Thanks for today's Takes.

I think Elon's take of "Go Fukk Yourself" is the purest distillation of my view toward all the DS Rat Bastards. ComfyAF :-))

God Wins!

God Bless

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That was awesome!!!

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There comes a time in all fights when the gloves come off. Elon just had his moment 🤣

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And in addition it displays the attitude that We the People need to take regarding all the DS Rat Bastards. Their bullshit no longer has any impact on me.

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Henry Kissinger in an address to the Bilderberg meeting at Evian, France, May 21, 1992

“Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil.

The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.”

My very first thought when I heard the news earlier this morning: Good Riddance

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Feather: where is our Trumpist d’Lafayette?

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I recall something about a nasty divorce from his psychotic wife, and he was going to have to move to a new place. That was a few weeks ago, and very likely has something to do with his recent silence.

I expect we will hear from him soon, once he's settled and has internet service back.

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Hopefully the psychotic wife didnt off him? 😂 just kidding of course.

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Oh no! Bless his heart.

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Have been wondering the same! I sent a message through her substack notes many days ago…will do it again ❤️🙏🇺🇸🇫🇷

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Good! I thought you communicated somehow. I pray all is well.

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Just through the last post on Trumpist’s Notes…few weeks ago now.

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The Bilderberg Bugger…in the British use of the word, ahem, cough cough…

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With one less "bugger" gone we can all breath easier!

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I was singing spirited rounds of Ding Dong the Witch is Dead this morning when I saw the news about Kissinger. So much nicer than the "from the river to the sea" chants in Rockefeller Center last night.

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I think all of us who lived through that era can only say "WTH took so long"? The old adage that says "only the good die young" is appropriate in this case!! Good riddance!

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This Jack Smith ploy to go after not only Trump but his 87 million followers is so unconstitutional, it reeks!! My fist thought, like BB was what the hell have these people done that we DON'T know about to be that scared? I've seen people on X say that if Trump doesn't win in 2024, Smith will round up all of us who are Trump supporters and put us in the gulag. Well, he will be going up against the next to the biggest army next to our military with all the pro gun crowd, there defiantly would be a civil war! I cannot wait until this guy ends up with so much egg on his face and I hope Trump sues him for every dime he has! So sick of this guy and his ilk!!

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We outnumber the military about 50 to 1. For perspective. If 3 per cent are willing and able, we will still outnumber them.

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I would hope that 3% will be at the ready to take back our country if it comes to that. We've lost more than that in wars we didn't belong in!

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10% was the number of Colonists that beat the British in the Revolutionary War.

I suspect that more than 75% of current US Military are itching to take our country back. It won't be much longer!

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Agreed. Most of them will be on our side, not [theirs]. Especially the reserves and guardsmen, who served active duty before all this woke BS got going.

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Really? Only 10%? 🤔 🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Actually 3. 3percent and they were against the strongest military on earth and half of their own people. Not sure where that other person got 10.

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That’s a great stat. Especially since Oblama’s ‘new army, not of police but a social army…’ is now inside. Remember when he said that? It’s here. Ready to vote…

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The army of Gideon is getting down to real people banging on pots…our own arms as America’s are being given away by agenda but our Captain is coming as Judge and Ruler. What a war is coming, indeed.

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Miriamnae, have you seen the work of Anonfamous? He has a lot of historical analysis of Biblical times dating back to 'before the flood' -- interesting stuff -- I would be interested in your take of his work. This is his most recent (an analysis of Revelation):


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Thank you, WB!!

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No, but I’m excited for the link. Thank you and I’ll dig in. I love the study.

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As far a HK finally kicking the bucket: ty, God. What took you so long? And how long will you allow us to be battered by the

Likes of soros, biden, pelosi, et al.

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‘A little while…’ Daniel was told.

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Today's brief was full of gold nuggets! Trumps legal stuff is so far over the top, it's almost unbelievable, and makes me love him more that he's willing to subject himself to it. He's winning, which doesn't surprise US, but it's boringly endless that so much energy, money, time is wasted on trying to stop him.

Kissinger dying is well...whoopdy do. An evil Luciferian bit the dust... no love lost to that POS, but he did give me some of his own truth to share in my fb story about depopulation through vaccines, so there is that. He's America's Klaus Schwab.

Gotta love Elon Musk!! He's my hero, even though his electric cars are a joke.

Thanks for keeping me informed day in and day out! Grateful for you guys!👍

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His cars are actually pretty cool, as far as EVs go. They are more a toy for the well-to-do today than real, practical transportation. But they can be fun to drive, or so I'm told; and I will believe that given what I know as an engineer about the power/torque of electric motors vs. IC engines.

(disclosure: my day to day transport is a 2001 Subaru Forester -- it earned far more in IRS business mile rebates than it has cost all-in since day one. Over 400k km on it so far, and still kicking)

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My friend bought a Tesla and loved it at first. But a trip from Ohio to Florida had him saying he'll never buy another. The charge DOESN'T last and he spent a day longer getting there.

