Exactly. Meanwhile, I will probably have to continue to eat and drink products containing Red No. 3. I wonder if the hand which sprouted out of the top my head last year is going to grow an arm before the dye is completely eliminated from the food chain?
I've tried for years to educate people on the dangers of seed oils and HFCS/sugar overuse in our food. Its depressing how many parents shrug their shoulders and concede defeat.
Well the issue is also that is what is used in restaurants.
Maybe you should print out a little history of seed oils and just give it to them for leisure reading. How they were used in industrial settings and now made to cook with.
But then again the American Heart Assoc EXPERTS say there is nothing wrong with them so whatcha gonna do?
I have one prescription, and ibuprofen that have outside coating that are red. The red coat in added another step to the manufacturing process. No question that it was deliberate and also increased the cost of producing the drugs. I also purchased aspirin with an orange coating. This a deliberate attempt to add unneeded and risky additives to drugs
What exactly do you think would happen, with billions of pharma marketing and special interest money greasing gears, if he was openly against all vaccines?
How far would he get?
As far as me. Which is why I'm not being grilled and he is.
Truer words were never spoken BB: “Trump's signal flare is that it's not as it seems. – Burning Bright”
I believe that since Trump Won in 2016 he and his team have been dismantling the DS Rat Bastard’s false reality. I only really began to realize that over the past year or so, and now see the wisdom and need for the Pause Phase. Knowing this has allowed me to stay ComfyAF no matter what noise is echoing across the DS Rat Bastard MSM landscape. I have never been a consumer of Reality TV and this current round of confirmation hearings is nothing more that Reality TV and consequently I have had absolutely zero interest in watching any of it. However, Kash Patel is a Beast and something told me that I should tune into this event. I was not disappointed! This live commercial for Trump-A-Mania was hilarious as the Kash-N-Ator (sorry GBPH I may have over stepped my bounds by naming characters for you) character went Full Beast Mode😊It was a total beat down, the only thing missing was a body slam from the top of the turnbuckle!
GBPH whenever you put tickets on sale for Trump-A-Mania 1 please hold 2 front row seats for my wife and me… this show is LIT 🔥🔥🔥
Have a great weekend, I already can’t wait to see the Takes on Monday!
Agreed, though the word 'landscape' implies that there is some physical reality to it. I'd prefer something along the lines of 'soundstage' -- making it clear that this is all a show -- kayfabe -- and that we are wise to it.
Thanks Badlands for providing the coverage of the confirmation hearings - being informed has always been vital; your work makes it easier and often more entertaining!
I found some interesting connections with "QAnon" and some of those pardoned (though not necessarily imprisoned) "J6ers"...made me wonder how deep their plan went. In other words how many plants were coached to promote a "baseless conspiracy", were "charged", pled guilty, and then became fodder for the deep state's continuing efforts to gaslight?
Or worse, how many patriots are unfamiliar with the distinction that Q made and Paul Fleuret pointed out?
The Q plan was developed by individuals uniquely qualified and gifted by God. God is not in the habit of failure and those He prepared will not fail either. We must remember to broadcast our faith in Him and ensure we do not fail either.🙏🇺🇸
I have some heavy leftie friends and what they're sharing in their echo chambers right now are memes about 4 "J6ers" who've done bad things since being pardoned. One DUI with manslaughter, 1 killed by an officer, and 2 others. So, they continue to demonize people who were held for 4 years without legitimate charges.... it's gross but that's what they do.
Dont buy anything with this red dye. There is barely a food I eat anymore. I stick to the foods that are less poisonous. If it has dye or "natural Flavors" or any preservatives besides C, i don't buy or eat it. Lab grown meat, fumigated fruits/veggies. Even home grown is attacked through chem trails. Its hard to eat a meal that hasn't been contaminated, radiated or modified. We are poisoned every way to Sunday. Supermarket dedicates a small section on one isle to "HEALTH FOODS" and even those are suspect. Its no wonder health is so poor. Its people like Bernie and the rest of these LIARS in Government who have allowed this. Then they have the nerve to act like they care. If Bernie and the BOYS were not poisoning us day in/out we might be healthier. We need to get rid of them first!! They work for BIG PHARMA, not us.! Their BS is tiring.
