I thank God for serious patriotic journalists like you all.. Burning Bright - Ashe in America - Just Human - Patrick - Jon, and on and on and on.. i know you all.. Thank you so much for doing the work for the American people. We are eternally grateful.


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Ditto, Gary!

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If Colorado will only count the votes for qualified candidates then I must ask you, what about the people in the Republican Party running for President who are not properly defined as a Natural Born Citizen. I will point to Nikki and Vivek as an example. Neither meets the litmus test for a NBC. Please look into this. Obama from Kenya kicked all this off and now it’s becoming normal. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio were also not constitutionally qualified to run for President.

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I absolutely agree.

This needs to be addressed.

Bottom line, if your not born here you cannot be president of the United States of America

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Courts have never settled this. I have seen numerous opinions on what might be the definition of 'natural born citizen,' but that is all they are. Opinions. Everyone has one.

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Wish we could roll back time and fix that!

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The Supremes are going to be up front and center over the next few weeks and it certainly explains the increased attacks on Justice Thomas. Biden’s ineptitude is being exposed and likely bodes no run for reelection. Pushing back the state of the union is a definite sign. The narrative about the disconnect between Commander in Chief and the Defense Secretary comes at a time when hordes of military age men from China and the Middle East are invading the country and being paid to do so... JFK’s mystery is something that transcends political ideology; we all want to know the truth and all the traitors who colluded. And, Epstein’s friends are increasingly being revealed although these readers have known about this for ages. What is assumed about the island is truly only the tip of the spear as likely the real evils done there may or may not ever be revealed.

What is obvious now is that every single thing is connected; it’s always the same people, corporations, foundations, and governments involved, tied together by a web of evil. Always. Will Zoll’s Prussian series is a must read.

What a time to be alive as truth after truth is revealed. All of us need to put on the full armor of God and pray for endurance. We know who wins! God bless all of these tenacious truthers. You are much appreciated and prayed for.🙏🙏

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First off...I've never thought Epstein was dead. And quite frankly the Musk drug thing....ummm what's the big deal? So we're supposed to get upset with a guy messing with his OWN brain over satanic pedophiles that harm children, cause war, and steal our money and our health??? 🤔🙄There's no comparison.

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Agree on Musk - I saw the story and went "meh". If he wasn't public enemy number two, we would never even hear about it.

Megyn Kelly made an odd comment on her podcast about JE - that we may be hearing from him this year "directly".


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’Anyone who could murder someone in a federal detention facility obviously has a lot of power,’ Tucker said.

Anyone with that kind of power could also fake a suicide and spirit him away somewhere, leaving a DB in his cell.

Question is: who? Maybe the Cabal/Deep State, to stop him from talking. Maybe the White Hats, to get him to tell all in exchange for some sort of leniency. Life in prison vs. execution, perhaps. Maybe (one of) his powerful friends, who wants to 'keep Epstein on ice' until he becomes useful. Lots of other possibilities... it will be fun to watch.

I generally trust Tucker and Megyn, both of whom are responsible journalists and don't make statements that they have not been able to corroborate -- except in cases where they think it is important to reveal what they've heard, with a caveat that they have not been able to corroborate it. In this case, no such qualification.

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Nothing would surprise me! And it's delicious to think about!

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9

Meantime O's Crack smoking got no attention. His Chef dead in a few feet of water, looks like murder.

Musk is a private citizen, not working in GOV nor does his action effect the security or lack thereof, of the USA. EPSTEIN Island Government list members does. MUSK has ALL THE DIRT.

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Oohhh I never realized Musk had the dirty😲. Yep Obamas chef I agree!

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Jan 9·edited Jan 10

Michaell Obama getting ready for D president nominee....The Chef who knew too much, had to go. Dead men tell no tales.

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It ALL makes me nauseous. The Obamas are trash. Her/him running is kinda funny, and quite risky because it could result in her being outed. Wait....😮😳

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

As for OUTED, He/SHE will out her/himself as the 'FIRST TRANS PRESIDENT', I predict. The MEDIA owned by the Corrupt will then condemn and Label the MAGA CHRISTIANS as TRANSPHOBIC MONSTERS, deserving of death and jail. Its gonna be quite a year of CRAZY.... Hang on!

