To pile on to Ryan's comment that Barbara replied to: The account of creation is centered on the idea that God, desiring a really big family, fashioned bodies and created souls made in His image and likeness - Male and Female by the way - and then breathed in His spirit/breath. To complete His desire, He included free will - with all the bad and good that that would produce - and a means to ransom us from the negative implications that were part and parcel to the creation of mankind! If force was to be used He could and would have used it - but that would have (and still would be) directly and totally contradictory to God's original intent. Jesus said it best (on what became known as Palm Sunday) "And if anyone hears my sayings, and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world." (John 12:47-48)

My deepest thanks for the work you all do - this, along with a good cup of coffee, are a big part of my morning routine.

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In the article "National security officials tell special counsel Trump was repeatedly warned he did not have the authority to seize voting machines", one must know that KEN CUCCINELLI is the founder of the group "Never Back Down", a pro-DeSantis, anti- Trump group. (aka, Never Trumpers!) With that in mind, might he have ulterior motives, and can he be trusted, even under oath in a Grand Jury?!

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"The Constitution prohibits the use of religious tests as qualifications for public office."

Not in Canuckistan. In Justin Trudeau's Liberal party, citizens who state they are pro-life may not apply to run for nomination as a candidate for the party.

And it would seem the same is now starting to apply to the Conservative party in Canada. Recently, in the run-up to a by-election in my riding, a local Christian, pro-life, pro-family, social conservative ran rings around the other nominees for Conservative candidacy, garnering 2500 memberships. Despite this, and having a solid background in the party, he was disqualified as a nominee for candidacy, and a party-backed "diverse" nominee was parachuted into the riding.

So sick of lies and manipulation. Will these political movers and shakers just go home and look after their families rather than tinkering with our lives?

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"What a vision may offer, and what the prevailing vision of our time does offer, is a special state of grace for those who believe in it. Those who accept this vision are deemed to be not merely factually correct but morally on a higher plane. Put differently, those who disagree with the prevailing vision are seen as being not merely in error, but in sin."

-- Thomas Sowell, "The Vision Of The Anointed"

[They] believe that they not only have a right, but a moral obligation, to impose their vision on us -- the benighted.

One look at the arrogant Trudope shows that he indeed believes he has such a moral obligation. Obama was (is) the same way.

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Understand it well. In my salad days when I was green in judgment and cold in blood I felt the same: I had a right to tinker with their lives, those poor ignorant souls.

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I live in Illinois, and I cannot prove the election fraud, but in no way do I believe that Illinois is as 'Blue' of a state as is suggested by multiple recent Elections. NO WAY! It is 100% Fraud Driven!

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I don't think we have to worry about a gold standard being implemented, for the simple reason that the United States has no gold, so there is nothing to base a gold-weighted dollar system on. This is the main reason, I believe, that the bill has no chance of passing.

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I suggest you go on Truth Social and follow TommyMac171. You will be surprised at how much gold the US Military ( WhiteHats) has retrieved from the Vatican, etc.

Watch Below:


Read The Attached:


Have a nice day Ken!

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Thanks for that. I would love to believe it.I followed TommyMac171.

I've been hearing about NESARA and gold-backed systems for years now. The fact that a bill was actually introduced in the House lends credibility to it. However, like many I do not allow hope to become my strategy. Let's just say that the U.S. Treasury nominally issues currency in cooperation with the Fed, and at this time, neither the U.S. Treasury (nor the Fed) has access to enough gold to implement a gold-backed currency.

Like you I have read every Q post and have an optimistic attitude, but I don't depend on White Hats, or a corrupted and vax-riddled military infested with CCP political cadres to do much of anything. I'll believe that our military has $10T of gold when I see it! I hope you are right though.

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Have a Happy Easter!

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Thanks for that!

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I'd thank Liz too, if I could locate her.

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The stabilizing of the Federal Reserve dollar by putting it back on a gold standard is merely proof of 3 Republicans not understanding what is going on in the world today. Or they may be pushing that idea as a "look over here" and "not over there" method to keep the MSM and their pundits away from the fact that the Petro dollar is essentially dead and there is a new financial system that will put the Central Banks out of business that is almost ready to go. This new system will solve all the problems you have head about for the last several years.

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The state of Oregon or Washington denied the adoption?

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I couldn't find who wrote these lines, but they are very powerful this Holy Week!

Time for crying is over,

It’s courage time.

Time for crawling is over,

It’s courage time.

Time for self-loathing is over,

It’s courage time.

Time for self-betrayal is over,

It’s courage time.

What time is it?

It’s courage o’clock.

It’s a time to stand up for dignity full force.

We are worth it.

Found on https://www.theburningplatform.com/2023/04/06/an-ancient-attack-on-our-dignity-its-spiritual-warfare/

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Would anyone like to comment on RFK Jr for President at https://rfk4president.substack.com/ or https://rfk4president.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-4-president? Do most of us agree that his candidacy will help End the Jab, whether he gets elected or not? And Republicans at the county level to Ban the Jab can make it a bipartisan movement?

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How is it that the article about a lady adopting starts out in Oregon but then shifts into Washington?

Thank you

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Apr 6, 2023
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Well stated! Love your comment!

Reminds me of that saying: “Being in the world but not of the world”

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