Do the commie Democrats not realize that convicting and jailing Trump will ensure his landslide election? Are they all victims of the stupidity virus reaching pandemic levels? (Hilarious article about the stupidity virus linked below 😂)

Is their only play left on the gameboard that of non-stop distraction? In which case, what do they not want us to focus on?? Oh, that list is way too long…

Thank you, Ghost, for the recap of Colonel Douglas Macgregor and for the link! When it comes to military strategy it does seem as though Netanyahu is actually enabling Hamas. Clearly lasting peace is not in the equation. Genocide may lead to surrender, but it will never lead to Peace.

Love the quote by the Saudi Foreign Minister ❤️

“ a growing divide between Biden Admin strategists and the DC 'expert class.'“ — Burning Bright. 🍿🍿❤️

“ know from my obsessive research on the Saudis that Kingdom Holdings is no longer controlled by Prince Dopey, which this article fails to disclose. It's controlled by none other than Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.”. Very Interesting! Thanks, Ghost ❤️


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Hence all my questions about what is really the truth about Israel. What we are watching appears to be the opposite of good. It smells of cabal control.

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The whole thing was staged by the cabal.

You could reasonably think I'm talking about the Hamas attack and Israel's response, and you would not be wrong... but the events leading up to the Balfour Declaration were all cabal, as well. [They] have been in control of most of the Middle East for most of a century.

The cabal loves forever war. Always has, and it will to its dying breath... which is coming, soon but never soon enough.

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I have a feeling Biden will get over 100 million votes and "win" again.

Voter fraud has not been fixed yet.

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I am more optimistic than you…nevertheless, if your take comes to pass, then The Plan will have accounted for it. For one thing, the Military Intelligence (or perhaps Space Force) has the documented evidence of the massive cheating that happened in 2020 and to avoid civil war, the Biden Admin was allowed to play out …and the Exposure phase of The Plan has been working rather brilliantly.

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…..and all that lovely precedent has been set!

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That has been my thought as well. I mean, why did Trump push so hard to get Space Force up and running as fast as he did? I believe they “have it all”. And I believe they also have proof of foreign election interference. Remember Trump’s EO #13848? It’s worth a read. I’ll admit that I am also ready for this show to reach its conclusion. I’m just as worn out with the lunacy as everyone else. But we have to hang tough because - #TheBestIsYetToCome 😁

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It isn't about optimism. It's about getting another 4 years of Biden.

Can we survive it?

By the plan you mean the psyop?

That's what this is.....a psyop.

If that had/have the evidence of cheating and it's foolproof why not use it?

Ever notice how there's an illusion of things being done "behind the scenes" when nothing is actually being done?

The ultimate proof it's a psyop?

Trump is still breathing.

Ask JFK and Lincoln what happens when you take on the NWO.

What's been exposed?

Me and my army buddies do surveys every month. We cover 15 states now.

Some of the questions asked by our survey. Last months results.

Do you think there is voter fraud?

64% said yes but.....nothing will be done about it.

Do you support Isreal?

94% said yes.

Do you support Ukraine?

84% said yes.

Those numbers don't show an "awakening" it's just the opposite.

Just in everyday life we're reporting that people just aren't "getting it"

Civil war? Lol. That's the "cover" to make it look like they're doing something without doing anything.

If your family was murdered and immediately the prosecuter said "don't worry we caught them all in the act and have all the evidence then 8 years later nothing still hadn't happened. Would you be cheering "we're winning?"

Would you feel good about it or would you be pissed?

I'm pissed. Progress is being held back because of possible "riots" lol.

Tell me, who do you know that'd riot of Hillary Clinton was arrested?

How about Soros?

I don't know anyone that would.

Matter of fact the survey we did 3 months ago.

We asked would you riot if Hillary Clinton was arrested.

98% said hell no! They would say it's about damn time.

See, no riots.


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I agree, “Let no one deceive you”…especially yourself.

