GBPH I enjoyed and was enlightened by your Bibi/Israel Takes. You have been ahead of the curve and taken a lot of heat, I am impressed!

You are spot on Ashe State Government (and ALL levels of government) needs serious fixing too. Trump and team could completely eliminate all Federal Government, Agencies and personnel and the shit left at the state level and below would still be total DS Rat Bastard bullshit. We need a total scrapping and redo of government.

Chris I have no opinion on how good Viveck might be as Senator but I will say that anyone who has spent NO TIME in politics and had great success in business is a much better choice. All of the people who get into "elected" office must perform as our representatives and not our leaders. Government must become the will of the governed and not the puppets of the fiat money system.

Just my 2 cents.

Keep up the great work.

God Wins!

Gods Bless!!!

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As it's currently implemented, all States are just legal corporate franchises operating under the UNITED STATES Federal corporation. If the UNITED STATED is liquidated, so is each State of (STATE). We then hold elections for the organic State Assemblies and we're back in business. It's been like this since the South refused to participate after the Civil War....

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Chris Paul is one of the best minds on Badlands.

No apologies are ever needed for sharing ones opinion and/or thoughts.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Hi Joe !

I do concur 💯/💯 !


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Jan 17Edited
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🇫🇷🇺🇲 Collaborative work in progress by Dick and Trumpist ! 🇺🇲🇫🇷

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Even when they are ignorantly stated

..... here's your sign.....

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Nobody is perfect...

Neither him, you, nor me !


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Yes even then

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The comment referencing Vivek's capabilities are discourteous and denigrating to him and OUR intelligence. I agree that his non- politician background, as well as his success as a businessman and accomplished public speaker, showing quick wit and intelligence of topics, speak far beyond being a " rallygoer and friend of Vance ". An apology from the author of the original comment is due.

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This is a forum of open opinions and since the commenter was neither rude, nor offensive….. A different perspective should not have to generate an apology….just say’n.


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Yes, I don't yet know who this Chris dude is, but so far his work is lacking justification. I'm reserving judgement for a bit longer.

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Jan 17Edited
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🇫🇷🇺🇲 Collaborative work in progress by Dick and Trumpist ! 🇺🇲🇫🇷

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Strike 2

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The dem interrogators are parsing the word "lost" like Billy Clinton parsed the word "is." They can't help themselves. It's part of the marxist playbook: manipulate the language, right down to simple, one syllable words. This behavior is somehow tolerated and even encouraged in the "hallowed" halls of congress and in the phoney pages of the mainstream media. In the real world, such as a playground, such pettiness would be met with a push and a shove and a bop on the nose. That's why these people act and talk this way: they never pay any real consequences for ridiculous, outrageous, moronic arguments and actions. Let's hope that changes. MAGA.

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What is absolutely crazy is they keep trying to bring attention to the 2020 election theft. You have to wonder what nutty plan would lead to such a stupid idea.

The truth of all of this will be explained in the next months as we are allowed to dig deeper into the facts. But bringing it back to light at this point in time is not smart. How can getting the Republicans to keep refusing to admit the "loss" can do any good eludes me. Can anyone here explain the plan of the Democrats?

Conversely, why would any Republican agree to lie and say the election was not stolen when we have so much solid evidence to show it was stolen? When the truth is on your side, just let the liars dig their hole even deeper.

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It was a key tool used by many brought here post WWII, and incorporated into the education and media industry.

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—Ghost has been dedicated to sussing out the intent behind the earlier moves in the Middle East and he is very likely correct, ‘…we appear to be on a trajectory that will likely bring the Sovereign Alliance into direct confrontation with the Deep State.’ When I have considered all of the history, Biblical and secular, plus recent historians who have filled in many of the gaps, it is clear this is one of the key areas of ancient control. ….Wonder who actually is the cause of this Israeli/Hamas delay?…. Checkmate, indeed!

—Ashe has such a Shakespearian take, ‘The lady doth protest too much, methinks.’ Exactly!

