“The bloodlust of the State Department is simply breathtaking. That despicable agency is America's greatest liability, because they are giving the world's powers every reason to go to war with the United States.

Perhaps that is exactly their intent?” — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry

Working hand in hand with the CIA

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You can bet they have all of their bunkers ready and waiting and the hell with the rest of us.

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We’re going to burn them alive in their caves

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We don’t want to be them so maybe they will just burst into flames bc so many demons are gathered in one place. I can’t believe I said that! We are there! The raping, torturing murdering demons are too much to bear!❤️🙏

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I'll be only too happy to supply the gasoline.

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Ill light the match

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See........ Trump supporters do work together.

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We have to make sure there is a very public trial/tribunal laying out ALL the facts of the evil done first. The public must know the truth.

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I suspect the truth is spreading…I wonder if the Awakening is, at least in part, shifting -or trying to -back into using “terrorist attacks” to generate more fear?

That’s the playbook when they need distractions

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Did Hunter Biden ever “practice” law anyway?????? I think he only practiced breaking the law!! Along with his dad and other criminal minions👹

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Very interesting thought, but it makes perfect sense. Studying law teaches a person what the legal president is for all sorts of subjects. Lawyers choose one or maybe two specialties.

A crook would choose specialties and then look for weaknesses to be exploited. The aim would be to push the envelope just to the edge of illegality. That guarantees maximum illegality without prison time. That is what I see with Hunter and his Dad who taught him to think this way. It is just a criminal way to optimize the law. It is immoral but not illegal.

When you toss drug addiction into this scenario you get a criminal going way over the legal limits. That is what I see with Hunter.

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Likely the reason pops sent him to law school….to find all the loopholes. I understand now why Savannah in the 1700’s banned lawyers. (Per a history teacher tour guide several years ago)…. I think we should consider banning lawyers from Congress……hmm, maybe government altogether?

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I agree!! 👍 Ban lawyers from Congress! Now I’m wondering how many people in Congress are lawyers??

Quick search:

The largest group in both the House and Senate have backgrounds in:

“Public Service/ Politics”

We have to have term limits!!

As far as Law backgrounds (as of 2022) 173 in the House and 57 in the Senate!


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A law degree has long been a reliable entrée into politics, and it's something that I've come to view as a liability for any potential candidate for office. In fact, in 2016 when I voted in the primary, it came down to two candidates, Trump and Ted Cruz. I decided to vote for Trump because, not only was Trump looking better all the time, but Cruz was already falling out of favor in my eyes for several reasons, and, in the end, I said to myself, "Besides, he's just another damned lawyer!"

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Did he even go to college or did the BIG 10% GUY buy him that degree?

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This "punishment" is completely moot because, as far as I know, he has never actually practiced law in D.C. or anywhere, for that matter. Getting a law degree from Yale is the Biden M.O. (and the M.O. within many families of the international criminal cabal) because it opens a lot of doors -- up to and including the portals of hell.

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First I want to say to the guy who calls Ghost a “Jew hater” that we all can see right through you! The government of Israel is just as corrupt as most of the governments around the world. It is not the people or their faith being criticized, it is the government! Second I love that Obama arrogantly dismissed MBS! 😂 Arrogance leads to stupidity! Third, thank you to all contributors! You keep me sane! WWG1WGA ! NCSWIC! I pray the Holy Spirit continues to speak to those whose eyes have been blinded by Satan and these demons to see the truth on both a spiritual and cognitive level. In Jesus Name, Amen!❤️🇺🇸🙏

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I always believed that stupidity leads to arrogance, but regardless of the direction or even existence of causality, they certainly are correlated.

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"CORRELATION ISN'T CAUSATION!!!" - Vaccine Side Effects, Big Pharm

Oh wait, that phrase legally implies culpability. Here's a new one that doesn't:

- Adverse Events, Big Pharma

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Correlation is not always causation; but it is a big fat hint that there might be some sort of relationship between things. Further investigation is warranted, and typically if there is a causal relationship, bright investigators will find it and explain it.

