My biggest takeaway from this hearing is that bureaucrats fundamentally misunderstand the concept of accountability. It’s time for show don’t tell. — Ashe in America

With respect, the issue is there actually is no accountability. I honestly cannot remember an instance of anyone in a position of authority being held to account for anything in this country. Only the people are held accountable (police, IRS, etc).

It's totally disgusting when you think about it. From JFK assassination to the Savings and Loan scandal to 9/11, Benghazi, it just never stops. They are "questioned" but nothing ever happens. There is never any real consequence and therefore no reason to be accountable.

Dear God I hope this ends soon...

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The reason for no accountability is the bureaucrats in both parties have invented a fool proof system that works. Why change it?

They possess a credit card with no credit limit other than what they approve. Periodically they make a big deal out of raising their credit limit but always give in because the alternative is shutting down the government. Of course, they are the government. Why would they shut themselves down? That would be plain stupid.

Who needs accountability when accountability would expose the whole charade? Look, this is not hard to understand. In a sentence, “We are being duped by professionals.”

Live with it or change it. We the People are in charge. These clowns are playing us for fools. It is on display daily and we just keep watching the show.

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Right on! If everyone would take a breath and realize that Article V gives us our way out. If the States do not want to sit down and get their underling under control (the Feds), then go at it piecemeal, one amendment at a time. To straighten out some missteps by uninformed people we need to take on each "nay" and make it our goal to get one thing done at a time. The first misconception is the Congress (House) has to take and record each State's request for the convention: they are NOT in the convention because the beginning of Article 5 says the Congress (House and Senate) can propose amendments and then States are to ratify. Now that means their turn at bat was OVER in the second part when the States can call for convention. Now who calls the States Legislatures. So when enough States call the Congress (House) says you have the needed amount so have your convention. The States Legislatures have to decide when, where, and who will speak for them at the convention. The States Legislators have called it they must decide for what they want and they appoint "commissioners" to represent their decision on what they want. A commissioner going rouge has unbelievable punishments that will not allow them to go on their own and against what they were commissioned to do. IT IS TIME that we each take a part of this and straighten out all the 'nays' that stop this action. NEXT thing: IF you cannot accept that a "convention" for many items is viable, then let us pick ONE item and go for a convention on that item. My choice for Item 1 is the borrowing that you mention above: borrowing. Let the first convention be that the States must approve by 3/4ths of the States for any more borrowing and how much can be borrowed. If we were to gather together in mass, and demand our legislators to do this one thing, we could get back to a country that was present when they ratified the Constitution. Let us work together and let us not reject the very cure given to us by our forefathers.

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OK, today Cheatle decided to resign after being attacked by our Congress yesterday for being incompetent. What did that achieve?

These clowns are masters of misdirection. Asking her to resign does nothing but add more confusion to the puzzle. One of our expert representatives should have publicly asked her about the forensics of the shots taken at Trump. Don’t they indicate multiple shooters? She would have told them the FBI would need to answer, but the question would be on the record. That would have been noteworthy.

Instead, they chase her away so they cannot ask that pertinent question. Do you see how this game is played? It makes me sick!

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Yes. Seems like nothing more than blocking truth.

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It's easier to fool the masses than to convince them they've been fooled.

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Perfect statement 👌. Why the middle name? I know it's none of my business but it's my opinion you're the opposite of coward...

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He is mocking one of our great Substack (and Badlands) writers, Joe Lange. This troll is the true coward.

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I’m not for cancel culture, but that dude needs to get a life. And get out of here.

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Look who's talking. Lmao.

If I need to "get a life" then what does that make you?

Obviously you're the one with no life If comments like this trigger you enough to waste your time on me.

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Yes you are a clown.

Good job F.L.D.

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I love how the user "Joe "the coward" Lange" blocks people who call him out on his weak and useless attacks. The real coward is staring him in the mirror.

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I've been saying for about 18 months that what's coming has never happened before so making predictions based on history is futile. This whole Biden/Harris debacle proves that. The takes by Ashe, BB and GPH are outstanding. Whenever we feel concerned, as we move forward, trust that God's got this... and he proved it by protecting Trump. God's not finished with Trump, or his plan for Trump.

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I've been saying for a year or more now that I believe Trump is God's chosen champion for these times. Not just for the USA either -- Trump (and allies) are about to change the world.

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I wholeheartedly agree with you here! I believe when Trump went around to those world leaders some got on board.

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For those who haven't seen it, here is a nice piece from Clandestine about Trump's visits early in his presidency:


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AOC voted 100% of the time with Palosi and against FREEDOM. She voted for the continuation of spying on American Citizens. She voted for the Green Zone Prison Camps for American Citizens 42 billion dollar project theft in 2021. She voted with 100% of the Democrat Congress for HB 6666, being able to enter your home any time and remove you or your children to protect them from COVID. She cheered for lockdowns. She spurred on hate speech about Trump and TRUMPERS. What we have here is her protecting her own political future with grandstanding. 🤮

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

GBPH - I think a big part of the issue of the reflexive reactions of anything on Israel is precisely because of the greater ignorance of the Israeli politics. I knew nothing about Kahane until you posted that video in one of the Briefs. It gave me perspective that I did not previously have. Until then, while I knew the story was more complicated than Good/Bad, I also didn't know the players. I think as more people learn about this and put two and two together, the paradigm will shift.

Interesting note - Joe was a no show for Netanyahu arrival. Which IF he has CV can be explained. It does not explain why neither the VP, nor the Secretary of State were sent in his place - he might as well have caught a Southwest flight.