—BB’s clarity on the impact of the stories used in this information war has taught many of us how this ‘war’ is different than previous wars. With my preferred macro approach to things, it now seems that in all actuality, we were always impacted by the narratives. Trump, too, clearly gets this and has set up no end of traps! ‘… take action when he returns to the public levers of power he never fully left, and with the full mandate from the American people to do what is necessary to end these conflicts.’ More of the public gets it, too.

—Ashe observes the obvious, ‘…legislators are most concerned about protecting their federal funding and enabling public private partnerships.’ Are these very same legislators going to be in for a shock! The sooner the better. Federal government is limited constitutionally, so, yes, not only the state level, Ashe, but the local level, too. That requires involvement of all citizens. It is past time ‘we the people’ live up to our responsibilities established in the Constitution, not to just sit back and enjoy the benefits!

—Corruption exposure and the beginning of justice is getting increasingly closer to the core of this ancient evil cabal. That’s a good thing!

God bless the researchers and contributors to this truth loving community.🙏

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Love those takes! Amazing stuff, no?

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🌟🌟🌟👆🏼Well said, Altab!

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I appreciate the Brief so much!

I do think Chris Paul’s takes are much too verbose. He should try to pare them down. 😂

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😂😊… Says much in few.

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So an unbreakable bond is essentially a non legal entry into NATO for all practical purposes. Looks like we might soon understand why it is that, historically, Britain so often sides with evil. Imagine the shock when people begin to understand that Britain is not ruled by Brits.

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And doubly so when they then realize, neither has the USA been ruled by Americans. Nor Canada by Canadians...

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….and that NATO won’t last…

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“Those are his qualifications.”

Better than Cock-eyed Kelly Loeffler’s when she got gifted a senate seat in Georgia.

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No one even needs "qualifications" in the first place. Either Chris knows something about Vivek that we don't, or he's tinfoil hat paranoid along with many other black pillers. They've long had it out for him.

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🕊️🕊️Maybe it could just be humoristic ??🕊️🕊️

I'd offer happily and proudly any switch of our Macron to have Vivek instead !


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🤣🤣. I’d certainly agree with you, Trumpist!!

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Personally, I don't feel, at this time, that Vivek is a committed conservative thinker. Suffice to say that a person does change, and association with Trump operations could open his eyes, tho even Trump has issues in my mind. Bottom line, please don't rely on any one person, it's " We the People " who are responsible.

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C"mon, we are in the Badlands. I can say hear that i think this (H1B) was a stone-cold, ballsy role play by Vivek. Much like the Kanye blast of Bibi described in today's stories.

If Trump wants him in the senate, it is because he needs a pitbull there.

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….As several have commented in today’s responses! True!

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No matter what conclusion you come to about the “Chris dude”, you can answer your own questions by visiting his substack (Chris Paul-I’m your moderator) or Truth Social; or watch Friday’s Badland’s Daily (usually his day), Saturday’s Devolution Power Hour, Badlands Story hour (w/ him & Burning Bright), & a few other very good Badlands shows. He’ll let you know why he says those things …

To me, he’s a brilliant & balancing voice — & much-needed.

God Bless, Gregory

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This news made me thinking about such a vision I saw weeks or months ago (summer 2024 ??)

"Pope Francis had a fall and injured his right arm Thursday in the second such mishap in almost a month, the Vatican said"

Source :



As I was searching about such a prophecy, I found these very interesting links I bring here:


💒🕊️ And I think the prophecy was this one, absolutely POWERFUL (September 2024):




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Very interesting links. The lightning striking the statue reminds me of the mysteriously destroyed Georgia Guide-stones…. Interesting, as well, is the fact that many evil Nazis fled to Argentina. I do not think this is a coincidence.

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Hi Altab !


I thought the same the first time I read this news and I think the pope being from Argentina is not a good news ...

May God bless you 💒🕊️💕

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“…a concession that Trump’s election challenges were frivolous, unfounded, or wrong.”

logically why should anyone who thinks biden won legitimately care? logically anyone who knows biden did not win legitimately should be enormously concerned. we know where both sides stand. they both know 2020 is illegitimate. always has been. /insert astronaut meme

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For the media smear campaign it would be weaponized for. If any of these guys get caught openly making comments about the election being stolen, they'd be virtually crucified and run out.

