Interesting how mainstream "journalists" are saying Tucker is not a journalist, but a propagandist. They actually use that word. They should know. THEY are, and have been, the propagandists for the global regime.

They are in a panic. The average American will see how they have been lied to for years.

Putin is not our enemy. He knows who our mutual enemy is, and that enemy resides in DC and Ukraine.

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‘They are in a panic’ ❤️🍿

I imagine a big part of that panic is wondering how they can spin and twist the content when Everyone has access to the actual interview!

So looking forward to Tucker’s interview with Putin…but also curious to watch how the propagandists will find a way to counter the truth which people across the globe will hear exactly as it is spoken.

What a corner to back them into 😊

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We should all split up the lame steam outlets and report back how each one spins it. Personally, I cannot do it but my husband gets a kick out of watching them occasionally. Of course the worst is NPR.

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My husband listens to Varney on Fox Business. I’ll listen in…. Varney does report some truths. Still has to follow a lot of mainstream ‘news’ as well as the talking points of the economy and the market. He has addressed that the economy status doesn’t include fuel, food or other day-to-day expenses ….

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I’m sure there are good ones left! Jesse Waters…now and then, Trump posts segments on TS. Probably Maria Bartiromo and Varney.

While Fox as fallen, it’s still better than cnn or msnbc. And it is helpful to take the pulse of msm reporting 👍❤️

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I’m (kinda) ashamed to admit I don’t even know what channels MSM are on…. It’s been 30+ years since I watched anything but Fox and 3-1/2 since quitting Fox, too.

😂. I see what others post and that’s more than enough.

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We watched only Fox since Trump came down the escalator. And then ditched directv with all the channels after the stolen election.

Exactly…relevant clips get posted exposing the absurdity of msm “news” by true conservative media and that’s all I see 👍😊❤️🇺🇸🕊📚

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I with you, I have no tolerance for watching, But I’ll catch the msm headlines and skim thru some of their articles…and I’m sure our Badlands warriors will report!

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I referred to this as kindergarten politics for a long time, not realizing it's still so effective against adults.

This is literally what siblings and kids do to each other. You perform an action (something bad) and you immediately blame your sibling or victim for doing the action you literally just did to them. This is covered in the Deep State Player's Handbook: A Practical Guide to Crystallizing Public Opinion.

Truly, I never understood how completely effective brainwashing is until Covid-19...

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My father always famously said, "They will take over without ever firing a shot." grateful for everyone on this platform and other outlets. Collectively we are making a difference.

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Exactly Gregory, great analogy.

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Plus the City of London and the Vatican….the other two sides of the triangle of totalitarianism. DC is the other side and we are seeing diminishing power of all 3 sides!

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The interview is going to air on TuckerCarlson.com and it is free to everyone. You can sign up for email notification as soon as the interview is posted

Word has it, tomorrow, the 8th ❤️

Even his video about the upcoming interview is most certainly freaking out the msm propaganda machine

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Thank you so much for that info. I am not on "Twix". This is going to be very interesting.

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You’re welcome Dave!

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After watching the movie "The Sum Of All Fear", I concluded that the Cabal has pushed this Russian bad narrative all my life. As a strong Christian I want humanity to unite as one race, and start following the commandment -"love thy neighbor as thyself ". So Tucker doing this interview and MSM losing their minds over it- IS HUGE AND PRICELESS!!😆👍

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It’s also because that Russia is the only credible one in this fake war by Obama/Obiden to hide all their corruption and the biolabs, plus all the billions embezzled from the American people that has gone to dirty politicians!!! That’s why they are freaking out! Remember when Obiden bragged about taking out the gas pipleline! It’s the Nazi regime they installed in Ukraine that is killing the Ukrainian people!

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Exactly Joni!

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No one should be fighting. It’s all done to the world on purpose. I’m not interested in war with anyone.

My father always said, “What if there was a war, and no one showed up?”

