Thanks for all your hard work putting your Takes together each week day, this is the closest I get to taking in MSM. Like I often say... Better you than me :-)

GBPH I am sure you must get some very "interesting feedback" when you discuss Bibi but I am here to tell you I applaud you for standing your ground sharing your research and point of view. I hope and pray (and truly believe) we will soon consider open honest debate and alternative point of view a blessing and the world will be much better off because of it.

I think it was Chris Paul who pointed out my favorite Ghost in the Machine from yesterday when he noted the fantastic tan that Steve Bannon had when he was released for "prison". I am thinking about organizing a "prison" cruise for anyone who wants to relax in the sun too :-) It just keeps getting funnier and funnier...

Week's coming in hot.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I noticed the tan ! 😆

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In prison right 😀 🌞

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Bannon back in the batting order. Bibi about to have a career-ending collision at home plate.

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The Sovereign Alliance continues to gain strength...

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IKR, that Bannon Prison Tan will be recorded in historical documents for all time. 🤣

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One thing struck me in the Steve Bannon discussion. He compared politicians to the wrestling profession. That made me think about how crazy America has become.

Why is politics a profession? There we have the whole problem defined in a simple question.

Our founding fathers never intended politics to be a permanent job. A profession is a permanent job, and “politician” is not a profession and never should be, but that is precisely what politicians have made of it.

The original intent was for us citizens to vote to send people we admire and trust to represent us in Washington. They went there did several month of duty on our behalf and then returned home to their actual profession which was NOT “politician”!

Look how our design has been corrupted. Look how rich politicians get in a profession they invented. There is our real problem in a nutshell.

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Indeed Jim - WHY IS POLITICS A PROFESSION?!? (sorry, somehow my cap locks was on)

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And, why are they all lawyers? It's ALMOST AS IF esquires seized upon an opportunity to takeover the USA from within???

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Exactly, Jim!!

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Insider trading

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My comment for years!! Taking a tour of Savannah years ago…two types were banned; one was lawyers. I considered becoming a lawyer but working for a DA in my home state (mildly corrupt) convinced me I couldn’t lie for a living.

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Ghost, just want to say that the more I’m learning about the Zionists the more I find I’m agreeing with you. ✌️ good takes today.

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Remember that the whole bunch of 'em are Cabal, and you're well on your way to understanding the big picture.

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If there were a law against "Contempt of Citizens" most of congress would be doing time.

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Russia flourishing. JD TO Rogan. Harris economic plans were waiting oh yeah no taxing tips, invade the country with illegals, making homes more scarce driving up rents. Drain the social security bank on foreigners who never contributed, release all prisoners so rapes, thefts, murders, help defund the police and eat bugs while freezing waiting for the solar and wind to generate energy.

Harris mad max economic plans.

Please remember NC !!!

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I am surprised no one has made the connection between Russia flourishing and Howard Lutnick’s interview about saving America. Both are absolutely interconnected.

Howard very clearly explains the stupidity of our present political establishment. He says they manage assets valued at $500 Trillion but manage to lose $2 Trillion per year. That takes complete idiots to achieve!

What he explains is how Donald Trump plans to put our assets to work. By using Elon Musk to make our government much more efficient and by using Howard Lutnick to put our assets to work we can severely cut taxes, spur economic growth, and make America more prosperous than ever before. All we need is to win next week. The rest is a done deal already because it makes complete sense.

Now, look at Russia’s prosperity. They have already been capitalizing on their assets and it works! We are still buying their oil as are many other countries. Meanwhile, Biden killed our new pipeline on his first day in office because he thinks we must have electric cars. And, he wants to force them on us.

My friends, our stupidity is clear all the way to the very top of our government, but America is still here and business is still going along. It is hampered by the stupid politicians but, what’s new?

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Where do I go to find Howard?

Thank you.

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The video is in the last article in today’s offering. It is fabulous!

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Thanks for info!! Will double back and check in greater detail

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thx 🌹🌻🌸💐💚💛💜❤️🌼😍🥰

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"The same people that told you 2020 was the safest and most secure election in history are now telling you that the election is in jeopardy because insiders can absolutely jeopardize the election."

This is how they tell you that they know Trump is going to win and they cannot stop it. Therefore, you're being primed to believe that the results are fake. Over half of 2020 voters believed there was election fraud (including around 40% of dems) and it was enough to affect the outcome.

[Their] narrative, then, is that 2024 has been corrupted by the GOP/MAGA/Trump and you can't believe that Kami actually lost -- it's all fake.

Will it work? Might get some Antifers and BLMers out on the streets, who knows. The only thing that we can be fairly certain of, is that there will be drama. Lots of it, on the airwaves and in the streets.

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Well said! The criminal syndicate is hyping up the election fraud scenario which tells us that their violent thugs are going to raise havoc…then we’ll see how many illegal immigrants are waiting for their orders to raise hell.

Not sure if the precipice is what’s going on with Israel and the Middle East or what the losers in the election will do to the country!


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Only time will tell...

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Two things from GBPH:

"The modern Zionist state of Israel—which is a completely separate entity from the Bible's House of Israel—was officially created by the UN's Partition Plan for Palestine in 1947."

Precisely 100% true. Parallel point: When I research the convergence of the "Ecumenical" movement and the butchering of eschatology (the study of last things) I find an explanation for the overwhelming misunderstanding that most "evangelical" leaders propagate and their followers therefore believe. The "hollywood" version of the end times denies the very scriptures it is said to believe. Which leads to the second point...

