Birthright citizenship. This conversation acts as though we are not currently being invaded!!! We need to halt ALL immigration until we can get a handle on just Biden et al have done to us and our cities. No country in history has been this self-destructive by ignoring its own borders. We ignore the needs of veterans and invite illegals in with carte Blanche rights. The evil is very very strong here.

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Or crime.

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Regarding Robert F. Kennedy, they ignore him, because he exposes the corrupt people and the fraud behind the medical system, which went on for decades, plus he exposes the corrupt people behind the assassination of JFK!

About the children born in the US from illegal immigrants, there is way more to it. Think about how long it takes for them to get a work permit, until then it is the taxpayers money, that pay for their well being etc. etc. Trump was never against people immigrate to the US, but asking to do it the legal way and not using their children to get it accomplished! Trump loves children and saved so many of them, just wait until the truth about that will come out!

Plus, regarding LGBT, these people are mentally ill and are a danger to society, especially kids, teaching them, that it is ok and leading them the wrong path, which is against and away from God's word, telling them, that God made a mistake. God didn't make mistakes!! He created Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve! They are driven/possessed by sat....! What usually happens, when "normal people" are a danger to kids??? Think about it?

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re AI Extinction Statement. When I first read this I thought it was a joke. AI industry leaders "want to reduce the risk of global annihilation due to artificial intelligence," and sign a statement that "the threat of an AI extinction event should be a top global priority." Seriously? An Extinction event? At the end of the article it states that AI "experts" say that "society is still a long way from developing the kind of artificial general intelligence that is the stuff of science fiction" -- uh, no shit Sherlock -- and "today’s cutting-edge chatbots largely reproduce patterns based on training data they’ve been fed and do not think for themselves." Uh, yeah. OpenAI wanted to pay Africans $2 /hr to feed their ChatBot. The going rate is $15/ hr.

AI is largely a scam. ChatBots are scams; they have no resemblance to true artificial general intelligence.

Sorry, consciousness cannot evolve in computer networks or through algorithms.

AI is a worldwide Influence Information Op whose purpose is to scare people into accepting a globo-fascist surveillance state. It's the wet dream of people like Ray Kurzweil and other sociopaths who are afraid that their biological bodies will only last 80 years, and it's funded by global capitalists who are behind Xi and the CCP, the WEF, our own intel community, and the "Woke" agenda in corporate America.

Everybody relax, real AI is fake but there is plenty of phony AI. We need to look behind the curtain to see who is funding these AI projects. Then we will know who the true enemy is.

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Intelligence can NEVER be artificial. True intelligence is NOT the product of the mental process, it comes from Consciousness. It is not physical, cannot be seen or measured, yet it is the "primary" to all that is or ever could be. No technology will ever be able to come close.

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Thank you BB (and all of the contributors) for this feature of Badlands. We need to walk through this world with the Bible in one hand and a "newspaper" in the other and you all help us do just that!

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As far as anchor babies go, if we follow the law, as written, there is no such thing. But give a liberal an inch and they’ll fuck it up.

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It is funny; about 20 years ago, there used to be a local guy on the radio. I can't remember his name, but this same topic was being discussed and he proposed a compromise that one parent must have citizenship for the child to be granted automatic citizenship. I thought it was a reasonable compromise at the time but given we are still having the same conversations a generation later tells me there has been no interest in solving this - or many other problems - because they are convenient political clubs to wield.

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Actually if one person is a citizen, father or mother, only, no triannies, then the child is a citizen. That's no compromise, it's the law. But if none are, triannies excluded of course, baby is an invader.

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As far as Russia is concerned, I agree 100 % with you. Had pdt been allowed to win the presidency as he did but it was stolen, Putin would be our ally right now. We’d be charging American politicians with crimes that they have committed including Biden. His son. Probably his slut of a wife. Obeyme for sure. The Clinton’s. The bushes. Lots of charges to go around regarding Ukraine. Probably be out of nato by now.

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It ALL comes down to “ Leave our kids alone!” The grooming, murdering and indoctrinating is disgusting! Take their Satan and shove him as far up their asses where the light never shines! Well, it’s where he belongs!

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How prophetic was Pink Floyd? “Hey! Teachers! Leave those kids alone! All in all, you’re just another brick in the Wall”. The original video for this song shows lines of faceless children walking blindly into nothingness. The original video was a statement against the Brits quashing kids creativity and individuality, now it’s mentally ill teachers quashing their very souls.