People always say, war will always exist…it’s a part of being a human being. I disagree…it’s quite the OPPOSITE! We are spiritual beings. War actually goes against what we are meant to be, in my humble opinion.

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I totally agree. How many people wake up in the morning and want to kill their neighbors over the fact that they didn't go to right church on Sunday?

I beleive we're taught these expressions so that the masses simply accept them as part of life. Taxes is the same thing. It's the brainwashing that predates media.

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You got it Gregory! I really see the bs now at 60. To be honest, as one becomes closer to death, and mortality, the bs doesn’t matter as much.

I would love to see my fellow human beings start understanding their own spiritual power. I know there are many people who do.

And, it’s not easy…that’s the way “they” like it!

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Omg...your dad sounds like me.

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When the world jumped on Putin after he went into Ukraine, I knew he wasn’t what we’d been told and that was followed by realizing the Russia bad wasn’t, either! Waking up is a good thing!

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We watched LA Confidential last night. The first time I saw it I thought, "Who's sick dream is this, not believable." it is so spot on to how long corruption has been plaguing us.

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https://www.poynter.org/commentary/2024/tucker-carlson-vladimir-putin-interview-russian-asset/ " So why is Putin agreeing to meet with someone such as Carlson instead of journalists such as Amanpour? Well, that appears obvious". Because Tucker will tell the whole truth and CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, etc. will not and Putin knows it!

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I can't be the only one who thought Gorka was crooked, can I?

Great edition, BLMedia!

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The last time I listened to Gorka was when I decided that that would be the last time I listened to Gorka; I just couldn’t stand it any more. I’m reminded of this word ‘bloviate’ that has popped up in some of the Substack writers’ work. It tickles me and I chuckle every time I see it, though I never looked it up to be sure of its exact meaning. So, I did just that this morning: ‘to discourse pompously or boastfully at length.’ I don’t know if it would be uncharitable to put ‘pompously’ on him, since I don’t know what he’s like off camera, but he certainly seems to relish the sound of his own voice and he certainly does carry on at length and loudly. I am surprised, though, that a man of his seeming intelligence would jump on the Russia All Bad wagon that comes out of the Create-a-Scapegoat program that enjoys such high popularity among cowardly leaders everywhere. Regardless of whatever his own flaws may be (welcome to the human race!), he continuously shows himself to be extremely perceptive and well-spoken. A single speech from him makes most of Western leadership look like the slow-blinking (thank you, Burning Bright!), cud chewing sycophants that they are, shamelessly bowing to their hidden Masters in full view of the public.

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🤣🤣love the ‘cud chewing sycophants’🤣

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‘Whatever his flaws may be’ and what follows is in reference to Putin, of course - not Gorka!

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…laughing with your words…highlight: “create-a-scapegoat program”…omg and amen.

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Never have been a fan of his, something about his flip-flopping!

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I do not think Gorka is crooked, I believe he is biased against the Soviets due to his past. He may have his eyes opened by Tucker’s work. The truth is what matters, whatever that turns out to be. You already know Putin is not going to be totally honest, but it will be a clearer twist on reality.

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I enjoy listening to Putin’s speeches.

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Just curious though, how do you "know" he won't be honest? Have you ever compared photographs of the old Putin to the new Putin and why his ex wife left him?

Question: How long has this movie been playing?

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I said “totally honest”. I doubt any politician is ever totally honest including Russian politicians. I could be wrong though.

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I wondered, but now it’s obvious.

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Notice that India and China are still using coal because they know it is superior to any GREEN energy, while the US falls off the cliff in stupidity because of liberals! The people who support the Green Energy hoax never bother to look into the real detrimental issues it presents to our environment which is far worse than oil and natural gas!

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The Green Energy Hoax has been taught in our schools for two generations. The whole premise is false and based on a refusal to learn physics, math, and logics. CO2 has never been a pollutant. It was invented when we found ways to eliminate ROX, SOX, and NOX. The EPA had to find a new reason to exist and zeroed in on CO2. It was all that was left in the power plant stack. I was there and watched it happen but had no way to get the truth out.

