Trump doesn't like Bibi and neither do I. Another excellent take from Ghost...

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All eyes on Amos Hochstein vs Netanyahu and the Zionists.

Recalling the distinction clarified by a Jewish Rabbi (video Ghost posted awhile back) between Israel the “Holy Land” and Israel the “Homeland”…

You can be Jewish, following a spiritual path, no matter your nationality. You can be Catholic or Christian no matter your nationality

In case anyone missed that above mentioned video:


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Thanks, Feather!🙏🇺🇸

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Cheatle is the Susan Rice of 2024. Both with their lame excuses are traitors to the American People.

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Love to see that the Trump Train just keep on rolling while picking up speed every minute of everyday... Glorious!!!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Anyone figure out yet what this "assassination" attempt 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 is distracting us from?

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I don’t think it was planned as a distraction. I think they wanted to kill him. That would start a civil war for sure. Civil war would then distract us and they could start their WWlll and anything else they want in the world. They would draft our young men and women while we fight amoung ourselves. The illegals would take over our country…America destroyed by one single shot. Btw they are going to try again imo

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I think you are making this way too complicated. It is much simpler than a Civil War or WW-3. They will kill anyone to stay in power because their power comes from taking advantage of us. If America sees their game, not only is it over, but they are going to prison for treason. My proof is the national debt. Look at it!

How does it become so burdensome? Look at the truth. Ponzi schemes always fail. Our socialism is and always has been a Ponzi scheme. By design our government has taken our money supposedly for our retirement funding but spent every dollar in the year it was collected. There was no investment income generated because it was just a Ponzi scheme from day one.

The assassination was to stop Trump from saying what I just said. He knows it and that is what he set out to fix. He put an end to it seven years ago! That is why he must be killed. Somehow the left must stop the chain of events already in progress. They are grabbing at straws hoping to stop the avalanche taking down their scheming.

This is really quite simple. What they are hoping for is just not going to happen because what they are hoping for is pure evil.

Killing Trump is just the absolute proof of their depravity.

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Well, for beginners the answer is “everything”. The whole conversation is about this instead of 1) the stolen election, 2) the use of Jan6th to divert us from #1 above, 3) impeachment #2 which was a diversion from #1 and #2 above, 4) the catastrophic run from Afghanistan to divert the subject from #1, #2, and #3 above.

Do I need to keep going? Everything is a diversion from the last diversion. That is the game plan. The news is using the news to deceive us. To me, that is the good news. Most sane people cannot help but see how they are being jerked around to keep us from thinking about the truth.

The truth is exactly what I pointed to yesterday. Our government is corrupt and willing to sell America down the river for their personal gain. If Trump gets in their way, he can be killed. Not a problem.

The bottom line is they have perfected their system of fraud for decades. They have an unlimited credit card called the Federal Reserve and they vote to increase their credit limit whenever they run out of our money. They have put an unsustainable debt onto our children and we keep electing them.

So, are you kidding me? What did the assassination attempt distract us from? EVERYTHING!

But it also pointed the finger at the problem. The left will kill to stay in power so they can keep screwing America. That is a quite compelling case to eliminate them rather than President Trump. Our choices seem to be getting clearer daily.

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Which one of many, Joe?😂😂

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Wonder if he watched Alpha and colonel Towner last night. Mighta learned a few things.

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The pupil telling the master he should learn a few things.

Am I that transparent?

Imo your calling the kettle black, no?

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The master???? You?? Master of what??

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Now all the sudden you have nothing to say mouth?

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Did you understand the question?

Do you know me?

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Do you know me?

Simple question

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This is what I think it is distracting us from.

America First? The right will get the outcomes it fights for and deserves.


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Good guess but no.

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Who are you? What is the meaning of your screen name?

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That's a hell of a greeting.

Why do you care?

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I believe she refers to the fact that there is a 'real' Joe Lange who is a contributor to Badlands -- and who is nothing close to being a coward.

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Wild Bill you live at this forum. I mean you have a residency here. There's not many articles here on substack you're not commenting on.

Your definition of a coward must be different than mine because Mr. Lang is the epitome of a coward.

I like to mock him because he's a bitch. He knows it that's why he hides behind his computer.

Your concern is quite disturbing. Do you take long showers with Joe?

I know him and his kind well. P.o.s.

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Because Joe Lange is one of my favorite Substack authors, so I am curious about the name. What is the meaning of “the coward”?

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Never mind, I just saw all I need to know.

