Feb 5·edited Feb 5Liked by Simon Esler

Aaaahhhh Monday morning and a fresh start with all these Takes. Really gets my week going!!!

They think PANIC BB and it get’s louder every day… Glorious!!!

Fani… what an Ass!!!

Love the Take on propaganda being localized. It is hilarious that the DS Rat Bastards think they still control the narrative and We the People still believe any of the bullshit they spew. BTW Simon I understand you are up in the Great White North, Welcome to Badlands!!!

I think the MBS story will be a HUGE Rug Pull on Pedo Sleepy Joe and whoever else is dumb enough from his “team” to attach their name to this narrative.

MI like CO is totally broken politically and the whole Uniparty toilet needs to be flushed.

Finally, Simon the issue I take with Danielle Smith’s position on transgender bullshit is that that she starts with the DS Rat Bastards position and defends out. This is nothing more than controlled opposition. Where you ended your Take was way more appropriate. I would go even further. The mutilation of the body is wrong and forcing children to think any of this “normal” or “healthy” is not just absurd but it is criminal. I believe We the People are the news now and we all need to share the Truth everywhere we can.

BTW there are only 2 genders and your pronouns don't mean shit to me, learn proper English.

Thanks for all your excellent work.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Feb 5·edited Feb 5Liked by Simon Esler

Great lineup today…LOVE Badlanders!!

“ What do you think [they] see when they look?” — Burning Bright

[They] are seeing the most formidable enemy they never imagined. The Great Awakening is global!! 🙏❤️

Very relevant observation, Simon:

“Tucker Carlson is up to merging American awareness with Canadian awareness, and now moving on to Russia”

The entire global population knows (or is waking up quickly) that this is a spiritual war and I suspect nothing freaks out the evil global cabal more than that their evil intentions are no longer invisible to the vast majority of humanity.

For weeks I’ve been hoping Tucker would do an interview with Putin…I imagine it has crossed most of our minds. Timing is everything❤️🙏🤞

The “Fani Theater” is entertaining…and educational to the “slow blinking” (BB) normies. Just what kind of Justice system do we really want!?!

Peace in the Middle East….Deja Vu 🕊

The Truth of Election Fraud is gaining ground ❤️🇺🇸

And Thanks Simon for your take on the “narrative warfare to observe the principle of incongruence in action between the parental rights movement and the trans rights movement.” 👍

And it’s only Monday 😊❤️🇺🇸🕊🌎

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Tucker/Putin -- this is one, where the timing actually must be exactly right. It MUST happen at the point where the American (/Canadian/British...) public is growing weary of a war that is becoming increasingly seen as unwinnable from [their] position, which they have been pushing with the MSM. While the public is tiring of pouring cash into a rat-hole, where only the rats (and I am not talking here about Russians) benefit. Where it is clear that the Ukrainian side is collapsing from the top down.

A while back I predicted Zelenskyy would be gone be Christmas. While he still is nominally in power, I'd say it no longer matters. He cannot do anything to change the outcome at this point. Worse, nobody even seems to care anymore.

It is good to see the public becoming war-weary -- the surest path to the downfall of Forever Wars.

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The the mystery surrounding “why is Tucker in Moscow??”….all the msm “news” headlines are definitely spreading it far and wide - intentionally ? I doubt it!


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[They] are probably trying to front-run it... to get ahead of the story before the truth comes out. You know, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA!!! PUTIN MAN BAD!!

This will be 'dasting' (a new word I learned from BB) for [them].

('dasting' -- shorthand for devastating)

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I just read it before catching Erik’s awesome substack!

Thanks, Bill ❤️🇺🇸🍿

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I just finished Erik's piece a moment ago -- something amazing is happening this week. All of these folks are coming up with things that qualify in the 'magnum opus' category -- a great work, perhaps their best ever. Elizabeth Nickson Monday, Burning Bright yesterday, and now Erik Carlson today. Synchronicity, or a coordinated Plan under the guidance of Someone who is truly in charge of it all?

As I have often said, I do not believe in coincidences. Burning Bright likes to say 'if you can use the discernment to see' or something along that line. And something is happening -- which reveals the existence of a Great Plan, in turn confirming the involvement of a Great Planner.

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Maybe it’s the Hundredth Monkey Principle…when a certain number of the world’s population reaches a new level of insight, it suddenly becomes easier for everybody else to get it

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Feb 5Liked by Simon Esler

“Propaganda is a relatively local phenomenon. Great article Simon, answers so many questions!

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Concerning Michigan voter fraud, I would say, “It’s about time.”

It was absolutely clear that fraud was involved within a day of the fraud occurring. It was widely publicized that a spike in vote count happened at about 4 AM of 300,000 plus votes for Biden and almost zero for Trump.