[They] are trying to make hay while the sun still shines -- for tomorrow is another day, to quote the heroine of a blockbuster film. And [they] know their time is short. Just look at the antics on display in the Senate this week. [They] know. As Burning Bright says, 'you can learn a lot about scared things, by watching how they lie.'
Yesterday here, the grids turned red as it dispersed and spread, very weird. I wondered what exactly was in the solution. I heard something very interesting about cyanide poisoning symptoms being pneumonia, and pneumonia among the youth is extremely high in the last year and unheard of in this age group, so I wonder if cyanide is in this sky poison. Maybe in a favorite drink of the youth? I hope soon these planes are shot down because those pilots deserve the death penalty. If pneumonia strikes anyone, get a cyanide test.
Yet another comment is going to be added to my Quote Bank:
"Elections are fake, government is illegitimate, Congress and the Senate are retarded clown shows of corruption and compromise AND YET, everyone is groveling and fretting over their ‘votes’ to confirm the Fantasy Team nominees to positions in unconstitutional agencies that must be removed and disbanded."
Talking about the wheels coming off of the bus! Piers Morgan told Tucker Carlson that he was very sorry for helping to promote COVID 19 vaccinations. He says he was drastically misled by the pharmaceutical industry by accepting their research guarantees. Now he sees the liars for what they are.
So, one guy on the media bus has found an escape route. It involves laying blame on the political clown bus. Piers Morgan has exited the bus and the question is, “How quickly will others figure out a logical escape to save their careers?”
On the other political bus, Trump has constructed a brand new, beautiful bus stop to allow some deep staters to exit their bus. That was very kind of the president.
“When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
From Leo AI:
"This strategy is based on the understanding that if you make defeat and death inevitable, your enemy may choose to fight to the death rather than surrender. By providing an escape route, you can avoid such a desperate stand and instead weaken the enemy through attrition as they flee.
Examples from military history that support this claim include the Battle of Mohi in 1241, where the Mongols deliberately left an escape route for the Hungarian and Templar knights. The fleeing soldiers were easier to kill, and the Mongols took fewer casualties compared to a full encirclement. Another example is the story of Fu Yen-ch`ing, who, in 945 AD, used a sandstorm to create confusion and allow his outnumbered forces to break through to safety by not pressing the enemy too hard.
Sun Tzu's reasoning behind this tactic is to prevent the enemy from fighting with the courage of despair. By showing the enemy there is a way to retreat, you can avoid a last stand and potentially reduce your own casualties."
The only time I think this has failed to work was in WW-2 at the Battle of the Bulge. Our troops were totally surrounded at Bastogne and the commanding General commented, “We have Germans right where we want them!”
When the Germans offered a peaceful surrender, the answer was “Nuts!” No way were we giving up our position of being surrounded. So, a Golden Bridge is not necessarily going to help.
In today’s case, getting off of the bus is not going to necessarily save the bad guys. But, it may continue to allow them to stay alive longer. I have been watching Democrats buying time since November 2020. I bet they will do anything to buy more time to avoid doing time. Weasels know the game.
Yes, Jim, a golden bridge only works if the opposing commander is bright enough to take it. As for the dems, like any surrounded critter [they] will delay the inevitable as long as they can. They are losing and know it (the smarter ones have known it for some time; there may be a few who still think they're smart or clever enough to figure a way out -- Obama is likely in that category); it is only a matter of time and how much damage they can do on the way out. Misery loves company, after all.
Washington is putting on a super great clown show. These hearings are hilarious to watch.
The clowns are all stuffed inside of a bus with the wheels falling off. They cannot figure out how to stop the bus, nor how to keep the wheels from failing, nor how to get off without being exposed as evil doers.
I am reminded of what James Biden told Tony Bobulinski in explaining how the family got away with their corruption, “Plausible deniability.” All of the clowns on that bus have been using it to steal our tax dollars for decades, but Trump has made their stories implausible and their ability to deny has evaporated.