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Probably worse than that... Drugs, and family secrets


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Accolades to all who keep an eye on the many fronts of this info war, thank you.

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Jan 8·edited Jan 9

Trumps campaign video 'Dream On' is a HIT! I especially love and laughed at, ON HER KNEES Liberal Wacko scream to the heavens. Genius!


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Ashe is right this is about the SCOTUS and all eyes will be on them.

I believe the SCOTUS will rule 8-1 in favor of Pres. Trump, with the only dissenting opinion being from Justice K. Brown-Jackson. Remember, she does not know how to define what a "Woman" is. I am still hopeful she will follow the Constitution and rule in favor of Trump.

We know the Uniparty wants to do one or all of these things, Stack the SCOTUS, impose term limits, force recusals, even have rotating Justices between the lower Court's and the SCOTUS.

They are actively going after Justice Thomas, trying to force him into recusing himself from this case because his wife openly supports Pres. Trump, all while ignoring Judge Engoron's estranged wife and her clear hatred for Trump.

I fear the Uniparty is going to have their base so riled up convinced that the SCOTUS is, in the words of the MSM Trump's hand-picked loyal Justices, keeping Trump on the Ballot, they will use this to start another "Summer of Love" only this time I am going to call it "the Winter of Hate."

If the SCOTUS returns a 5-4 ruling in favor of Trump, then the Uniparty will let loose the Hounds of Hell onto every single major City they still control, claiming this ruling is proof the SCOTUS is packed with Trump loyalists.

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Trump has been hinting of 'something big,' and back in September hinted at a timeframe '5 months from now.' Which would be February.

SCOTUS is hearing the case Feb. 8 with expedited review. That could set up a late-Feb. 'loosing the Hounds of Hell' which might finally allow (force) the White Hats to shift from Narrative mode to Actual mode.

Trump is playing this game in a way that indicates he already knows how it will end. Sort of like listening to the bids in a game of bridge -- by the end of the bidding, an observer who has been paying close attention has a decent idea of where the cards all lie -- especially the important ones.

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I had completely forgotten about Pres. Trump making that statement. As Col. Smith from "The A-Team" would always say, "I love it when a plan comes together."

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Is Epstein even dead?

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I would not bet anything of value on it.

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Ashe asks (at the end of her Tucker/Epstein take) "So, why now?" Which resounded in my brain and caused the quote from "I, Robot" - "Now detective, you are asking the right questions!"

As nice as it seems it would be if only "qualified candidates' votes were counted"; as I believe we have been shown with the recent up tick in law-fare, the accusation from a person of authority that alleges wrong-doing outside of due process can be just as damaging in the minds of the "slow-blinking masses" as a conviction - primarily due to their continuing dependence on the mocking-bird media's efforts to promote or quash narratives.

As any good adaptation sigma curve proves, achieving critical mass requires extra-ordinary efforts, but then...drip, drip, flood!

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“Trump's promise of DECLAS where it concerns JFK is a big deal to a bipartisan audience that spans generations, but my favorite part in the video is the particular highlight of the 'you got to lose to know how to win' line.”


Missouri. The Show Me State.


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Hey, it’s only a measly $1.66...


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Gee, I wonder why Trumps video won't download or play . I'd love to see it.

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See if this works for you


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Here is the reason TRUMP is under attack.... Their time is coming to an end....Its TIME to end their TERROR upon children!

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Thank you for your continued good works. My personal opinion about Epstein is that he was an extremely important war criminal. I’m of the opinion that there was a tribunal and he was executed. The public is left to speculate. What do others think?

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Melania Trump’s mom, Amalija Knavs, dead at age 78: ‘My beloved mother’

“It is with deep sadness that I announce the passing of my beloved mother, Amalija,” Trump wrote on X Tuesday.


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