I thought at the time that the election fraud was proven and would soon be exposed. But, it was just covered up even though that graph showing the spike keeps showing up. The problem is the bad guys have never explained how the spike can be reconciled. The white van with Indiana license plates showed up around 2 AM and unknown boxes rolled into the center, then the spike occurred several hours later. But, the vote counting had stopped much earlier. So, why has none of this ever been explained?

What makes all of this so very suspicious is what President Trump had said around midnight. He said he was winning in the swing states and would prevail unless some funny business occurred at four in the morning. Then, funny business occurred in Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia! The funny business in Arizona and Pennsylvania was done in slow motion, but the results were the same…a stolen election.

The real question is, “Why is this still not known to the population?” How can I believe something because the proof is very clear and the rest of the majority is not aware? This is very frustrating to someone who cares about our future. Michigan and Wisconsin both have graphs showing the four o’clock pops that skewed the vote enough to guarantee a Biden victory. But neither spike has ever been explained rationally. Why? How? Three and a half years later I am still waiting. January 6th was supposed to be the day this was to be exposed, but look what happened to stop the truth. Why would Trump want to stop this? Do you see the problem for the cheaters? This cover-up is getting ridiculous the longer it is allowed to progress. But, who will stop it? Or, will the cheating just go on?

Jim Schout

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I believe the “cover up” is being exposed. Close to 80 million people know that 2020 was stolen. It isn’t just their (the Dems) cheating that is being exposed, it’s exposing the underlying level of corruption in their thinking. Rush Limbaugh phrased it this way:

“They’re tired of people they don’t respect having a say-so in whether they win or lose….That’s what bugs ’em. They don’t think they should have to run. They don’t believe they need to subject themselves to the opinion of a bunch of people they don’t respect (aka we the people of the U.S.)

The DeepState rot favors “the communist model of having an election where the results don’t matter.”

The new election interference is corrupting our laws with ridiculous trials and attempting to get Trump removed from ballots…and it isn’t working

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I agree with you. But my question is about why this takes over three years to sort out. This is not rocket science. The graph of vote count versus time shows precisely what happened and when it happened in Michigan as well as Wisconsin.

I can show this to a hundred people and all hundred see it and agree it shows something super suspicious. The math proves the case and it is irrefutable. So, how are we here still watching a fraudulent man screw up our country? I am simply stunned to be witnessing this travesty when proving the truth is so easy.

My wife tells me the problem is most Americans can not understand a graph! Can she be right? That alone proves how messed up our education system has become. I do not want to believe that can be correct, but there has to be a rational explanation for why we are still in this ridiculous situation.

Jim Schout

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Your wife may have a point.. I do think the slow-rolling of the election fraud truth has a lot to do with exposure during the next federal election cycle (2024). The democrats have to see this, too. Time will tell, though. God bless.

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It takes over three years because [they] do not want people to know about it. They will lie straight to your face, bald-faced lies so easily disproven, because they can. Because nobody with any authority stops them -- yet.

The most secure election in the Nation's history. That is what Mockingbird HQ tells them all to say. And they dutifully say it, and repeat it again; and they will, until someone stops them.

The bottom line is that all [they] care about is power, not truth. Especially when the truth would cost them power. So they lie, and hide. Eventually it will come out; by then, they hope the issue is moot.

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People in general don’t really like graphs (imo) and don’t pay attention to the message…add that to the mainstream media being all in on the coverup for at least 2+ years before the alternative media started really competing on near equal footing, countering the misinformation and outright lies. It drove me crazy for the first 6 months after the stolen election! I get how you feel. But gradually I did settle into the value of the Exposure part of The Plan that has been going on and which is accelerating lately. It hasn’t just been about [them] stealing the election. It’s about an overwhelming exposure of how deep the communist invasion of our country has been - really for decades. The people needed to see it. The balance of awareness (vs the propaganda and lies) has definitely shifted.

Keep the faith, Jim. We are winning! I look forward to the time when the msm will be held to account and I believe they will be.

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Hey Feather, I like graphs! I LOVE graphs -- but then, I am a conehead. 😉

Thing is, even non-techies can see what has been named the 'F-curve' in those graphs. Thinking even a bit about it reveals what is happening.

I think what people really don't like is having to think about things. That is changing though, as people awaken to all of the lying and doublespeak they've been subjected to.

And yes, this really all is about Exposure, and then Disclosure. It is happening faster than the Normies can consume it though, which means they will be in for a rough ride, once they no longer can ignore 'the little man behind the curtain.'

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I love me some graphs... I'm a math nerd though 😀

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Yes, WildBill, I am sure you like graphs😉 and when the msm is exposed for not putting them up on the screen or in their articles…when people realize the information was intentionally kept from them, they will pay more attention. Many of those election graphs will shock!

I will admit that I always take a pausing glance at graphs but then read the text interpretation - so many graphs about covid and the jabs!!