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And, all they do is report on what is being said by the politicians. The Democrats say the 2020 election was squeaky clean and no fraud was found. Republicans say nothing. Not a one says the election was stolen. To the media, silence means the election was OK because that is all they hear. Well, except from Trump at every single rally where he never fails to say the election was stolen. But the media refuses to even go to those rallies… maybe because they do not want to report what is being said.

I find it strange that the only rally where all of the media were in attendance was at Butler, Pa. I wonder why? Were they told in advance that something monumental was going to occur?

Just say’n.

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I'm not so sure such a campaign would be successful. Many are now open to the idea that all was not well in 2020.

If I were up there (and I'm glad I'm not), I'd think the appropriate response would be noncommittal with a promise to fully investigate and let the chips fall where they may:

"I am not personally aware of the entirety of the situation so I cannot give you a definitive answer at this time. However, I can promise that as (AG, etc) I will order a detailed investigation into the allegations of impropriety, and settle the question of whether Joe Biden's win in 2020 was legitimate, or not, once and for all. And if it's determined that improper actions were taken by either, or both, side(s), I will make certain that those responsible are fully held to account."

[They] would likely stop asking that question over and over of every nominee.

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To me, the fact that the Democrats keep bringing this up and trying to get Republicans “Trapped” into saying the election was not stolen is the proof of their guilt. They know the 2020 election was stolen but somehow feel it is necessary to get Republicans to agree. That is crazy in my book.

It is like you and I watched a robbery. Your son drove the getaway car, so you want me to testify that I did not see the driver at all. Obviously you will never stop asking me, but I am never going to piss you off either. At least, not until I am on the witness stand and have to answer truly. Then, I will be forced, by law, to piss you off. Later, it will be my fault your kid is doing time according to you. Meanwhile, I will know the truth no matter what anyone else thinks.

This is how I see Trump and the 2020 election. He is in control because he was an eye witness to the crime and refuses to lie about what he knows to the the facts.

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its very communist. nothing really different than 2+2=5 in 1984. if they can get you to admit something that you know isn’t true, then they know they have you at the top of a slippery slope where everything becomes possible. solzhenitsyn explained it in gulag archipelago.

compromised. corrupted. no one can take someone else’s integrity away. one can certainly give one’s integrity away. thats what the demands are all about.

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I'd like to read your take of this latest move by Bibi, after your take had been published:

"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Calls President Trump and Thanks Him for His Assistance in Brokering the Hostage Release and Peace Deal"



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Hedging his bets….Netanyahu does not want to face justice for his actions.

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Maybe he does not want to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory this time. And try and preserve a little bit of breathing room.

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“This feels excessive.”

I think Taiwan has found a nice balance. Too many protocols in place in legislative spaces. Reps and senators ought to sort things out like the Taiwanese. Sling some chairs. Flip some tables. Fightin words and attitude adjustments go a long way in keeping smartasses tongues in check. Smile when you say that, or back it up. Hamilton. Sumner.

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“Far-right” ~ Atlanta Urinal Constipation

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“Peace in the Middle East.”

Thats only happening one Way.

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I loved this, "Badlands" but I have a special place for Burning Bright's take on Star Treks Captain Kirk and President Trump. It actually places Trump in a place of HUMAN and not GOD, where he truly belongs and deserves. Just like WE THE PEOPLE he is learning so we all can be victorious together and not repeat a situation that got us enslaved in the first place, Worshipers of the Wrong Gods and placing others as Authorities over WE THE PEOPLE!!

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And yet here WE THE PEOPLE go again for ROUND 2 ...


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If the Pope won't welcome illegal immigrants into Vatican City, then he needs to SHUT HIS PIEHOLE advising other nation states to do so. Just one more reason, as an Episcopalian, I'm glad Henry VIII needed that divorce!

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