My applause - standing ovation level - to AiA and her comments regarding the satanic display in the Iowa statehouse. Hard as it might be to accept, this is the bigger picture (IMO)!

(warning - this may be considered by some to be "preachy" - so be it!) If the "church" was living up to the standards set by its Chief Shepherd, we would be more likely to see these things as Paul did in his first letter to the fellowship of those called out in Corinth, "Therefore concerning the eating of things offered to idols (displays in statehouses - if I may be so bold), we know that there is no such thing as an idol in the world (meaning that they have no genuine power), and that there is no God but one. For even if there are so-called gods whether in heaven or on earth, as indeed there are...for us there is one God...from whom are all things and we exist for Him...and we exist through Him. (1Cor.8:4-6).

Thank you for your takes today - and for allowing us to participate in the community!

As I hope is apparent, I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I believe He is the Creator of All Things - and that He did so for it was His desire to have fellowship with His free-will creation (us). For that to be a viable option - we were created in His Image and Likeness AND given the authority to choose - even when that choice was damning. What we need is more True Light - for darkness will always be overcome by Light.

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NCSWIC! The first priority post-cabal world will be repentance, thanks to our God and the rebuild must adopt His principles for the foundation. Not a state-sponsored religion as that’s what helped get us to where we are.... God is in control and we know He is infinite, unlike our true adversary in this ancient war. 🙏🙏

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If I may, ALtab - not as a correction but as a highlighting: even before state sponsorship (less than 75 years after His resurrection) paganism (the doctrine of Balaam) and humanism (the doctrine of the Nicolaitans - if they are to be parsed) were causing significant problems for those who gathered in His name - a basic read of chapters 2&3 of Revelation shows how quickly we forget. We can do nothing wholly GOOD WITHOUT HIM!

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Screw the permit.That passage from 1 Cor would make a nice sign to put next to that display. I am a little too far away though....

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Ashe in America, good take on the satanic display. I would add they should counter with a nativity display. Wonder if they’d get the permit for that.

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I believe that whoever issues the permits would have no choice. Once the Satanists have Seeded the Narrative that it is OK to have religious displays of all sorts, then access is free to all comers.

This is how [their] efforts on many stages have set the scene for What Is Coming. Trump arraignments, Ukraine failure, kicking out Santos from the House -- the list goes on and on. These were once 'slippery slopes' that wise men feared to tread -- but the Patriots have left [them] no other available ground on which to walk. Cornered, they are making mistakes.

As BB says, Truth is the Infinite Player on the Game Board. When the Patriots have taken over Truth as their mantra, all [they] are left with is the slippery slope of lies.


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Amen Ashe: "Change happens one conversation at a time, so be brave and speak the truth.” — Ashe in America"

I totally agree: "Musk's undeniably positive net effects on the Great Awakening go much farther than we've been led to believe, and the more you look, the more I think you'll begin to see it.” — Burning Bright"

Keep it coming.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Ashe nailed the true issue with the Baphomet display at the state capitol. “Good people have tolerated evil for too long, and evil is taking its profits. The cultural battlefield is where this war will be won. Get up and get loud.” By allowing the cabal’s minions to remove God from the public domain, we’ve come to the point where Satanic worship is up front and center in the public eye. Now, I also agree that free speech is paramount in this exact situation, disgusting as it is! The good thing is that this display (like the focus now on Harvard) will focus and reveal much more.

BB has the take on Israel’s role as a proxy state perfectly! 18 months down to less than 2! That’s quite the acceleration and indicative of the fact that the majority of people are now awake to some extent and increasing! Israel: More than 100 hostages thought to be in the tunnels and you’re flooding them anyway? This won’t be good for optics.

Russia saying the quiet part out loud?😀

Rumble attacks are so very political and it’s obvious....too obvious!!😃


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Amen ALtab 👍❤️🙏

Satanic symbols and statues in the public domain tend to desensitize people to the distinctions between good and evil. In the name of “tolerance” we allow an extremely low energy consciousness to spread. I haven’t worked out all my thoughts yet about the First Amendment angle. Our Founding Fathers took for granted a moral citizenry….in their time, differences still shared the common ground of belief and devotion to God.

