‘enjoy the show Or freak out’

“I’ll choose the former all day, every day.” — Burning Bright

As Will I and We ❤️

The bubble of censorship “safe spaces” has popped and the left isn’t happy…

Enjoying the show!

Thank you for your take, Ghost.

“defect from the religious stuff” puts it under a different microscope…the CIA puppet of the global cabal and Netanyahu‘a role come into sharper focus. As with all [their] wars, the civilians on both sides are suffering and their fates fall into the black hole of power and greed to benefit the elites.

Dennis Quaid: ““What is the crime?” he inquired. “I still can’t figure it out.”

The Awakening surges. The stupidity of the Left gives Trump more followers (a third of the new donors to Trump’s campaign in the first 24 hrs post verdict were first time contributors)

I love Steven Seagal ❤️. I knew he was a friend to Russia yrs ago and I love it that this comes back around into the narrative…while Hollywood has their worst Memorial Day movie theater attendance ever.

I watched all Trump’s posted clips on the

UFC Championship…I normally do not pay attention to this fighting sport but the clips were a joy to behold ❤️🇺🇸

Monday is off to a MAGA week…

Thanks Badlanders ❤️🙏

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Great post, Feather!!🇺🇸🙏🕊️

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"Trump campaign has raised $200 million since NYC conviction"

Before dawn the next day, I had turned my American flag upside down. A personal check for $500 was in the outgoing mail that day also. Doubt it made the count Eric gave on Sunday.

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Thanks y'all for getting my week started with a big smile :-)

When we stay at the 40K level and observe without getting emotional it is easy to see the Plan coming together on all fronts.

Totally agree BB: " That's changing, and rapidly, as the counter culture becomes the culture.” — Burning Bright". We the People are owning the public mandate.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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@Ashe: "Turley was in the courtroom everyday of the trial"

The word "everyday" means ordinary, commonplace, usual, as in "he was wearing his everyday coat". The phrase you need is "every day".

"People are pissed"

In much of the English-speaking world, "pissed" means "drunk/inebriated" so it's better to use the universal term "pissed off" unless you really mean that people wouldn't pass a sobriety test.

@Ghost: "as propganda."


As always, thanks for your excellent reports!

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Quote of the seasons per our Fearless Tiger, ‘Either act accordingly, ie: enjoy the show.

Or RE-act accordingly, ie: freak out.

I’ll choose the former all day, every day.’ Indeed, including BB’s observation that the counterculture is increasingly becoming the culture!

Ashe notes the $200 million the Trump campaign garnered post (faux) guilty verdict. ‘The narrative is deceased. Trump 2024.’ Boomerang, anyone?

We all who regularly come here for truth are totally aware that with Ukraine’s demise as the profitable proxy state, Israel was next with the Oct 7th (likely known prior) attack. Ghost is correct in his assessment, ‘The IDF (or at least portions of it) have become the Azov Battalion. This is Ukraine-Crimea all over again.’ And, great comparison between the cringe Davos thugs and the alliance September (great timing) peace conference!

‘Hollywood actor-turned-Putin mouthpiece Steven Seagal has made the bizarre claim that Ukraine was known for 'organ trafficking, child sex trafficking and Nazism'…. It’s NOT bizarre if it’s true. It IS all connected. That’s how the cabal rolls.

O’biden….Israel policy. 🤣🤡

God continue to bless and protect the truth community.🙏🙏

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re. Seagal: the claim is bizarre to the Daily Mail 'cuz they're Cabal.

Channeling Jack Nicholson: "The truth? They can't handle the truth!"

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Wonderful comment, ALtab ❤️🙏🇺🇸🦅🕊🌎📚

“ Steven Seagal has made the bizarre claim that Ukraine was known for 'organ trafficking, child sex trafficking and Nazism'…”

I remember in 2013 (? Obama was president) when Putin put a ban on US being able to adopt Russian orphans. I always thought he was well aware of the horrors inflicted on innocent children and the trafficking nightmare.

