The prospect of an "Open" Democrat Convention is delicious. The Democrats are no longer a "Party" but a marginally organized coalition (dare I say confederacy?) of special interests, each of which would undoubtedly demand priority in the nomination process, "And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand." [Mark 3:25]

Avoid Chicago this August.

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Nothing quite so fun as seeing the Democrats being undemocratic.

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''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe

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Watching the Breaking News Team on CBS when the announcement came out from the Supreme Court about Trump's immunity was true comedy in action. You would have thought they were announcing the death of Beyonce. But no. It was, at that point, how this might stop Judge Chutkin from prosecuting Trump for the insurrection he caused on January 6th.

Tells you everything you need to know about their mindset.

Then you add Dark Brandon's speech last night and AOC's call to impeach the Supreme Court, and we see full scale head explosions.

It was a beautiful thing!

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We are watching the Democrats digging their hole even deeper at an even faster pace. Schumer is calling for the impeachment of the 6 justices who voted for immunity. That is funny!

The ruling very clearly stated the President is not above the law and can be prosecuted for illegal acts. Then Biden called for a special conference to specifically say the Supreme Court ruled the President is above the law. This is really remarkable. These clowns are out of control and the media is too. Neither know what to do as their fake world collapses around them.

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This current episode of Democracy Island is really showcasing the shallow, fake, and self-serving nature of the DC swamp creatures. Who will be voted off this week for not adhering to the script?

Popcorn be poppin'.

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"Democracy Island" - hilarious! 🤣

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

I just cannot keep the smile off my face. Ashe, GBPH and BB y'all keep hitting it out of the park and the news keeps getting better every day!!!

"We're winning the Story. AND we're winning the war. — Burning Bright" and I would add to BB's pearls of wisdom We the People are the news now and we share in the responsibility to win & keep the Public Mandate. No Fear!!!


God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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“ Take a Xanax, Sonia.” ❤️

And “crimes committed while running the country illegally behind the mask of a demented, geriatric puppet would not result in prosecutorial immunity for a former president.” ❤️🇺🇸

“ the establishment panic pattern”🍿🍿

“ The Trump International Oman project”

Love Ghost’s piece on “Trump Tower in Saudi Arabia”…which I knew nothing about…and just love learning. “The winning has only just begun”

Thanks, Ghost!! ❤️🕊🌎

Panic in DC 🍿 Agree with Ashe, “This is fun to watch!” 🍿 Obama, the two-faced criminal traitor…no amount of speaking charisma is going to eclipse the Truth.

The great Democrat oxymoron: ‘Save America’ while illegally weaponizing the Law to send your opponent to jail! While the democrats have always lied, there is no other option but lies now. The Great Awakening Truth meter is kicking in bigly!

Devolution in play? “Joe Biden is either directly or indirectly working for patriots”

Don’t forget Jill’s role here…is it loyalty to her husband or perhaps a deal to keep him out of the geriatric wing of GITMO? because she sure seems to be bucking the criminal syndicate players right now.

“ the Old Guard isn't afraid they might HAVE to replace Joe. They're afraid they might not be able to” — Burning Bright

“ Netanyahu anxiety” 🍿❤️🕊🌎

“ the Abraham Accords were wielded as a political weapon, intended to ignite a peaceful counterinsurgency in the region, and within Israel against Netanyahu and the Israeli Deep State. And that is exactly what appears to be happening.” -Ghost


“ Zelensky's wife is so shameless… And that cash is our money.”!!!

Thanks for your Takes today, Ghost

I Love Badlands Media ❤️🇺🇸🍿

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However it came about, understanding that Biden is marching to the patriots' drums explains a lot of things. Including why Jill cannot do anything really, except maybe to try to get people to think it's her idea. And to take Joe's arm and lead him, when he forgets where he is.

I normally don't watch conventions (and may not this time) but I suspect that the Chicago show may well be one for the ages. The Dems have been sowing the wind; they are about to find out what 'reaping the whirlwind' really means.

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Great response, Feather!!🇺🇸❤️🕊️🙏

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It's so exciting to see the wins this week! Doesn't Zelenskys wife buying that car reek of White Hats in control? This whole Biden thing is so very different than how people have predicted it's going to go. Kind of proves my point that what's coming has never happened before, so making predictions based on history is futile! God bless America 🇺🇸 🙏 ❤️

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OK, check me out on this idea. The guy playing Biden is playing the role of “Evil Biden” and is acting as if he is doing everything the left is directing him to do. But, in reality he is a “Super Good Guy” who has infiltrated the deep state and sucked them into showing their true colors.