I actually asked the President of Duke Power why energy companies did not buy TV ad space to tell the truth. His answer was, “We are a monopoly and we do what the government tells us they want. If the want 200,000 gerbils running in a cage to drive as generator, that is what we will do. The customer will just pay more.”

And there it is again. Bad government manipulating business. Business is in business to stay on business. This is really quite simple.

Jim Schout

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…..sounds a lot like fascism, doesn’t it?

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Pretty much the schoolbook definition, ALtab. 💖

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Greed is the bottom line with these people. As my youngest but grown son says when he gets frustrated by people on multiple fronts,‘Everybody is dumb.’

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Yes, and adding to this - my concern is that we're depleting our own real natural resources for fake money... another form of pillaging the American people.

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They know.

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Great Job Badlands!

Tucker’s Interview is Feb 8,24.

Putin handed President Trump the Soccer Ball.

As Per Mr Pool on the Telegram app - Guess who is also in Russia and will be in on that interview-

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"Winning is everywhere.” — Burning Bright

Eyes wide open

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Joe, I saw your comment on Brian Cates' stack this morning, but couldn't reply because I'm a free subscriber there.

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DC Court of appeals has just opened Pandora's Box! According to them, any former President does not have immunity for any actions they did while President! Obummer is and Brandon will be "fair game" for a slew of future Law Suits against them various actions that can be described as "corruption" or "Treason"!

You are watching a Movie! Enjoy it whule it lasts. SCOTUS will rule that Trump is not an Insurrectionist and neither are the January 6 detainees in the D.C. Gulag!

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Do not forget Dubya…George W. Jr.

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BB calls it 'Narrative Seeding.' It will soon be boomerang season! 🍿🎉

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So…..if the Supremes wait long enough…it provides the opportunity to charge the corrupt prior and subsequent presidents!😀

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"Appeals court denies Trump immunity in 2020 criminal election case" I'm getting confused with so many of these stupid charges and appeals, I can't keep tract. If every President since the beginning of time, has had "Presidential Immunity" what gives this appeals court the right to change the law because it's Trump? Well, because it's Trump, silly me! What is he as a "citizen" charged with J6?? He wasn't charged with insurrection, he did not incite a riot, he wasn't even there and most of the hidden video that they won't release, is proving that our government set it all up! So, what prosecution is he being charged for?? Please someone make sense of all of this!!! BULLSHIT!!!

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The thing that is most ridiculous to me is that this 'court' is trying to say the law now applies since Trump is a private citizen. They totally miss (intentionally no doubt) that immunity applies to acts committed when the individual was president, and that immunity survives the ending of that person's term in office. What Trump is NOT immune to is claims he committed a crime when he was not in office.

So even if Trump did commit an illegal act while president, he is still immune when his term is over and cannot be prosecuted.

This of course is only one recourse for Trump. There is also the fact that attempting to clarify whether the election was legitimate is a responsibility of the sitting President. If Trump believed it was possible that there was material election interference, he had not only the privilege but the responsibility to initiate an investigation. Had he failed to do so, he could be accused of non-feasance... but he still would not be liable, because he had immunity. This is where the 'frame of mind' issue comes in -- all he needs is to believe is that it is possible there were election issues. Even if he is not immune, then he is still not guilty of a crime if he was acting on the belief that there may have been interference. And none of this even remotely qualifies as an 'insurrection.'

This whole case is such a crock of -- yes, BULLSHIT -- that it never should have been brought in the first place.

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Just heard that there will be no charges on the documents stashed under Joey’s Corvette. Taken while NOT a resident in WH Convalescent Acres…Shouldn’t we hear the same for Trump by tomorrow?

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🤣🤣🤣 You should have been a comedian!

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I’m quiet and never talk…imagine that. I’m so angry at what they’re doing to us, to Pres Trump…I think my typing is unleashed. Keeps me from being depressed watching this.