I don't trust pharma any farther than I can toss them. Evil incarnate -- they will rue the day that they decided to play this game; because of the C19 jabs people are now awake and seeing their evil everywhere, not just the MRNA stuff.

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Yes, I'm just mocking the marketing and PR departments at the big pharmas. I happen to know for a fact they invented "adverse events" so they could side step the legal morass of "side effects" because adverse events enables legal deniable cause. Sick people... literally sit around in brainstorming sessions to come up with this crap, then they run it through legal and then test it in focus groups. It's a giant game of word salad.

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Plausible deniability. The modus operandi of all of these snakes.

We'll see how it works for them, in the end.

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Remember when Obama was first selected, he couldn’t talk without a teleprompter and only became a smooth liar later?

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Obama was first selected is EPIC! God he became a robotic voiced mannequin after that.

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For some unknown reason, clicking "like" doesn't work for me, so here's my "like".

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My wife can't like any of my posts - if I hear of the fix I will pass it along!

Wait...could it be she doesn't actually like my comments? Nah, never.

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This happened to me a few weeks ago and nothing was fixing it until I caved in and updated my iPhone (I was behind many updates !)

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

Hillary, Hillary, Hillary - you are a howl! You actually believe anyone takes you seriously or cares what you think? Talk about blather! That is the sound of panic! Do you even sleep at night? Blather away, Hillary! Justice is coming.

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Bongino is of the opinion that she (Killary) will be the dem’s October surprise replacement. We’ll see.

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Yes. We just don’t know.

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It will probably be the Fake Killary who runs. Body doubles galore in DC!

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Jun 26·edited Jun 27

It won't be much of a surprise.

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Thank again y'all, great work.

BB hit the nail right on the head regarding The Plan: "The deal is already made. The rest is awakening. — Burning Bright"

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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"Also, gun registries and federal taxation are both unconstitutional." Exactly right Ash. You don't need permission from any wo/man to carry a weapon for defense, and Theft is theft no matter what label is applied.

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Gregory you apparently did not get the memo that all comments today require excessive, repetitive punctuation!!!!

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I love me some exclamation points 😜

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Hahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! 😂


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Gun charges against Hunter are like the high profile IRS cases. Meant to scare all the little folks into registering their arms and paying their tax.

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Not going to happen. Every time they try….we buy MORE guns and ammo!

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Jun 26·edited Jun 27

And how about Joe' shooting off his back porch'. Hes not fit to talk let alone have a weapon unless he plans to shoot himself, in that case, Im all for him blowing off some steam!!

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I think Hillary Clinton is confusing Trump with Biden but considering her age we'll forgive her. And as for peace talks with Putin if it wasn't sad it would be funny. I've been counting and this last request by Putin for a ceasefire is his fourth request involving peace. The third time he requested a peace talk with Zelensky the Globalists became hysterical and sent Boris Johnson over to talk to Zelensky and stress peace talks were out of the question and not allowed. Funny how the MSM doesn't cover any of this.

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When is Congress going to stop these attacks on Russia with US arms!!!!!! This is on Obama as Obiden’s handler and the other former presidents like Clinton and Bush who have also fed this narrative!!!! If Putin has had enough he had better take out DC, Martha’s vineyard and anywhere else these monsters are living and assembling!!! At this point any congressional officeholder who is not speaking out is as guilty as if they are doing it!!!! The US warmongers have so much blood on their hands!!! Now that they are reinstituting the draft where are the protests to these wars!!!!

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Be thankful for devolution, without which these monsters would be doing far worse things than they are. Remember, their day will come...

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I feel your frustration but there are criminal syndicate members in both houses too. It will end but how and when is the question

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It’s our job to get the US criminals in front of tribunals! The constitution gives this responsibility to ‘we the people’!!👍

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This is correct but basically no one knows how. This may help for the few who see it: https://bondsforthewin.com/

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Yes, I had forgotten about the bond requirement….failure to perform in accordance with the …US and state constitutions….our legal way via the bond requirements.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Exactly. They're all bonded and you just have to have a few dozen people (or less!) make damage claims against their bond numbers and the underwriter will quickly cancel the policy making them unemployable in public service.