How do you know nothing is being done behind the scenes? Are you privy to “behind the scenes”?

So, you are resigned to the worst case scenario. Best of Luck to you.

Time will tell

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No, I'm resigned to reality not hopium.

"By their fruits you will know them"

Matthew 7:20

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I have to consider that more is going on at the local level, even in some of the most corrupt districts in the swing states. They don’t have the ability to control the level needed for the idiots to retain control at this point.🙏🇺🇸

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Yes they do.

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Good point! ❤️🙏🇺🇸🦅🕊

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Thick as two short planks!

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Evil and sin makes one stupid. The Left believe that they can jail Trump without consequences. Total F’en idiots…. Which is good for us. Pax

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This "trial" is a distraction.

Nothing more.

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The Trump "hush money" trial is a total joke. It's so painful and ridiculous I don't even like reading about it. It's a complete picture of how corrupt the justice system is in this country. And Nikki Haley being a blood thirsty psychopath is completely accurate in my book. I hope she never takes office. If I didn't have the level of faith I have, I couldn't survive this crap. I'm just patiently waiting for the corruption to be exposed ALL the way and removed so we can finally head toward God's plan for us.

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It's like being stuck in the airport because your plane has been delayed several hours. Then your flight six hours and you are stuck in the back in the middle seat. Times 1000.

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The choice to follow God's plan is a personal one, that you can make right now. Doing so helps to get through the present difficulties -- knowing with certainty that this, too, shall pass.

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Thessalonians 2:3–12

Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming. The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but what pleasure in unrighteousness.

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This is such a powerful verse about loving a lie. And so many people of faith are loving lies right now!

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Thank you for the kind comment.

This verse has multiple meanings that apply to things happening right now.

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Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. 2Thess.2:1-2 NKJV Let no one deceive...

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Hunter’s dad and cronies hate the 2nd amendment; of course his pedo son wants to use it to escape trial. Makes all kinds of clown sense.🤡

I wonder if the jury has anyone who, if not clearly understanding what is going on here; at least understands the meaning of reasonable doubt? Still waiting for the judge’s skeletons to be exposed. Trump wins, no matter the outcome.

Nikki Haley. I’d hate to 1) be her, or 2) be playing her role. Sounds like the CIA is still helping Hamas to spread as the cabal is getting desperate for the next forever war to make up the losses to their coffers…. Ghost explains well, ‘Those who have studied the art of war—which is really the art of peace (h/t General Kwast)—understand that destroying your enemy and achieving victory are almost never the same thing, especially if lasting peace is your endgame.’ Of course, the cabal does not support peace of any kind!

BB, in his usual gifted form, states the obvious, ‘Overall, the piece represents a growing divide between Biden Admin strategists and the DC 'expert class.' No surprise here, but the talking heads having to give voice to their fears of a Trump administration….priceless.

Ashe’s talent in tracking all of the fraudulent court cases is amazing to me since court isn’t known for anything but boring testimony….but she’s right that this is RICO from the foot soldier at the bottom to the cabal at the top. It IS all connected and we’re watching threads pulled at every area. Think of ALL the evidence preserved from the House investigations, etc., and the precedent set for future ‘thread pulling’.

The ICC. Has that been usurped by the good guys? Saudi Arabia, without doubt , going to be the primary player in the Middle East….in all areas needed for national sovereignty.

What a blessing it is to hear the ‘rest of the story’ in Badlands. God bless the Truthers!🙏

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Does anybody really believe any of these criminals will get arrested or prosecuted?

No one has so far and supposedly the white hats have it all.

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Great comment 🙏❤️🇺🇸🦅🕊🍿

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Saudi Arabia doesn't know "SPACE IS FAKE"???

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Why do you continue to provide “ghosts of Patrick Henry” a platform for his anti-Semitic crap.

He only accepts the fake numbers put out by the Arabs and continually rags on Netanyahu. He says Israel is bombing indiscriminately with pinpoint strikes? He declares no victory if you wipe out the enemy? That makes no sense.

