What Clown Cart did Hunter Biden, His Lawyers and the Democrat establishment fall off of? And do they remember exactly why they were celebrating the Whistleblower statues just a few years back?


- Hunter Embezzles money through foreign entities that implicate his father the former Vice President and present President

- He lies about the money and files fraudulent Tax returns

- It is discovered by IRS auditors.

- Politically corrupt Superiors at the IRS hamper and hinder the Audit investigation - attempt to bury it.

- Auditors, using the Whistleblower protections, report it to Congress.

- Magically, the "Special Council" former federal prosecutor slow walked the investigation into the tax fraud until the statute of limitations had expired.

- Hunter Biden sues the Federal Government / IRS for failing to protect his private information.

- Crocodile Tears flow like Niagara Falls from the Mainstream media.

You cannot make this Sh-- up.

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Crack and Whats App took them down!

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Babylon Bee had a couple of fun posts on the missing jet. First was that the Epstein client list was on the jet. Next was that search teams were seen combing the woods with key fobs held over their heads which they were continually clicking:)

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LMAO - I am so guilty of the key fob...

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Wow, this movie is getting better and better every day. Plot twists are amazing. Hunter is now suing the IRS? Is this the same IRS to which daddy added thousands of new agents who can carry guns?

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87,000 of them. Must be able and willing to shoot to kill.

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They may be needed later to take down the REAL bad guys. After all, isn't that how they finally got Al Capone?

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If they can teach these woksters to aim!!!%

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Those 87K IRS agents will be needed to sift through all the crimes of the deep state doodoo. Starting with those "Foundations" set up to launder the Rich men north of Richmond money. Human traffickers/child torturers will keep the IRS pretty busy. The 1%ers got some 'splaaaaning to do.' .

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Will bureaucrats know which end the bullet comes from?

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They will find out in a hurry. Firearms can be unforgiving to the careless...

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We used to have dress codes in school. Had to go to the cafeteria once a month and kneel on the benches to make sure our skirts (absolutely no slacks or jeans) touched the bench. Got dentation once because I forgot to bring my shoes to school in a snowstorm and had to wear my boots all day!! Tsk, tsk!! Little bit over the top, yes but, what did we end up with when they said no more dress codes in school? Girls in tube tops and Daisy Mae shorts and jeans with holes in them. Boys with graphic t-shirts and shorts!! The whole point was to teach you to dress appropriately for the JOB you will be dong someday. The senate walking around in cutoffs and sweatshirts shows just how seriously they take this job and is a bad impression for the youth of today, letting them know that being a slob is ok!!

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What is even worse is that they are doing it in order to justify the petulance of Fetterman - a stroke victim installed as Senator from Pennsylvania. Everyone knows he can't do the job. All that leadership has to do is provide him a way to vote with them, and all is good for them.

As the parent of an oppositional defiant Autistic son, should I be hopeful that people in high places are making room and creating jobs for members of society with mental disabilities?

Get real. There are ways of dealing with petulant children. Doctor Spock be damned!

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All to show the world the US fall from power with idiots installed in DC.

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I would like to see him wearing an orange jumpsuit and shower shoes.

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I dream of a day that I will not here the names Byeden, Killary or Nobama. How long is the flight to Gitmo? I am feeling crusty this AM. Thanks guys/gals for keeping me sane in these crazy days of info-wars.

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Miami (MIA) to Gitmo (GAO): 808 km / 436 nm / 505 statute miles

A bit more than an hour, depending on departure/approach vectors, in a modern airliner.

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Sooo expeditiously. 😂😂

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Why not just drop them at the halfway mark and let the sharks have some fun? Footage and popcorn for everyone!!! Lets Party!!!!!

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Perfect compromise!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Throw some chum down there to turn on the sharks and wet their appetites, then drop our esteemed ELITE from the belly of the plane, an older C5 works. Gawd, my mouth is watering from the image.......ssssssss

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Sep 24, 2023·edited Sep 24, 2023

....maybe one by one is a better image and attach cameras to their clothes facing their faces so we get the full effect of the experience relayed back in real time. I want the whole experience of the looks on their terrified faces as the wind blows off their masks

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Much thanks for the contributions today! I want to especially thank Justin for taking the time to address the "practice" of medicine.

As one dealing with sero-negative RA (meaning my blood work doesn't demonstrate the disease, though the physical detorioration of my joints certainly does) - I have chosen to let the industry practice on others and am managing mine with diet, exercise, and "willow bark".

PS - it was the treatments that ended up shortening my mom's life from the same ailment. They (the practicers) just "couldn't get the doses right."

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I have ZERO faith in the medical industry. Money whores.

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I know what you mean. I've been blessed to be very healthy all my life, although I have had a couple of surgeries and I am praying for no more! I have much more faith in chiropractic than in mainstream medical doctors. They are shocked when you say, "no colonoscopy, no mammograms, no prescriptions unless absolutely necessary"

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I thought PCR tests were no longer being used per CDC decree several years ago since they were not meant to diagnose the wuhu flu.