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Obama not only knew….he was an active participant and I suspect he was a child victim of the very evil he sustained(s). This, however, does not relieve him from justice for ALL the evils against humanity…..

I don’t necessarily want to watch a whole lot of tribunals, however, we must see those of the worst offenders. It’s critical to prevent reoccurrence. These trials won’t be selective as Nuremberg; most of the worst offenders were assimilated into our country to develop the cabal’s deep state minions and their system here. DC: the New Prussian/Nazi/Marxist state will not be successful in the end! 🙏🕊️🙏

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I agree! And Obama as a victim of child trafficking and grooming for the CIA…well, Cathy O’Brien went through hell as a child, trafficked to the likes of Dick Cheney etc and she became an advocate for others enduring such horrors and became a whistleblower for the MKUltra torture. At some point Obama made the decision to stay connected to his handlers. I trust God to work that out with him..we arrange the meeting 😊🦅❤️

I hope the tribunals are on tv and done in such a way that the evidence is presented to the world. (I’ll never watch the executions though) ❤️

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Yes, watching the tribunal testimony (and their faces) will be sufficient!🙏🇺🇸

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200 million so far. Nicely played!!

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Indeed. These leftie clowns are so stupid and committed to their failing plans that they cannot even see the big picture. They are blind to it. Even the possibility of it cannot be accepted, because it means they are losing. Losing bigly, matter of fact.

But losing they are -- which means we are winning. And they will continue to lose, following their failed plan like lemmings marching to the sea. They are as incapable of changing course now as a tiger is of changing his stripes.

God wins! NCSWIC.

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Fake News celebrating like the fools they are. Thank God people are waking up. Its slow like they are, but by Nov when the rents climbs even higher and gas goes to 5 bucks, they should finally be ready to vote for the Orange Clown they once hated😂. They cant pay their rents and are getting kicked off free healthcare. People who never had a brain are growing one. They're pissed off illegals are getting their rents paid while theirs is due and they have to stop smoking the weed they cant afford. A year ago, they said 'open the border and let everyone in',,lol. The liberal music crowd in OH are finally getting there's. AMEN!!! They wont mention the election but I can tell, they now hate JoeJoe the Clown. I LOVE IT! Oh and PS, theyre all scared shitless😁😁😁😁😂😂😂 Halleluiah😁🍿🙏

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Slowly at first, then suddenly. Human nature. It's how it always goes.

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Thank you one and all.

PS - If anyone wonders which side of any conflict that God is on just remember that He wants all to avoid perishing and wants all to come to the knowledge of His truth. There is an enemy - but it is not our flesh and blood brothers and sisters!

But He leaves us the choice...for a time.

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More antisemitic lies and crap from GhostofPatrickHenry ?

I just saw his recent crap you shit out on Badlands. Shame on you. Do you ever check sources?

He sights an article that, I’m assuming he didn’t read because it has absolutely no bases in fact. And it links to an article that has nothing to do with the subject of the first article.

From the first article:

“As of now, there is no official list of the units that have allegedly ‘gone rogue.’ Haaretz writer Amos Harel proposes that these troops can simply be identified by those who have posted incriminating videos of themselves.”

Why is there no “official list…?” Why no links to these “incriminating videos?”

It’s obvious that this is made up by antisemitic assholes like ghost and others to smear the IDF and Israel.

No proof, no evidence, not even a link to just one of these incriminating videos. No, it’s just the stink of Jew hating scum.

Don’t believe me? Read the articles he sights for yourselves. You’ll see there is no link to any IDF or Israeli spokesperson or video detailing or saying any of this. That’s proof it’s all made up crap. This is what communists do, accusations out of the air from their butt.

As President Trump would say,” it’s FAKE NEWS!”

Shame on Badlands for printing FAKE NEWS and its purveyors.

And burn in Gehinom, Ghostof. Curse Israel and you WILL BE CURSED.

Of course you have the liberty to print lies and I have the liberty to call them out.

Now you’re both called out:

GhostofPatrickHenery is an antisemitic POS and a liar.

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Ghostof is correct, not a follower, not a gullible moron, like you.

