Can I tell you how much I love waking up to the best News summary of the day?

You guys are showing everyone how it is done!


Jenny Hatch

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May 6
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I don't know what this is, but nobody is gonna click on it, so please stop posting these links.

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Nailed it Ashe: "It’s important to remember that Trump doesn’t elect himself. The underlying truth in this piece is not that they’re afraid Trump will hold them accountable. They’re afraid you will.” — Ashe in America"

The fact that We the People no longer believe anything the DS Rat Bastard MSM puts out and that we now ARE THE NEWS scares the living shit out of the scumbags. They have known for all of eternity that we are the vast majority but so long as we fought each other and bought all their bullshit they had nothing to fear. We were guarding our own prison cells.

NOT NO MORE BITCHES! They can run but they cannot hide... GLORIOUS!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Retribution is deserved and severe punishment for a crime or wrongdoing.

In other words the JUSTICE phase IS COMING! The dictators hiding behind the projections of their crimes onto others will loose. Panic 🍿 “The underlying truth in this piece is not that they’re afraid Trump will hold them accountable. They’re afraid you will.” — Ashe in America and We Will🦅🕊

“ These people won't be able to walk down the street’ wasn't a saying.

It was a promise.” BB 👍 🦅🍿❤️🇺🇸🌎

Thank you, Ghost!! Appreciate your Take.

“After the rigged election against Trump succeeded in 2020, Netanyahu was the first world leader to call and congratulate Joe Biden, consummating the coup.”

Exposure: Netanyahu’s “ contempt for the Two-State Solution, dismissing it all as folly. ”

Interesting take by Ashe on being suspicious of the fundraising for the “frat boys” defending the Flag🇺🇸 It raised a lot of money (over $400,00)

Article about that, who started it etc


Students don’t have much money, so who was contributing? My take was Patriotic Americans who loved seeing young people being Patriotic??

Appreciate Ghost’s contribution in the daily Briefs and Takes.

“ So while this idea of the Russian Military and US Military co-habituating a base may give Joe Scarborough heart palpitations, I think it actually makes a lot of sense—especially when you consider that it was ISIS (The CIA) who allegedly attacked Moscow in the most recent high-profile terror event….When Trump says that ‘The media is the enemy of The People,’ what he really means is the CIA, which we pretty much know for certain controls the corporate media” 👍

We are gaining ground against the climate “doom-mongering” and hopefully concurrently against the UN “Planetary Emergency” psyop.


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Great comments, Feather!!🇺🇸🙏👍

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Great macro overview on the ME debacle GBPH - I had no idea that Netanyahu had amassed that much power. (How can you be several ministers at once?) I have felt very suspicious of the whole 10/7 story and the response timing and I know it borders on me donning my latest tin headgear, but it is still chilling to think what people are willing to sacrifice (others) just for power. To paraphrase one old white guy, there is something seriously rotten in the state of Denmark.

And no, they won't be able to walk down the street.

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Satanyahu is my new name for him. Israel (Kazarians) control the Congress and the faux prez, war is all they want, culture of death! Without it they would be nothing, evil personified

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When the projector 📽️ stops and this movie is over their script will be flipped and the Deep State and all their minions will be the ones shunned, ostracized and ridiculed just like Patriots have for 8 years now. It’s been longer than that for many of us. All the way back to November 22,1963 and June 6, 1968. Thanks for doing the work Badlands. 👏🏻

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Return to nuclear power is such a no-brainer. Pushing wind and solar power by the globalists is a recipe for economic failure. Reprocessing the stockpiles of waste will provide the US with 150 years of power. Even better idea is to use thorium.

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I just read a news story about a huge floating solar array damaged by storms - how appropriate!

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Badlands is my morning routine. In the evenings it’s Dave @X22 Report. He catches me up on the day’s events and explains them in layman’s terms.

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Nailed it again on all items - except one - Ashe’s take on “frat boys.” I think if it’s a psyop then it’s more likely to be from the white hats than the black hats IMO.

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I agree. It makes me pretty happy to see those young men respecting our flag!

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CIA .... The REAL US GOVERNMENT LEADERS...The SHADOW US GOVERNMENT. Blackmailers, Pedo proliferators, Entrappers, Storytime Trans queens at your local daycare. A sick evil bunch, in a nutshell!

