What a beautiful note to wrap up the week, the Historic Bronx Rally!! I caught a couple clips over on TS and, yes, it was glorious!! I don’t see race and different nationalities, I see my fellow AMERICANS ❤️🇺🇸

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Glorious, we are winning. Best explained by BB: "But it hasn’t even truly reached a fever pitch in our own lands. That day is coming, and I think we’re beginning to transition from the ‘very slowly’ phase to the ‘all at once’ coda.” — Burning Bright"

God Wins!

God Bless!!

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AiA: "If murder rates are down, it’s only because the Biden administration changed the way they track the murder metric." The other way this works and is often used for economic numbers is to reflect only the period of time SINCE the high water mark was reached (or low water mark, depending on the stat).

Thanks once again for the absolutely great work!

PS - Our daughter of 19 was called into the IRS field office this morning to prove she is who she says she is after filing a tax return for the first time in 2023. I'm going with her and I'll let you know how it goes. But I am not suicidal!

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May 24·edited May 25

They obviously are not counting the jab murder deaths/hospital homicides. 1.1 million USA "COVID DEATHS" in 2023 reported, not counting SUDDEN DEATHS, or all the deaths that occurred prior to being "FULLY IMMUNIZED" (receiving at least 2 doses of the COVID VAX counts as Fully Vaxxed). If you died after first dose, it was not counted, so approximately 45,000 not fully vaxxed more homicide deaths, not counted. Also In 2023, 1,026,700 Abortions in the USA. German doctor claimed that after tracking SIDS death of infants in USA, he found ALL died within 3 days of vaccination. Still-Born's at record highs. Murder rates are down huh?

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Made it back safe and sound!

I did notice that the large clock on the wall was stopped at 2:22...I guess to align with the agency being right twice a day? Or if calculated on the percent of minutes per day they are right would come to about 0.41% of the time...

On a serious note - remember those who died for the dream that is America! God Bless!

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Thank you to all. I’ll be brief and say “Great Brief.”

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“Peter Strzok grew up in Iran”.

Did Lisa Page have a family connection to Iran?

Obama sent how many plane loads of cash to Iran?

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Crooked bunch.

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Wow! Perfect "take" on the Politico, gaslight, Miss Ashe! I couldn't agree more! These talking fool/pundits keep trying to sanitize situations so people start to think they can't believe their lyin' eyes. That's what propaganda is! Like I keep saying to my hubby... " Our generation had the last good public school education" (well, I am learning from Badlanders that the history we were taught was ... how shall I say it?... not exactly "fool-proof" 😕.), as I recall a unit in English class on propaganda, mostly to develop our critical thinking when looking at advertising. But it clearly applies to the political scene as well. Our s-elected officials display nothing but contempt for We The People. I reject the premise out of hand that we are a divided nation. As U.S. Grant stated, and I paraphrase, "It's patriots vs traitors." I BELIEVE WITH EVERY MOLECULE IN MY BODY, that if our elections had always been legal, fair and true, and the media weren't LYING LIARS, the picture would be clear as to how UNITED we are. "Someone" has shown us an illusion that is FALSE. I think DJT is doing his darnedest to redraw the picture. God speed the saving of my beloved America! Thanks for all you do!

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The illusion that we are divided is essential to [them] -- without it, we would stop arguing with each other and go after them. If that ever happens, they know they're toast.

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And here is a link to a new rapper at The Bronx rally for Trump! Making some of the same points...


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Love Ashe’s piece on the Politico Theater of the Absurd!

The Left creates the crisis and then pretends to be and have the solution!? Same old playbook.

“If you know the way broadly you will see it in everything.” Miyamoto Musashi

The patterns are becoming clearer and clearer. Do the sleepy normies really even have to figure it out anymore through their own research? Consider that The Great Awakening is a very powerful attractor field of consciousness, powerful enough to create an irresistible resonance of awakening to the sleepyheads and shift their frequency of awareness to the far more comfortable vibrations of truth.


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A quote by David Hawkins in the above link:

“ Within this potential, the Unmanifest becomes Manifest, like the avatar (such as Christ or Buddha) whose energy field calibrates at 1,000 (maximum). These individuals set up attractor patterns of such enormous force that the mind, with its holographic capacity to react globally to attractor fields, is subject to them”

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Fact that DNC has NOT switched batter tells a/o paying attn who is pulling the strings. Brandon is best advocate for 45 turning 19

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If you’re pressed for time and only have 15 min or so for badlands content if you read the takes of these 3 in the ams - BB Ashe and Ghost - you’re covered.

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May 24·edited May 24

With all the Pedophile demon Scum facing the death penalty, they sure are scrambling to change the laws and make their SICK PRACTICES legal. GOD is coming for them. The millstones should be prepared for the millions who deserve them. We have a big sea to accommodate the blessed event!

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“Why did it take Taylor Swift for you guys to do something about it?”

Election year? Paying it back to Tayter for being their Pied Piper? Wooing voting-age swifties?

Is it a coincident that Vietnam War hero John Kerry swabbed a Swift boat?

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Swift was intended to be their DNC poster girl 2024 and things just did not work out in the DOJ favor this time 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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Excellent comments on the DJT comms. The actual CIC said that this / our entire enterprise was about "success" and he outlined the projected redo of the NYC+ subway, which will be fascinating to witness because it surely will "seed" plenty of other stuff. But you (including or especially BB) would have noticed that he explained "success" as being the outcome of "momentum," a lesson he learned from William Levitt, the Levittown founder. This was the second time I heard DJT mention this fact and now realize it crystalized something fundamentally dynamic in him.