So, this racist POS uses Arab figures to distort this war, one that Trump supports, why he sides with Biden and the terrorists. Why? Blind hate?

Badlands and this “ghost” say they side with the patriots and Trump EXCEPT when it’s about Israel? Here truth and fact don’t matter; just a hatred for Israel matters.

Shame on you.

This is anti-semitism showing its ugly head. Yes it is! Believing the left and terrorists propaganda against the Jews because it’s Israel.

“Curse Israel and you will be cursed. Bless mistral and you will be blessed.”

Which is it, Badlands?

Are you prepared to be cursed?

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He’s not attacking Israel, and hasn’t ever done so. I’ve never got that from his articles. And I’m pretty sure no one else has. Netanyahu yes, and I agree with GofBPH’s assessment in that regard. There is a hidden 3rd party to every conflict- someone keeping the flames burning. Possibly a joint venture between Mossad and CIA? The Biden admin. Seems like a lot of wars are started by the members of the Uniparty. Using the slur of “anti-semitism” is just a distraction to throw off any legitimate investigation.

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I am not imagining this.

Hamas came in to Israeli land and massacred Jews on Oct 7 last year with the support of over 90% of the Arabs of Gaza.

These terrorists are supported by the deep state and they lie. They need to be completely eliminated from the Middle East.

Netanyahu has promised to do this. The IDF is doing it.

But ghostofPH continues to use Arab numbers and Arab news as well as leftists propaganda to say that Israel can never win and they are killing Gaza civilians. Where are the civilian who are standing and pointing out the terrorists? Taking Hamas side is not accepting factual evidence.

So why is he siding with the deep state and Biden and the Arab terrorists against Netanyahu and Israel? Over 90% of Israel support Netanyahu. Explain to me why his “facts” come from Arab sources and never Israeli sources?

Saying that you are just against the government of Israel when 90%+ support what is being done is smoke and mirrors. It can’t hide your prejudice.

It’s anti-Semitic Jew hatred. This is not distraction but the root of his bias.

Any support for the pro Hamas “civilians” in Gaza is support for Hamas terror. Any talk of a two state delusion is pro Hamas terrorism propaganda.

ALL that land is Israel’s. There’s no “West Bank. There is Judea and Sumaria. There’s no “Palestine. There’s only Judea. There’s only Israel. Before ‘67 there was no Palestine or Palestinian. It’s all made up by the deep state players.

Nazi Germany ended when ALL of Germany’s ideology was defeated. Terrorism will end when ALL of this terror ideology is crushed. Spreading lies and falsehood does not help.

But anti-semitism will live until it is crushed in The End.

The ghost is full of shit. His opinion is tainted by anti-semitism. Get the facts straight from Israel and you will see his slant. Or you can trust the Arabs and the terrorists. Your choice.

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Holy Cow, Dave. Take a deep breath. No one, especially Ghost, is taking Hamas’ side here! Like every DeepState Global Cabal funded war, the citizens ( Palestinians and Israelis ) are the pawns. Did you read Col Macgregor’s assessment, posted by Ghost above? Netanyahu’s strategy is killing civilians while actually making it easier for the terrorists to hide in the rubble of blown up buildings and rally recruitments.

Go to 12:30 on the video link by Ghost. I do not see how Netanyahu’s strategy is acting in the best interests of Israel

Edit: quote by Col Macgregor :

“The MSM wants to create the illusion that Washington has things under control. Washington has lost control everywhere.”

This is not from “Arab news”

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I did see that and it’s fake News. Only 15% of buildings in Gaza have been affected. What’s on the news is the most damaged, just like when a hurricane goes through.

Macgregor has no cred with me because he’s uninformed. Individual IDF soldiers have YouTube channels. Lots of them. See what the boots on the ground say. See what the saved hostages say. That’s the real world.

As for Ghost:

Nope, sorry. You are looking for middle ground where there is none.