Kinda like baby Dumbo holding a feather to fly.

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Fetid Fetterman is outlandish in today’s selected and placed criminal politicians. Hanging in the coat closet until trotted out by handlers to slur a statement. Prancing Pelosi in her heels is a well dressed criminal. Her son was a Hunter buddy in overseas tax laundering as was Mitt Romney’s son. All quiet on the western front. But the trashy trend means we’ll see McConnel in McMuffin house shoes. Grunge Government.

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Could Fetterman be on the autism spectrum? I’ve often wondered that. I know he’s had a lot of issues regarding his brain but he sure has some autistic tendencies now. Could just be anxiety. At any rate, he needs to go. Smh

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023

Could be. Which God bless the infirm but they can not serve. Feinstein has had a DPOA enacted. Are we serious? That means 2 docs deem her incompetent, the named Power of Attorney speaks for her. WTH is she doing still a senator? McConnell, 82 year old Pelosi…Bribem. This is all on purpose. Destruction while laughing at us aghast…

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Let’s see if Fetterman actually shows up now.

I just saw a story of a doctor/hospital who has been trying to force a boy to undergo chemotherapy even though the boy has never tested positive for the cancer. Apparently this fight has been going on for five years. The boy is now 17 and has never been sick. But the fight over custody continues. The cancer doctor had been involved in a study involving 12 year old boys with a particular type of cancer and wanted him in the study (according to the parents). It was the craziest thing I ever saw. I’ve been trying to remember his name or find the video but I haven’t yet.

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That's really bizarre!! Why the hell would you treat someone for cancer that doesn't have cance? I would love to see that video!!

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Right?! The parents started this fight when their son was 12. They said the doctor pushing for treatment was doing this study about his type of cancer and the doctor needed one more 12 year old in the study. What got me was the kid is now 17, still no sign of cancer, and the custody fight was still going on. I’ve been trying to find the video because I can’t remember his name.

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“ Perhaps we’ll finally start to end this adherence to medical authoritarianism now that more people are aware of it through the COVID saga.” — Justin Deschamps. 👍

The silver lining to this all-things-Covid exposure of a captured and corrupted medical system run by BigPharma for who knows how long? at least all the way back to the initial rollout of the polio vaccine decades ago.

The missing F-35B Lightning II jet is such a bizarre story. So, everything is trackable in our highly surveillanced world except an $80 million fighter jet that mysteriously malfunctions.

Just another notch up in the collective mind meter of WTF is going on. Everything that happens lately has an increasing “eyes on” factor that is surely making [them] nervous!

For more on that, catch Clif High’s interview with highly skilled remote viewers aligning with Clif’s predictive program re The Big Event:


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Missing F-35: they say they found a 'debris field.' The 64 thousand dollar question (that may not ever be asked): is that the remains of the lost F-35?

What if the Chinese spoofed the systems remotely, put the aircraft in a flight envelope that was becoming unsustainable to the pilot, and then flew it... well, you know, maybe to Cuba?

I have a feeling we will never know the full truth about this incident. And even if we do, much doubt will remain... because nobody trusts [them] anymore. They lie so much that 'telling truth from lies' is nigh on to impossible.

"I remember when the answers seemed so clear

We had never lived with doubt or tasted fear

It was easy then to tell truth from lies

Selling out from compromise

Who to love and who to hate

The foolish from the wise

But today there is no day or night

Today there is no dark or light

Today there is no black or white

Only shades of gray"

-- Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil, "Shades of Gray" recorded by The Monkees (1967)

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You are amazing, Bill!

What great words, way back in the counter culture 60s!!


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I always liked that song, though it was never released as a single (it was on their 3rd album 'Headquarters'). The Monkees were actually the top-selling recording artist of 1967, even ahead of the Beach Boys and the Beatles, who released 'Sgt. Pepper's' in 1967.

Despite sometimes being ridiculed as 'commercial,' The Monkees were actually fairly talented musicians and vocalists, and they had the power of the Wrecking Crew and other top studio musicians and songwriters behind them -- Neil Diamond, Gerry Goffin and Carole King, Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart, along with Mann and Weil. Which is why certain of their songs, especially the first two albums, bear a strong imprint of these players. If you think 'I'm A Believer' sounds a lot like Neil Diamond -- well, Neil Diamond wrote that song, played guitar on it, and sang backup vocals -- IIRC.

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How did they know? Or, more likely, these counter culture groups were ‘created’ and promised fame and fortune if they would sing what was written for them. I remember being astonished by girls at a Beatles concert...was there hypnosis used? Hmm...sounds like what a certain evil one is said to be doing. Drugs, sex, money and lots of programming....60s explained.

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CIA was reportedly heavily involved in songwriting in the 1960s. They were (and still are) the world's largest drug pushers. Sex? Oh, hell yeah. Satan is alive and well in the CIA.

Regarding these specific lyrics, in retrospect I believe that they still speak to us because they are a commentary on the human condition... and some things never change. The evil is much closer to the surface today than it was in 1967, but it has been there all along, for those who looked.

