Thanks gang for the Takes. Things are being exposed at such a fast pace that it is hard to track them all. Your daily summary helps tremendously.

Keep it coming.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Couldn’t have said it any better. Thanks gang. Thanks Joe.

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Way back in 2016 Trump campaigned on Winning for the American people. “ Trump said that the U.S. will "start winning again" under his leadership to the point where "people are gonna get sick of it." He was only wrong about one thing…no, we will never get sick of winning! ❤️🇺🇸

Fani Willis’s poverty of moral integrity is on full display! Karma ❤️

What if Ukraine loses? It will not be the end of Europe…but it will be the end of the WEF and, hopefully, NATO.

THE deleted J6 Committee files have been recovered…now everyone is curious to know! Edit: Maybe try the password: ProtectPelosiCoup

You are seeing the system on display.” — Chris Paul ❤️

Full Speed. Full Exposure.” — Burning Bright ❤️

Winning intensifies.” — Burning Bright ❤️

Thanks for the Briefs and Takes ❤️🙏🇺🇸🕊🌎

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the files were recovered but they don’t have the password…yet. 😊

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If J6 ‘documentation of crimes’ has disappeared, erased purposely by the lying prosecution, then the people jailed all must be released.

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So.... Chris Paul and BB clearly explain the rigging of the NH primary quite clearly. I wonder what the GOP offered the dems to vote? So, the GOP is clearly showing their corruption as is the AZ GOP. No surprise here.

Oh my! What’s going to fuel the WEF attendees’ private jet style when their ‘laundering’ operation in Ukraine ends? Just let us remember these are crimes against humanity.

Trudeau is done and this Canadian ruling is a win for the world!👏👏

They still haven’t learned that fraudulent charges against Trump is one huge boomerang 🪃. Poor Fani and Smith. Hmm....convergence!!

You’d think the J6 committee would realize that nothing electronic is ever deleted. Pretty dumb (and controlled) people have been installed in Congress. Do you think Hunter remembers this about electronic communications? The cabal can’t have it both ways.

So...is the CIA trying to purge their criminal base or are they trying to deter the whistleblowers?

Good bless the fight against corruption.🙏🙏

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The Uniparty (Congress!) and the Lobbyists…

All in to protect themselves from transparency and accountability!

I can just imagine the panic scheming behind closed doors.

We must get rid of the Lobbyists and we need Term Limits ❤️🇺🇸

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The White Hats have supercomputers and AI better than anything [they] have... if GRY's comment and your reply from yesterday is correct:


If so, and [they] used the same password for all 116 files (a stupid mistake, but likely under the circumstances), it is only a matter of time until said password is discovered.

It is a true and interesting fact that the more cyphertext you have, using a given password, the easier the code is to break. Which is why any crypto protocol worth it's salt puts a limited lifetime on passwords. The more important the data, the shorter the lifetime and the less times a password is used.

Acting in haste, as [they] have been doing, increases the likelihood of what appear to be unforced errors, but in reality they are errors forced upon them by the Infinite Side on the Game Board (h/t Burning Bright).

Their time is running short... ⏳

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Nothing good about CIA motives.

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Well said!

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“I guess we’ve given the Deep State cabal a bit too much credit over the years for being the masterminds of the most powerful and subversive criminal organization in world history.”

1) Hanlon’s Razor.

2) You’re not paranoid if they actually are out to get you.

3) Human nature does not change.

4) No government ever does anything well or efficiently.

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"Either patriots are in much more firm control of the Narrative than some believe, or we’ve been dealing with much lesser custodians of the work of far greater masters." - Burning Bright

Also: "This doesn't necessarily mean that patriots are in full control of all the Actuals..." - BB

My sincere hope is that the "ghosts in the machine" element of what we lovingly refer to as Patriots is both relatively small and a relatively recent development.

One of the (IMO) greatest causes of the decline of accountability and honor in our intelligence community in particular and our government overall, since the end of the last secular (4 generation cycle that culminates in a crisis of trust against the establishment) in the 40's was the fear that to preserve freedom we needed to stoop to the same tactics our enemies used - intimidation, extortion, blackmail, murder, slander, deception, etc.; to not do so would be naive (see Operation Paperclip). For the rightness to remain in a cause it must be willing to trust that the end does not justify the means - that, in fact, the use of wrong means, no matter how "right" the reason will not (actually, cannot), provide for the long term good. This is why those who operate on the side of bondage and subjection can be so dedicated to their cause - they truly believe that the end they desire is best; and therefore, any means necessary is acceptable.

Our fight must not ever stoop to the tactics deployed by our true enemies; our Faith, our Hope, and our Love must sustain us with the perseverance that believes that there is never a wrong time to do the right thing - and the inverse - there is never a right time to do the wrong thing!

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I agree…Just ends do not justify unjust means! Bring back the Rule of Law AND re-evaluate all the laws in Light of the Constitution ❤️🇺🇸

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Even Fauci has to get his day in court. Else we're no better than he was.

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Wow! Glad they were able

To recover the files. Let’s see what’s on them. I am so sick of this corruption in our government. Yeah that’s you Cheney!

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Sinister plot exposure, assuming elements of truth exist… decreases risk of execution… share:


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I will watch this video included in this Substack. Gonzalo Lira is a hero for the information he was able to get out. I can’t wait to see Victoria Nuland pay for her crimes. She is pure evil.

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“a reflection of her last 30 years in government shows how she was connected to nearly every foreign policy disaster undertaken by the United States”

Nuland is an evil threat on the global stage and there is no doubt that she would resort to (and probably love) a nuclear incident if she could blame Russia!

2021 article but a good history of her diabolical presence meddling in foreign affairs.


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Chris!! Great to see you here!

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Great work by you all... Thank you for the takes!!

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Excellent summary but one teensy error, which I've pointed out previously:

"...a three-judge panel comprised of two Obama appointees..."

The verb "to comprise" means "to consist of". Note that "of" is inherent in the meaning so you can never (sensibly) use "comprise" and "of" together. In this case it should be "...a three-judge panel comprising two Obama appointees...".

Alternatively, avoid the verb "comprise" and use "consisting of" instead.

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Now do the proper usage of "concise"....and do some reflection.

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