So, here is the hilarious part of this clown show. Their key to avoiding prison time rests on plausible deniability! They must somehow figure out how to deny their guilt using plausible admission of guilt. In other words, be able to claim ignorance. Of course being stupid doesn’t make them innocent, but it is a plausible excuse.
The media is caught in the same predicament. Their only excuse is also based on the admission of ignorance. They can sell out the clowns on the bus by just claiming the clowns lied to them…and the lying was actually the news!
So, the media are also crammed into a bus that is falling apart. And, it is on a collision course with the other clown bus. This is getting funnier by the day and we are able to watch it as it happens. Don’t you just love America? Where else could such foolishness exist and solve huge problems at the same time?
In the movies this is called a slow motion train wreck. Here we just substitute busses. It is still a slow motion wreck to entertain us.
—It was irritating and frustrating to see the mediocre players (s)elected to the senate. Kash, and each of the most feared nominees, remain calm, cool and collected. BB nailed my thought, “You're locked in here with me."
—91 year young Grassley will be one of the many heroes of this war….from ‘flyer over’ country. We make ‘em stronger.
—Jordan’s right, ‘dealing with the establishment propaganda matrix is a bitch.’ Yes, but they are oh-so-prepared!! Truth is easier to remember than the handler-directed lies!
—Chris, no groveling by patriots as we watch the illegitimate questioning the legitimate. It IS theater. 🎭
—It is a good thing that Africa nationalists appear to be gaining ground against the cabal and will eventually have control over their own countries!
—Everything happening everywhere at once clearly demonstrates the last four years have been very busy for the sovereign alliance!
—God bless the many patriots that seek truth to truth-hungry readers.🙏🙏
Senator Grassley is one of my few favorites! He takes absolutely zero B.S. and is a pretty honest guy compared to his brethren. And he's 91! I love reading his tweets. The way he abbreviates words makes me suspect he had a shorthand class or two in his youth. Gotta love it.
What amazes me is he always seems to be right in the middle of every catastrophe. He never caused it, but he is involved with solving it. I think it is called being in the right place at the right time. It is about being right.
i’m pretty sure he’s on the right team. i just hope he can hold out and provide support to finish…before he’s finished. its just math. when difi went, ahe went fast. 🤞
Why should it take until 2027 to get rid of the dye? Isn't it already outlawed in the UK? If they sell products there. Sheesh
Exactly. Meanwhile, I will probably have to continue to eat and drink products containing Red No. 3. I wonder if the hand which sprouted out of the top my head last year is going to grow an arm before the dye is completely eliminated from the food chain?
Agreed, but 2 years allows them to reformulate and sell the remainder of the poison for American children to eat.
Finger crossed parents, well everyone, stops buying that crap!!
I've tried for years to educate people on the dangers of seed oils and HFCS/sugar overuse in our food. Its depressing how many parents shrug their shoulders and concede defeat.
Well the issue is also that is what is used in restaurants.
Maybe you should print out a little history of seed oils and just give it to them for leisure reading. How they were used in industrial settings and now made to cook with.
But then again the American Heart Assoc EXPERTS say there is nothing wrong with them so whatcha gonna do?
Most parents don't actually believe it's a real issue. They think we're paranoid.
I have one prescription, and ibuprofen that have outside coating that are red. The red coat in added another step to the manufacturing process. No question that it was deliberate and also increased the cost of producing the drugs. I also purchased aspirin with an orange coating. This a deliberate attempt to add unneeded and risky additives to drugs
It will take until 2027 to make "clear" red dye or another poison to replace it.
That’s one of the reasons why RFK,Jr. is so supported by parents. He will not fail.
But he already stated during the first hearing that he's not opposed to all vaccines .... I find that beyond disturbing!
It isn't just abt dyes, fluoride, chemtrails, etc .....
What exactly do you think would happen, with billions of pharma marketing and special interest money greasing gears, if he was openly against all vaccines?
How far would he get?
As far as me. Which is why I'm not being grilled and he is.