The funky right ear lobe is like Clark Kent’s glasses. The audience knows he is Superman but the normal people for some reason miss the truth. The real key is spotting the evil players.

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Interesting idea!! I thought if you have a fake Biden and the democrats are pulling the strings…why in heavens name would you make him so incompetent and mean spirited? To maybe plead medical mercy?

You would think they would make him smooth confident and well spoken. Which supports your idea? BC I don’t believe that’s the real Biden.

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The beauty of this is the Democrats are now trapped timewise by their own trickery. It is all about masterful manipulation of the manipulators. Mad Magazine called it “Spy on spy”.

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Of the



Taste of their own medicine

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Well said I remember those well

Just when you think you have the advantage it becomes your loss

Well we are watching some extremely significant happenings


Biden debate

They the Dems are being exposed and it’s about time to

See these people suffer what they have so diabolically done to the us the common people!!

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I have been Series 7, 24, 63, and 65 registered with the SEC for the last 40 some years. The arbitration clause, like much of the legal language of contracts, was seldom noted and even fewer times understood by consumers. SIPC's (Securities Investor Protection Corp.) primary purpose was to "protect" the public from the fraudulent activity of "brokers and dealers" of publicly traded securities. As a registered investment advisor and a principal, I was personally liable for any misdeeds that either I or those I supervised committed. By personally liable I mean my personal assets were at risk.

My point: these agencies have had the best of both worlds since the stock market "crash" of the late 20's piled on the regulations and the requisite agencies for enforcement. Like many regulations birthed out of crises, they all feel right at the time (kinda like anti-semitism laws being passed by, hopefully, well-meaning, but ignorant conservative governors) however, either intentionally or as an "unintended consequence", they result in reduced freedom and redundant (and therefore expensive) laws.

Fear is a magnificent lever for rapid change - and seldom is the change good. Hope and faith (confidence) in Truth along with the perfect love that casts out fear is our best offense for those who choose fear as their weapon of choice.

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"Never let a good crisis go to waste" -- uncertain attribution, but a sentiment often expressed by power-hungry bureaucrats.

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That’s exactly why trusting God is necessary for calm and discernment. I have found throughout my live that the more I learn, the more I don’t know….. I cannot state with any certainty where we truly are in this ‘plan,’ but know who does. I refuse to cower in fear.🙏🙏

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Twist on that 80s pop phrase "The more you learn, the less you know!"

I agree 100% and it's very humbling and embarrassing how many years it took to even begin to contemplate just how little we actually know, no matter how much we study...

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Now that is a true statement!!

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“So, for example, crimes committed while running the country illegally behind the mask of a demented, geriatric puppet would not result in prosecutorial immunity for a former president.”



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That’s funny! Who might they sue? Joe Biden can’t be sued because he is nowhere to be found. The guy playing Joe Biden is not the President because he is not Joe Biden. This movie is confusing you.

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This movie is confusing a lot of people, Jim. But in the process, they are waking up. On balance, a good thing.

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What interests me is that I post all day on other sites and I never get anyone saying the guy is really Joe Biden. Apparently there are a lot of believers out here.

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As for me, I just don't know. [They] have amazing abilities these days. Have you ever seen the video of Eli Manning with a silicone face mask, 'walking on' and trying out for football at Penn State? Pretty amusing, in addition to showing just how convincing these technologies are.


And speaking of Pennsylvania, Fetterman has also undergone an almost magical transformation since his stroke. He can understand speech again, speaks clearly, and his neck lump is gone. His politics are also much more moderate. Real or memorex? Who knows? We are living in a real-life matrix.

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We most certainly are, aren’t we? It’s interesting that ‘movies’ have been used for decades to ensure propaganda is to get the appropriate behavior and to get the masses to agree with their agenda. Now, if all of this is the movie to undo the decades worth of propaganda AND awaken the masses, that is poetic justice….

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Exactly! 👏👏👏

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Is the real Joe B. on ice, waiting for the movie to end to be buried? Or tucked away somewhere awaiting execution? After all, Trump has said Joe doesn't know where he is. They didn't allow traitor no name to be buried at Arlington, so I doubt Joe will be interned there either. But the funeral cannons on the alleged inauguration day were very telling. What I don't get is how easily the normies have been duped by the masked zombie. He is the latest version of the Emperor's new clothes.

I'm running out of popcorn 🍿. I need to make more.

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Where is Waldo? The question is well taken but the answer is, “Who knows?” If we are to know what happened to Joe Biden we will have to know the whole story. Apparently the time is not right.

I have to tell you something. Immediately after the debate I told my wife that I was wrong. That absolutely had to be the real Joe Biden because no one could act that convincingly. The ear thing had to be some sort of operation for something we just cannot explain. I mean, that guy had to be the real deal.

