"Hunter Biden's purported laptop and iPhone"

How in the world can you sue someone for something when you say Its not yours???

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And after you signed all rights to it away, in the event of abandonment, and then abandon the property -- as Hunter did? Mac Isaac was then the legal owner of the property, not Hunter.

Like all of these Dem lawsuits, they are for show. Few will ever come to trial. They are to distract from something [they] do not want you to pay attention to.

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Ryan says: "Historically, the ADL was seen as a noble organization committed to the honorable goal of opposing genuine antisemitism and speaking for the interests of the Jewish community as a whole. In recent years, however, under the leadership of former Obama administration staffer Jonathan Greenblatt, the group has come under criticism for acting more as a left-leaning pressure group than a non-partisan anti-Semitism watchdog."

In Revelation 2 - while speaking to those in the fellowship of Christians in Smyrna - and again in Revelation 3 - while speaking to those in the fellowship of Christians in Philadelphia - Jesus (while John is scribing) says some things that I am sure the ADL would find discriminatory. (BTW: The disciples in these two cities are the only ones that were not corrected by the Lord - and that were being attacked by those who had rejected the very One they had been waiting and praying for - for over 1400 years!)

This evening is Rosh Hashanah - the first day of the New Year (the day some believe God began His creative work) and the Feast of Trumpets. In 10 days, the ceremonial Day of Atonement will come. We all need Atonement - and He has made it available to all who are humble enough to ask for it!

The feud between Musk and the ADL is a good catalyst for us to pray! The "Babylon System" has been a part of man's philosophies since Cain killed Abel - but "we do not wrestle against flesh and blood..."

Thanks for all the diligence and perseverance!

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You're my go to in the am. Your work, Redacted and War Room keep me informed. No time for nonsense.

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LOL...me too! Coffee, toast, and Badlands begin the day...

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Hello CGG ! 🙋‍♂️🇫🇷

I do the same each day, but at noon because there is never anything new on Badlands when I wake up here in France ... 😉

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I really enjoy the Badlands News Brief. I’m a Canadian living in Taiwan. When I first arrived here 13 years ago I was impressed with the people, the economy (unemployment was about as close to zero as you can get), the low crime rate the transportation infrastructure etc etc. Small mom and pop businesses do well here. Even when Covid hit the Taiwanese did all the “right things” as recommended by WHO. I have a screenshot of an update from the government showing a total death count of 7 in the years leading up to the arrival of the vaccine. Then everything changed. All of a sudden masking everywhere was mandatory as was testing, using the infamous PCR test which, by government edict ran at 45 cycles guaranteeing false positives. High school students, teachers, government workers were forced to take the vaccine or lose their jobs. Contact tracing was rampant. The Health minister later in said “I didn’t force anyone to take the vaccine!” The President, Tsai Yingwen was strangely silent during this insanity. Unfortunately Taiwanese, who are by and large wonderful people, have little access to alternate news, and every TV in every doctors office, dentist office, cafes play the news at all hours. When I walk down my street at dinner time almost every house had the news playing and replaying. The news and government worked together to scare the people who then lined up in droves to get the jab. Even now the majority of people are still wearing masks. The people are being played. It is still a very easy place to live despite all that, but I’m a foreigner so it’s a different dynamic for me.

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Thanks for sharing this firsthand info. I take it then, that you gave in and took the death jab? I hope not. But clearly from what you say, Taiwanese are being fully propagandized by the deep state.

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No I never took the jab and never would. I kept very low throughout. I wasn’t working anywhere that would be mandating jabs. My wife, who is Taiwanese didn’t get it either. I have one friend, an American, who was teaching school here and he managed to get an okay not to get jabbed. He was in the US military and had a bad reaction to some earlier jab. He wasn’t happy about students having to be jabbed. He ended up moving back to Texas at a time when you needed to pass the PCR test. He’s the one that found out they ere setting the test to 45 spins.

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Good to hear. When I was a youngster I had an older cousin who taught in a Christian school in Taiwan, back in the 70's probably. The Taiwanese are wonderful people. Taiwan does have its own unique culture and indigenous people.

Not many people here are aware of how the PCR test was manipulated to achieve false positives, as you mentioned.

By the way, I went to school with a Nancy Hepner in Alton Illinois back in ancient days, lol.

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Back in the 70s in Taiwan it was still under martial law. Taiwanese have a saying “The big people make laws and the little people figure out how to work around it.” (Very loosely translated.)