In other words...


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"Can the State Department go a day—just one day—without murdering people?" -- Ghost

Not any more than the FBI, CIA et al can. They are evil, and they do not see dead people as a negative. WEF says the world is overpopulated. People dying is OK with them, a positive even.

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Hillary is truly starting to panic over the ‘debate’ in which the rules are ridiculously biased for the bumbling idiot. I wonder if endless rehearsals in a copied setting, 15 advisors, diaper changers and handlers, plus whatever drugs they can shoot him full of will make a difference? The queen of evil is not doing well, it appears. Tick tock Hillary and Obama….

Burning Bright is right. Movie with multiple actors, diverse and mirrored actions; all pointing to an escalating awakening. Meantime the election fraud planning is going full speed in CA and elsewhere while we wait for the cyber attacks from the cabal’s favorite villain.

I wonder if they can get Trudeau to resign? Looks like the minions might be stuck with the idiot-in-charge….

MBS was the surprise of the century to the low IQ DC minions, wasn’t he? Another gifted for this war. What elevates him in my opinion is working for his country and letting us know he’s got the goods on Obama…probably knows exactly how much Waleed spent on the Manchurian candidate’s education and preparation.

Bibi’s troubles certainly makes me think there is much more to the story of the state and purpose of Israel….Ghost is certainly providing a lot of excellent research and insight.

Ashe is correct, ‘Also, gun registries and federal taxation are both unconstitutional.’ It will be wonderful when the rule of law returns to its original purpose.

It will also be wonderful when the two most criminal agencies, State Department and the CIA are out of business and facing justice.

God bless the dedicated, talented and tenacious souls who refuse to give up on the truth.🙏🇺🇸🙏

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I think the 16 experts are trying to educate the actor to ad lib with reasonable lies. Acting to a script is one thing but making it up on the fly against Trump is another.

I bet they already know the CNN questions so the script is just memorized, but answering real questions surely scares the heck out of the Dems.

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Yes, everything is orchestrated, isn’t it? There is never an original thought.

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ALtab, You stated everything superbly! All wrapped up in a perfect bow! Thank you! Yes, thank you to those who are activating this plan to save the world!🙏❤️🇺🇸

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Catherine I agree but it won’t be the criminals who are “in charge” now.” It will be President Trump’s DOJ in 2025! I believe that with all my heart! Trump and the good guys didn’t go through all this hell for probably more than the past 7-8 years (the ones we don’t know about who probably sacrificed more than we will ever know) to let the criminal syndicate win! Some believe it’s all done and this is a movie to bring people to the precious to DEMAND criminal syndicate be gone. !!! I’m back and forth on that one. We must listen carefully to what President Trump says and do our own research as best we can. My rule of thumb is anyone who isn’t in line with Trump makes me skeptical of them at this point. He is the face of this movement and has sacrificed much. You probably know all of this. I’m just stating my beliefs! We all can disagree on certain things but we will stand together for truth and justice for all!❤️🇺🇸😊

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

The Laptop(s) from Hell dont even scratch the surface of the evil crime syndicate of the Biden Family. Lets remember OBAMA picked Big Guy for his VP because he knew what he was all about. BTW, when do we get the truth about those Laptops? NEVER? Id sure love to see Palosis laptops from hell, and Obamas laptops and that CHEF WHO WAS MURDERED Laptop! So much evidence out there on all of this garbage... Its time to present the evidence and put them all away for good!

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I Love You all, you Sub Stackers, you - Everyday, you put the widest grin on my face- of course, that is when I am not laughing out loud at the moronic ineptitude of the swamp creatures. Oh I know they are dangerous' but the 40,000 ft. view diminishes them to the print on your page. Thank You for reflecting my faith in our inherent goodness. WWG1WGA

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Ashe: "I’m not a lawyer, but I believe that motion that should have..."

I think you have an extra "that" in there.

"It’s so bad up in America’s hat..."

Is this an American idiom? I haven't come across it previously. What does it mean?