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This is what I found this morning. " The President is immune from civil liability absolutely for suits arising from actions relating to official duties. This includes all acts in the "outer perimeter" of those duties. However, the President is not immune from actions arising from unofficial conduct." What is the "outer perimenter"?

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Not sure if there is a specific legal definition of this term (the Cornell Law Library online might help resolve it) but in general terms, 'outer perimeter' would be interpreted by a reasonable person as 'in any way connected to.'

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Pure and simple and straight from the bull!

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You are not confused, Ma’am. You nailed it— It’s BULLSHIT.

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Yes, indeed! The Supreme Court’s next!😀

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"Bank of America appears to renege on pledge to not finance new coal projects"

On July 28 2022, West Virginia State Treasurer Riley Moore announced he has formed a 15-state coalition of state financial officers who have committed to scrutinize or potentially curtail future business with banks that adopt corporate policies to cut off financing for the coal, oil and natural gas industries. Together, the coalition represents more than $600 billion in public assets under management and will begin considering whether financial institutions are engaged in boycotts of America’s traditional energy industries when awarding state banking contracts.

“I’m proud to continue to stand with my colleagues against these attacks on our states’ coal, oil and natural gas industries,” Treasurer Moore said. “These industries – which are engaged in perfectly legal activities – provide jobs, paychecks and benefits to thousands of hard-working families in our states and we will not stand idly by and allow our peoples’ livelihoods to be destroyed to advance a radical social agenda.”

Seems as though it is working. At least one other bank has already caved.

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Thank you for ‘the rest of the story’! It is appreciated!

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This Gina Carano lawsuit is going to have a massive ripple effect on the collective mindset. When she wins bigly and people see her back in Mando after headlines of an undisclosed settlement, the shift away from DEI will solidify and more people are going to speak openly about the myriad forms of discrimination they have been experiencing. It's gonna be Biblical... 😁

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Re: GORKA. I’m guessing his concern lies more with the perception that Tucker is providing a platform for Russian propaganda. Given the daily propaganda we are exposed to from our own domestic agents he is not wrong. Putin will not tell the truth any more than Biden , Hillary, Kamala, or Schumer. However, Gorka’s credentials are beyond reproach. Be very careful as you attempt to pigeon hole him. He has forgotten more about fascism than you ever knew. Be very careful.

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Maybe not but at least you can cross check what Putin says and it's verifiable as fact, whereas the others you mentioned are always full of crap.

I've seen Putin interviewed numerous times and he speaks very matter of fact and plainly to the people. He's quite eloquent actually.

The bigger issue with this move is that the MSM is only going to play up Russia Russia Russia narrative to alarmist fervor which of course the news consuming public will believe. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. For those only recently waking up, they will see that Putin has been acting responsibly on behalf of his own people.

Remember: Russia was once America''s most powerful ally and savior just over a century ago.

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You’re absolutely correct. Over the decades they have an ally, dating back to the Revolutionary War. Could be MSM would prefer we not highlight that!!!

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I agree and I actually believe they still are.

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Disagree… Gorka is stuck in his traumatic past. He can’t see forward. Russia has proven itself to be a loyal friend to America. Russia is cleaning up our filth. It’s a tragedy that American politicians created. IMO

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By not telling the ‘truth’ of course Putin will not reveal his hand. After all, DC is watching. But I trust Putin certainly more than any clown in congress or the local country school board.

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I'm 72 and we have been conditioned my whole life, to believe that, like "orange man bad" so is Putin and Russia. Russia is only trying to protect Russia, like Trump is trying to protect America. I've listened to conversations from American's who live in Russia and love Putin and Russia. Trump likes Putin and I would say that is a good thing. Maybe Gorka is one of those who have tried to get an interview from Putin and was denied and it's just sour grapes on his part! Christine Amanpour is all in a tisy too because she was denied an interview!

