follow the US Constitution and it was perfect except for one small detail. The Brothers are in Utah and they have their senator and representatives that they could go after but they could not go after YOUR (if you are not in Utah) man in Congress. We should have banned together and every state should have filed suit on their reps. No one picked up the ball! The Supreme Court said there was no jurisdiction for them to go after YOUR reps. They did not say it was not doable.. only the Runson Brothers could not do it by themselves! We can take them to task if they are outside of the US Constitution but we are lame ducks when WE do not band together. Is there still time on the Brothers idea? Is there a time limit? We need to be putting together ourselves in every state and file suit against our rascals if they don't follow the law. We need not to pick up arms. We can be wise!

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