Wow interesting stuff with the Taliban ... the baller statement was perfect. I'm not sure if crypto is our future but right now it's life changing money to be made. There's still many that think it's bad because they(DS) want centralized which is controlled and it's the decentralized that's safe. Disney is dead to me for now... love these layoffs. And I'm still a Putin fan because he's quite clear on his position against evil. Ty Badlands!

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I have a question that has bothered me since Bitcoin came onto the scene. What is the backing for Bitcoin? When a coin is “mined” who gets the initial capital that is received? Some group is taking in a lot of dollars when a new coin appears. But what happens to that value? Where is it put to back-up the value of a Bitcoin?

With Gold the value is found in the rarity and the expense of actually mining an additional ounce. So, the Gold mining companies tell their shareholders annually what the cost per ounce is for their operation. By mining the metal using the best technology available they can make a profit selling the newly mined Gold on the market. The value is justified.

So, Gold makes sense to me because there is a known underlying value. With Bitcoin I see no such value. It is obvious that the value is established by supply and demand since there are to be 21 million total coins made. But, I just cannot find the underlying value like I can with precious metals.

Can anyone here help me with my concerns? I would love some education.

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The supposed value or rarity of BTC is the work (electrical power, mostly) required to 'mine' it. BTC is based on a computationally-difficult 'one-way function' that is easy in one direction and very difficult in the other. It is mined using purpose-built hardware designed to find the solution to that problem by brute force.

The specific function here is called SHA-256. SHA is the Secure Hash Algorithm which was developed (at NIST, IIRC) as a way of creating a 'signature' of sorts for a block of data. It is very easy to run the calculation in the direction of creating the signature (or verifying it), but it is very difficult to create a message matching an arbitrary signature.

In BTC, miners attempt to find messages which create signatures matching a certain number of the bits in a 256-bit target. Difficulty can be increased by requiring the signature to match more of the bits. So as the number of BTC mined increases, the difficulty is increased. That is the theory.

The problem is that there has never been a cryptographic method developed that has not eventually been broken. A break is a short-cut in the calculation time, that is, a new method of calculating the message from the target signature that takes less -- sometimes much less -- work.

And eventually all 21 MM BTC will be mined anyway, so perhaps this will happen before SHA-256 is broken. SHA-256 is still in common use and believed strong as of today, and it's impossible to know when it will be broken.

So the ultimate question is, regardless of a break in SHA-256, what will happen to the value of BTC when all the coins are mined? There is a fundamental difference here between BTC and gold: gold has value of its own right. It is beautiful, it has valuable industrial uses, there is demand for it in jewelry -- basically because it has a physical reality with those attributes, and it will always be in demand. Only a marked advance in gold extraction technology will cause the price of gold to drop precipitously. This will increase demand for gold, and a new lower price will be found; but gold will still have value.

Can the same be said of BTC? Since it has no intrinsic value (it does not actually exist in physical form and therefore has no real-world utility, unlike precious metals) its value depends solely on demand for it based on belief in its value. Belief -- in a way one could say it is a con game, though I risk angering a lot of people by saying that. The deutsche mark (reichsmark) lost value something like a trillion to one during the Weimar days. The same could happen to the US dollar or BTC -- none backed by anything real, only perceived demand.


Just my nickel's worth, YMMV.

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A great quote from BB to end the week:

“…everything from Nikola Tesla to Donald Trump to the Q Drops to Elon Musk to Bitcoin are weaving a beautiful tapestry that is part of the greatest plan ever devised.

And one we're a part of.

Find your Frequency. Take your power back.” — Burning Bright


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Nukes, BRICS, BTC, oh my! Almost too much good signal this morning to accompany sunshine and calm water outside my Florida door

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YES Trump can end the Ukraine war, CUT ALL FUNDING. Only reason it goes on US TAXPAYER ARE FORCED TO FUND IT, He flew in for Kametoes promotion, left with A $8 BILLION MORE PACKAGE.

“We continue to give billions of dollars to a man who refuses to make a deal, Zelenskyy,” Trump railed in a lengthy tirade. How Much U.S. Aid Is Going to Ukraine? https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-us-aid-going-ukraine

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Ashe, so sad ... ur friend K follows typical normie strategic deflection from Diddy's heinous acts to the quality of his music. Does your lib friend care about women being abused? She shows zero curiosity about the crimes. All these bleeding heart libs needs to be slapped across the face with the magnitude of systematic evil inherent in DS govt, entertainment, medical, education, food, soil, religion, military (what am I missing?) White Hats, the glacial truth drizzle ain't touchin' K (yet)

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Surprised at Adams indictment take. So his trip to DC warning "NYC will be destroyed by unlimited immigration" isn't a factor? hmmm...