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So….with the rampant fascism in our own government, why isn’t he warning the people here….? I concur he’s a very learned man!

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Great take on the Tucker article, Ashe. I like Gorka, but sometimes I feel like he’s stuck in the Soviet era. Take him with a grain of salt.

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That's pretty much how I see Gorka, Chantal. He shines on jihad and the war on terror, which are more in his wheelhouse.

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It's the world he was brought up in, that's all we heard, Russia bad. Remember we didn't have any other source of news for decades just NBC, CBS and ABC!!

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Dad and mom had to jump under cheap school desks in case Kruszchev got mad…

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Yes, we had "Fallout Shelters" in the basement of every school and once a month we had to to a mock scenario! I thought that time was crazy, nothing like the madness of today!!

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Convergence of panicking globalists is a good sign and Tucker’s interview with Putin on the horizon, the truth about what DoD and the CIA, and the Biden crime family have profited from may actually be revealed to millions. If Tucker asks the right questions about what biological agents have been weaponized….and maybe we might find out what agent was weaponized and planned for 2024 release. Praying for Tucker and Putin’s safety. 🙏 The cabal and their minions do NOT want this information released to the public.

Boomerangs coming with the immunity ruling against Trump, the gradual backpedaling (think Overton window) on the true story at the border, and the manipulation of the narrative about the economy.

The RNC is undergoing massive changes and it’s just beginning!

Biden….how long will Obama, et.al., continue to put him in front of a camera? The reality may be revealing itself in the many areas where the administration has been ‘forced’ to take actions that are good for the country (and they’re not happy)…. Same with banks… Looks like the tide is turning against all of the Marxist agenda the minions have been pushing down the citizens’ throats!

Thanks to Elon for keeping his word and funding the Carano lawsuit against the extremely woke Disney….likely the first of more to come.

It appears that the foundation is being laid on many fronts in anticipation of swift America first changes once the election is over!!

Ashe’s advice is good: “Pay close attention to your favorite influencers in the coming days, and consider whether they still represent your values.”

BB sums it up, “Winning is everywhere.”

God bless all who contribute to this community.🙏🙏

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“ treaty compliance officer ”…

It doesn’t surprise me…I love how smart you are!! Your comments are always amazing 🙏❤️

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Thank you, but I’m now officially embarrassed!! I just love reading and am interested in a lot of things…

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Oh my goodness…please don’t be!

What I admire is that you retain what you learn and are so articulate in sharing. Me, quick to learn, quick to forget!! I have to take notes!!

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Supposedly the Tucker / Putin interview will be aired tomorrow, the 8th…

Putin has shown incredible restraint over the proxy war in Ukraine! It’s something Tucker could bring up…whether Putin engages with it or not

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I’ve read everything Bioclandestine has posted and I was a treaty compliance officer in my job. Putin has the labs, DoD, the corporations and the CIA dead to rights. Fauci’s agency, etc. is involved, too, as is the Biden crime family! I can’t imagine some of this won’t come out. Brian Cates has some good thoughts regarding the interview Tucker had with Assange. Seth Rich’s death (coverup all the fake DNC narrative) is a big deal, once it’s revealed. The cabal’s minions won’t be sleeping tonight. Remember the q post on suicide weekend??

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Yes! Thank you! Remember Seth Rich!!

And the biolabs alone would have justified Putin’s actions. I recall reading that the cabal was infecting birds and releasing them to fly into Russia - don’t know if that was true but without doubt [they] would have been keenly interested in using their bioweapons covertly against Russia. Horrible!

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Great info updates. Enjoyed all the twist and turns. If this weekly drama is nothing else, its bigly entertaining vs what those actors/actresses/movie producers have produced in years. Real life is better than fiction!

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Great job Badlands!

Tucker’s Interview will be aired on Feb 8,24.

President Trump joined that interview. ( Per Mr. Pool on the Telegram app- the one that has 29k followers).

God Bless You !

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