But, I have just not been able to make the pieces fit with all of the absolutely crazy stuff going on since the election was stolen. So, you are correct. Pop some more popcorn and watch.

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I do have a “What if” for you that makes sense. What if the real Joe Biden died from COVID in early 2020? The Democrat scheme then was to steal the election and the key for their overall success in restoring the 16 year plan required his cooperation. His death was a catastrophe! The plan had to be implemented and WW-lll had to be put back on schedule. There was just one way and it was for Joe to keep on running from his basement where the transformation could be accomplished while America was distracted enough to put the fake Joe into the race.

That story is about as good as any because it fits the pieces together as crazy as it sounds.

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Almost no one actually died from "COFIB". The real death counts didn't actually increase until the Jab was introduced - that's just based on the real numbers and insurance claims. It's never been the real JB the entire residency though. I personally believe he was GITMOed

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That is something I have wondered about since 2020. The number of deaths each year is published and the 2020 figures were not very different from 2019 and 2018. In fact if we look at the figures long term we find the total is very slowly going up annually as is the total population. So 2020 was almost right in line with expectations.

The other confusion is the number of deaths from flu went to almost zero while COVID showed up as a separate category. That made me think the whole thing was made up and annually we lose a huge number of seniors to flu related illness. I am not a doctor so all of this is just observations using simple logic. But it surely needs answers that make sense.

Could it be that the Democrats used the “idea” of a pandemic to create this whole mess to change the subject?

Here is the thing that makes me think this. Laura Ingraham on FOX was reporting in January 2020 on the whistle blower in impeachment No. 1 and was going to expose him as well as other super incriminating things on Democrat corruption. I could not wait to hear the show the following night. But, that entire thing evaporated and the story became the COVID pandemic from that point on. Now that has bothered me ever since.

I already knew the whole story she was prepared to expose and knew it was a game changer that the public was going to explode over. But it died! The whole thing just evaporated…poof! And we were off on a whole new story. That was actually not the first time this has happened. Every other time it was the same scenario. The Democrat party was going to be exposed with scandal big enough to destroy the party and the story just stopped and another catastrophe took over. I find this very concerning.

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We need more popcorn 🍿. This movie is going to be long. (You may be right.)

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There have been too many mask gaffs for me to believe that's the real JB. I'm 98% confident. Whoever it really is - they're a great actor.

Actors are the most gifted deceivers on Earth.

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1 box 🍿 or 2? 😎

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The Supreme’s two latest cases are clear blows against the power and reach of the federal government. Of course, Presidents have always had immunity for ‘official’ acts. But, illegal, unsecured email accounts and traitorous under the ‘cover’ of sales of uranium, funneling planeloads of cash, funding enemies of the US, establishing terrorist organizations overseas….not only Biden, but Hillary, GW Bush will not have immunity for these unofficial acts. It is going to suck to be them soon. ‘We the people’ must overwhelmingly ‘order’ the next administration to take direct action against these traitors. Period. Public. And, we must NOT forget many of the minions.

The Supremes just slapped down deep state overreach via their unconstitutional agencies. Finally! I hope the bureaucrats enjoy their privileged public ‘service’ positions as they are going to be short lived. The screeching by so many suffering from TDS and awareness their power is leaking is hilarious…🤣

Sounds like the Alliance and nationalism is going to improve the quality of life for many, both here and (currently) the Middle East. That’s a good thing. Ghost clearly pointed out the predicament Netanyahu is in….likely similar to the clown administration here. ‘Abraham Accords were wielded as a political weapon, intended to ignite a peaceful counterinsurgency in the region, and within Israel against Netanyahu and the Israeli Deep State. And that is exactly what appears to be happening.’

BB is likely on target with the bumbler in chief’s replacement…’They're afraid they might not be able to.’ Either way, with the all-powerful identity politics at the core of the Democratic Party…a replacement can’t be the interested governors….🤣

Europe’s old guard is falling fast, publicly! There must be a LOT happening behind the scenes to see this much in the public eye. Interesting that Assange is released now?? Hmm…went to Australia where the big bad bird flu (likely engineered in one of DoD’s bio) labs….has locked it down again? Diversion? And, big pharma announced their brand new bio weapon (vaccine)….? Did Metabiota, et. al., engineer it with gain of function or just the virus??

False flag(s) must be close to execution….the dems screeching in their panic are truly mental; they must have some kind of action or they will reach meltdown.

God bless these gifted truthers! Thank each of you! You are appreciated by all of us.🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏

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Oh my goodness, I love your comment! Well stated re Obama, HRC, GWBush 🦅🦅🦅

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Best 20 min read anywhere. Thank you! A daily must

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"Take a Xanax, Sonia." Lol. Then share some with the equally idiotic and hyperventilating corporate media.