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I am strongly against expanded use of "the poison fire"--nuclear energy because American State health departments falsified their records to hide fetal deaths from Three Mile Island, and from nuke power in general and because our nuclear engineers have been told that just two people died at Chernobyl, when in fact two died immediately and American doctors' efforts to save 30 more failed over a few months in all but one case. Thousands to millions more people were exposed to high levels of radiation. I learned in a college class on "the Nuclear Dilemma" that dozens of courageous Russian engineers knowingly sacrificed their lives to scope out the Chernobyl plant after that accident, to keep the rest of Europe safe. They died of heart attacks.

But there is nuclear and then there is nuclear. Thorium is also fissionable, but cannot explode and you cannot make a weapon out of it. A thorium plant was built at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee and deemed a failure. Maybe the real reason it failed is precisely that it cannot be used in weaponry. There is more thorium available than uranium, so it is being explored again and we just might indeed get power "too cheap to meter" if we can just get the greedy warmongers and "1%" out of the way.

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I favor unlimited free energy from the zero-point energy field…I suspect the science of it is already known but kept secret until the profits in oil and green-scam energy are exhausted…probably not in my life time!

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Yeah, I am hoping for zero-point free energy" too. Amaterasu Solar has a substack where she tells the little she knows that was told to her father about gravity-derived free energy before his work got classified.

"The cabal" (one of the politer names for them) suppressed cancer cures discovered in the 1930's as well, but humanity are waking up to them and they are not gonna keep all this stuff secret for that much longer.

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Steven Greer did a wonderful documentary about it

The Lost Century and How to Reclaim it.

I watched it a couple times on Amazon

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From Ashe: "Cowards and criminals always hide their faces." - reminds me of the line from "Princess Bride" - 'don't trust anyone who wears a mask!' Or was it - 'did you burn your face with acid or something?' Or maybe it was, 'I find them extremely comfortable; everyone will be wearing them one day.'

From GBPH: "I think this framing can be extended to nearly every theater in the world where the US Military is operating against ‘rebel factions,’ including Africa." - reminds me of the opening of Braveheart when the "voice of Robert the Bruce" reminds us that: 'history is written by those who win.'

From BB: "Nuclear energy as an existential threat has always been a PsyOp." Agreed - though a PsyOp with very real Actuals. The cancer death rate of those who lived in the Tri-cities area of Washington state - where the Hanford Nuclear Power plants were - from 1947 to 1989 is anecdotally high - meaning they seemed high to those who lived and worked there (I have family connections who did and who died from thyroid cancer), but as is always the case with the law of small numbers (h/t Daniel Kahneman) the science does not confirm what experience suggests. The question then becomes one of cause versus effect: were the plants shut down because of the release of radiation? Or was radiation released in order to justify shutting down the plants?

Thanks for the kick-start to the week!

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All three bonus items. Smith gets a way out of looking like a complete shill, France hasn’t been considered “the west” in any form for decades, and quellars getting their just desserts. Seems they get popped for a paltry sum, whilst the faux pres and his family launder billions.

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More in Congress being indicted, a couple at a time. Meanwhile Epstein’s little black book with apparently a couple hundred ‘elites’ is being sold via highest bidder…..hmm…🧐. Which side will succeed? DOJ is next. I wonder how many on the Trump witch hunt have their names in the book?

Israel saved for last is having more meaning as the spring moves into summer. Netanyahu is the new Zelensky. I suspect this won’t be for long.

Ghost is right….there seems to be a lot of things readying for the next term.

CIA. The evil doers. Their evil reign will not continue for long. The awakening is getting stronger and now that ‘we the people’ know what they’ve done and for whom…?

God bless this truth community! What a daily blessing to see the truth.🙏🙏

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“ I wonder how many on the Trump witch hunt have their names in the Epstein book?”

Patriots everywhere want to know🦅

Yes! “Saving Israel for last” is making more sense! Finally getting a clearer picture.

Love your comment/thoughts ❤️🙏📚

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🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for us all. All will be revealed .

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Fantastic post! Masks have been part of the plan to isolate the eyes. I am so happy this is finally coming out by you guys! I fought tooth and nail against all of that! I was not understanding the full scope of all this at first, I woke up to it little by little. The indoctrination was running wide and deep.

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Is there a chance we might see him in Washington, before the election? Just a survey!

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