Do you mean he should pull a bait and switch?
Truer words were never spoken BB: “Trump's signal flare is that it's not as it seems. – Burning Bright”
I believe that since Trump Won in 2016 he and his team have been dismantling the DS Rat Bastard’s false reality. I only really began to realize that over the past year or so, and now see the wisdom and need for the Pause Phase. Knowing this has allowed me to stay ComfyAF no matter what noise is echoing across the DS Rat Bastard MSM landscape. I have never been a consumer of Reality TV and this current round of confirmation hearings is nothing more that Reality TV and consequently I have had absolutely zero interest in watching any of it. However, Kash Patel is a Beast and something told me that I should tune into this event. I was not disappointed! This live commercial for Trump-A-Mania was hilarious as the Kash-N-Ator (sorry GBPH I may have over stepped my bounds by naming characters for you) character went Full Beast Mode😊It was a total beat down, the only thing missing was a body slam from the top of the turnbuckle!
GBPH whenever you put tickets on sale for Trump-A-Mania 1 please hold 2 front row seats for my wife and me… this show is LIT 🔥🔥🔥
Have a great weekend, I already can’t wait to see the Takes on Monday!
God Wins!
God Bless!!!
Great comment. I especially like the "DS Rat Bastard MSM landscape." Haha.
Agreed, though the word 'landscape' implies that there is some physical reality to it. I'd prefer something along the lines of 'soundstage' -- making it clear that this is all a show -- kayfabe -- and that we are wise to it.
Thanks Badlands for providing the coverage of the confirmation hearings - being informed has always been vital; your work makes it easier and often more entertaining!
I found some interesting connections with "QAnon" and some of those pardoned (though not necessarily imprisoned) "J6ers"...made me wonder how deep their plan went. In other words how many plants were coached to promote a "baseless conspiracy", were "charged", pled guilty, and then became fodder for the deep state's continuing efforts to gaslight?
Or worse, how many patriots are unfamiliar with the distinction that Q made and Paul Fleuret pointed out?
The Q plan was developed by individuals uniquely qualified and gifted by God. God is not in the habit of failure and those He prepared will not fail either. We must remember to broadcast our faith in Him and ensure we do not fail either.🙏🇺🇸
HEAR HEAR!! The fact that they even brought it up, made it pretty funny about QAnon. So they are afraid of QAnon but not a Al-Qaeda.
And they all know what the J6 was all about I can’t believe that they would even continue their smoke screen
I have some heavy leftie friends and what they're sharing in their echo chambers right now are memes about 4 "J6ers" who've done bad things since being pardoned. One DUI with manslaughter, 1 killed by an officer, and 2 others. So, they continue to demonize people who were held for 4 years without legitimate charges.... it's gross but that's what they do.
Truly, there are some very deep Trump hating going on and no comment or post will ever change them!
To awaken Normies
Dont buy anything with this red dye. There is barely a food I eat anymore. I stick to the foods that are less poisonous. If it has dye or "natural Flavors" or any preservatives besides C, i don't buy or eat it. Lab grown meat, fumigated fruits/veggies. Even home grown is attacked through chem trails. Its hard to eat a meal that hasn't been contaminated, radiated or modified. We are poisoned every way to Sunday. Supermarket dedicates a small section on one isle to "HEALTH FOODS" and even those are suspect. Its no wonder health is so poor. Its people like Bernie and the rest of these LIARS in Government who have allowed this. Then they have the nerve to act like they care. If Bernie and the BOYS were not poisoning us day in/out we might be healthier. We need to get rid of them first!! They work for BIG PHARMA, not us.! Their BS is tiring.
We had massive checkerboard patterned chem trails from early yesterday until late afternoon…most intense ever in this area.😡.
[They] are trying to make hay while the sun still shines -- for tomorrow is another day, to quote the heroine of a blockbuster film. And [they] know their time is short. Just look at the antics on display in the Senate this week. [They] know. As Burning Bright says, 'you can learn a lot about scared things, by watching how they lie.'