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Is it just me who's disappointed in the outcome of the presidential immunity case? That means all prior (and future) psychopath presidents operate outside the law as sovereigns. Isn't that the whole reason we got to this point in the first place?

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You missed the point. The president cannot operate outside of the law. However, as president, he may be forced to make decisions that might be construed to be outside of the law. He is immune from prosecution from those acts. Actually, the distinction to me is public choices versus private choices. The President cannot do things to benefit himself personally which is on the private side of the equation.

That is why the Jack Smith Jan. 6th case was bogus all along. He was trying make it about Trump trying to benefit himself personally by lying about a perfectly good election.

The Supreme Court just screwed Jack Smith with the truth. Make the distinction and prove he was wrong to ask for alternative electors! Don’t you see the beauty of this? Everything is forcing the proof back to the 2020 election. Was it stolen or not? If it was not stolen and Trump knew it, he can be put into prison because he acted for personal gain. A president cannot do that!

Think about what this means to self- serving politicians. They also swear to uphold the Constitution. They work for us and are not supposed to get rich doing it by taking money for doing special favors.

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Beautifully explained, Jim!!

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I'm not sure how you are interpreting it this way? I don't see how this prevents them enriching themselves as they already have been for decades - what act could not be claimed to be official so long as one continues to hold the office of president? In other words, with this ruling, how would that have changed the accountability of any of Obama or either Bushes or Clinton's treasonous actions as president?

Perhaps I am too jaded to see what you see after suffering a lifetime of gaslighting liars. 🤔

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That is the point! It changed nothing except to push the “proof” of lawbreaking by Trump back to the election of 2020. They have to prove he acted to benefit himself, not in the role of President. We know he had all sorts of facts proving the election was stolen. He was obviously just doing his job properly. The Jack Smith case was always bogus and based on trying to divert attention from the truth of the election theft. To me this has always been very, very obvious. It is why Peter Navarro is in jail and joined yesterday by Steve Bannon. The left thinks they are winning. The left is loaded with idiots.

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By the way, it also does nothing to stop politicians from being self- serving. But it makes the distinction between public service and self-serving service. It makes self-serving service a punishable offense! That is key!

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Perhaps once I read it after work it will be more clear. Thanks Jim.

And no argument on the left being idiots, unfortunately we've learned since 9/11 that the majority of people are idiots which is how idiots can so successfully mislead the public. lol

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What they did was outside the public eye and also outside the constitutional authority of a president…

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Immunity if acting in their official role…Impeachment addresses the crimes of acting in their official capacity (my understanding )

I wonder if it is possible to impeach a former President? I think you can

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I don’t believe so…they can only impeach (presidents, judges, justices) if they are holding the office. After leaving office, then it has to be criminal or civil law. Of course the people we’re talking about have committed treason and crimes against humanity at the very least….so criminal it is.😄

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Impeachment has been used several times but it's really just a slap on the wrist. There are no teeth in such measure.

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The immunity is only for official acts that are within the constitutional authority for a president.(my opinion only)

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

Which means that Obama sending cash to Iran and HRC selling our uranium would be outside the immunity? these were not officially sanctioned acts while holding their public office.

I guess it would be a moot point to impeach a former President as it would simply prevent them from holding public office again (which is why they tried to impeach Trump the 2nd time)


Edit: I hadn’t read your comment yet…just this thread

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Yes to both HRC and Obama, plus both of them had illegal email accounts and any/all ‘business’ done there was illegal…fruit from the poisoned tree. All government officials are mandated to use the official email accounts as everything (not classified) is to be conducted there. Government accounts are encrypted and protected (supposedly) from hacking. We also couldn’t do anything on our official email accounts that wasn’t related to our work. We could work from home (as I was required to do for several events over the years), but we had to login to the official account and it was password protected. In fact at work, it required logins and passwords, too. Classified data required separate computers for FOUO and SECRET. Additional requirements and locations for TS, TS-SCI, etc. !!

Treason is just one of the many crimes they committed by using unauthorized electronic communications.

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Thank you for a great comment 🙏❤️

I do remember the “bleach and hammer” coverup…just “careless” not criminal…Right, thanks Comey you traitor!

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BleachBit - just so it's known. It's an open source software solution for really really really deleting all traces of any digital data.

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Amen, Ashe! And I believe there's no immunity for acts of treason and crimes against humanity, for which all other living presidents should be prosecuted.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

Great news for President TRUMP! The chickens have come home to roost for the SWAMP and I'm loving it!!

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''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe

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