Trump was magnificent in his rebuttal of the “expert” in his interview concerning the effects of tariffs. Folks, this is really much more simple if we factor in what we know about the Act of 1871.

America was bankrupt following the Civil War. Both sides were broke, but those who bet on the South to win were clearly going to never be repaid. The North “investors” were in trouble too, that is unless they could bail out the government.

But what actually happened is our Congress agreed to repay the people who funded both sides of the conflict. That is because the same “investors” bet on both sides of our war. Thus, the need for the 1871 Act.

OK, here is why this is so simple today. Between 1871 and 1912 what funded our government? Approximately 50% of revenues came from taxing business and the other 50% came from tariffs. That is what Trump is pointing to but the “expert” has no clue. We have been going away from tariffs since 1913 and the invention of the income tax! Do you see why so many Americans are confused today? Even our experts are confused.

I will not go into how this “new system” of income tax on the rich that was put on us and how Social Security in 1935, LBJ’s expansion in 1968, or Obama’s healthcare debacle in 2009 all were justified to bail out our Ponzi scheme, but all are symptoms of the same problem. America is bankrupt and has been since the Civil War. How we pay for the bailout from 1871 has always been the problem.

Trump solved this seven years ago and even our experts have no clue! I wish everyone could enjoy this show as much as I do. It gets even better each day! I spend so much time laughing at the spectacle that my cheeks are hurting.

Please spend some effort in putting this all together for yourselves. Don’t believe me, but the truth is actually well documented. Not in our history books, but in our Congressional Records. The politicians have created the mess we are in today and they have no way to fix it. Trump has the way and talks about it every day. The key is to understand what he is saying.

I hope I have helped.

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This, by the way, is the biggest October Surprise ever. I doubt it will come out before the election, but the key is it has to come out or our founder’s great design will fail. That is precisely what was intended by the investors in 1871! They could not allow a country to exist where free people ruled themselves. The Cabal wants to rule us and they have almost won their evil game. 650 cargo planes filled with American Gold changed their game plans, I hope forever.

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Ding ding ding!! Winner winner chicken dinner!! All true folks!

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There is the whole story in a number of paragraphs. This is not a complex problem to solve. The complexity is in the way we have been manipulated by our politicians since 1871. The Green New Deal is just one more manipulation to cover up the fraud. However, $36 Trillion of debt is hard to hide, especially when the only solution is to agree to even more debt.

The only real solution is a re-design. The new design was what we had in 1787! It called for a sound defense, a secure border and a balanced budget. Hummm. That actually makes sense, doesn’t it?

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Another outstanding thread, Jim. Valuable voice. Thanks

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Thanks for todays Takes y'all.

Best advice was from BB: "Chill out. — Burning Bright"... although sometimes easier said than done...

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Alright!! Thanks BNB Team - a bit of a breakthrough for me!

Pray for honesty and integrity, even if it is accidental (seems a contradiction - but that is how I will pray) - ✅

Pray for righteousness (I would use justice, but they have coopted that concept so I will stick with the Greek alternative meaning for the same word) - ✅

Pray for discernment - all is not what it is presented to be - never has been - for our true enemy was a liar from the beginning (though not from its creation) - ✅

Pray for limited collateral damage - ✅

Pray for PEACE - real peace founded in honor and respect - not the kind that is force/shamed - ✅

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Would love to hear Harris on Rogan.. get the popcorn!

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I know, it's going to be a debacle. 🤣

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Bravo! BurningBright. Always appreciate your insights.

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Remind me again please, what the Trump-o-mania names are for Musk and Maduro?

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🤣. Ashe! ‘Gee, I hope nothing upsets the stability of this race.’

BB’s take in Trump’s interview is great news for the future…..attacking the enemy in its ‘would-be’ permanent home, right before the election. ‘Trump walked into the den of vampires and told them to their faces he's destroying their system. And he did it to cheers.’👏

The CIA is not, nor has it ever been, a force for the good of US citizens. It has always been a force for the cabal. It’s good to see the actual evidence that the cabal is losing ground everywhere. This time thanks to the Chechens Kadyrovites! THANKS to Ghost for researching and sharing the facts of this part of the war!

Okamala trying to bribe black men to vote for her after Obama tries to (unsuccessfully) threaten them to vote for her. Joe Rogan’s going to have a ball with her!

Truly. Is there anywhere the CIA hasn’t been working against all patriots? Love Elon’s question, “Does he have space lasers? Because I do,"

The heat is increasing. ‘Planned long ago.’

God bless this truth-loving community!

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Trump walked into the den of vampires and told them to their faces he's destroying their system.

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Oh there's going to be plenty of October surprises.

The Carolinas and Florida storms kicked it off.

Not one bit of coverage here.

Plenty of hopium and irrelevant stuff here.

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expect more cheating attempts in the same states and counties as 2020 and 2022.

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And he did it to cheers. — Burning Bright


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