And, looking beneath the surface was always easier with a bit of your favorite psychedelic... back to the CIA again.

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Yes, indeed! Human nature has not changed, evil has always been there but, you’re right about how blatant evil is now. Never did the drug thing but a lot friends did. The CIA I the public eye is not the true one. My son told me years ago that the CIA ran drugs and I was not totally convinced. I never really trusted anything regarding them after that. God bless you, Wild Bill.👍🙏

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Yeah, I never did the drugs either. Kentucky Bourbon has always been my intoxicant of choice 😉

CIA finances their operations with drug running. All those bombing runs over Laos in the 1960s? To control the opium trade. Supposedly Laos had more bombs dropped by weight per unit area of anywhere in the world, even more than Dresden in WW2. Never reported on at the time -- you'd hear an occasional Laos story, mostly making up some sort of cover story for an aircraft and crew lost there.

God Bless You Too, ALtab! ✝🕊🙏

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Red wine for me.🍷. I remember the Laos bombings and remember wondering why on earth we were there…then.🙏

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It just proves to me that because they are so stupid, they think we are also. Do they really think we don't understand that every little thing we do is being watched by "Big Brother 1984) yet we are going to swallow the story line of a very expensive piece of military equipment is not? Q was right when he said "These people are stupid" in 49 posts!!!!

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Thanks for reminding me about that Q quote! 👍

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I went to the site and counted everyone, and then when I got to the bottom it said 49 posts for "These people are stupid"! Duh!!! LOL!

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Hi Kris !

Perhaps 49 = number of the US States (minus Hawaii ?) ??

Or the 50th one has just not been cited yet ...

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I was thinking maybe 17 when I was counting but Q really thinks they are stupid if he said it 49 times!!!!!

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Any possible reference to the 49ers ??

A big event coming in the 49th state, Alaska, where FJB was nowhere to be found on 9/11 ?

Or any reference to the very large voter fraud in Wisconsin, the 49th state in alphabetical order??

This last one seems particularly interesting to me when regarding // Q quote !!

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Makes one truly wonder what IS actually going on behind this ridiculous series of events....each day shows increasingly ‘ludicrous events’ that reveal stupidity at the highest levels. Away from cities, more and more people possessing common sense are aghast at current events. And, more are waking. More popcorn, please!🍿🍿

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clif high? really? nothin but nonsense that NEVER COMES TRUE...

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I respectfully disagree, Victoria, although I think of Clif as more about patterns than actually pinpointing specific events, but this interview is between a remote viewer (representing his group of skilled remote viewers) and Clif who each came up independently with a “big event” ahead. I don’t think you can discount the remote viewers (after all, our military uses them and teaches it) There is discussion about the collective mind’s increasing attention and how it relates to the cabal’s (which Clif refers to as the Khazarian mafia) decision to carry out their plans…the more “eyes on” the more they can’t secretly carry out their destructive attacks, in effect making them doubt their next move. An example is the Lahaina fire and the increase of the global population paying attention to the DEWs. The cabal loves to stage their mayhem under cover of natural disasters. The numbers questioning Lahaina as a “natural” phenomenon are exposing them more and more…they are loosing their cover.

I found the interview very interesting.

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The exposure gets greater and great with each passing day. Y'all highlighted the absurdity of the DS Rat Bastard's MSM. All of our institutions are FUBRAR!

I look forward to that 1st BOOM 💥 so we can get about the people's business of emptying the trash.

Keep up the great work 👍

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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There are also the Military branches that tend to make hilarious comments about the other branches' screw-ups. Ret. USN Wife.

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Maybe "enjoy the show"?

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I don’t understand why people run to the dr with a cold other than they are hypociondriacts!

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I cant wait until the entire bunch of Nadlers and Schumers are in orange jumpsuits instead of suits and ties..... showing up for their executions. Large wet sponges and 5G power to run the equipment.

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Doctors don’t use their wits much now because most are employed by hospitals, which are run by the federal govt through large subsidies. It’s top-down medicine. This is why most doctors recommended the vax.

Physician’s training is also less rigorous. Residencies (post-graduate training) are shorter in numbers of years. Time spent daily in the hospital is half the amount that is was 15-20 years ago. Surgeons tell me that residents are rarely interested in seeing the patients after a surgery where they assisted. Is there a reason a physician in training holds little interest in a patient’s progress?

Non-surgeon physicians no longer see their own patients in the hospital after admission, even though their offices are usually in the same building. Hospitalists, who’ve never met the patient, care for the patient.

I could go on, but you’ve probably heard enough.

I’d look for a wholistic MD, or preferably a DO, as your regular doctor, since they are more geared to wellness.

Pray a lot too since God is our primary healer.

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I offer you to have a look to this terrific article by Brian Cates:



🙏🏻✝️🕊️ May God have Mercy and pity to [Them] and bless all of those who are fighting for His Word and HIS Truth ! 🕊️✝️🙏🏻

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