"All I am asking is that you be principled in your beliefs, and not fall into the trappings of moral relativism." and "When, exactly, are we going to have this conversation?" I believe C. S. Lewis tried (in the '50's and 60's) to communicate this very danger in both his fiction and non-fiction works. And in fact, it was his writings that started me down a road of serious analysis of the contradictions that I was willing to accept, simply because they were "traditional".

IMO: We are very much like the Jews of our first century; more interested in the Savior we want than the Savior He is. This results in us needing to make excuses for our "creator" (meaning how we choose to understand Him) instead of worshipping Him as He declares Himself to be. That is how I define moral relativism - for what it is worth.

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Another wonderful comment from you, HGV 👏💖

The quotes you cited by Ghost stood out for me too.

“Moral relativism” is a weapon the secularist liberals use to replace Divinity “by declaring sovereignty of the narcissistic ego” (David Hawkins). The Ten Commandments become the Ten Suggestions and, under the guise of “freedom” to pursue your feelings about right and wrong, we devolve as a society into acceptance of deviant behavior.

“more interested in the Savior we want than the Savior He is” 👍💖

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Yes. It's all about ego. We've collectively lost our humility. And it's nothing new as HGV points out, with 1st century Jews making the same mistake.

Ah yes, nothing new under the sun... the more things change, the more they stay the same... or whatever is your cliche of choice. 🙏🕊💖

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BB on target, ‘Apply drainage to all, and you end up with quite the variance.’

And, Ashe as well, ‘…they’ve admitted the truth: The election system is extremely vulnerable if there are bad actors on the inside.’

Netanyahu has truly been a well-controlled cabal puppet, hasn’t he? But like so many others…he’s walked himself into a trap.

The panic increases as they know the election is lost…..now targeting the Electoral College? It will be another in a long line of self made traps….dead heat my rear end!

Israel’s true colors and decidedly un-Israeli roots are beginning to be revealed! Finally.

BB’s also correct that ‘there’s a lot sitting beneath the surface’ and the house of cards is getting to fold.. Eyes on everything, folks!

God bless the country and allow us to repent and return to our roots! Put God back into our world.🙏🙏

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Amen 🙏❤️🕊

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'the politics of money ' is an awesome concept. If we don't fix the money (corrupt fiat centralized money system) all the awakening will be for nothing. Remember, the love of money is the root of all evil. Fix that and we will enter the age of enlightenment.

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Trump is waiting in the wings to do just that (fix the financial system). Actually, his plans are already in operation (EO 13818 just one part of it), the finale yet to come. 🍿🧨

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BB: Lutnick's [annecdotes] about the sheer damage...


Thanks, all, for another interesting news brief!

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Sure. They're going to trot out the idea of abandoning the Electoral College and the usual Communist beaurecratic apparatchiks in the media and academia will yell on TV and Twitter and write pearl clutching op-eds and blog posts in the usual places. And they won't touch the EC at all because they know they can't get such a change through the system without amending the Constitution. And if they skin that particular smoke wagon, well, you just watch what happens.

Anytime any of these Commies start talking about the EC, kindly tell them that any Constitutional Convention that's called (or Convention of the States...whatever) will allow all the states to propose all kinds of changes in a spectacle of horse trading. Up to ad including abolishing other amendments. Like the 19th. Or the 16th.

And you can bet any donor money you've got squirreled away in your couch cushions, that reps from states like Kentucky, West Virginia, Connecticut, the Dakotas, and others with small geographies and/or populations are gonna use a Convention scenario to gum up the works on losing the EC.

These Commies need to get a grip and just burrow in deeper on anti-federalism for the next five years and try to gum up Trump by rediscovering States rights. The same way they always when do when "Hitler" shows up in the White House in Republican face paint.

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One new Amendment that would likely get 75% approval is to lock in the Supreme Court at nine justices. That would stop the political nonsense and force the idiots to stop wasting time with threats.

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Correct, the number of states that would benefit from eliminating the Electoral College is far short of the 75% required to amend the Constitution. [They] face the same conundrum in a convention -- these days getting 75% of states to agree on much of anything is damn near impossible.

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13818 flavored appetizer for the circus crowd might have been Kevin Spacey. For me it is the Rothschilds “selling” all their shit.

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Wow, hang on to this Israel merry-go-round!?!----although, it’s seems to be more of a circle jerk to me. God Bless!!!

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One problem of being such a small country is that the cast of characters is also a short list. 'Round up the usual suspects' as it were.

'We are saving Israel for last' -- Q

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The Howard Lutnick interview is in today’s list. It shows up right at the end of the last article before the extra bonus items. It is about two hours long, but the important economic discussion is early in the talk.

I had never heard anyone put a value to our national assets before. But looking at our situation from the perspective of assets versus liabilities makes a lot of sense. Then, thinking about putting our assets into motion and generating income (like any sane economist would do), we see why Trump is able to solve our dilemma.

Our politicians have never considered selling off assets or, better yet, offering to sell the mineral rights and taking back a percentage ownership of the business we sell the assets to. Howard is very smart and sees how to make America greater than ever and reduce our taxes and energy costs while bringing manufacturing back home.

Listen to the video. It is exciting!

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Steve Bannon… Chris’s father?

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