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It's very clear that they wanted Trump to actually be killed. The massive short interest that was placed on his company, just like what happened before 9/11 on airline stocks, is clear evidence that someone was expecting to make big money on his execution.

It wasn't staged, but it was planned.

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Yesterday GBPH made a statement regarding the wisdom that comes from making [and admitting] being wrong. Today, BB calls out his lack of prescience. Honestly, the humility of those two "sound bites" are about as encouraging as anything I have read since I found the Q proofs. Thank you BNB Team for not feeling the need to pretend - keeps me a loyal reader even when I disagree with you!

Anyone remember how many jabs Brandon has taken and how many positive tests for Covid? Fair or not I have had zero of either - correlation may actually equal causation on this one.

BB: "...real life is not linear, even though the stories we tell about it with the benefit of hindsight follow convenient plot structures we fit in to make sense of the madness."

Embracing that truth is so very important. We are (or maybe it is just me) so desperate to impose the idea of predictability and order that we (I) force patterns into places they don't fit. So much so that a man in a Gorilla suit can walk across the basketball court while the game is going on, and all I do is count the number of passes (or dribbles) being made by the players.

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Great comment, in whole.

Especially liked:

“Embracing that truth is so very important. We are (or maybe it is just me) so desperate to impose the idea of predictability and order that we (I) force patterns into places they don't fit”

Reminds me of Trump, the great disrupter of predictability and (the DeepState) order ❤️🇺🇸

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Yes. It is the nature of humanity to try to fit things into a pattern, or more colloquially, to 'make sense of them.'

[They] use this to our detriment. Twisting the truth to make it appear more sensible, more likely to be accepted by us.

5GW -- all about deception and lies. The most effective lies are the ones interwoven with truth, because they are more believable. Which makes them more dangerous.

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Thanks for weighing in on J D Vance, BB ❤️

One thing I found interesting about Vance is the name he chose for his first venture capital endeavor: Narya Capital. Narya being a hat tip to Tolkien and the rings of power, Vance must have been influenced by the greatest trilogy ever written.

For Tolkien, “Narya was described as having the power to inspire others to resist tyranny, domination and despair, as well as having the power (in common with the other Three Rings) to hide the wielder from remote observation (except by the wielder of the One) and giving resistance to the weariness of time.”

Seems a bit at odds with a path aligned more with the globalists and Zionists…but at least it’s one thing I can sort of like about him. Trying to keep an open mind.

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Good point! He’s definitely picked for many reasons….no decision made lightly.

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Congratulations Ashe!

From Paul Fleuret...


My amazing Patriot friends, @ShawnSmith1776 and @Cholly and my incredibly talented cohost and dear friend @AsheinAmerica were VINDICATED today in Federal Court after a years-long battle against flat out LAWFARE brought by Civil Rights groups CO NAACP, Mi Familia Vota and CO League of Women Voters

This was Lawfare to the FULLEST by a weaponized and politicized web of NGOs to infringe on grassroots actions to validate or invalidate voter roll integrity.


A special shout out to Ashe Epp for arguing this PRO SE (she represented herself) against a consortium of NGO attorneys (as many as 17 with 5 in court)

So much shady dealings were brought to light in this trial. It was wholly necessary to expose this web of weaponized NGOs.

Congratulations Colonel Smith, Holly, and Ashe!

- CannCon

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Wow! Thanks for that!!

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Israel is on the brink at the same time as U.S.----now we know the grisly details---thanks Badlands cutting edge crew and God Bless!!!

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Q: We are saving Israel for last.


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Gopstein sounds just like the Pharasies in the Bible who refused to believe in Jesus as as the Son of God, the Messiah.

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Cheatle sounds like a little kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

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“her” hand in the cookie jar

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Cheetos. Mostly air. Airhead much?

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What is so surprising to me is the vast number of 'mistakes' these people are making. Obvious, even to untrained (in the art of private -- or public -- security) people.

More evidence that they are losing badly -- the only moves [they] have left are bad ones.

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Cookies in the cookie jar, compliments of Jill Biden

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Regarding the CNN prognostication about Trump and 330 electoral votes. My secret hope is just a popular vote victory. And then to be able to question all of the morons who were backing the National Popular Vote Initiative. Wouldn't it be luscious to see California and New York have to give their votes to Trump?

