Aug 28·edited Aug 28Liked by Ashe in America

It just keeps getting better... summed up best by BB: "To me, they're signs of enemy panic, and patriot narrative control. Awakening accelerates. — Burning Bright"

Great work today in all your Takes.


God Wins!

God Bless!!!

BTW "Joe 'the coward' Lange" I think you need a booster chair at your Intellectual Kids Table... yawn...

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Aug 28Liked by Ashe in America

RFK Jr and now Tulsi Gabbard on board the Trump Train. While Trump had my vote regardless, the collective consciousness is irresistibly attracted to a higher level…there is something spiritual going on with Unity in spite of differences.


So far, I just don’t see Zelensky as “ours” either covertly or overtly. Peace will require a new election in Ukraine, from the earlier one that was postponed, and that will be interesting. I think Zelensky (with his many expensive houses he has purchased with our money during his war!) is trying to stay relevant for the lucrative kickbacks that will happen since BlackRock has been awarded the contract to “rebuild” Ukraine.

Looking forward to your Monday post, Ghost!

“Perhaps Ukraine is being used to launder US tax dollars to ISIS and other proxy militias operating around the world. It seems rather reckless, from an optics standpoint, but it's hard to dismiss the notion that all of this is connected.”

“Oh wait, here's an article from 2019 entitled, "How Ukraine became the unlikely home for Isis leaders escaping the caliphate." — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry

Love your takes, Ghost!

Thank you, Badlands Media…I stay informed without becoming hopelessly inundated 🙏❤️

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There is something spiritual going on for sure. :) xo

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Good one Feather. I love reading the articles that Ghost writes. He is brilliant as are all of Badland contributors

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Hmm…if Blackrock survives the exposure of the core evil…the children.🤔

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Is Zuckerfuck trying to cover his ass or get ahead of things before the storm is upon him???

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He’s still very much in the election stealing business.

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Both probably

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I think he's covering his ass for sure!

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Good question!😊

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Is he covering his butt or is he figuring out what actually works and what fails? I think there is no doubt that he was a liberal when he agreed to let his enormous business corrupt our communications to the benefit of the Democrats in charge. But, he has also seen how that decision has evolved ever since.

Isn’t this how we all learn? We screw up by touching a stove’s hot burner and get burned. Ah ha! Let’s not do that again.

Just maybe he is trying to let us know he has figured out how messed up he was in 2020 and 2021. We will soon see how well he has learned his lessons. Time is not on his side because he doesn’t get another oops!

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I wish some fully functioning member of Congress had asked him "Are you aware that you've committed treason by interfering with the election like that and could face life in jail or worse?"

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28Liked by Ashe in America

Coming from deep Blue territory where I live, many patriots and certainly those who consider themselves conservative may not realize just how huge the DiAngelo plagiarism story is for Liberals, especially Liberal women. As Ashe mentioned, that book in particular (White Fragility) was a book that took liberal culture by storm in 2020, and was held up as a sort of Holy Grail, or Bible even, of the virtue-signaling Left. My local food co-op was even pressuring it's members AND customers to read it.

I am going to focus on Liberal women here because they are a very large voting bloc that we need to wake up. Do not underestimate the insecurity and fear these women feel inside. I don't know if it's always bad childhoods + college indoctrination + abusive relationships with men, but they are deeply afraid of other people, especially men. In reality they feel powerless inside. What Marxism (and subsequent DEI) did for them was give them solidarity and a public voice they didn't previously have - one that was echoed across the media. They felt justified, righteous, and on ThE rIGhT siDe oF HIstoRy. Everything and everyone around them told them they were right, and that this was the way to security and safety.

Feminism itself was only ever partly codified, and never led to a sense of security by itself. It was always being psychologically kept in the realm of a "battle" in the minds of the people. The "war between the sexes" and other such trite media concoctions. It is important to understand that there were, and still are, very important truths that underly Feminism, which is why the lies piled on top work so well. (Remember this is a hallmark of cabal propaganda: use a truth as a scaffold to build more and more lies onto.)