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Yes, that is why I think they are more of a toy (like a motorboat or Harley) than serious transportation. They (EVs) can be practical for daily commuting for some.

The 'sweet spot' for vehicles today, as evidenced by sales demand and opinion surveys, is hybrid vehicles. You can still fill the tank in five minutes, and you have a pretty good idea of how far you will get before you have to refuel, but they are approximately twice as fuel efficient as a standard IC-powered vehicle. Plus you get pretty decent low-speed acceleration and the advantages of regenerative braking.

But they are not 'green enough' for our Masters...

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Henry Kissinger — ‘Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.’

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‘Unnecessary eaters…’

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Henry Kissinger is DEAD ---- This is the best news I think I heard in a LONG time. One less of the Philanthopath Pedophile / New World Order Parasites. I'm going to celebrate this. The World just got a tiny bit more Free.

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Normie Layers of the Collective Mind....boom. Well written BB. The world is better with one less infamous...person?

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What a great day for humanity

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Great news on Disney and Black Friday, the boycotts have been working, keep it up!!

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Black Friday wasn't very black. I'd say people aren't shopping which is the same as a boycott in my book!!

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It's not a boycott when online sales are up a higher percentage than the drop in at store sales. It's a trade off.

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I bought two small appliances, one replaced the hand mixer that broke Thanksgiving day, it was 25 years old. A new Food saver to seal food for the freezer was the other, at a good discount. BTW PEOPLE HATE SELF CHECK OUTS. Walmart Shoppers Threaten Boycott Over Self-Checkout Policy https://bestlifeonline.com/walmart-self-checkout-receipt-policy-boycott-news/

And the fuss over a painted Native American at a KC game has backfired on the haters. HE'S A NATIVE AMERICAN. Major Plot Twist in Story of Kid Accused of Wearing 'Black Face' at a Chiefs Game

“UPDATE: During Sundays broadcast Holden Armenta from California a Native that belongs to the Chumash Tribe. His Grandfather is on the Chumash Tribe board up in Santa Ynez. This is his family at Super Bowl LVII. Everyone is making a massive deal out of this and only trying to show one side of his face to push their narrative. Real Kansas City Chiefs Fans Salutes You Holden And Your Family,” the account added.


Another Massive Pet Food Recall Has Been Issued Nationwide—Here's What You Need to Know https://parade.com/food/tfp-nutrition-pet-food-nationwide-recall-november-2023

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Elon surely has expressed the patriots’ opinion of ALL related to the cabal’s system of systems! So, the fakes of AI and the huge surveillance of human populations is also bubbling up to eventually break through to the light and this is all a good thing!

ALL the court cases just serve as Trump’s campaign (as BB asserts) and as huge red pills of deep state hypocrisy; that’s a good thing, too!!

Woke Disney on the way down....wait until the world learns the real, and very multifaceted purpose, of that corporation. Hint: think all things bad for children.

Good thing Ireland is waking up to the surveillance.👍 Other EU countries are, too.

I lived through all of the public machinations of Nixon and Kissinger. Kissinger’s true purpose was very evil, yet the vast majority then considered him a world class statesman. He spoke and everyone listened. Nixon was likely assigned to Kissinger to handle for the global cabal. We went off the gold standard during his term and even as a child, I questioned the wisdom of that decision. The China breakthrough with Nixon was, of course, just another move on the chess board in order to open the far east for infiltration and control. Control was easier there due to the tyranny for decades. The world is better off without Kissinger I it, but I would have liked to see his tribunal.😠

Ash and BB: the mornings wouldn’t be the same without you both!! God bless you.🙏🙏

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Nixon called the moon from a landline, Mema said…

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I am coming around to your way of thinking … this shitshow has to be Panavision…

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…still chuckling as 2024 is going to be pretty crazy!

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There weren't any cellphones in 1969... the first trials of the system that would go on to take over the whole world were in the early 1980s and the world's first commercially-available cellular radio, the Motorola Dyna-Tac, was introduced in 1983. That was the phone that looked a lot like a brick, and weighed almost as much 🙂


So whenever President Nixon called anyone, anywhere -- including by phone-patch to the Moon -- he would have used a landline. Other than a few radio-phones used by overwater aircraft and marine vessels, landlines were the only game in town until the 1980s.

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Okay, first, since Jackass Smith is reading this, FO Jackass, you traitorous POS.

Next, I have every reason to believe henry (POS) kissinger was totally connected to Daddy Bush, knew everything he was doing in Southeast Asia and South America, and was helping.

I hope he sits long in the Hellfire.

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Oh hell yes, he did. They were all in on it. Joe Lange's recent posts on Badlands have covered all of the dirty laundry, and the CIA was right in the middle of it all, GHW Bush a key CIA asset -- though he did not actually WORK for 'the Company' until he became its Director in 1976.

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Whoo-hoo! HK is dead! For a moment there I thought that blood sucking vampire would never go to the grave.

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Agree Joe, Elon “ GFY” my sentiments exactly to the DS.

God Wins!

God Bless.

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