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I agree with Deb Nance, especially since I'm reading Dr. Laura Sangers book. Holy fuckballs it's a complete history from the Garden. HUGE! The VP pick was a surprise but a good one for me because I don't know why but Flynn didn't sit right with me for VP. Covid will most likely take Biden out so this shit show is gonna get more weird than anything we've seen. GPH thanks for all that stuff on Bibi... but I'm so busy, and like your style so much.. it's like if you say it I believe it. Same with Burning Bright! You guys, and Ashe, keep me sane!!!💯

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So the narrative is starting with Trump’s obvious win in order to make red voters complacent and confident their vote won’t count since he’ll win anyway. Not so fast. This time the awakened are not as vulnerable to this (first) approach to the fraudulent election the left plans.

Ghost’s dig into the convoluted mess that is the current Prussian Nazis’ control over Israeli politics is very interesting, ‘The world stage is set for the return of perhaps the greatest figure in American history. Keep an eye on Hochstein, because I think the work he is doing now will be finished by President Donald J. Trump.’ Netanyahu will not succeed with his desire to gain Trump’s support.

Our Fearless Tiger has captured and connected plays primarily going on behind the public awareness…one of his amazing talents (with help from his friends), hmm…FASST…’When you consider the fact that Trump has made a rapid public turn in favor of Bitcoin adoption and more importantly, mining adoption through the lens of national defense AND energy infrastructure, the plan comes into sharp focus.’

DEI bites the dust….🤣🤣and the panic continues!

Biden has Covid (cold, pneumonia next?) as he loves that basement and is out of the limelight which has caused calls for resignation/retiring from office…? The illness narrative opens that door.

The multi-agency conspiracy to assassinate Trump has failed; bet that opportunity won’t come again…but, the exposure of the plan by all complicit is coming along nicely. Of course, the family who lost their father will be permanently scarred by his needless death. Firings won’t address the premeditated conspiracy to commit murder, nor the whole list of treasonous acts and the other felonies….. Tribunal time for these actors and their bosses….right up the RICO line!

Vance: interesting and unexpected development. I concur with BB on this take, ‘In other words, there may be more to Vance’s ability to help force a paradigm shift in Silicon Valley than meets the eye, which is why, while we should continue to vet him exhaustively, this one may have been coming from a long way’s off, with everything in between acting as smoke and shielding on the informational battlefield.’ This, too: ‘nd yet, even to the normie layers of the Collective Mind, the pattern of escalation and acceleration on display in 2024 is seeing ALL major narratives converge into a singularity of awakening.’

We the people are awakening at a greatly accelerated pace…’bout time. Everything getting set for rapid change post inauguration. The left’s panic over Project 2025 is increasing….wait until they actually read it vs counting the number of times Trump’s name is listed in this 900+ page document. I’m at page 100 so far.

God bless Ashe, BB, Ghost and all who participate in Badlands….good to know we have God-gifted patriots researching! Thank you 🙏

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I love your comments, ALtab 🙏❤️

(missed your thoughts for a few days)

I haven’t paid attention to Project 2025 (yet). Did Trump mention he didn’t know anything about it?

The one thing that caught my attention was reclassifying federal civil service employees, making it easier to fire them - which sounds like a great idea to me as cutting back on our federal government bureaucracy seems a truly daunting task.


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Good observations BB. I have more questions now that popped up given the substantiation of the VP pic. More research in progress.... Working...

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In all of this, my takeaway is that the American SLAVE laborer finances every project from Energy to Defense and gets no benefit; no check in the mail, no profits sharing, nada. They have no voice in where their taxes are spent. I personally am sick of hearing how great this or that is going. It's all bullshit, as taxes go up, spending goes up, price of everything goes up, infrastructure remains the shit. We have money for cameras above every streetlight, planes dumping toxins day and night, wars never ending, bio patents, drugs and poisons to kill us off. We can't get a break to get ahead of the slavery system that has us trapped in a scripted life and death scheme by the Elite Scum Sucking framework, which is our life. Who did this, and who did that, and who is winning, and who is losing. It's a Truman Show.

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You are about 60% correct. The slave laborer is not important to the deep state because the deep state is self-financed. Who needs tax dollars when you have an unlimited credit card? The vote of the working population is meaningless since the state can just do whatever it likes and fund it with debt?

Donald Trump knows how to kill off the deep state. The deep state knows how to kill Trump. This is a war for the sustainability of America but most of us have not seen it yet. But, it is being exposed daily.

Keep the faith! We are winning.

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Patience. It had to be this way, it will get worse before it gets better.

Remember Trump said, "People had to see how bad it could get."

That's where we are right now -- and you described it perfectly. 💖🕊

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Hey Nut-a-yahoo! Where's the Red Heifer?

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