We did too Alltab it was the worst day ever in 17 years here!? What does this mean? We live way out in the middle of nowhere Oregon Washington.
Yesterday here, the grids turned red as it dispersed and spread, very weird. I wondered what exactly was in the solution. I heard something very interesting about cyanide poisoning symptoms being pneumonia, and pneumonia among the youth is extremely high in the last year and unheard of in this age group, so I wonder if cyanide is in this sky poison. Maybe in a favorite drink of the youth? I hope soon these planes are shot down because those pilots deserve the death penalty. If pneumonia strikes anyone, get a cyanide test.
Agreed shoot ‘em down would be a victory!!!!
I'm not sure we want to operate like that as a society. Total lawlessness. When would it stop??
After all planes poisoning our skies were stopped. It is just a thought.
Hopefully RFK Jr gets in and calls a 🛑 (stop) to it!! And soon
What we have is a totally lawless government abusing and killing innocent people. It has to stop.
Yet another comment is going to be added to my Quote Bank:
"Elections are fake, government is illegitimate, Congress and the Senate are retarded clown shows of corruption and compromise AND YET, everyone is groveling and fretting over their ‘votes’ to confirm the Fantasy Team nominees to positions in unconstitutional agencies that must be removed and disbanded."
Chris Paul is the King of "pithy". 😀
I heard abt the red dye and when a ban goes into effect a few days ago and wanted to scream.
They've known for decades that this is harmful!
If something is known to be harmful and its put into items we consume, STOP it immediately. No leeway, time to change processes, etcc .... NO!
They give them till 2027!!! WAT??
Thank you for touching on this. These agencies are tools. And not for our benefit
Look at Aspartame, it's 100x worse. Ever wonder why so many Diet drink brands are black or colorless??
Talking about the wheels coming off of the bus! Piers Morgan told Tucker Carlson that he was very sorry for helping to promote COVID 19 vaccinations. He says he was drastically misled by the pharmaceutical industry by accepting their research guarantees. Now he sees the liars for what they are.
So, one guy on the media bus has found an escape route. It involves laying blame on the political clown bus. Piers Morgan has exited the bus and the question is, “How quickly will others figure out a logical escape to save their careers?”
On the other political bus, Trump has constructed a brand new, beautiful bus stop to allow some deep staters to exit their bus. That was very kind of the president.
“When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
From Leo AI:
"This strategy is based on the understanding that if you make defeat and death inevitable, your enemy may choose to fight to the death rather than surrender. By providing an escape route, you can avoid such a desperate stand and instead weaken the enemy through attrition as they flee.
Examples from military history that support this claim include the Battle of Mohi in 1241, where the Mongols deliberately left an escape route for the Hungarian and Templar knights. The fleeing soldiers were easier to kill, and the Mongols took fewer casualties compared to a full encirclement. Another example is the story of Fu Yen-ch`ing, who, in 945 AD, used a sandstorm to create confusion and allow his outnumbered forces to break through to safety by not pressing the enemy too hard.
Sun Tzu's reasoning behind this tactic is to prevent the enemy from fighting with the courage of despair. By showing the enemy there is a way to retreat, you can avoid a last stand and potentially reduce your own casualties."
Trump does nothing without a greater purpose.
The only time I think this has failed to work was in WW-2 at the Battle of the Bulge. Our troops were totally surrounded at Bastogne and the commanding General commented, “We have Germans right where we want them!”
When the Germans offered a peaceful surrender, the answer was “Nuts!” No way were we giving up our position of being surrounded. So, a Golden Bridge is not necessarily going to help.
In today’s case, getting off of the bus is not going to necessarily save the bad guys. But, it may continue to allow them to stay alive longer. I have been watching Democrats buying time since November 2020. I bet they will do anything to buy more time to avoid doing time. Weasels know the game.
Yes, Jim, a golden bridge only works if the opposing commander is bright enough to take it. As for the dems, like any surrounded critter [they] will delay the inevitable as long as they can. They are losing and know it (the smarter ones have known it for some time; there may be a few who still think they're smart or clever enough to figure a way out -- Obama is likely in that category); it is only a matter of time and how much damage they can do on the way out. Misery loves company, after all.