Thanks for the chuckle…I thought of you when I wrote it…you have never been in the normie category, I suspect in your whole life 😊

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The pain will continue until the MSM is turned off. Project MO kingbird is real.

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Except for the first time in decades, they have competition on a scale never achieved before 😊

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People must turn off MSM.

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I haven’t listened since the day after the 2020 election. A week later we cancelled directv.

It really started during Trump’s campaign before the 2016 election…the people who were lied to about Trump and emotionally hated him just never escaped the cult!

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Fake prez JRB hasn't got a clue about any of this. He does what his handlers tell him to do, like a monkey in a circus would. We can't continue to allow this. He needs to be removed ASAP. Cackles won't be much help, but at this point anything is worth trying.

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Simon summarized the situation, “On the cognitive battlefield, entrenchments are narrative based.” Today’s brief surely reflects this.

Fani’s done, no matter what she attempts. How much will the soon-to-be ex-wife reveal? Likely depends upon how much she’s offered…. This case is tarnished beyond repair. Chutkan’s delay is also interesting and I suspect there is concern for ‘exposure’ on the prosecution side, especially since they have had to backtrack from the March date. Hmm….they were really counting on the impact on Trump, too.😀

Tucker in Russia is very interesting! If he interviews Putin, how much of the dirt on the D.C. fascists will be revealed? How many will watch? What’s the chance of a ‘cyber’ attack? Saudi Arabia’s exposure of the ineptitude of this administration doesn’t surprise anyone. I wonder if Saudi Arabia is setting a trap?

Alberta’s premier on parent vs government. As Simon mentioned, “How carefully is she treading in Canada’s Overton Window? Is she avoiding an opportunity to redefine it?

Simon just destroyed the ‘science’ behind the plandemic response.🤣.

Budget scam must be rendered dead on arrival! ENFORCE the existing laws

What is Michigan covering up… or, more telling, who are they protecting? We need to remember that cheating on elections is an act of treason.

Hmm…Obama’s (has and) is letting Biden divert from the 16 year plan? Interesting.

Who REALLY is in control of all the ‘bases’ across the Middle East and Africa? There’s a long history of CIA-DOD-corporate partnerships. Fascism, anyone?

We must remember to daily pray for all those in the public eye who are revealing truth.🙏🙏

God bless BB, Ashe and Simon for their dedication to the truth!🙏

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No way is Obama letting Biden divert from the 16 yr plan. So how desperate is the DeepState really feeling right now?

Husband and I caved in and signed up to Netflix for a month so we could watch the Obama apocalyptic movie and see what cabal messages were contained therein. Lots!

Here’s an article that goes thru the cabal symbolism:


I wonder what percentage of the viewers were awake vs woke?

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We watched the move, but with a huge dose of “we are going to be lectured” skepticism because we knew the Obama’s were involved. My opinion (but from my awakened perspective) was it was a huge dud! Boring and quite worthy of the puppets!

I smell a whole lot of panic in the Manchurian puppet’s household

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I missed some of the cabal symbolism when I watched it…the vigilantcitizen article really filled in what I missed. It was boring…some entertaining moments, but weird - maybe you need to have a woke mind to like it?!!

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As the Great Awakening circles back to Alberta its my pleasure to report that 78% of us polled agreed with Smith Gov new policy and then the communists held rallies and spoke and now its 95% 😉

The more these psychopaths speak the more humanity awakens. 🙏❤️

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‘This is why we don’t quit before the magic happens.’ Lol. I love it. Thank you once again, AiA!

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Fani Willis can’t blame her corrupt actions on race, the number of white corruptionist out-number her. Give them access to money, no matter the race, and they will go for it, thinking they are protected because they were elected, they are special and privileged, (by cheat or by actual real votes). Fani is guilty of playing the system…just got caught, as many more will, race makes no difference! It’s all gonna come out in the “wash”, their days are numbered!

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“All this is to say that this is what Tucker Carlson is up to merging American awareness with Canadian awareness, and now moving on to Russia. Even though our enemy is running a globalist operation, they rely on curated psychological ecosystems that cannot withstand the free thought that is cultivated when non-local awareness is injected into these delicate, localized cognitive biomes.”

All of this is to say I am no further ahead. The point of a public pulpit is clear communication, not the author’s ability to be a wordsmith.

Sorry, help is needed here.

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"Tucker is showing the world what is going on, and when people find out that Putin is not the enemy [they] have been telling everyone he is, their psy-ops will fail."

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Yes, and I don't even think that he's the threat her used to be. I trust him now, no more 'that's classified,' I sort of retired after 49 years. If they still need me I'll go back, but for pay this time, unlike before.

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Referring to Michigan, can anyone say Pravda?

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Why did neocons freak out? Putin really didn't say that much. I loved what he did say.

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