Arabs must go. Israel stands alone in The End just as Arjuna did.

Hamas is evil. There is very little difference between Hamas and the Palestinians. Just as in 1939, they are still Nazis.

Even giving them an inch in the discussion makes you antisemitic because they are 100% anti semantic and evil. They have no side. Do Nazis have a side? Does evil have a reason? What’s a good reason to kill, torture, rape, and burn? Taking the Arabs side in any of this is condoning their evil.

This is good vs evil. Israel is good. Israel wants peace. Judea is the ancestral home of Israel. Israel must take it all as its inheritance.

Why are there shades of gray whenever Israel is involved? Hamas still has hostages. The Gaza civilians know this. They’re fine with it. They are not innocent.

It’s either hot or cold. Luke warm is spit out!

Netanyahu is moving too slow and methodical. “Must protect the civilians”. ?

I say bull shit. Go in hard and fast and get it over quickly. That’s why Trump said, “finish it.” People die in war. Better them than us.

But the other side and macgregor say protect civilians. Who? The same civilians who joined Hamas on Oct. 7th?

The same who cheered when they saw the peaceful old Jewish grandmother being manhandled as a hostage? Or cheered the young women who were raped being lead off to underground tunnels?

There is no middle ground here. Israel deserves protection. Arabs brought it on themselves. God is with Israel. That’s why they have always won and they will continue to win. Israel can only loose when they go against God’s Will. And still they will be protected.

“Those who curse Israel shall be cursed. Those who bless Israel will be blessed. “

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You're watching the MSM news.

That's why you're indoctrinated

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Who’s watching MSM? Certainly not me. Who’s indoctrinated?

I’ve been screaming about rigged elections since JFK didn’t beat Nixon. Trumps showing all you bind what has been common for 75+ years.

I was screaming at the fake News of Walter Cronkite when everyone else thought he was Mr. truth. Yeah, right. Vietnam was being overrun by the CCP? The gulf of Tonkin? Cronkite knew it was BS. He was part of the machine.

MSM has been propaganda since before the depression of ‘29.

No one who reads badlands watches MSM.

My beef here is the antisemitism of Ghostofpatrickhenry. He can believe whatever he wants but I will call out Jewish predjudice when it’s there.

There is no moral equivalence between Israelis and Palestinians. Not in God’s eyes and not in mine. Antisemitism tries to see one.

Just as I tried to warn people 60 years ago of the spreading evil, I’m warning now. There is good and there is evil. There is no middle ground.

Pretending there is middle ground is pretending evil can be good and siding with evil. Side with evil against Israel and that is antisemitism because there can be no other reason to side with evil. Just admit you have an unreasonable hatred of Jews.

Jews are the light of the world. Darkness hates light. Jesus said this when speaking to a crowd of Jews in Judea. Was he wrong?

You attack Jews because you are filled with darkness. You love God’s people because you love light.

Yes, there is a spiritual war and a physical one. But they are not separate. They are fought together.

Good vs evil

Light vs dark

Israel vs the world

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You're definitely watching MSM.

Your ignorance screams MSM.

Not to mention parroting them word for word.

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There it is.

Antisemitism makes its appearance

Instead of checking my facts, you resort to personal attacks.

Ok. Here’s one for you:

Your momma never loved you.

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It helps to have an open mind to new information. That helps broaden the understanding. God bless you.🙏

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People like to say that....until you differ from their opinion.

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Says the Fascist

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See everyone. Look right here in your comments section.

This person is still brainwashed by the system.

He really believes that Isreal and the zionists are his buddies.

Someone once said "to find out who controls you ask who cannot be criticized?"

Who are the only people on the planet that are above criticism?

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“Who are the only people on the planet [that] are above criticism?”

Certainly not the Jews.

You can say all kinds of bullshit against the Jews.

But have Jews defend their homes and it’s called “genocide.”

Arabs rape and murder Jews and it’s called justified?

There is no moral equivalent here.