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Here is the latest release from Omega4America. Scroll down in the link for a rumble video presentation showing how Chinese Communist money finds its way into thousands of U.S. communities. Shortly into the video a list of orgs financed by the Chinese is displayed. I stopped the vid at the list and chose to search for an org in my home state of Georgia called the New Georgia Project. The NGP is doing dirty work financed by money from the Chinese. This is dead-serious:


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Interesting read. Thank you.

Quote from the link:

“ 75% of all the mail-in ballot fraud can be stopped in its tracks by “outing” ineligible addresses like Walmarts, 7-11s, gas stations and strip malls.

Citizens are learning it is almost impossible to challenge a voter – but challenging a ballot being sent to a 7-11 is far more effective!”

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Ghost: "The Obama-Biden State Department "actively interfered" to prevent the FBI from executing arrest warrants on individuals illegally in the USA..."

Quite right, too. If it's illegal in the USA to execute arrest warrants, then they shouldn't do it. (I'm highlighting the ambiguity of the sentence. You may argue "everybody knows what I meant" but that's not the same as writing exactly what you mean without forcing the reader to interpret it.)

Ghost: "...was so their would be no transaction logs..."

No matter how many times you write "their" (a possessive pronoun) instead of "there" (a preposition), it's not gonna make it right. ;)

Ghost: "...lead by the Sovereign Alliance.”

No, the past tense of "to lead" is "led".


Sorry if I appear to be picking on Ghost exclusively but I couldn't find fault with the other contributors' writing, on this occasion.

[As I've stated previously when I offered suggestions here: I'm a professional Copy Editor. Normally, I charge for the work but sometimes an article is so compelling and generally well written that I'll offer corrections for free. Otherwise I wouldn't waste my time. Real writers appreciate my help but some people aren't interested in perfecting their skills and some "woke" people even find it offensive when I offer suggestions to writers. Unfortunately, many people have been brainwashed into thinking that education is a bad thing. I'm not a psychiatrist so I can't help them. This is a REALLY GOOD article, thank you! The points were well made and I enjoyed reading it.

I am always reminded of the 1983 words of a brilliant American, born in Russia - Isaac Asimov:-

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’“]

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I enjoy your corrections. I can see how it would be challenging, as a professional Copy Editor, to read articles on substack, a place for people who love to write, and not be moved to offer corrections.

I notice errors sometimes too, but I don’t have those edges that catch and just keep skipping along for the content. I like reading your corrections and occasionally learn something. I doubt the writers are offended.

I’ve always had a stumble on “effect” and “affect.” Sometimes the proper usage is obvious…but not always! Any easy tips on that, Manolis? Thanks!

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Before age 60 I made all the usual mistakes. But something "clicked" and suddenly I simply "knew" intuitively if a word was wrong. I didn't always know why it was wrong but I was then prompted to look it up.

As for "effect/affect" the meaning is the same when used as a noun. E.g. "The effect/affect of eating onions is often farting." But the verb meanings are different. To effect means to cause to happen or to bring about. To affect means to cause a change. Examples: "The continual posting of corrections by Manolis effected an improvement in everyone's English language skills."

"Manolis' posts affected, positively, nearly everyone who read them.

This is what Grammarly has to say: https://www.grammarly.com/blog/affect-vs-effect/

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That totally clicks!!! Usage depends on noun or verb 😊. Thank you ❤️

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Thessalonians 2:3–12

Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming. The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but what pleasure in unrighteousness.

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I am honestly interested in how you reconcile your apparent Christian belief with your nom-de-plume, ‘American “Snowflake” Hypnotist’.

A true American, IMO, is not a “snowflake” (a derogatory term used to describe leftists). Also hypnotism is a practice where one person takes hidden control of another and giving commands which causes their victims to do things they are not aware they are doing, good or bad. Hypnotism is also a tool used by the CIA as part of their MK Ultra program.) being a Christian and being a hypnotist are quite in opposition to one another - in the same way psychiatry and Christianity are antithetical.

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I can just imagine you laying in bed unable to sleep because of my name. I can picture you laying there asking that same question over and over and over.

Is my name that big of a deal?

If you must know there's a blogger here on substack that calls himself American Hypnotist. He's one of those guys that if you don't agree 100% with him he'll ban/block you. He's a true snowflake that's for sure so my name mocks him.

I honestly don't think this is about my name. Instead, I think it's about my comment. It's more believable to me that you're sleepless nights are filled with thoughts about what my comment means.

I never once have trolled your posts yet you keep coming back with frivolous comments. If you don't understand the Bible verse and what I'm getting at maybe you're not a "real american?"

This isn't Christianity here. I never posted a religious nomination. It's simply a Bible verse. That's all. It has a meaning and you're looking for the answers in all the wrong places.

You don't know me so don't try to analyze me like we're best friends. I fought for this country and my dedication to this country is not in doubt. Your biblical knowledge is in doubt.

For some reason I'm triggering you.

The first verse "do not be decieved by anyone" should be your first indication what the verses are about.

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I haven’t lost a minute of sleep over your name or posts. I had wondered if the name was chosen as a satire of some sort, so I sincerely appreciate you explaining why you chose it. That’s actually brilliant. Cheers!

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May 24·edited May 24

The DNC/DOJ cherry pick'n for some big buck$, on our dime. ABOLISH THE DOJ operation Political Warfare/Human Trafficking Machine. Garland should have been arrested already!

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