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I am with you BB: "Trump and Kennedy are names that have been linked in the Info War for years. Now, they're linked in a way that is sparking the sort of awakening we've long anticipated.

Give it time. — Burning Bright". I believe this whole Trump assassination narrative is turning the spotlight on so SS, CIA, et.al. can be exposed to the current sleeping masses.

GBPH you were on fire today!!!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I enjoy reading opinion pieces by the Ghost of Based Patrick Henry, an intelligent, well sourced point of view. Thank you. All the writers provide excellent information. I read this everyday, along with as much as I can find on today's arena.

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Agreed. GBPH had a golden future

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

AOC ? Its like listening to a ten yr old explain why she cant go to school. The Bar Flies want her back serving drinks!! Phony!

Resign? That SS Director should be cuffed and then waterboarded!! 'Conspiracy to assassinate President TRUMP'

Thank you, GOD, for showing the world your power and might. Exposing the evil to all!!

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So thankful for Badlands Daily Briefs and Takes. All are excellent!! ❤️❤️❤️

Today, special Thanks to Ghost’s continuing education on all things Israel.!

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You are right: the State of Israel is NOT the fulfillment of biblical prophecy; it is a human decoy that engineered to waylay Christians everywhere into supporting endless wars in that regions. The Rock Breaks the Globlists' Empire lays this construct in details.

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God works in mysterious ways. I believe God used atheists and Masons and others to bring His people into the Holy Land. I am writing an essay right now on "All Israel" about how the various children of Jacob need to come together in Love--Jews, Christians, Palestinians, one nation One God, free from the Rivers to the Sea. Sinners can still do the work of God sometimes.

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Exactly right.

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Greg Kelley on Newsmax was digging into SS Cheatle connected to Dick and Liz Cheney 🕳️ 🐇

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The only reason the Dems are coalescing around Harris is because of the 90M that is tied to Biden/Harris in their coffer. With Harris currently running for Pres, do you think they'll make her be running mate for another at some point? Either way, their favorite word *democracy* takes on a whole new meaning. Guess Wikipedia will have to change their definition.

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Cheatle is lying when she said there is no radio communication recorded. She got rid of evidence, I'm sure. We need the snipers and SS agents to whistleblow now! The American People deserve answers. Corey's family deserves answers as well as those wounded including President Trump. She won't resign and she should be fired and a grand jury convened but the Dems will sacrifice American citizens to cover up and power up. It's an autrosity.

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Bibi is corrupt to the core. More and more nations need to stand up to his bullying. There needs to be a 2 state compromise not a blanket destruction of another country. And his criminal cartel needs to be tried for war crimes against his own people and those he has invaded.

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I had committed to not post this morning simply because of the project I am working on (working title "A Layman's Guide to the Last Things (Eschatology)") but GBPH's analysis regarding Israel so aligns with the relatively young "last things" view that many Christians (knowingly or otherwise) comply with, that I could not resist.

The end times doctrines held by most Christians until at least the late 1700's (what we think of as pre-millennialism - established circa 56 AD; and a-millennialism - established circa 400 AD) stated that the only opportunity for salvation for those of Israeli/Judean heritage was the same opportunity for the Gentiles (nations) - the "two peoples into one New Man" mystery of God that had been revealed at the Cross. If they were to experience the Ransom of Jesus and the Redemption of their inheritance (ultimately and finally lost by Israel/Judea upon their rejection of their Messiah) they would need to accept their Messiah and be grafted back into the "olive tree" and "built into the house of those who assemble" that the Lord said was founded on Peter's confession. And while these views believed that ALL of the Old Covenant prophecies would be fulfilled, their fulfillment would be aligned with the New Covenant in Christ (even as many of those same prophecies revealed). God LOVES all of His creation - the choice remains ours!

Around the middle of the 19th century (circa 1842) a man who was influenced by Darwin pushed a new "last things" view. The appetite for this view was fueled by the "enlightenment" and the ongoing reliance of the people on a clergy (an elite class) to direct their understanding of God's Word instead of relying on the very source of truth Jesus had promised would lead us into all Truth - the Holy Spirit.

This new view exalted Israel to an elite status - one that reassigned the "Church" to a parenthetical position - a filler, while God figured out how to modify His plan since the "Covenant People" had rejected their Messiah. (I get I am being reductive, and a bit sarcastic.) It is this view, accepted by an amazingly large percentage of "evangelicals" - in whole or in part - that I believe leads to (or at least supports) GBPH's concern: "what I perceive to be cognitive dissonance when it comes to the traditional conservative/MAGA movement, the ICJ, and Israel." I too, do not believe that any nation or tribe or individual is inherently better or worse than any other. I too believe that the fruit is how you know the nature of the tree.

All that to say: Bravo GBPH! And God Bless!!

Your stance is Biblical!! Supporting one form of globalist elitism over another is the exact choice we have been promised in the very "last things"; our alternative is to reject them all.

"The world needs men with exceptional courage and strength, who are prepared to do what weaker men never will." — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry

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Excellent post.

Here are two pertinent passages among many that must be grappled with by dispensationalists:

Romans 2:28-29

& Jeremiah 31:31-34

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Thank you. I actually drew from the Jeremiah 31 passage (Along with the Hebrews 8 quote of it) for a series I am preparing on my substack. Great minds ;-)

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…mysterious ways!

Will look out for your piece!

(For some reason the “like” doesn’t register for me. Consider it clicked ;))

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Well stated!!🙏

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