Washington is putting on a super great clown show. These hearings are hilarious to watch.
The clowns are all stuffed inside of a bus with the wheels falling off. They cannot figure out how to stop the bus, nor how to keep the wheels from failing, nor how to get off without being exposed as evil doers.
I am reminded of what James Biden told Tony Bobulinski in explaining how the family got away with their corruption, “Plausible deniability.” All of the clowns on that bus have been using it to steal our tax dollars for decades, but Trump has made their stories implausible and their ability to deny has evaporated.
So, here is the hilarious part of this clown show. Their key to avoiding prison time rests on plausible deniability! They must somehow figure out how to deny their guilt using plausible admission of guilt. In other words, be able to claim ignorance. Of course being stupid doesn’t make them innocent, but it is a plausible excuse.
The media is caught in the same predicament. Their only excuse is also based on the admission of ignorance. They can sell out the clowns on the bus by just claiming the clowns lied to them…and the lying was actually the news!
So, the media are also crammed into a bus that is falling apart. And, it is on a collision course with the other clown bus. This is getting funnier by the day and we are able to watch it as it happens. Don’t you just love America? Where else could such foolishness exist and solve huge problems at the same time?
In the movies this is called a slow motion train wreck. Here we just substitute busses. It is still a slow motion wreck to entertain us.
In politics it is called a 'circular firing squad.'
Have you noticed Trump quickly constructed a bus stop to help the plausible excuse clowns to exit their bus. But, he has not built one for the media!
We know politicians lie, so admitting it is a no-brainer. But the press? They are supposed to be truth tellers. They really need a bus stop.
Anyway, this movie is getting more exciting daily.
Trump's a builder. He built one stop, I'm sure he can make another if needed 😎
—It was irritating and frustrating to see the mediocre players (s)elected to the senate. Kash, and each of the most feared nominees, remain calm, cool and collected. BB nailed my thought, “You're locked in here with me."
—91 year young Grassley will be one of the many heroes of this war….from ‘flyer over’ country. We make ‘em stronger.
—Jordan’s right, ‘dealing with the establishment propaganda matrix is a bitch.’ Yes, but they are oh-so-prepared!! Truth is easier to remember than the handler-directed lies!
—Chris, no groveling by patriots as we watch the illegitimate questioning the legitimate. It IS theater. 🎭
—It is a good thing that Africa nationalists appear to be gaining ground against the cabal and will eventually have control over their own countries!
—Everything happening everywhere at once clearly demonstrates the last four years have been very busy for the sovereign alliance!
—God bless the many patriots that seek truth to truth-hungry readers.🙏🙏
centralized control™️ 🤦♂️
I’m not a fan of anything ‘centralized’ but will see how this plays out….
Senator Grassley is one of my few favorites! He takes absolutely zero B.S. and is a pretty honest guy compared to his brethren. And he's 91! I love reading his tweets. The way he abbreviates words makes me suspect he had a shorthand class or two in his youth. Gotta love it.
What amazes me is he always seems to be right in the middle of every catastrophe. He never caused it, but he is involved with solving it. I think it is called being in the right place at the right time. It is about being right.
BMB... Shorter "Takes", More Filling... Takes Great! 👍
Thanks for such wide coverage of news. My eyes were fixed only on confirmation hearings.
Trust Grassley?
“…your future boss, mister bondi…” 🤦♂️
Yeah, I caught that too -- Grassley's age is showing, but apparently he's still on the right team.
i’m pretty sure he’s on the right team. i just hope he can hold out and provide support to finish…before he’s finished. its just math. when difi went, ahe went fast. 🤞
Florida GOV just banned LAB GROWN MEAT. Call your Governors today and tell them to do the same!
These A-Holes and their FEAR of Q-Anon, make me SMILE BIGLY!
There's a Q-Anon behind every blade of grass...
Sort of a strange last story this Tucker thing, but come on dude - you expect us to believe your denial over the weight of those allegations? Bruh.