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Me, too. We can’t allow child pornographers to have the same speech freedoms, but how to ‘censor’ evil with visible victims and other consequences, or inciting violence that also has innocent victims…. It used to be hidden on the dark web and few were even aware. Apparently FB and twitter allowed it, but still not publicly known by the rest of us…partly due to use of code words? I agree that now it’s being brought into the light (likely the primary purpose is exposure to the masses), at some point the issue of free speech for intended evil must be addressed. Good thoughts!🕊️🙏🇺🇸

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And there it is! Free speech and the Rights of our First Amendment must be within acceptable limits of the Law. How on earth is it legal to allow 10-12 yr old boys access to porn that they will become addicted to (I’ve read that porn is more addicting than heroin!)

The laws of our nation need to be in keeping with our Christian values. 👍❤️🙏❤️

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Therein lies the challenge for the rebuild…. We’re going to have to rely most heavily upon our Father for this phase (and all phases, actually).🙏🙏

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Just like our Founding Fathers did!! 👍❤️🙏🇺🇸🕊🌎

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Feather, I would like to posit an alternative idea. Namely, that we are not as a society, on the whole anyway, ready to accept satanic symbols in the public domain without a certain degree of shock and revulsion. In that light, [their] efforts to 'normalize' evil are failing.

Average folks know there is evil in the world and in the heavens, but we tend on balance to believe that good is winning, which I believe to be true. But in-our-face displays of evil shock us to the awareness that evil is much closer to the surface than we'd like to admit. Thus, these displays, as offensive as they are, may serve a positive purpose -- underscoring the importance of 'putting on the full armor of God' to fight against 'the principalities of evil' wherever we may find them. Even in the statehouse of quintessentially middle-America Iowa.

If these displays arouse a righteous anger against the public display of evil, even if indeed it is 'protected speech' under our blessed First Amendment, then the offense they create is not in vain. It steels our desire and determination to fight evil. And that is a good thing, as Martha Stewart used to say.

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Yes, WBill, I do see that side of it, which you have explained so well ❤️🙏

And when you really think about it, Satanism isn’t really a religion; it’s more “anti” religion, “anti” God…worshiping the devil is, at it’s core, hatred of our Divine Creator - it isn’t atheism, they believe in God as the enemy. The more it makes its way out into the open, the more we remember such values and far more attractive energy realms such as Love Joy Kindness etc. and actively choose that instead of it’s opposite. The precipice is all about choice.

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Yes. Satanism is the last refuge of people who hate themselves and resent all things good.

God wins in the end.

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How quickly can Musk switch from relic electric battery propulsion in his spankin' new sexy pickup to hydrogen or some even better Nicky T 6000+ Patent Ingersol Lockwood Tech? U know Musk is lusting to deliver 45's previously commented flying cars to the world. Chariots of fire ain't runnin' on electric beatle juice. Pls get this lawfare boomerang shit over with asap. It's so de rigueur. I need a Global Perp Walk Parade + Asset-Backed GCR + GESARA + Med Beds for Christmas. Let's celebrate & re-enact the birth of Christ Consciousness in Sovereign MEGA Style. MEGA = Make Earth Great Again!

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MEGA! Love it! 💖

And I do believe that this is exactly what Trump has in mind -- you really can't make America great again if the rest of the world is allowed to become a cesspool. It truly must be Make Earth Great Again!

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That is my favorite thought of the day, WBill ❤️🙏

“ you really can't make America great again if the rest of the world is allowed to become a cesspool. ”

That is a deeply beautiful contemplation. Thank you, Bill!


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You 're welcome Feather, and thank you too! 💖🙏🕊

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Free Speech and false gods: “Against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgement—I Am YHVH.” The night of the first Passover He proclaimed this. We know from the later text in Exodus of the assembly at the base of the mountain where the marriage ketubbah came down (The Law which later became flesh and walked among us) that a mixed multitude was spared the night of Passover. Which means Egyptians who chose to believe, came under the lamb’s-blood soaked doorposts of the children of Israel to be saved. One of these was the daughter of Pharoah. It’s not told in Exodus but in 1 Chronicles 4:17, in the lineage of Caleb. Which means the daughter of Pharoah was a little girl the same age as Miriam when she found Moses and took him home to play. Bityah. When YHVH takes down the gods of America, have your sandals on your feet and your staff in your hand…let’s roll.

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FYI: Passover is next big date on Yashua’s calendar. Right after Purim…head’s up.

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