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Oh really?

Did you check his sources?

There are none that describe “abuses” or “rogue” IDF. Zero, just like you.

Who’s gullible now.

Oops. You probably can’t smell that stink of bullshit that surrounds all you antisemitic fools.

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Each of us is responsible for research and our conclusions. Often these conclusions will differ, however, we have individual freedom and national sovereignty as our common goals.

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And we cannot have blind allegiance to Israel just so we can claim not to be antisemitic. It is not antisemitic to be opposed to something Israel or the IDF does, if it is evil; and some of the things they've been accused of are evil.

Of course it appears that Hamas has also done evil things, but the old maxim 'two wrongs don't make a right' applies. Since it also appears that both Israel and Hamas are Cabal puppets, let's lay the blame at the feet of the party ultimately responsible for all of this evil: the Cabal.

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Exactly….and their leader is the evil one.

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Well stated, WildBill! ❤️🇺🇸

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That’s all I’m saying. Check the source.

I did and the info and numbers come right out of Hamas propaganda.

Look for yourselves. It talks about these numbers coming from South Africa’s complaint at the ICC.

Trump defunded that because of its corruption and Bite-me reestablished the funding.

Anything coming from the ICC is suspect.

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Thank you for the reminder. If Soros founded/funded the ICC….concur completely!

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If you don't like the truth don't come here.

It's like watching a TV show you hate.

All you have to do is turn the channel.

Q told us about 10% of the population would be lost forever.

Welcome to the club Dave

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I’m all about truth and ghost is not bringing it.

Again, I’m telling you to look at his sources. They are Hamas. Total fabrication.

The IDF is not aware of ANY crimes committed by their soldiers. The ghost is using Hamas propaganda to pull this crap out his butt.

But why would he use Hamas numbers when we all know they are supported by the Deep State?

Only one reason: antisemitism

Nowhere else would the deep state propaganda be used except when it comes to Biden.

And Bite-me hates Netanyahu and supports the left but ghost sides with Bite-me?

Only one reason: antisemitism

Face it; this guys has a hatred for Zionism, Israel and Jews.

And your blind support of this POS who also supports those terrorists savages in Gaza is shameful.

Over 98% of Gazans supported the massacre of Oct. 7th with better than 5,000 “civilians taking part in it.

As far as I’m concerned, they can level the place and push it all into the sea.

As far as the club, I don’t want any part of your anti-Israel curses.

I’m on the side of truth. I have read ghost many times and saw this coming.

Shame on Ghost, shame on Badlands and shame on you for not doing your homework.

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Ok, so I see that most commenters here still just have the “knee jerk” reaction to defend what is clearly prejudice agains Israel.

No one has bothered to look at the ghost’s article he uses to base his opinion. It is written by Hamas proxies and others (South Africa) and uses Hamas data to base its conclusions.

Everyone must know that Hamas (backed by Obama,etc.) lies.

The only reason one would use this clearly antisemitic source is because they have opinions which coincide with them.

Check his sources. Don’t trust anyone.

Also, to the person who said that I haven’t done my homework on this I’d just say that I have a lot of family in Israel and there’s a lot you don’t hear about.

I also have family in the IDF and I hear from them too.

Hamas is pure evil.


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Dave, you're clearly emotionally compromised and not applying rational thought to the argument. And, you've not studied the topic very closely either. The point is going to be simple for you in the end - you're defending the wrong people. They aren't even Semitic anyway. And they aren't Biblical, most are actual imposters who've wisely hidden themselves as wolf among the sheep.

Perhaps you should pray for humility and clarity on this issue. Ask yourself when God commanded the people who followed Moses to wipe out any of Creation?

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Hmm... was about to hit the Like button when I saw the last phrase.... about God commanding the people to wipe out any of Creation.... eek. Am I missing something? God sent them to conquer and take the land, sometimes even to the killing of babies and cattle, right? Been a while since I read Exodus, but I'm reasonably sure...