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he never went to the meeting(canceled). Adams trip to DC to discuss sent him back with a warning to never speak of it again or else. He chose "or else". Defiant Exposure incoming.

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NOT nuclear reactors- THERMAL reactors. Look into it. Yeah its a possible real thing.

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Nuclear reactors are thermal - I don't understand what you're saying.

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And to think Klippenstein was invited to the Warroom for an interview. I wonder if Bannon had a say if it would have happened. Just can’t trust lefties.

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‘Corruption is metastasized cancer in our country.’ Ashe is 💯 percent correct about this. Everyone should read her linked article in this post. Believe it or not, it used to be important that civil servants maintain the ‘perception of impropriety’ and that was ingrained into me during my civil service career. It’s long gone and the lack of it was one of the reasons I retired earlier than I would have liked. 👏 Ashe!

More and more references to Zelensky’s acting career are coming up. Interesting timing, no?

The nationalistic Sovereign Alliance are standing absolutely firm as the cabal and their minions panic…just as our Fearless Tiger 🐅 has stated!

Ghost’s observation: ‘Bibi Netanyahu devised a scheme where Israel literally walked briefcases full of cash (totaling tens of millions of dollars) into Gaza and gave them to families with ties to Hamas.’ Who does this remind you of? Apparently they couldn’t think of a new play other than the one in their playbook.

Ashe’s friend is certainly pointing out that Diddly is a construct. The continued rant that Ashe references is proof that the left reacts emotionally first. The fact that she also has an analytical mind is in her recognizing a construct when she sees one. That’s great! Diddly, et.al., won’t get out of the justice phase due to this being deliberate crimes against humanity.

BB’s astute statement applies to all facets of the cabal’s organizations, ‘That starts by recognizing the one they took from us.’ It has taken infiltration by the white hats into the criminal organizations of the cabal, including the celebrity and political elite classes, plus decades of research to get to this place.

The Taliban defeating the would-be controllers is hilarious as we watch the panicked reactions to their insolence!

Corporations and governments are back-pedaling as they struggle to maintain. Too late and BB states why, ‘Find your Frequency. Take your power back.’ Yep, happening all over the world!

God bless those He’s gifted for this ancient war.🙏🙏

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granholm. once a canuck always a canuck.

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GBPH makes the following statement: "Many like to view this Gaza conflict as Judeo-Christian vs Muslim, but the reality is that there are several Coptic Churches in Gaza—some being the earliest churches ever built—and congregations that became the victims of the IDF. And yet, there are Christians who will convulse at this assertion, and exonerate the Israeli government of any wrong-doing."

Peter (the sent one whose confession, that Jesus was the Anointed One - the Son of the Living God, was tagged as the foundation for the house of assembly Jesus' would build) says in his first letter to the Christians of our first century, who were scattered throughout the Roman empire (predominantly of Gentile heritage by this point in history): "This precious value, then, is for you who believe; but for those who disbelieve, THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS BECAME THE VERY CORNERSTONE,” and, “A STONE OF STUMBLING AND A ROCK OF OFFENSE”; for they (those of the Old Covenant people who disbelieved) stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and to this doom they were also appointed." (1Pet.2:7-8)

How do I know that Peter is speaking of Gentile Christians? Because he, quoting from Exodus and Hosea, points it out.

"But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God's OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; for you once were NOT A PEOPLE, but now you are THE PEOPLE OF GOD; you had NOT RECEIVED MERCY, but now you have RECEIVED MERCY." (1Pet.2:9-10)

It has always been God's plan to include all of His creation in His Love and Mercy - Jew and Gentile. The choice remains ours, as individuals - but He would that no one would perish: He alone will Judge.

If we could only grasp how broad and deep and wide His love is and realize that the true enemy we face delights in chaos and division and murder and mayhem...well, if only!

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Interesting that Adams foreign influence is Turkey when Turkey is not behaving properly according to TPTB.

(All the nuclear talk...could this be doubling as a message about things that will take down countries?)

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