Another example of this is labor unions: the truth is that women, and workers ARE exploited when there is no protection for them. Women in general do get abused, and raped, and saddled with unpaid work. Our Liberal women voters DO have very real concerns regarding safety and freedom over their lives that need to be addressed if they are ever going to follow a new leader. Blaming them for their own indoctrination, or bullying or demeaning them, calling them whores or Karens, is only going to separate us further - all it does is reinforce their fear. All it does is prove to them that nobody gives a damn about their very real problems. I see this a lot in the patriot community: raining down shame and religious judgement upon Liberal women, saying it's their own fault that men are fracturing their skulls in sports. See the problem?

The psyop now being played by the white hats is very subtle, and needs to be. We should be helping with this, not hindering it. If anyone should know what the cabal is doing to women and children, it is us. In many ways, Liberal women are psychologically and emotionally expressing, perhaps unconsciously, what WE know for a fact: there are horrors being committed upon women and children in this world.

This summer there was a noticeable shift in Trump's tone and words at his rallies and interviews that I don't think many conservatives have clocked yet: more and more he has been quietly emphasizing safety, and security. He repeats it over and over now: I will keep you safe. I want you to make your own choices. I will round up the criminals. I will stop the wars. I will make sure you are financially secure. This is IMPORTANT, omg, to those Liberal women - it goes deep into the psychology of all women in fact. We liberty-minded folks with guns might have forgotten what it's like to feel so vulnerable.

Going back to the widely-acclaimed book, for the Liberals who fell for it, finding out that someone LIED to them about the very heart center of their sense of safety... well that's a master stroke, isn't it. Makes me wonder exactly who put a spotlight on that book in the first place. :)

(In a side note, I suggested to my Co-op's little "book club" to try reading White Guilt, by Shelby Steele, who is an actual Black author. The book is the polar opposite to White Fragility. I laughed to myself as the woman at the counter nodded enthusiastically, thinking she had found another Epistle to discuss with her friends. I hope they bought several copies LOL.)

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Thank you so much for this. You’re spot on. 🔥

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You touched on one subject that has always confused me. That is the need for unions. They are a perfect example of what fuels Democrats…division.

The key to a union’s success is keeping management and the employees separated from each other. Years ago management treated employees poorly and the unions offered power through organized rebellion. That became a model for the Democrat Party’s play book.

Interestingly, with marriage they are trying to destroy the Union of man and woman by creating division by sex. They know how to play the division game both ways and we seem to fall for it willingly. They have to put themselves into the middle in order to divide.

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Yes, our penchant for tribalism has exploited in every way by [them] for centuries. There would be no need for any unions, or laws, or regulations, or "ism" awareness if we humans recognized our own power to love and care for each other and our children. If we protected each other from hurt, if the stronger did not prey on the weak, if we stopped using competition and games to seek power, if we stopped the cycle of abuse-which-leads-to-more-abuse.

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Your remarks are awesome, Sarah. Thank you for posting

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Thank you too, Floridafan!

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The original unions were needed to protect workers in the earlier stages of the Industrial Revolution. However, once safety standards were achieved, their leaders changed their tactics and convinced workers unions were still needed. They incorporated the crime family model at that point to keep their (surprise, surprise) power.😡

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You’ve addressed our weakness. We do tend to ridicule the liberal woman and we are at the point where we need to stop. We must provide facts and refute lies, but that can be done without sarcasm and ridicule. I hadn’t thought about this until your article, and I am not around many liberals, however, we will need to live with these people and they will need our help to cope with (to them) the unthinkable. Many of us have not had a fearful life. I have a family member who has been afraid her entire life…she’s getting stronger and I am more patient. It’s time to prepare for the stage to help, (maybe excepting the media) not judge individuals for fears. Thank you for pointing out what should have been obvious to us. God bless you, Sarah.🙏