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Exodus 17:14

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God commanded of them: Thou shalt not murder, covet, steal, make idols, worship any other gods, etc. Israel violates all of those (as do most other nations). But by the actual commandments given to Moses in the old Testament, they are in clear violation and have been since inception. It's been an unholy alliance.

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In the book of Joshua, God COMMANDS them to wipe out the Canaanites. To me, this brings the obvious conclusion: God gave the 10 Commandments with a caveat: "Unless I tell you otherwise." Just like any earthly father would say.

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Fair enough Anne, but we must take care to know who the Canaanites were: liars, bloodlusting murderers, war mongers, double crossers, sexually perverse, etc. So, on this Earth, which people have controlled pornography, and delight in bragging about murdering, warring, and destroying others?

Collectively, we all would be wise to consider that words are cheap and actions speak louder than words. Too many are allowed to hide their actions behind polished words without challenge. Israel has been this since it was founded after WW2, as promised by Balfour in 1917 to Rothschild.

These are not the people, nor actions, of God's Israel, it is a label (word) used to shield and cloak wolves pretending to be sheep.

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Do you even know the history of that land and the descendants of Cain?

The Canannites stole that land. The Arabs who call themselves Palestinians are the Canaanites of today. Constant war, constant lies.

King David wrote a song about how treacherous they are.

All you know is wrong.

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Oh, now you’re a biblical scholar and rabbi?

Do you really think Israel is the only one who violates God’s instructions?


The sabbath is Saturday when Jesus walked the Earth.

Good chance you violate this one EVERY WEEK but Israel keeps it.

Your ancestors were pagan and you’re schooling Israel on The One True God. ?

You are way, way, way OUT OF YOUR LANE and you sound like a fool and an immature child.

If you’ve not studied the Holy Bible in its ORIGINAL LANGUAGE of Hebrew for at least 20 years, you are out of your league here.

And that’s just to get a basic foundation.

You can’t be considered as anything but a novice until it’s been 40 years of intensive study.


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What the fuck are you on about.

Why have you felt the need to get personal?

This shows you have nothing to say.

You besmirch my character and then repeat lies about Israel?

Just the fact that you repeat the libel that the “Jews aren’t really from JUDEA” shows everyone that you are a fool.

The one that needs humility is you. Israel is the historic home of the Jews and is their biblical G_d given inheritance. If you believe otherwise you are a blind moron and a scriptural fool.

Emotionally compromised just because I am pointing out the truth?

Do you think that this is the only article I’ve read before I made my assessment ?

What kind of idiot are you.

Just shut the fuck up and let the adults talk.

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This links to an article from a rag called “the cradle” and as proof it sights a South African statement (unproven) stating that the IDF has done bad things. No proof and no other links. Any high school teacher would give this writer a D for lack of references.

Badlands needs to be better than the FakeNews.

Patriots should be saddened by this abuse of not fact checking but not fooled. Just a cursory look at trusted sources shows article and the “take” to be FakeNews.

You are trying to hide your hatred for Judaism, The Messiah and The Father behind made up lies. By cursing Israel you have cursed yourself.

Badlands will fail because of this.

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Ok, I have to quit reading the comments here, the whole anti-semitic stuff is too emotionally charged.

Israel. WHY do I never hear anyone talking about the Fact that God told the Jews to take the WHOLE land and keep it or there would be trouble? And why is no one especially talking about the Fact that God told them, "Serve Me or suffer", basically. Well it's about as plain as the nose on your face what is going on here. They never took the whole land and they are not serving God. Plain and clear. So why is no one pointing this out? I guess I just did, so who will lob the first grenade at me?

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Thanks for the very informative and interesting takes on the various matters and (MSM) reports! But please do not use the word "infamous" as you did in a take on the first item - it means known as 'bad' or 'disgraceful 'etc - which I am sure you did not intend - 'well-known' etc would be what you had in mind.

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I had the same thought but changed my mind. I'm giving it a pass.

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As Bing Crosby said (or sang):

“You've got to ac-cent-tchu-ate the positive

E-lim-i-nate the negative

Latch on to the affirmative

Don't mess with Mr. In-Between”

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