BB: "Putin's stated goals for piece with Kiev..."

Peace not "piece" <grin>.

"For the last few years and change..."

Another idiom that seems to be peculiar to America. I assume that it means "For the last few years or more...". Unfortunately, it translates into other languages (your international audience) as "For the last few years and alteration". You need to be mindful of literal meanings when using local idioms.

Ghost: "...have compiled the pieces of both the airplane..."

"Compiled" is not exactly wrong but I would suggest "reassembled" would be a better choice in this instance. Compiled is more commonly used to describe the piecing together of information, a report or a series of questions.

Anyway, it's another excellent and informative news brief; thanks, all. I hope that my feedback is useful. It's not intended to be criticism. Your writing is already much better than that of many "professional journalists"!

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I’ve noticed Clandestine has needed a bit of help also. Mostly grammatically.

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It’s a shame that someone has to comment here to warn of the Fake News that’s being perpetrated on Badlands.

Ghost has once again shown he is misinformed on Israeli politics and has given readers here false information.

Stating that Trump “publicly endorsed” Netanyahu’s political rival Gantz is false. Trump’s son-in-law Kushner stated in a book that he wanted to is not the same as “he did”.

Beni Gantz has very little public support in Israel today and for good reason. He’s deep state and is one of the reasons for the Oct. 7th failures. This is a known in Israel.

Ghost once again shows his blatant antisemitism and hatred for Jews when he calls those who have dedicated their lives to the study of God’s word as “religious kooks”.

This disgusting display of hate and prejudice is what I have been commenting on for weeks yet Badlands continues to publish this POS GhostofBasedPatrickHenery. I am therefore resigned to think that Badlands Media supports antisemitism. This makes Badlands suspect of being a mole in the MAGA movement.

I hope this is not true but when a POS like Ghost is continually supported as his prejudice is shown week after week pushing Fake News out of Israel then there is a pattern here that’s hard to miss.

The disagreements in Israel over orthodox service in the IDF is not helped by some dumb atheist know-nothing outside of Israel like Ghost calling them names, even if he puts them in “quotes”.

Can you see the prejudice now?

I bet he wouldn’t say anything about Muslims bowing to Mecca three times a day. But Jews who follow Torah are “kooks”?

This is Blatant prejudice and antisemitism.

Of course he has every right to be a Jew hating fool (1stA) but why does Badlands support this???? Is this why leftists equate the MAGA movement with white supremacy ? This is not MAGA !!!

(Read The Revelation of John at the end of The New Testament. End times are here and know one can stop what is coming. )


WWG1 we don’t go All.

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What he said was that the military views the religious as “kooks”

The government is corrupt, the people in general are not. We love the people.

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Interesting that everyone I know in Israel and in the military would never say this. This word “kook” comes straight from Ghost and his liberal mindset. He’s a mole and an antisemite. But you just keep on supporting him until the concentration camps go up again. First it’s seeing Jews as “kooky” then rounding them up.

Remember one thing: Germany in 1933 was first world cutting edge western society. And …

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I know people there too. You might read with less sensitivity while understanding the big picture being presented. It’s hard for me to agree with your black pilling because first and foremost, I follow God‘s plan. That is the only side that wins.

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Dave, give it a rest. No one thinks this is hate besides you and the lunatic left.

Because you're useful idiots.

Why don't you head on back to Facecrack where it's safe for you to cry about hatred, antisemitism, white privilege, colonizers, and LGBTQIA+ pedo rights? You'll feel right as rain.

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Hmm….a mole here?

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P.S. I forgot to mention that Jared Kushner is a New York liberal, as is his wife. Of course they support Trump but they’re still libs. And Gantz is an Israeli liberal who is thought to be directly responsible for the failures of security on Oct. 7th.

Gantz has very little political support inside Israel because of it. Ghost would know this if he wasn’t a POS antisemite and understood what’s going on inside Israel.

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Hillary... a picture is worth 1000 words. Link from Benny Johnson https://youtu.be/BSVacH81wVY?si=CQnmUy2nxFzj1lCc

Must see! God punishes evil!

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