So, who say Israel and Zion are my buddies? God does In the Bible because God sides with Israel.

Who pushes that “Zionists” (which just means support for the state of Israel) are evil? Communists and Nazis and antisemites.

(Zion and Israel are used interchangeably in the Bible.)

But, one could ask:

So, whose side do you want to be on? Good vs evil

No middle ground

No middle ground.

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Nazi is another term invented by who?

Yep, joos.


Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but do lie — behold, I will make them to come and worship at thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

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1st: Nazi is an acronym for the German Nationalsozialismus (National Socialism)

2nd: Some in the Christian church claim they have replaced Israel and are now the new Judeans. Could this be what Yashua meant?

Finnaly, in the End Time, Zion will stand alone until Messiah comes to claim The Lord’s Kingdom.

R U Prepared?

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No it's not. Nazi is a derogatory term created by a joo.

They never referred to themselves as "Nazis"

What part of this verse don't you understand?


Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but do lie — behold, I will make them to come and worship at thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

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This is basic history. Nazi is 6th grade history. Learn the world’s history from trusted sources. Nazis named themselves. If “Joos” named them they would be called abomination, something that makes you puke 🤮


In The Revelation of John, 3:9, The Messiah tells John to write to the assembly/church/synagogue (all the same word in Greek) in Philadelphia and let them know that God sees their oppression by people who call themselves followers of Yeshua/Jesus and circumcised but are not (goy/gentile) and they, the false ones, will worship at your (the Jewish followers of Yeshua/Jesus) feet. Historically, most all “Christians were Jews at this time. Paul’s conversion of gentiles happened later.

Realize that “synagogue of Satan” could be translated as the “church of Satan” or the “assembly of Satan” (this is up to the translator and is the same word in Greek from where it comes). Of course, it being a later Church/Roman translator, they put “ synagogue” in there because of …

(You may have guessed this)… antisemitism.

This passage is talking about non-Jews (gentiles) who pretend to know God (Jew). What you know as the “Christian” God is actually The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, the Jewish patriarchs and the Christian Messiah is from the line of David,being the son of David, king of Israel. (Oops… another Jew.)

This means all you think you know is just a child’s understanding of the God of Israel and His Anointed One, because you have not studied it like a Jew might and have no understanding of scripture, 100% of which is written by Jews, both Old and New Testament; All Jewish; All in Hebrew, then translated into Greek by Jews and then translated into Latin and other languages by gentiles. So, you can assume some prejudice in their translations.

Scripture says:

Jews are here to bring the Light to the world. (Isaiah 42:6) The Light here meaning the Holy scriptures and Messiah/Christ. Darkness hates light and Satan is darkness. The Anti-Semitic spirit is darkness/satan and that’s why there is hatred of God’s people.

All I can do is pray for you.

Unfortunately, I have no more time for stupid childish questions. Your comment shows you to be either a 6th grader or a fool and I don’t talk to fools nor do I put up with bothersome children. Sorry.

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Even during the Civil War... battle lines were drawn in the front yards of "citizens" and they would sit outside and watch. Thank you Badlands for all you do. Warriors on the frontlines you are!

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Notice everyone is making money from our money except us. Why the hell dont we ever get a piece of the pie our representatives enjoy. They come to DC and become millionaires in just a few short years. We are Slaves under the current Corporate Constitution of the USA. In the eyes of our representatives, we dont even deserve a call back after we complain. It has not benefited the working 9-? citizen ever to have these "representatives". Making 7 figures every year, wages and 2.5 million office allowances has only allowed them to be immune from us. Lets pray for change and a return of $$$$ on our investment with DJT. Confiscating the wealth of all these Political thieves and dividing it among the working people should be job one 2025. If you've been sucking off the system all your political lives, like most of them do in both camps, and ripping the citizens off every chance you can with dirty back room deals, we dont need you in 2025! AI can do their frigg'n jobs better since they like that system so much. The systems are broken. A new system needs to be birthed!

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