Nancy Hepner may be related. My great great grandparents arrived sometime in the early 1800s. My gramps grew up in Coffey county Kansas.

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The exposure continues to accelerate... Glorious!!!

Thanks for all your Takes.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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All around the world we see retreats, defeats, and (failing, but exposing) moves by our enemies. Taiwan, Obama, et. al., on the horizon. As the world system deteriorates, the awakening accelerates. God bless the truthers everywhere.🙏🙏

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“...he was Trump's pick for Speaker...”. Trump has shown that he is definitely not perfect when it comes to character assessment....

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He has to work within the framework of the current deep state players. McCarthy had the power and the position. Gaetz and the MAGA coalition are holding him to his apparent agreement. Trump knows full well what's happening.

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I think they are both — and thus congress — T’s surrogate.

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It was and is head scratcher. Lincoln kept his enemies close...my only explanation.

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You could do a lot worse.

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A GUY GOES TO A PSYCHIC TO CONTACT GEORGE WASHINGTON. Guy: So you're sure you can get in touch with Dear Father? Psychic: Yeah, pretty sure. G: What does GW think of The Rep. from FLA? P: Wait! Oh, he's just takin' a splinter outta his teeth. G: They have toothpicks in heaven? P: No ! You idiot. He's got a hunk of bison meat between his incisors. G: Are the incisors the wisdom teeth? P: No! Massive ClunckHead! Wait wait ...GW's 'bout to say something... G: What?!? P: He said ..."Where's Florida?"

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Regarding Burning Bright's take on Ukraine Roles w Biden/Trump. It is wonderful to see the tables turn as we've always said that the Dems projected what they themselves are guilty of.

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The whole "Templates and Blueprints" theme makes me wonder what Q meant with "Think mirror"

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Eric - could you please point me toward your article from quite a few weeks ago where you talked about possible reasons why Trump continues to defend the Covid shots?

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"A Declaration Of War On Europe" - Salvini Says 6,000 Migrants Landing On 1 Day Threatens To Collapse Italian Societyhttps://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/declaration-war-europe-salvini-says-6000-migrants-landing-1-day-threatens-collapse

Supreme Court Halts Order Blocking Biden Admin's Contact With Social Media Firms


IRS Failing to Protect Sensitive Taxpayer Information: Watchdog

The watchdog found that, while IRS employees had a 97 percent completion rate across four training courses for protecting taxpayer information, that rate was lFor instance, just 66 percent of the 14,000 or so contractors who were assigned to complete the "Insider Threat Awareness" training course actually finished it.

"As a result, IRS contractors are at increased risk of being unprepared to handle taxpayer information," the watchdog said in the report. ess than 75 percent for IRS contractors.


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Burning Bright's brief comment on the Kabuki theater in Congress was right on, imho. I see 'us' (the common patriot) as observers of a highest level game of a chess. Maybe a 4D game...

We are in a state of perpetual befudlement as we watch the game unfold. Way over our heads! The one clue we have as to who is winning is the number of slain pieces stacking up on each player's side. All we can do is keep paying attention, and, keep cheering:)

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Here's another Trump-era Template: The Dog Whistle!

The left was always confounded about how all of the supposed, horrible racists on the right responded to Trump so favorably when he never actually said anything racist. (The answer, of course, is that we are not racists.)

But . . . now the elites need a Dog Whistle for ESG! They need to be able to call it something without actually calling it that... something only the Rothschild-types will hear and understand.

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"...the left’s commentary focuses on the state level ability to affect this change."

I'm wondering if you actually mean "...to *effect* this change"? (Meaning to bring it about or cause it to happen.)

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"affect" is the verb; "effect" is a noun. The sentence is correct.

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I guess that English is not your native language.


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Don't you have better things to do with your time than snipe at fellow patriots?

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Heh, he sniped first and he lied about basic English grammar in an attempt to make me (a Copy Editor) look bad. Normally I charge for copy editing. Here I do it for free because I love the Badlands articles and want to support them in the only way I can..

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Funny how the adl is now becoming the SPLC. Hmm. A pattern? I think so.

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Glad to know there are still people even older than me who are fully engaged, and using their minds and hearts.

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I agree with your points. Expanding a little...Do you also agree that late term abortion is extreme? (where do those dead babies and parts go anyways?) Do you agree that child sex organ mutilation and hormone drugs in children is extreme?

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Shana Tova, Bar…yes, sad that everything has been contaminated.

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Let’s be free, now. Of organizations, political parties…grab a cowboy hat and disappear…be watchful from a great distance.

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