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You are very kind ALtab, thank you for your remarks too. I appreciate your ope-mindedness very much. And as much as I was furious at these women for how they behaved during Covid, I realize now that also was their fear talking. The blame needs to go where it belongs: on the demons who have been exploiting that fear, creating the division between us all in the first place. After all, Liberals just believed different lies than Conservatives did. We all fell for it for most of our lives, and many in our community are still locked into the Red/Blue mentality just as badly as any East Coast Liberal is. Thank you. 🙏🏻

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Wow!! 👏 👏This is an Excellent and deeply insightful comment, Sarah 🙏💖 Love your Mind and Spirit and Heart. Thank you! 🙏💫

xoxo. Spirit Hug, my friend!

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Hey thanks Feather ❤️🐓

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I may have to take a break from the News Brief because I am getting tired of WINNING. 😭

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To me, the biggest sign of winning occurred when Trump placed that wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier on the anniversary of the Afghanistan debacle. That was huge!

That job has always been done by the President or on rare occasions by a high level administration official. Trump isn’t even supposed to be in active government employ! Isn’t that interesting?

What does this one act tell us? I say it says we are in control.

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Devolution, baby. They just don't have to hide it anymore.

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I agree! Trump is poking the left in the eye and flaunting his power. It goes right over the heads of citizens who are not paying attention. The wreath placement was well documented and replayed often, but no one bothered to explain how very odd the whole scene was in reality.

I find these events to be extremely entertaining. Much better than any Seinfeld episode, for sure. The Trump movie is a show about something, but the average audience sees nothing.

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Yup. Hidden in plain sight.

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I see the writing on the wall. Kamala is going to keep stealing Trumps ideas, but the beauty is people with TDS will start to think MAGA without realizing it! The plan is brilliant. As for Kim Jong Un... did anyone see that movie with Seth Rogen and James Franco? Pretty hilarious and that's where my opinion of N. Korea began to shift. For me, knowing the truth and the plan feels like a secret club that only the brave belong to. Because it takes courage to stand for truth in today's societal climate. I'm proud to be as awake as I am, mingling with amazing patriots!

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That is so good you saw that in this mess going on! Bring it on kacklin' LOL

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The Lankford bill allows for the “legal” admission of up to 5000 aliens per day, and has no teeth for enforcing that limit. It basically institutionalizes what is already happening. That is why Kamala supports it. Wall or no wall.

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Lankford is definitely a RINO and maybe worse.

God will take care of him

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Loved the GBPH section on Un and you are right about the suits as far as I can tell!

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I'm wondering if anyone here has heard of a guy named Peter Theil?

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What is your obsession with Vance? Honestly?

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I didn't say anything about Vance.

I asked about Peter Theil.

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He’s a disrupter! Just look up anyone he mentions.

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What can you tell me about Peter Theil?

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Nothing. Who is he? However, I have heard of Peter Thiel.

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Creator of Pay Pal. What he's involved in now I'm not sure. He spoke at the RNC Convention in 2016 and he and Trump have drifted in different directions.

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Excellent! On the right track for sure.

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You don't know anything about him? That's odd.

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He’s a billionaire who founded PayPal, first private investor in FB…. Apparently his support of Vance got him to where he is…. So….

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Getting hotter

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Speaking of Kamala and her platform of “joy”

“Guess who else had a propaganda campaign of joy? Adolf Hitler”

“the Nazis’ famous “strength through joy” programs in the 1930s”


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That was the new thing I leaned today!! Thanks, Feather!🕊️❤️🇺🇸🙏

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Oh goodness Feather IF ONLY I was as smart as you

Thank you

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Plus, Zuckerberg is pretending to contrite because Trump is coming to town.

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Who believes Zuckerberg????? 😏

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Understand that Kamala’s ‘wall’ means nothing without Executive order to ‘Stay in Mexico’. Such theater.

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