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Anyone espousing the continued invasion of our country by turd world shithole denizens is a traitor to this country. Trump is doing the right thing to end birthright citizenship since that amendment was never intended for that purpose instead it was designed for the children of freed slaves. Have you ever heard the term "birth tourism"? Maybe you should actually learn about the topic before you opine and defend the invading hoardes with distended bellies waiting to drop anchor here. Maybe you should look up and post how many of these "new" Americans you think are so great become nothing but welfare rats bleeding the system and taxpayers dry. Every country and nation in the world has a right to pick and choose who they want in their nation/country which is why borders exist. You push the same bleeding heart pap of the left and libertarianoids. Shame on you!

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I cannot stand that SOB Wiener - his comment about throwing the alphabet under the bus is pretty rich when he has absolutely no problem with women - straight and gay - being thrown under the bus for the Trans M-F agenda.

(I say M-F because I don't see any stories where men are being denied privacy - and frankly, I believe that is due to the fact that any female wanting to be a male inherently knows the risk of potential bodily harm if male space were to be violated. Even if I "felt I was a guy", there is no way I would walk into the mens locker room at the gym. I am not advocating violence, but merely a reality.)

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As someone who has student loans I feel the need to shed some light on things. First when Obama was President he made student loans the countries biggest assets and my student loans doubled. But I don't want them forgiven, even though I don't like paying double for the piece of paper I got and don't use. Second I love the free shit group comment... and " shove our sexuality down your throats" month! I'm stealing it! I don't shop at Target either since the bathroom bullcrap! I'm going to stick to that! I love that we're putting them out of business!!!😍

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Chick-fil-A Embraces Woke ESG, Sparks Boycott Call

Chick-fil-A's decision to hire a vice president of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion has led some prominent conservative influencers and organizations to call for a national boycott.

It comes after news of the fast-food chain's hiring of Erick McReynolds, who has led the company's DEI department since 2020, finally reached certain corners of conservative social media circles on Twitter.


Most Major Retailers Are Carrying LGBT, Pride Merchandise for Children



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LEGO Faces Boycott Calls Over Transgender Building Sets


Disturbing’: Man in a Dress Welcoming Children to Disneyland Sparks Outrage on Twitter


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Birthright citizenship-Hell naw!! Send the invaders back starting at about 2012. We should be friends to lgbt? The ones who want equal rights fine. However the gubmint has politicized them and shoved special rights down our throats. I don't know about you, but I don't take kindly to that. In the trans Day Of Vengeance with some Boogaloo Bois, they made a fatal mistake..I found them.

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Birthright Citizenship is BS. You are born into this world, God recognized as "Sovereign."

You are then issued a "Birth certificate," which is then processed through the Dept of Commerce. On this "Certifactum" there are numbers that tie your "legal status" as a citizen to the IMF; your corporate entity listed on this Certifactum, is a pledge to the Federal Corporation that you are an ipso facto guarantor that exists to pay off interest on the "National Debt." [Usury]

Birth Certificate Trust / Bond is the real "Full Faith in Credit of the US Treasury." The fake money in our fiat system is backed by this lie that we call Citizenship. The BC Bond "Security" is privately owned and held by Cede & Co. that also privately owns Depository Trust Corp. DTC this entity also owns ALL shares of ALL corporations world wide and also hold ALL real land titles too. Held by the same people who want to bring uncontrolled illegal immigration into North America.

By Illegal Aliens coming here and buying into this lie, about "In alien able" (inalienable) rights; they are tacitly agreeing that in order to "have" rights they must NOT be alien, so they desire to have their kids here in order to gain access to those "rights." The big rub is.... it wasn't ever originally called "inalienable" it was actually "UN a Lien able" (unalienable). This means that the free inhabitants of North America may never have any "lien" placed against their natural rights. Natural rights and Natures law are immutable, there is NO authority above that.

Citizenship does NOT confer RIGHTS; it creates a status, it enumerates "privileges" only. I say this because the "citizenship" is actually just a piece of paper, issued to you by the Federal Corporation. You cannot be a citizen of a "Corporation." You cannot be the property of a Corporation. The paper your straw-man is written on is the "property" of this corporation but you yourself are not.

Never use "I am" in front of a fictional noun like "citizen." Instead, you should say: "I am holding a US Citizenship." Its not what you are, its what you are doing.

Actually, "Arbitrary Hierarchy" is completely unnatural, nobody is above you and nobody is below you. Everyone must fully realize this FACT; by not realizing it, we are offering our tacit agreement to the administrative state that we will continue to live on our knees.

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BB-Analysis of The Student Loan boondoggle, brings much insight & clarity; to my simple gut-feel on clown-Uniparty pantomime! The biggest-disclosure Op in history begins -- NOW!

Focus-on-June // Military Tribunals: military court designed, to adjudicate ENEMY forces during WARTIME, outside the scope, of civilian criminal courts. Buckle-Up buttercups 🫵🏻😉🇺🇸

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